Highlights absorbing account of supernatural secrets for knowing the time of your Death, effects of omens, mantras, yagyas, fumes, dreams and even of throbbing. How the dogs and crows can predict and many other hidden sciences. Which make life appear healthier vibrant and prosperous.
After a lapse of many many years, one of those marvellous person- alities on whom one can lay his eyes is His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev. He is among one of those renowned great men, who has through his meditation and learning achieved the impossible. Such enlightened and illustrious spell-binding sages, endowed with heavenly powers and accom- plished sainthood are very seldom seen.
Going to him for a glimpse of his heavenly countenance, one can enjoy his company, like to listen to his discourses and they are sure to stir up the emotions and gladden the heart. So many times it has been observed that his speeches generate such an energy that the listeners turn to absolute Truth.
To be able to grasp his limitless knowledge is not only difficult but inaccessible. Whenever and as many times, a devotee comes in contact with him, he experiences new and extra-ordinary perceptions. His knowl- edge and deep understanding can make one familiar with the fathomless ancient Indian traditions and eruditions. He is the savant of Yoga, Music, Mudra Vigyan, Pran Vigyan, Paradhyan Sadhana, Telepathy, Tratak, Kundalini, Astrology and its various branches like Ulka Dhumraketu, Angvidya (Body Language), Bugarbh Vigyan (Geology), Astrological Predictions; Mantra Vidya, Yagya Vidya, Ayurveda, Ratnachikitsa, Pran Vinimaya, Theosophy, Nature-cure, Divya Chikitsa, Brahma Vidya, Shabd Vigyan and many sciences. In fact it is not possible for us to fathom the depth of His Holiness's knowledge. Gurudev's kindness is distinct and his greatest quality is his plain and simple nature, devoid of all outwardly show. He is endowed with virtuous piety and lives a sacred pious life.
His whole life is evidently full of worship, meditation and the practice of Advance Yoga. His Holiness Acharya Shri's ambition is to spread the secrets of the sciences of our ancient Occult Sciences - Yoga, Yagya, Astrology, Veda, Upanishad, Mantra and the entire knowledge of the per- ceptible and the imperceptible sciences among the masses. He has, after years of rigorous meditation and experimentation, discovered the pure and genuine scientific secrets of our scriptures (Shastras). Because of his efforts many secret Yogic mysteries have come to light and it is possible that in future also many more discoveries would come to light.
Since time immemorial human life has always been a mystery. After deep meditation and scientific research, our learned seers and sages have made an attempt to solve and reach a conclusive evidence of the mysteries of conscious and unconscious, physical and subtle, visible and invisible, natural and unnatural and of the whole universe, and presented them in the form of innumerable scriptures. However in a short life-span it is a arduous task for a human being, to understand even a miniscule portion of these scriptures in totality. Another problem was the fact that invaders had destroyed a lot of these writings. Even the extant scriptures are not easily available. And whatever scriptures available on the Occult sciences are known to be scattered and unorganised. Hence most of these sciences that are evident today are either rapidly vanishing or are in tattered form without giving their benefits to mankind for which they are meant.
It is indeed, interesting and pleasing to note that even today some intellects are endeavouring hard to present the scarce but priceless gems from the vast ocean of occult sciences of India in such a manner that mankind is benefited. In the same context, the laudable works of His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev are worth reverence. I sincerely believe that his research and experiences in yoga and meditation shall prove to be more than useful to humanity.
The cosmos presents a unique spectacle. The universe, the human body, nature and all elemental factors of this cosmos are quite spectacular in themselves. Looking from vantage point of view, the so called occult phenomena that form an integral part of spiritualism appear mysterious when viewed superficially but point at something definite and para-scientific that defy mundane logic. The moot question is why do such processes and phenomena appear mysterious when they are so important to all and sundry? Are these phenomena scientific or merely mystical in content that cannot be explained in simple words? These are some of the questions that have been answered in this book - A Mystery. Most mysterious riddles of life remain to be understood. All animate and inanimate objects when observed keenly seem wondrous and miraculous. The endeavour of the author, His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev, is to reveal the mysteries that surround us through his work A Mystery. The book is one of his many works and a result of incessant hard work and years of research. It delves into various occult sciences of India and has been compiled in a lucid manner to provide scientific analyses of the phenomena that have appeared mysterious so far.
