With the blessings of" SURYAAND GANAPATHI ", I am presenting a humble treatise on" NAKSHATRA BASED PREDICTIONS", which according to my knowledge and belief has not been made available so far in "English language". I am not sure about other languages, as I have not got an opportunity to read, mainly due to my ignorance of other languages except Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi, to some extent Sanskrit, and the languages if known, non-availability or non-existence of' such books.
This book is based on my several years of research on "NAKSHATRAS" and their importance on human beings. May the reader decide suitability of this humble book. Maximum possible information's have been given about each Nakshatra. Readers of astrology can find this book most suitable as one can, without going into detailed divisions of horoscope, understand 'what is in store' for them.
The system envisaged in this book is based on NAKSHATRAS' of the 'HINDUS'; 'ASTERISMS' or 'CONSTELLATIONS' of the 'WESTERN COUNTRIES'; 'MANZILS' of the 'ARABS' and 'SIEU' of the 'CHINESE'.
When the readers go through the book, particularly from the ABLE OF COMPARISON' under the heading 'The exact extension various Nakshatras (Asterisms) and their equivalent star com prison with Greek, Arabic and Chinese names " it will be seen that : the synonyms of the Hindu Nakshatras vary, the essence and them of division are almost the same, which clearly establish the fact the origin of Nakshatra divisions are from one and the same system of source.
With the passage of time, Astrologers from various parts of the world, according to their religious system and belief changed the ancient system of Astrology to suit their requirement. One such example is the reduction of zodiacal division from 28 Nakshatras to 27 Nakshatras. There is no dispute, whatsoever, that the zodiac consists of 360 degrees of are. However, there is a dispute of the exact extension of various Nakshatras even the commencement of zodiacal group. According to 'me', division of the zodiac from 28 to 27 Nakshatras is to dispense with the cumbersome calculations involved under the far ancient system of 28 Nakshatras, as under the system of 27 Nakshatras division of the zodiac is very easy or it might be possible that there must have been an easy system of unit of measurement, which along with various catastrophies must have been vanished.
In addition to these 27 or 28 Nakshatras, the Rgveda mentions certain other Nakshatras appearing at northern and southern skies. They are identified as the two north polar Nakshatras called" GREAT BEAR and THE LITTLE BEAR "; the two heavenly Dogs called" CANIS MAJOR and CANIS MINOR"; and the divine Boat called" NAVIS ". Out of the above additional Nakshatras, 'THE GREAT BEAR' was known as " NAKSHATRAS OF THE SEVEN SAGES ( Saptarshi Nakshatras )".
The gamut of the division of the zodiac is to identify a certain exact place of the zodiac; whether it be by the method of division by 12 houses commencing from Aries to Pisces or by 27 or 28 Nakshatras commencing from Acvini to Revati. It has to be established, why our ancient seers preferred to use terminology such as" The Sun, Moon, Mars etc., while transiting such and such house or Nakshatra, will produce such and such results"; why can't we say The Sun, Moon, Mars etc., while transiting such and such degree-like 1st degree or 101st degree or 303.5 degree (hypothetical degrees) of the zodiac will produce such and such , results ". The only usefulness which might be served by such confusing terminologies, is perhaps, to acquaint us with the contents of the zodiac. As otherwise, the existence of so many stars in the zodiac would have been lost track of with the passage of time.
According to 'PANCA-SIDDHANTIKA' of Varahamihira, Sage Vasistha, the author of the' V ASISTHA-SIDDHANT A' replaced the system of 27 or 28 Nakshatra divisions of the ecliptic by 12 divisions called the "SIGNS". It again establish the fact that the original Astrology or jyotisha knew only Nakshatra divisions and not Signs. Nakshatras are not hypothetical or imaginary bodies; whereas "SIGNS" are not in existence at all; hence the question of whether the "SIGNS" are hypothetical or imaginary does not arise. Signs are just measure of a unit created for easy calculation, understanding and communication.
I would not have been able to write this book but for the inspiration given by Shri Narinder Sagar of Sagar Publication, New Delhi: May God give him long life and prosperity.
"ASTROLOGY" or" JYOTISHA " is a ray of the "SUN", the sole lightgiver of the Universe, the cause of the seasons' and winds and the controller and Lord of the world. 'JYOTISHA' is 'JYOTIS' or 'LIGHT' or' DIVISION '.It is one of the six limbs, the pair of eyes, the instrument of vision.
