It is the solution given by Sage Vasishta when Sri Rama Was caught in the storm of doubts regarding the ultimate nature of Supreme-self.
It is the solution in the form of logical deductions and practical observations for a better understanding of the nature Supreme-self.
It is a correlation of apparently divergent references of Upanishads.
It is a poetic classic but allegorically explains the Absolute and presented in his unique, graceful way by the sage poet Valmiki.
It is a presentation from Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, the Vidyaadhikari of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore in the form of his “Musings of Yogavaasishta” – a treatise of comparisons and correlations of the ancient traditional knowledge and the modern scientific knowledge, through his lectures in the Gemini-T.V. On “Yogavaasistha”.
What am I but a small twig of a mighty tree of spiritual mission of a great Sadgurudev Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji of Avadhuta Datta Peetham, Mysore, India. In this exercise of English Translation of a soul-stirring classic, Yoga Vasishta with its unalloyed essence in Telugu shaped forth in the hands of an unostentatious scholar Sri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, Educational Officer, Datta Peetham Mysore.
All the same, I deem it a rare opportunity for contributing my small bit thus in the Maha Yagna of knowledge undertaken by the writer, Sri Kuppa Krishna Murthy. It is indeed a pleasant coincidence that Sri Kuppa Krishna Murthy should think of bringing out his Gemini TV discourses on Yogavasishta in the book from in Telugu first with the encouragement of the Neuland Labs Chief, Dr. R. Rao and his wife Mrs. Vijaya, staunch devotees of Sri Swamiji and subsequently meet the wish of Sri Swamiji to get it translated into English. The choice of me both by the writer and the sponsorer for translation also perhaps met with the ‘samkalpa’ of Sri Swaniji.
My humble obeisance to Sri Swamiji for making me an instrument again in this service, In the series of Sri Guru Gita’. ‘Jnaana Sagar’ and ‘Katha saagar’ volume in English.
I, now offer my gratitude to Sri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy and Dr. Rao for trusting me to fulfilling their expectations before entrusting me with the task.
I would fail in my duty if I do not acknowledge Sri A.V. Sarma’s ungrudging help in correcting the proofs in respect of the aforesaid translations time and again. I also thank Mr. S. Nagaraj of Neuland Labs for computerizing the matter in parts even as Mr. Y. Bhaskar, Lecturer in Computer Science, Progressive Degree College, Hyderabad.
My series of lectures on Yogavaasishta, since the last two years, in Gemini T. V. has reached the hearts of many listeners of varied classes, bringing satisfaction to these aspirants in philosophy. It is much more heartening to people like me, who are earnestly desiring always to bring this profound subject to within the comprehensible reach of common man.
Dr. D. R. Rao and Smt. Vijaya has brought out these lectures on the first two chapters as Yogavaasishta Hridayam - Part I in Telugu during 2002 and its English version as Musings on Yogavaasishta - Part I during 2003; the second part of telugu version during 2004. But for their resolution, my indolence would have been victorious.
Subjective wise, this second part is more profound than the first part. The chapter on creation only has to be brought out as this work. The chapters on creation, existence and quietitude, when assumed as a single bunch, this chapter on creation becomes or forms the vital core of that bunch.
Who will believe this chapter that is loudly broadcasting that this world do not exist at all from metaphysical aspect? Who will understand Valmiki Maharshi's intricate logical arguments or discussions brought out or made through Vasishta Maharshi? How far the modern intelligentsia that has been brought up the modem scientific background or base can understand this? - The feedback given to me through some listeners of ultra modem culture and NRIs has shown me that all such sceptical thoughts are baseless imaginations only. To express my hearty satisfaction over this feedback, two such impressions are enclosed herewith.
Science is logic. Philosophy is also logic. That is one branch.
This is another branch. It is not a difficult task to move from one branch to another, once you climbed the tree. To prove that one who has studied the modem sciences with a razor sharp intelligence can also understand philosophy that has been conveyed logically, these two letters are enclosed herewith. That is why, I am not conveying my special gratitude to them. I am congratulating all such intelligentsia, silently, within myself.
The preface given in the first part is also added in this with the hope that it will help the reader to have a better comprehension of the original version.