Indian seers, saints, luminaries, scientists, wise Rishis, the erudite toiled for centuries and contemplated on deep rooted facts to research the theories shrouded in mystery that have always eluded the common sight. They probed deep into all the sciences that exist in the cosmos and discovered them for the benefit of mankind. The knowledge they gave to the world proved immensely fruitful to humanity with the help of which man was able to solve complicated social problems and spiritual riddles that have accompanied the world since its very inception. With time, as it generally happens, man forgot the sciences and eschewed the path of wisdom and entered the dark age. The result - problems at every step. With all the modern facility available at hand peace is still elusive. This is where the role of His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev proves immensely useful.
Ancient sages studied minutely the most intricate phenomena of nature and acquired the key to unlock the doors of wisdom. Answers to these intricate questions are really amazing, as all the mundane things are mysterious in themselves. At times it appears that these occurrences defy all scientific and logical explanations but when viewed from the spiritual or occult angle the answers can be sought. It is because of the reason that ancient sages and seers practised yogic life-style and were masters of the ‘time-space’ phenomena. Yoga and meditation were the foundation of all these researches done by the wise yogis of the yesteryears. One remains awe struck by the minute details in which most of the facts have been revealed. All efforts aimed at finding out such elements and factors by which human life could be made happy and prosperous. Ultimately many miracles and truths came to the forefront that are still considered strange and mysterious. Even the science of today could not reach the heights of the golden past. Ancient Indian seers gave real knowledge to the world. Many of those sciences are yet to be explored by the world scientists.
The names of all the sciences cannot be given here. All of them touch social, spiritual, literary, yogic, scientific, commercial and mundane fields. The seers and scholars researched the following subjects included in Indian culture: Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Ayurveda, Rites and Rituals, Meditation and Yoga. Other Indian philosophical and scientific subjects include Astrology, Musical Science, Astronomy, Biology, Science of Odours, Numerology, Physiology, Pranvidya, Parkaya Pravesh, Science of Omens, Occults Sciences, Theosophy, Samadhi, Telepathy, Gemmology, Psychology, Life after Death, Magnetic Therapy, Kriyayog, Science of Elements, Shakti Pat, Yagya, Sound, Air, Sun Science, Science of Rejuvenation, Savitrividya, Shreevidya, Oashmahavidya, Rajvidya, Mritsanjivani Vidya, Hypnotism, Science of Respiration, Spiritual Healing and so on.
Of the above mentioned subjects some have been given in this- book. Acharya Keshav Dev has tried to elaborate these in a very simple language to make it intelligible to the common reader and possibly practice them. Shabd Vigyan, Mantra Vigyan, Tantra, Yoga etc. all these subjects and the related streams are disclosed in this book and would help the readers immensely. All the 33 chapters of A Mystery delve in detail on important aspects of life. The first chapter of the book - How to Achieve Yoga Siddhi? - delves in detail the path to yoga and how to achieve the ultimate goal. Here details about Yoga Siddhi have been explained as told by Lord Shankar to Goddess Parvati and in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna. In this chapter the basic qualities and attributes of yoga are discussed. It can be achieved by Discipline, Firm determination, Far Sight, Faith, Foresight, Impressive Personality, Truthfulness, Power of Imagination and Zeal.
The chapter on supernatural powers of yoga delves into different types of powers that can be developed with the help of yoga. Of all the powers of yoga, Tratak is very powerful and prominent. This chapter explains Tratak and how it can be practised. It tells about the three Trataks and how they are beneficial to the meditator. It immensely helps in developing hypnotic powers.