Lord 'MAHA VISHNU' revealed the 'JYOTISHA SHASTRA' (ASTROLOGY) to Lord 'BRAHMA' who in turn transmitted this 'VISION or JYOTISHA SHASTRA' to the Maharshis. Maharshi Garga stands at the top of such Maharshis to whom BRAHMA transferred VISION.
The origin of the Nakshatra based predictions is traced back to the VEDANTA PERIOD and is called "VEDANTA JYOTISHA". Nakshatra is a Sanskrit word, meaning of which as per one school of thought . "NAKSHA" means to approach and" TRA " means to guard. Thus in nutshell, each Nakshatra is the abode of or house of 28 gods legated with the duties of guarding and guiding the cosmic and solar evolutions.
Zodiac consist of 360 degrees of arc which for the sake of facility is further divided into 12 houses of 30 degrees each. It is again dividedd into 27 divisions of 13.20 degrees each called " NAKSHA TRAS or CONSTELLATIONS or ASTERISMS or STAR or LUNAR MANIONS or SIEU". Eventhough we have divided the zodiac into 27 individual Nakshatras or Asterisms, they are only the principal members of the several groups of Nakshatras. In other words, Nakshatra starting from Acvini is the head of a particular group of stars.
According to second method there are 28 divisions or Nakshatras of 12.51-3/7 degrees of each. This additional division lying between the arc of Uttara Ashadha and Cravana is allocated to the Nakshatra called 'ABHIJIT'. In the line of heirarchy of Nakshatras, Abhijit stands at serial number 22, thereby shifting the serial number of succeeding
akshatras by one. Thus ultimately Revathi placed at serial number 27 according to the widely accepted method, is placed at serial number 28 due to inclusion of ABHIJIT.
According to third school of thought Abhijit is placed in between Uttara Ashadha and Cravana Nakshatras and the allocation of place in the zodiac is from 276.40 degrees to 280.54.13 degrees, curtailing the ownership of Uttara Ashadha from 13.20 degrees to 10.00 degrees and that of Cravana from 13.20 degrees to 12.25.47 degrees. This would, in other words, mean that there is no curtailment of ownership of the area of the zodiac in respect of other Nakshatras i.e. all Nakshatras other than Uttara Ashadha, Abhijit and Cravana owns 13.20 degrees of the zodiac.
Nakshatra is a unit of measure of space. Sun covers an area of two and a quarter Nakshatra segment along the ecliptic path. Each part or Pada of constellation is one Navamsa of a sign. As the zodiac is divided into 28 Nakshatra divisions, Moon while transiting has to travel through one of the Nakshatras. When birth takes place, the degree or nakshatra in which the Moon is situated at that time is called one's birth star or Janma Nakshatra or constellation.
The first cry of the baby which is supposed to mark the entry of the fifth element 'AIR' into the fluid lungs of the baby giving it pain is the birth time.
This book deals with predictions based on JANMA NAKSHATRA i.e. as per the position of Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth.
I have endeavered to analyse methods and results based on Lagna Nakshatra (Ascendant Constellation) in the 2nd and subsequent volumes. My intention initially was to include both the systems in one book. Due to peculiarity of the system, it has been decided to have separate volumes. Instead of treating the Lagna or the Ascendant as one sign consisting of 30 degrees, I have introduced a peculiar system of prediction based on the Nakshatra in which LAGNA is rising at the time of birth. This would in other words mean that predictions based on a particular degree in which Lagna or the Ascendant falls.
According to the prevalent system of astrological predictions, the entire sign or house which is purely hypothetical, is considered for analising a horoscope. Two hours period, which is the normal duration of a Lagna are too large that lakhs of people must have been born within the span of one Ascendant. My endeavour is to narrow down such largeness. Hence I have attempted to make predictions based on Each Lagna degree.
Actually what is required is to make an attempt to analyse an horoscope based on the smallest unit of measurement of time. According to SIDDHANTA-SIROMANI, 1 TATPARA is the smallest unit of measurement of time. Tatpara is equal to 1/ 33750 seconds of the modern clock. In case we succeed in the analyse of a horoscope based on TATPARA unit, no other science can partake astrology. I hope, and earnestly request the astrological students to keep this in mind and devote their valuable time to make further research. No doubt a big building will have to be exclusively earmarked for keeping such analytical work as the volumes of such research may run into thousands of volumes and that too, will be possible, if some person dedicates his entire life for the sake of astrology.
