Publisher’s Note
As the melodious verses of the story of Rama were sung with sweet devotion, the gentle breeze carried the haunting fragrance of jasmine and queen-of-the-night blossoms, blended with the lilting refrains of the birds and joyous chirpings of the crickets. Entranced by the beauty of this pre-dawn satsanga, one’s heart soared as high as the snow-capped mountains, and one’s mind became as clear and calm as a crystal lake in the moonlight.
Was this the arboreal ashram high in the Himalayas where Sage Kakabhushundhi was reciting the Ramayana, or the abode of Lord Shiva on Kailasha Mountain where Shiva was recounting Rama’s story to Goddess Uma? It was all this and more! It was a Sunday morning in 1978 at the ashram of our revered Guru-Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda-as Swamiji began an extraordinary lecture series on the Tulasi Ramayana with his Miami disciples.
The Ramayana is one of the most beloved scriptures of the eastern world, and its colorful and imaginative stories have enchanted the human heart for centuries. When the mystical implications of these stories are understood and reflected upon, the Ramayana becomes not just a moving epic, but a powerful promoter of spiritual transformation and a treasured guide on the path to enlightenment.
It is our hope that this book, Mysticism of the Ramayana, will allow us to share with aspirants throughout the world for generations to come that splendid satsanga that we all enjoyed so deeply with Swamiji here at the ashram. In this text, we have included all the major elements of the plot in abridged form, and followed each portion of the story with its subtle mystic interpretation. Each page will draw the reader close to the tender devotion, incisive wisdom, and radiant humor that blend in such an extraordinary way in Swami Jyotirmayananda. Each episode will make the aspirant feel that he is right there at the feet of the master as the story of Rama unfolds majestically before him, captivating his heart and emboldening him to attain the goal of life: Self-realization!
Swami Vivekananda, a renowned sage of modern times, once said that if there were a great flood and all the Indian scriptures were washed away except for one copy of the Gita and one copy of the Ramayana, then all the greatness of Hindu culture would come back again on the basis of just these two scriptures.
The Ramayana-the story of Lord Rama and his exploits-has achieved tremendous popularity because it appeals to every heart in a mysterious way. There is something so fascinating about the Ramayana that the story is well-known not only in India but in many parts of the Far East. In the islands of Java, Bali, Sumatra and in Thailand, China, Tibet and even Russia, variations of the Ramayana are popular and Rama is adored as a human and spiritual ideal.
Sage Valmiki
The Ramayana was originally written by Sage Valmiki perhaps thousands of years before Christ.
There are many interesting stories about the life of this extraordinary sage, who composed not only the Ramayana, but Yoga Vasistha as well.
The ascetic emerged out of the ant hill a totally changed personality and was called Valmiki, which means “ant hill.” Soon he had an ashram and great disciples flocked to him for guidance. Yet, he did not have a clear idea of what his spiritual mission would actually be. All that he knew was the name of Rama, and the glory of that name.
According to the Divine plan, Valmiki was wandering through the forest one day when suddenly he became fascinated by two krauncha birds who were delighting in each other’s company. As the birds sported together with such blissful exuberance, Valmiki was amused by the shouts and the songs of joy created by those two birds. Then suddenly, without warning, an arrow came from an unknown direction and killed the male bird, leaving the surviving female shrieking in despair. Happiness had instantly turned into pathetic sorrow.
As her cries pervaded the atmosphere, the sage was touched by the anguish of the tender bird. He instantly glimpsed all the misery of the world symbolized in this simple event and it moved his heart with a sublime emotion. He expressed his sentiments by calling out in elegant Sanskrit words which meant, “O cruel fowler, why have you shot this bird that was at the height of its joy? May you be cursed and never find any rest.” The sage spoke not in ordinary prose, but in perfect poetic meter. Amazed at the upsurge of spontaneous poetry from his heart, Valmiki then began to reflect upon the implications of the event he had just witnessed.
He saw in the experience of those two birds the fate of all living beings in this world. he realized that all beings are joined with their dear ones and the objects they love for only a short time; and just when they are at the height of joy, there comes an arrow from an unknown direction-the arrow of death, the arrow of disaster. Even before a person has had time to fulfill his desires, without warning he is trampled by death. That is the destiny of all human beings - not due to any bad karma, but by the very nature of being born and entering into embodiment.
Because of his elegantly phrased outcry to the hunter, Valmiki became known in the Indian tradition as the adi kavi-the first man to compose poetic verses. That title has been given to him to glorify his poetic art, because that poetic expression became the basis of inspiration for thousands and thousands of poets that came later in India.
