Pathya Viniranyah is an unique treatise on concept of Pathya (Conductive and wholesome to human being) as well as Apathya (Non –conductive and unwholesome to human being). It is written by Sri Viswanatha Kaviraja and consists of 560 verses written in sanskrit language. Pathyapathya Viniranyah (A decisive anthology on therapeutic dietetics) is a descriptive directory on diets (Ahara), directions (Vihara), drugs (Asudha) and spiritually (Acara) for whole and holistic health and disease management. For 76 disease Pathya –Apathya are given starting from Jwara to Kaphaja roga. 10 steps of literary research vis, simplicity, clarification, nearest translation, description, nearest co relation, Interception, critical analysis, systematic arrangement, acceptance, as well as clarification of ambiguity and incorporation of current concept are followed in the present text. The honest efforts of contributions will be fruited only if the concepts of the text are applied for the needy.
The contribution of Sri Visanatha Kaviraja; "Pathya –pathya Vinirnayah" is an unique treatise on the concept of Pathya (Conductive & Wholesome to human being ) as well as Apathya ( Non –conductive & wholesome to human –beings). Its wirtten in Sanskrit language with highest level of simplicity & contain two parisita (Appendicies) among which the first one contains 15 verses whereas second one contains 43 verses. Author revealed about self at the end of the text. 'Pathya –Apathya' for the diseases starting from Jwara to Kaphaja Roga are given (76 diseases). There is note on Pathya –Apathya according to Rtu (Seasons) Parishta explained about basics to understand Pathya –Apathya i.e., concept of Rasa (Taste), Description about karma ( Therapeutic procedures & Actions).
The text analyses concept of 'Pathya' keeping the concept of Caraka Samhita in center.
Following are the characteristics of Pathya:
Patho Anapetan –the drugs –diet & regimen which do not affect Patha (Srotas Body System/Channels).
Manasah Priaym –It should be pleasing & conductive to mind.
Keeping these two out comes in center, in the text Pathypathya Vinirnayah' the concept has been designed with following perspectives.
Uparkramds (Treatment procedures/Therapies) are meant to noramlize Patha & are conductive to mind. Thus they are included under Pathya.
Disease specific drugs ( Asudha Dravya ) are specified to process the food to prepare herapeutic diets & thus they are also mentioned in the text. The outcome of these drugs is to maintain intactness of Patha & happiness in the mind.
Ahara Vargas (Food groups) are explored in detail as per the disease. Its mentioned in the text. The outcome of these drugs are also mentioned in 'Caraka Samhita' that human body is madeup of food & disease is the outcome of food, based on its judicious as well as injudicious administration respectively. Thus there is a need to explore Ahara Varga which is the source for wholesome food. Hence Ahara Varga which matches to patha & which suits Mana (Mind) are explored here.
Regimen plays pivotal role in homeostasis. It's specific to specific patha. Disease is Particular to Patha & thus there is a need of description of regimen specific to patha. Hence 'Patha Anapeta',' Manasah Priya' – regimen are explained under the heading of pathya.
'Spiritual Therapy' is specific to patha & is said to 'Manesh Priya'. Thus disease specific spiritual therapy is also included under the heading of pathya.
In the present effort special methodology stated in Charka Samhita i.e.,
A wise narrates concepts categorically to better understanding is used. The descriptions of Pathya –Apathya are categorized according to circumtances. Along with categorization following points of Literary research are focused systematically.
Nearest translation.
Description Narration.
Nearest corelation.
Critical analysis.
Systematic arrangement.
Acceptance of ambiguity.
Current concepts.
The texts has been narrated with two parts:
1. Part A: Patha : A way to homeostasis through wholesome Diet. This part deals with the through the perespective of Analytical translation.
2. Part B : Epilogue : Priyam : A conductive mode of knowledge Enchancement. This part deals with accessary information essential to understand the main text.
The honest efforts of authors will be fuitlfull only by the application of the concepts of this text, in patients/ needy people.
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