Osho spoke to international audience for over 35 years covering an extraordinary range of topics from the world’s mystics to the essential personal and spiritual questions of every contemporary human being. His books and audio talks are international bestsellers.
When he was forced to leave the United States he spent many months traveling around the world with a small group of people in search of a place to continue his work. These talks in the path of the mystic were given in Uruguay.
In this book Osho is speaking to the millions of people who want some more consciousness in their being he proposes a world where we are not just living together but growing together a worldwide mystery school of people who don’t just want to change society but are willing to experiment and risk everything to find truth.
Try to find your innermost center where you are always alone, have always been alone. In life in death wherever you are you will be alone. But it is so full it is not empty it is so full it is not empty it is so full and so complete and so overflowing with all the juices of life with all the beauties and benedictions of existence that once you have tasted your aloneness the pain in the heart will disappear. Instead a new rhythm of tremendous sweetness peace joy, bliss will be there.
Truth cannot be borrowed it cannot be studied in books. Nobody can inform you about it. You have to sharpen yourself your intelligence so that you can look into existence and find it.
Osho defies categorization reflection everything from the individual quest meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. His books are not written but are transcribed from recordings of extemporaneous talks given over a period of thirty five years. Osho has been described by the Sunday times in London as one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century and by Sunday mid-day in India as one of the ten people along with Gandhi Nehru and Buddha who have changed the destiny of India.
Osho has a stated aim of helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being characterized as Zorba the Buddha one whose feet are firmly on the ground yet whose hands can touch the stars. Running like a thread through all aspects of Osho is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the east and the highest potential of western science and technology.
He is synonymous with a revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation and an approach to meditation which specifically addresses the accelerated pace of contemporary life. The unique Osho active Meditations are designed to allow the release of accumulated stress in the body and mind so that it is easier to be still and experience the thought free state of meditation.
The work of the mystic is exactly the opposite of the work of a scientist. The mystic does not want to demystify existence on the country he wants to becomes part of this enormous mystery itself. He does not want to become a knower he wants to disappear in the mystery of existence.
I am reminded of a beautiful story of course it cannot be true but it is so significant that whether it can be true or not I don’t care.
A Chinese emperor called all the painters of his empire which was one of the greatest empires in the world. He himself was in deep love with painting and he asked the painters I want to declare one of you the master painter of my empire. You are going to be my guest and you have to paint. I will to see your paintings and whichever painting proves to be the best the painter will become part of my royal court and the master painter of the whole empire with many rewards.
Thousands of painters participated in this competition. One old painter said to the king it will take at least three years for me to complete the painting and I have a few conditions while I am making the painting nobody should enter into my house. I don’t want anybody to see the incomplete painting when the painting is complete I will invite you.
The king said three years this is too much
The painter said then I can get out of the competition. Three years is nothing you don’t know what I am going to paint.
Reluctantly the emperor agreed. All the author painters finished their works somebody in one week somebody in two weeks at the most four weeks but the king was not satisfied. He was waiting for the old man because without seeing his painting he cannot declare his judgment.
After three years the old man cam and asked the emperor now the painting is complete you are welcome. He was painting in the king’s palace itself. He had been given a beautiful palace which was guarded twenty four hours a day so that nobody should enter for three years. Let the painter do his work unhindered uninterfered with.
The emperor was waiting for three years. It is long time and he was old and he was afraid that perhaps death may come before then. But fortunately he was a alive with great wonder in his heart he entered the palace where the painter had done his work. He had painted on a whole wall of the palace a beautiful forest with a small river flowing and a small foot path going into the deep forest and disappearing into the mountains that he had painted.
The king could not believe his eyes. It was almost miraculous magical. He was in awe after a long silence he asked the painter only one questions. I am very much interested in this little footpath that goes around the forest is seen sometimes around the mountains and then disappears where does it go.
The painter said there is no other way to know unless you walk on it.
The king completely forgot that it was only a painting. He was so overwhelmed by the beauty that he took the hand of the painter in his hand and they both walked on the path and disappeared into the mountains they have not returned yet.
This is the way of the mystic.
He disappears into existence not to return.
The scientist remains always an outsider speculating dissecting analyzing but he is not part of what he is doing. He is just a neutral objective observer.
The mystic is not an observer.
The mystic joins the dance. He dances with the trees he dances in the rain he dances with the peacocks. He signs with the birds he slowly merges and melts into existence. He does not demystify it he makes it more mysterious. He glorifies it he gives it its splendor its majesty he makes it the most profound orgasmic experience.
The mystic is a lover not a knower. His path of love not of knowledge. Love is his god not logic. Through his love he has come to realize three things satyam, shivam, sundaram, the truth the godliness of existence and the tremendous beauty the unbelievable poetry the song of the silence the music without songs.
Only the mystic knows without any knowledge.
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