According to a popular story, Brahma the Creator appeared before Valmiki the moment he composed that first verse and blessed him. Brahma then encouraged Valmiki to write the story of Rama in the very same melodious meter, assuring the sage that he would have insight into that story by Divine grace. Thus, Valmiki began to compose the verses of the Ramayana even before Rama had incarnated because of his insight into the past, present and future.
Another version of the Ramayana, and the one that we are studying more closely in this book, was written by Saint Tulasidas in the sixteenth century. This scripture is a liquid stream of devotion written in the Hindi language. It is well-known as the Ramayana, though it also has another name-Rama-Charit-Manas-which implies “a Himalayan lake of Lord Rama’s exploits.” As with Sage Valmiki, there are many colorful stories associated with the life of Saint Tulasidas.
Back of the Book
From ancient times, the devotional beauty of the epic story of Rama has given untold inspiration and delight to countless aspirants. Now, as the subtle philosophical implications of this colourful epic are illumined by Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda’s spiritual insight, the infinite grandeur of the Ramayana truly shines forth. In the gracious light of Swamiji’s vision, all spiritual seekers will soar on the wings of devotion and wisdom to the highest summits of spiritual bliss!
Publisher's Note
The Mahabharata is one of the greatest epic poems ever written, and its teachings have been a source of delight and spiritual illumination for aspirants since ancient times. This voluminous work, composed by Sage Vyasa many centuries before the birth of Christ, consists of eighteen books or parvas. Within these books, a myriad of stories, parables and episodes present before the reader the different problems that one encounters in life on both the collective as well as individual level. They show, in a most colorful fashion, how men who are inspired by the sense of dharma (righteousness) conduct themselves in order to attain liberation.
The fascinating stories that weave the plot of the Mahabharata have been well-known to Eastern readers for centuries and are now becoming known in the West. How ever, very few readers are aware of the profound mystic subtleties behind these stories. Through the unique insights of His Holiness, Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda, this subtle wisdom is revealed in a way that will spur the sensitive aspirant to ascend the heights of spiritual transformation. Never before has any writer probed the inspiring philosophical depths of the Mahabharata with such skill, clarity and profound mystic sensitivity.
In this small volume we have tried to capture the major elements of the plot of the Mahabharata along with their most thought-provoking philosophical implications. it is our sincere hope that its readers will be led in a most captivating way to dig deep into the treasure of this ancient scripture and to savor its awe-inspiring truths. And may this book, mysticism of the Mahabharata, allow these truths to lead them forward to the victory of Self-realization!
The Mahabharata is one of the greatest epic poems ever written, and its teachings have been a source of delight and spiritual illumination for aspirants since ancient times. The fascinating stories that weave the plot of the Mahabharata have been well-known to Eastern readers for centuries and are now becoming known in the West. However, very few readers are aware of the profound mystic subtleties behind these stories.
Through the unique insights of His Holiness, Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda, this subtle wisdom is revealed in a way that will spur the sensitive aspirant to ascend the heights of spiritual transformation. Emboldened by Swamiji's penetrating vision, the aspirant will surely emerge as a hero in the battlefield of life and attain the victory of Self-realization!
About Swami Jyotirmayananda and His Ashram
Swami Jyotirmayananda was born on February 3, 1931, in a pious family in Dumari Buzurg, District Saran, Bihar, India-a northern province sanctified by the great Lord Buddha. From his early childhood he showed various marks of future saintliness. He was calm and reflective, compassionate to all, and a constant source of inspiration to all who came in contact with him. Side by side with his studies and practical duties, he reflected upon life's deeper purpose.
An overwhelming feeling to serve humanity through a spiritual life led him to embrace the ancient order of Sanyasa on February 3, 1953, at the age of 22. Living in the Himalayan retreats by the sacred River Ganges, he practiced intense austerities. In tireless service of his Guru, Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, Swamiji taught at the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy as a professor of religion. In addition to giving lectures on the Upanishads, Raja Yoga and all the important scriptures of India, he was the editor of the Yoga Vedanta Journal. Ever able to assist foreign students in their understanding of Yoga and Vedanta, his intuitive perception of their problems endeared him to all.
Swamiji's exemplary life, love towards all beings, great command of spiritual knowledge, and dynamic exposition on Yoga and Vedanta philosophy attracted enormous interest all over India. He frequently lectured by invitation at the All India Vedanta Conferences in Delhi, Amritsar, Ludhiana, and in other parts of India.