I feel that the present day astrology is only an abridged form. Had there not been the minutest analytical system of prediction, there would not have been a mention of TATPARA in the SIDDHANT A SIROMANI. Even the Siddhanta Siromani gives only the unit of measurement. Nothing has been mentioned about the purpose of making such minutest unit of measurement of time. This indirectly indicates that even at the time of Siddhanta Siromani, the system of prediction based on such minutest unit of measurement of time was lost with the passage of time.
Separate chapters have been provided for each Nakshatra. The readers will find that predictions based on JANMA NAKSHA TRA is easy to understand, and proper use of remedial measures indicated in various chapters will greately help the native to ward off the evil propensity of Nakshatras.
The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with remedial measures to counter act the evil propensities of Nakshatras. We are initially controlled by the Moon. Then comes the SUN.
The concept followed in the system of "NAKSHA TRA BASED PREDICTIONS" is based on one's" JANMA NAKSHATRA" (BIRTH CONSTELLATION) i.e based on the Moon's position in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth and " LAGNA NAKSHATRA" ( ASCENDANT CONSTELLATION). The following information/data are required before proceeding further into the book:
1) An astrological Punchang or Ephemeris of the year in which the native is born;
2) Find out the Latitude and Longitude of the place of birth;
3) Birth time, date, month and the year of the native. Birth time if noted in the Standard Time of a country should be converted into the Local Mean Time of the local place of birth of the native. The formula for such conversion is if the birth is in a place which is East of the Meridian add 4 minutes of time for each degree of difference in Longitude to the watch time or Standard Time of the country concerned; if the birth is in a place which is West of the Meridian, subtract (minus)from the watch time 4 minutes for each degree of difference in Longitude. (For finding out Latitude and Longitude of a particular place TABLE OF ASCENDANTS' or for places in India only, Shri R.SANTHANAM'S book titled "LATITUDES, LONGITUDES AND LOCAL MEAN TIMES FOR 5000 PLACES IN INDIA" may be referred).
4) After finding out the exact Local Mean Time, take out the Punchanga of the year under reference and turn to the page where planetary position for a particular time, day and month is indicated. Mostly, modern Panchanga gives planetary position at 5.30 A.M. Note down the exact degree in which Sun. Moon and other planets are positioned;
5) Under the above method, you have the exact degree of the Moon's position. Now find out the Nakshatra placement of the Moon by using the Table given immediately after this paragraph. The Nakshatra in which the Moon is placed at the time, of birth is called one's" JANMA NAKSHATRA" OR" BIRTH CONSTELLATION ";
6) Now as in the case of Moon, find out the degree position of planets in various Nakshatras;
7) Next step is to find out the Lagna or Ascendant of the native.
Equivalent terminology of Nakshatras in Malayalam and Tamil Annexure I
Symbol, Presiding Deity, Caste and identification marks of each Nakshatra Annexure II
Lord or ruler of each Nakshatra Annexure III
Various GUNAs (Merits) Annexure IV
Yoni (Sex) of each Nakshatra Annexure V
Division of 28 Nakshatras into three GANAs (communities) Annexure VI
Colour of each Nakshatra Annexure VII
Parts of the human body governed by each Nakshatra Annexure VIII
Division of Nakshatras into four circles Annexure IX
Essentials for the practice of MANTRASW Place of recitation selection of time for recitation Asana or Postures Seat Jap Mala ( Rosary) No of Mantras to berecited at a stroke Direction of Chant
Remedial measures to ward off the evil effects of Nakshatras (Constellations) and Grihas (Planets) Salutation to Lord Ganesha -Mantra of Mother Gayatri -Mantra for enlightenment Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra" other Mantras for daily chanting Gayatri Mantras Mantras for propitiating various planets
Remedies for Sade-Sathi, Kantaka Sani and Ashtama Sani
Cure through Gems Main diseases found in human beings and its cure
SHRI RUDRAM The wonder Mantra Keeps away your problems-Keeps you healthy
Morning and Evening Prayers
Rudraksha and it's use in Daily Life-Various types of Rudrakshas with brief description of each one
Some hints on NAMA KARAN (Name calling)
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