Chapter 4 - Miracles of Gyan Mudra, as the name suggests, is about the miraculous Mudra. This Mudra is immensely helpful in development on the divine sight. It discuses the technique of awakening the divine vision and how it is beneficial to the meditator. This chapter will prove to be immensely helpful to the followers of spiritualism. Chapter 5 is very interesting. Human body is a wonderful creation of Nature. A person is born as human being after performing thousands of deeds in previous births according to the theory of Karma (deeds) and rebirth. While the body is alive and active one can perform umpteen tasks, big and small. To the question of birth death is the final answer and in between lie the flurry of activities - negative or positive, good or bad, small or big. This chapter educates the readers how the time of death can be known.
Next chapter: Science of Respiration (Swara Vigyan) deals with the scientific aspect of respiration. The science of respiration is based on the elemental branch of metaphysics and is also co-related to Mudras. By bringing about a changes in the respiration or vibrations in the body one can easily balance the elemental configuration of the body according to ones will and desire. Combination of the science of respiration and Mudras can give revolutionary and miraculous results in the medical world. The information provided in this chapter is of immense benefit to the common man with the help of which he can regulate his daily activities.
As it has been said earlier that ancient seers and sages researched and touched every aspect of life, this chapter too deals with one of the most important aspects of life - dreams. It is on the scientific aspect of dreams. Man can remember the past with help of memory but it is rather difficult to know the future. The future too, can be known in certain manner. Sometimes we get premonitions of events through dreams. Answers or reactions to external activities are acquired during the dream stage. This chapter tells the readers not to ignore the dreams.
Locating Water Streams Inside the Earth is yet another interesting chapter. This deals with a very practical aspect of locating water in uninhabited land. This is based on minute observations done by the people of the yesteryears.
The chapter Mystery of Bell and Conch deals with the scientific aspect of bell and conch. Sounds of bells and conches are considered to be auspicious. In India and abroad during prayers, worships and other sacramental ceremonies bells and conches are used. In this chapter His Divine Grace has provided a scientific explanation to the mystery of the ritual of sounding bells and conches. This would prove to be an interesting chapter for the readers.
Key to Fortune tells the techniques to become fortunate. This chapter presents special ways to perform various daily activities from morning till evening like mouth rinsing, ablutions, prayer, yagya, exercises, adoring with holy attires, application of vermilion on forehead, breakfast, sleeping etc. It tells why they are to be followed regularly. Indian ascetics instructed to have a good look at both the palms while discarding bed early in the morning for fortunes and luck. It can be understood through this chapter that why the palm is so powerful that it acts as a mirror of the individual personality.
Chapters 11 and 12 are study of real body language by observers centuries ago. These chapters deal with signs on male and female bodies that are great indicators. Few people know about the structure and nature of the human body. Acharyaji has deftly dealt with the mysterious facts about the human. Studying male and female bodies reveals mysterious facts. Carefully examining different parts of the body, many predictions can be done. Future events can be predicted. This chapter explains the way by which one can read another person like a book.
The chapter: Throbbing of Body Parts throws light on yet another powerful indicator in human life. This deals in details the effects of throbbing of different body parts as its study is one of the predictive sciences. In the chapter Spectacle of Clapping, Sole, Palate to keep good health, science has been propagated under a spiritual garb. Our scriptures lay down instructions for worshipping and religious rituals in such a manner that when seen from one angle they relate to spirituality and when seen from the other they are health improving factors. This chapter deals in detail why clapping, cleaning of palate and caring of sole are important from health point of view.
Chapter 15 I-low to Improve Facial Expression explains the yogic techniques to improve facial expression in a practical manner.
Next chapter Importance of Performing Yagya delves into the scientific aspects of Yagya. The chapter tells how powerful yagyas can be and in what manner they influence man. This is based on the research done by His divine Grace at his Ashram where Yagyas are performed daily for eight hours even today. Yagyas can bring about miraculous changes. They can even solve the problems like war to pollution, from prosperity to peace and happiness. Initial scientific researches have corroborated the evidence of positive effects on the atmosphere created by the fumes emitted during the yagya. Even the ancient rishis and seers had to meditate and contemplate for centuries to understand and evolve the methods of yagya. This has been exemplified by the anecdote of the Serpent Yagya performed in end of the Dwapar era by King Janmayjay.
