The natural remedy book for women is a self help guide to holistic health care.
Part I presents ten natural healing methods in depth vitamins and minerals herbs, naturopathy homeopathy and cell salts amino acids, acupressure, aromatherapy flower essences gemstones and emotional healing.
Part 2 describes fifty common health issues and diseases. Remedies from all ten methods are given for each illness providing women with a wide variety of choices. As in all her previous books Diane Stein emphasizes self healing simplicity and a return to the ways of the earth.
An informative and practical book Recommended Women Library Workers Journal.
Stein has created an excellent reference on holistic/alternative healing methods… the AMA will probably hate this book – Booklist.
An invaluable self help book not only for women but also for men - Natural Health.
Diane Stein is a powerful voice in the Women’s spirituality movement. She is author of several books including essential Reiki all women are healers and casting the circle.
Almost everyone has her horror story of the medical system – illnesses and complications that natural healing could have prevented. Many women have shared with me their stories. One was prescribed antibiotics for a sore throat she broke out in hives form the medication and developed a vaginal infection stopped it temporarily but it continued to recur. Then she began to have skin rashes from the monostat. A week on the herb Echinacea would have stopped the sore throat without other consequences odorless garlic stops vaginitis and rashes.
Another woman experiencing her second normal pregnancy trained to have natural childbirth. At delivery her doctor performed a caesarean refusing to honor her pre agreed upon wishes though there were no complications. With the attitude of birth as a natural process and a midwife in attendance this woman’s experience would have been healthier both emotionally and physically for herself and her body.
A woman having an uncomfortable menopause induced by a hysterectomy was given estriadol injections and developed breast cancer a few months later. Estriadol is a drug used for estrogen replacement therapy when the ovaries have been removed. Her gynecologist admitted that the hormone was a likely cause of cancer. With natural healing the herbs dong quai or black cohosh vitamins E and B-6 the hysterectomy may not have been required. One in six women over the age of forty five experiences along with eighty percent of the caesarean section births are unnecessary too much estrogen is a known cause of breast cancer. Herbs vitamins aromatherapy or homeopathy will receive most women’s menopause symptoms cancer free and keep their bodies intact.
Another woman was placed on psychoactive drugs for a mental disorder that was later discovered to be early diabetes. Twice the numbers of woman as men are prescribed mood altering medications often without proper diagnosis of the problem. If a woman admits to being stressed as virtually everyone in modern society is she is more likely to be placed on tranquilizers than checked further in holistic healing enough questions would be asked to rule out simple depression in this woman. If her depressions were treated it would be with non addictive or even non-ingested methods the question would be what changes does she need to make in her life attitude or habits? With depression treated or ruled out the really diabetes could be helped with eucalyptus geranium and juniper fragrances kelp tablets yarrow or dandelion tea, chromium and a whole foods sugar free diet. Diabetes caught early can often be managed without drugs.
In every workshop on healing I hear similar stories from women. The medical system’s insistence on invasive techniques and unnecessary overly potent synthetic drugs with dangerous consequences is a pattern constantly repeated. A woman comes to western medicine reasonably whole and leaves it with organs removed or more dis-ease than she came with. Some of the doctor caused illnesses are fatal. Others bring needless discomfort pain, fear, expense and surgeries that would otherwise have been unnecessary. If a remedy is simple is simple and harmless it is considered too unsophisticated to use by today’s technological standards. The patient as a person particularly as a woman with a right to comfort and health in the easiest way possible is not considered. Her wishes for her own well being as in the case of the woman with the unneeded caesarean are all too often ignored.
Natural or holistic healing has a very different attitude that treats the woman as a person as a whole being small dis-eases are treated before they escalate to more serious ones and the remedies are natural and without devastating side effects. Holistic remedies do not create more dis-ease. They are simple products usually found in nature with simple effects. They are vitamins or foods herbs or homeopathic tablets aromas to place in the environment or to use in massage they are pressure points or the energies of gemstones or flowers. Health is spiritual usually holistic remedies are not prescribed by doctors but are informed decisions. They are an antidote to technology out of balance and return to the ways of the earth and the goddess and they are effective.