In 1962, after many requests, Swami Jyotirmayananda came to the West to spread the knowledge of India. As founder of Sanatan Dharma Mandir in Puerto Rico (1962-1969), Swamiji rendered unique service to humanity through his regular classes, weekly radio lectures in English and in Spanish, and numerous TV appearances.
In March, 1969, Swamiji moved to Miami, Florida, and established the ashram that has become the center for the international activities of the Yoga Research Foundation. Branches of this organization now exist throughout the world and spread the teachings of yoga to aspirants everywhere. In 1985, the Indian ashram near New Delhi opened its doors and is now serving the community by offering yoga classes, by publishing the Hindi Journal, Yoganjali, and by assisting the needy through a medical clinic.
Today Swami Jyotirmayananda occupies a place of the highest order among the international men of wisdom. He is well-recognized as the foremost proponent of Integral Yoga, a way of life and thought that synthesizes the various aspects of the ancient yoga tradition into a comprehensive plan of personality integration.
Through insightful lectures that bring inspiration to thousands who attend the conferences, camps and philosophical gatherings, Swamiji shares the range and richness of his knowledge of the great scriptures of the world.
His monthly magazine-International Yoga Guide-is enjoyed by spiritual seekers throughout the world. His numerous books and cassette tapes are enriching the lives of countless aspirants who have longed for spiritual guidance that makes the most profound secrets of yoga available to them in a manner that is joyous and practical.
Despite the international scope of his activities, Swamiji still maintains an intimate setting at his main ashram in Miami that allows fortunate aspirants to have the privilege of actually studying and working under his direct guidance. In the lecture hall of the Foundation, Swami Jyotirmayananda personally conducts an intense weekly schedule of classes in Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Vasistha, Mahabharata, Upanishads, Panchadashi, the Bible, Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga and meditation.
With a work/study scholarship, qualified students are able to attend all classes conducted by Swamiji tuition-free. In return, students devote their energy and talents to the Foundation's noble mission by serving in the bookshop, offices, press, and computer and publication facilities.
Both the Yoga Research Foundation and the main ashram lie in the southwest section of Miami, two minutes from the University of Miami and 15 minutes from the Miami International Airport. The main ashram is on a two and a half acre plot surrounded by threes and exotic plants, reminiscent of the forest hermitages of the ancient sages. Adjoining are subsidiary ashrams that house student residents and Foundation guests. The grounds are picturesque, abounding with tall eucalyptus and oak trees, a fragrant mango orchard giving shelter to numerous birds and squirrels, and a lake of lotus blooms reflecting the expansion of the sky. In this serene yet dynamic environment, the holy presence of Swami Jyotirmayananda fills the atmosphere with the silent, powerful message of Truth, and the soul is nurtured and nourished, allowing for a total education and evolution of one's inner Self.
One night years ago, when the atmosphere was very still and the breeze fragrant, Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda commenced his lectures on the mysticism of Srimad Bhagavatam. Just as the Gopis or cowherdesses of Vrindavana were drawn by the haunting melody of Krishna's flute, the hearts and minds of all present were relentlessly drawn by Swamiji's commentary as the story of Divine Krishna unfolded.
The Glory of Lord Krishna (Mysticism of Srimad Bhagavatam), captures the delight of those special evenings in which the sportive exploits of Lord Krishna were expounded with a tenderness and profoundity that deeply inspired all who were seated quietly, listening in rapture.
The study of Srimad Bhagavatam leads you through the enchanting groves of Vrindavana to the glorious Abode of Sri Krishna ? you are led through the path of devotion to the goal that is Liberation. At the same time, your daily life is enriched with peaces, prosperity and harmony.
It is our hope that these chapters will awaken in the heart of every reader a profound eagerness to soar beyond the confines of the conditioned mind and discover God, the Beloved of all souls, sporting in the firmament of their own heart. The melody of eternity, the melody of Krishna's flute, reverberates in every world of Swami Jyotirmayanada's mystic interpretations, beckoning every sincere aspirant to experience for themselves the indescribable sweetness of Divine Communion!
The study of Srimad Bhagavatam leads you through the enchanting groves of Vrindavana to the glorious Abode of Sir Krishna- through the delightful path of devotion to the sublime Goal that is liberation. The melody of eternity, the melody of Lord Krishna's flute, reverberates in every word of Swami Jyotirmayananda's beckoning every sincere aspirant to experience or themselves the indescribable sweetness of Divine Communion!
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