The chapter Occult Meditation and Changes in the Human Body is self-explanatory. The area that has been specifically touched upon is how can occult meditation brings significant changes in the human body. With meditation certain nerves get activated and start functioning, resulting in renewed metabolism in the body. When balanced glandular activity begins in the body, the person experiences an unexplainable bliss, normally not possible even with the help of costly medicines. This disciplined routine leads a devotee on his meditative path.
In the chapter Shunya Meditation, another aspect of meditation has been discussed in detail. Here the Shunya meditation experienced by Baba Gorakhnath has been narrated. Acharya Keshav Dev explains that in the scriptures Brahm is static yet dynamic, invisible having no shape, form or size. Similar are the postulates of science regarding the subject. There is nothing in the world that is without “shunya”. This is present every where from giant wheel to the small one. It is the presence of the “shunya” point that sets a wheel in motion.
In the chapter Transcendental Meditation the important dimensions of meditation have been dealt in detail. By transcendental meditation unfathomable supernatural powers can be attained when the mind is in a state of absolute peace. A calm mind acts like a dynamo of energy. Here details on all that has been said regarding practice of yoga, the known or unknown powers of mind and soul mentioned in the ancient scriptures can be achieved through transcendental meditation and concentration have been discussed. After regular practice the devotee himself becomes aware about enlightenment. This method is a gateway to transcendental meditation. Even in the present era, where everything is judged on the basis of scientific proofs, one attains awareness regarding subtle powers. This method of meditation had proved effective in providing tranquility to the mind, body and soul alike.
The chapter Musical Scriptures - Scientific Treatise is very interesting. It deals with the origin of music and also tells about the importance of Om as expounded in the scriptures. This tells about the genesis of all energies of the world and the origin of the notes of music from the damroo of Lord Shiva. This also discusses the importance of the number seven in Hindu system and the mystery behind it. Sound is the quality and character of space and is the second name for Akash which itself is supreme power. Repeated attempts have been made till now to probe it further but again rishis become silent after calling it by just one word Shabdovai Brahm. The chapter deals with the most important of life i.e. health and how music can heal different diseases.
The chapters 21, 22 and 23 relate to the Science of Omens. They are based on the studies and observations by the great seers regarding the manner in which small actions by unassuming creatures like lizard, khanjan bird, dogs, crow etc. and sneezing influence and warn us about the future events. Chapters 24 and 25 explain how hypnotic powers can be developed and the methods to be followed. Here the methods of meditation have been explained. It also tells the spiritual endeavours and miracles one can perform.
Chapters 26 Miraculous Journey by the Astral Body is on an interesting experience of His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev while he was in a state of deep meditation. His astral body travelled in the Himalayas and saw a unique spectacle.
In the chapter Life After Death, the phenomena of existence of life after death have been explained. The phenomena have been exemplified quoting events that have occurred over the world. Chapter 28 is very important from spiritual viewpoint. The sun is a source of energy. The role of sun in Gayatri worship has been discussed it detail.
Study of Odours deals with the importance and effects of odours on the human system. It expounds the scientific details of different odours and how they are helpful to us.
The next chapter on urine therapy is indeed an eye opener for many as it tells how far the observation of Indian seers had gone that they did not even spare the urine of cows and human beings from being used as a therapeutic.
Astrology is most significant and guiding star. This science is the best guide for human life. This is a well-accepted science and is practised till date. All events in life can be predicted through astrological calculation predictions. That is why it is named as a mystic science. In the chapter this has been scientifically depicted and elaborated. Chapter 32, as the name suggests, is on the Miraculous Discourse by His Divine Grace and his firs hand experience in the field of spiritualism and his interaction with the Lamas of Tibet.
The book also contains a chapter on the Importance of Grace. Acharyaji has revealed the scientific aspect of grass in our religious ceremonies.
The book A Mystery is a result of unique and tireless endeavour by His Divine Grace Acharya Keshav Dev. The book is highly informative and aims at benefiting the readers in their daily life. By following simple techniques mentioned in the book one achieve high goals in material and spiritual life. A lucid writing, easy to comprehend intelligible to readers of all hue and tastes, the book touches upon subtle aspects of human life.
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