I have my own horror stories. On Christmas night 1973 I discovered blood in my urine. There was a lot of it bright red, though there was no pain or discomfort beyond some abdominal bloating. When the bleeding continued with increasing frequency I became frightened and went to a hospital emergency room no other being available on a holiday night. My clothes were taken away and I was given a hospital gown with no warmth or privacy. I sat in a freezing cubicle for several hours terrified and totally ignored watching a screaming man being treated for gunshot wound and another for a drung overdose. Other cubicles were filled. At just about dawn a non English speaking intern came and kept addressing me by someone else’s name. I was unable to make him understand. Finally I found a nurse who sent the intern out and catheterized me and told me that most likely the bleeding was nothing to worry about. She brought me a blanket.
After many months of this a woman came into the office where I worked and overheard me complaining. She said why don’t you just drink cranberry juice? I asked her what she was taking hourly at the first sign of a bladder infection would stop it. She said that drinking buttermilk would also help. It would prevent the antibiotics from causing vaginal infections. It was the first connection between antibiotics and vaginitis that began with the buttermilk and it worked. The next time I felt the bladder infection starting I tried the cranberry juice and it also worked. I stopped the antibiotics and had no need to return to the urologist.
Sometime later I ran into him on the street. I told him about the cranberry juice and butte milk and asked him if he’d known about these things of curse he said.
Well why don’t you tell people about them and save them some misery? I asked him.
That stuff’s just an old wives tale he said. We can’t tell people that.
Bu the old wives tale worked. I discovered for myself what I later knew as Kegel Exercise and they repaired the incontinence. I regained my weight and health. It was my first encounter with holistic healing and my awakening about medicine. I had no idea at the time that there are similar remedies for every dis-ease.
The information being reclaimed by women on holistic healing methods is only now becoming readily available. The inquisition and the American Medical Association politics did their jobs well from the thirteenth century to the present to submerge this women’s heritage information and keep it from popular use. Women’s self empowerment is not on the patriarchy’s agenda and we are only at the beginning of natural healing’s re-emergence today.
I had one more personal run in with the medical system ten years after the cystitis. When my offices first computerized I began to get sick and it took over two years of trips to doctors to diagnose the problem as migraines. It took over two years of trips to doctors to diagnose the cause of the increasing migraines, nausea, dizziness vision aberrations and eventual passing out spells. I was prescribed a series of migraine relief and prevention medications all of which made me sicker. I experienced an almost nonstop migraine cycle slightly lessening on weekends and for close to three years. My male boss sent me for psychiatric testing on threat of losing the job and it was the woman psychologist there who informed me of the dangers of computers for some dyslexics just this type of sickness from the blinking screens. I am dyslexic.
When I finally left the job the migraines and blackouts lessened but did not stop and I was physically and emotionally run down and exhausted. I attended my first Michigan Women’s Music Festival a few weeks later (August 1983) and was introduced to a new world. For the first time I was informed about the factors of nutrition spinal misalignment, stress constipation and hypoglycemic in causing migraines. I learned about other problems or women’s health with computers and about dyslexia in several workshops I learned about herbs vitamins meditations and crystals and about the growing network of women healers. Without a job I no longer had insurance to pay for the medical system and medicine was no longer available to me.
I went home and learned to mediate to work with crystals and gemstones to fix herb teas of skullcap, hops and catnip to use lavender fragrance and take calcium magnesium tables. I became a vegetarian and threw out the sugar and junkfoods. Within months the migraines and blackouts ceased. I was full sold on natural healing by this time and sought to learn as much about its methods as I could. Learning and using the information to help myself and others has been the focus of my life since that time. I never went back to office work the goddess holds me in her hand.
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