I make my humble obeisances to the lotus feet of my Divine Master (Sri Srimad Bhakti Vilas Tirtha Goswami Maharaj) whose Grace alone enables me to receive Divine Blessings and bereft of which there is no hope for me anywhere. I serve him by hymns; meditating on his glories morning, noon and evening.
First is the Gurupuja. Our Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Vilas Tirtha Goswami Maharaj was an Akinchan Bhagavat Paramhansa, He was the dearest disciple of Prabhupad Sri Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur for which he was known as 'Prabhu- padapreshtha '. He was like the maddened bee for drinking the nectar of blissful loving service of Sri Sri Radha Govinda. He after becoming an Acharya collected the Sat-Siddhanta by churning the ocean of scriptures and showered the nectar of Krishna- Talk which was like thick-cloud of condensed mercy for the deliverence of the fallen souls who are scorched by the wild-fire of worldliness. The fallen souls in the world (who are averse to the Lord) are always busy for fulfilling the desires of their selfish-enjoyments, The knowledge of senses is their only capital. By taking recourse to that emperic knowledge they move from Himalayas to Cape Comorin and all the places in quest of peace. But alas! it is not known to them that so far they do not "engage themselves in the service of Transcendental Deity Sri Madangopal, there will be only burning fire in their h-arts denoting the condition of being ablaze. So, during that period they will be deprived of getting-their admission in the ever Propitious Kingdom of Suddha-Premamaya Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord. Further they consider that their enjoyment of the apparently pleasing things of the mundane plane is the be-all and end all of their life.
Whatever we do for our sense-gratification is known as kama. On the contrary whatever is done by us for the service of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme is Bhakti. And there is a great gulf in between kama and Prema. Kama is ignorance like darkness a d Prema is pure and dazzling like the brilliant sun.
It is dire necessity for everyone to devote oneself exclusively to the worship of Sri Hari after taking shelter at the feet of Sadguru who is well-versed in the ontology of Sri Krishna and who practises all the rules of devotional life of a Paramhansa Vaishnava. And at the time of worship one should shun hypocrisy i.e. false abnegation. That is why Sri Gurudev advises us for becoming very careful against insincere abnegation and advises to accept genuine asceticism (Yukta- Vairagya).
Also Sri Gurudev has warned time and again that Sadhakas (who want their true well-being) should guard themselves against the so-called religions which are like dark cloud to cover the clear sky of Sanatana Dharma and against infatuation of various enchanting things of the world as well as to be careful against the temptation of celestial pleasures which make the praticipant deviated from the path of virtue.
The advice of Srila Gurudev makes us understand that the true unadulterated devotion to Bhagavan can be gained only by the association of unalloyed devotees or Niskinchana Sadhus which results in the deliverance of oneself from the whirlpool of worldly ocean. 'Lord Sri Krishna is the Swayam Bhagavan, the Supreme Reality without a second. The gaining of Uttama Bhakti to Bhagavan is the highest attainment for jiva soul.
The advice pouring fourth from the lips of common people or from the so-called gurus cannot bring any real good in life, because they have got no Bhakti to Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Padmapurana says 'The Harikatha which comes from the mouth of non- Vaishnavas should never be listened to. Listening of Harikatha from a non-devote will be like the drinking of milk which has been sipped by a snake' But the sermons of Premica devotees create miracles. As a matter of fact, such Parama Bhagavatas are verily 'Touch-Stone; to convert sinners into saints. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught "Kirtaniya-sada .. Hari '. He further taught that one who is humbler than a1 blade of grass, more forbearing than a tree; and one who- gives due honour to others without desiring it for himself is ever worthy of chanting the Holy Krishna Nama. 'What is Bhakti I' Sri Gurudev referred from the Sattava scripture that the highest form of devotion to Hrisikesh, the Lord of all senses consists in rendering Him service with steadfast attachment through the spiritualised senses and fixing one's mind on His Lotus Feet. Srila Gurudev has shown the path of eternal peace and bliss.
After becoming the recipients of his blessings the holy Vaishnavas my Sikshagurus viz. Sripad B. P. Yati Maharaj, Sripad B. P. Sadhu Maharaj, Sripad Nityananda Brachmachari, Sri pad B. K. Padmanav Maharaj, Sri pad B. S. Damodar Maharaj, Sripad Narasimha Brahmachari and others promulgating his nectarine precepts throughout the country. I have listened to the invaluable teachings of Srila Gurudev from' those Pujja. Vaishnavas. And their spiritual life inspired me to translate the illustrious utterances of Srila Gurudev which were in due course edited and· published in Bengali, of course, there comes in my mind more and more feeling of my inability to commit to such undertaking .. Yet, with a view to purify myself I ventured to act upon which I knew properly could not be done due to lack of my remembrance of his lotus feet. My only hope is that my this human birth may be crowned with success by doing kirtan of the auspicious qualities of Paramarthic Guru. Sri Gurudev showers his Grace to those who possess unswerving faith. Gurudev delivers even a very vile destitude from the hellish ditch of Samsara if there is Saranagati at his lotus feet. Birds fly in the vast sky according to their strength. With the above idea myself also make an attempt to fly without knowing anything that wheather I even cover a little distance with my small wings. My prayer to Sri Gurudev is only to crave his blessings.
I crave and beseech his mercy which is the only thing of worth
Without which I consider no value of living on this earth
In conclusion I like to mention the names of Sri T. S. Raghavan and Sri V. Krishnamurthy who in spite of their lot of works helped me much in correcting my writings. They are the devotees of our Math and are doing service of Hari-Guru-Vaishnavas since long time. I pray to Lord for their eternal good.
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