I was also a listener to these lectures! A reader to these musings!! There is someone else who is giving these lectures from inside me and also writing these musings!!! I pray my Sadguru Sri Ganapathi Satchidananda Swamiji to grant the compassion of that 'Self' to all of us as our 'self-experience'.
It is a presentation from Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, the Vidyaadhikari of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore in the form of his “Musings on Yogavaasishta – III (Sustanance)” a treatise of comparisons and correlations of the ancient traditional knowledge and the modern scientific knowledge, through his lectures in the Gemini-T.V. On “Yogavaasistha”.
The series of my Discourses on Yogavaasishta being televised by the Gemini T.V. for the last four years as well as the two earlier books published in Telugu and English based on these talks have received an overwhelming response from the public. I am particularly pleased to note that there are, amongst them, many young men and women, natives and NRls, who are attracted by the subtle and straightforward logical approach adopted by Yogavaasishta in establishing the illusory nature of the world.
I present to you now the book on the Fourth Chapter of Yogavaasishta as Part III: Sustenance. I originally intended to bring out a book combining the fourth (Sthiti) and fifth (Upasamana) chapters together. However, readers desired that the fourth chapter should be brought out as a publication as the discourse on that chapter was completed and waiting for the completion of the next chapter would delay the publication. So this volume, small in size but robust in content, is now printed.
Dr. D. R. Rao and his wife, Srimati Vijaya Rao who kindly supported the publication of English and Telugu versions of the earlier volumes are funding the publication of Part III too and benevolently making it available to the devotees on the occasion of the 64th birthday of Jagadguru, Parama Pujya Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji. May the unlimited grace of the Reverend Guru be with this noble family, their children and their future generations!
Dr. Vemuri Ramesam, a senior reputed scientist was kind to render into English this third Part of the series, diligently going through each of the words with me for clarity for readers in English. Dr. V.S.R. Moorty, a reputed chemical Engineer and a Philosopher has kindly gone through the draft version. May both of them and their families be blessed by the benevolence of Respected Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji to enable them in experiencing the final goal of all Knowledge!
We presented the transliterated version of original Sanskrit slokas whenever they were quoted using the Itranslator of the Omkarananda Ashram, Rishikesh, 249192, Uttaranchal, India. The software is simple to operate and those desiring to have the slokas in Devnagari script can print using the transliterated text. Itranslator is downloadable from their website: We express our gratitude to Omkarananda Ashram for the software.
Some writers referred to acquiring Vedantic knowledge from scriptural texts as "Ynana" and experiential understanding of the same as vijnana, while others considered knowledge dealing with material objects as "vijnana" (Science) and the Knowledge that leads a person to liberation as "Jnana ". All such apparently contradictory usages of the words arose because, in a sense, "vijnana" itself manifests as Jnana and Juana manifests as "vijnana" and both knowledge and realization become one and the same in the end. Inspired by Reverend Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji who understood this secret, I have become instrumental in establishing the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (1- SERVE) with the aim of understanding the Supreme through a study of the physical principles. For those interested, details with respect to I-SERVE are appended to this Preface.
I am including the introductory note of mine written for Part I - Vairagya and Mumukshu Prakaranas in this book. I trust the readers will get an overall idea of the original Yogavaasishta from this.
As a matter of fact, I too was a listener to the discourses! I too am a reader of these compilations!! It is some One residing in me that makes me speak and pushes my pen to scribble!!! I pray to our Reverend Guru Shri Ganapathi sachchidananda Swamiji to bless us all so that we will have an experiential understanding of the compassion of that One!
Yogavassishta is treasure house of the ancient Indian philosophical wisdom. It offers logical and practical answer to question like: What is Mind? What is world? What is the purpose of existence? What is Brahman? It is a poetic classic by the Sage Valmiki explaining the nature of The Supreme Self expounded in his own inimitable and graceful way as a Discourse between Maharshi Vasishta and Lord Sri Rama.
The present volume, “Musings on Yogavaasishta” –IV (The Calm Down), is a presentation by Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, the Vidyadhikari of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore and forms a part of his lectures on “Yogavaasishta” telecast by Gemini T.V. in Telugu. This volume is a rendering of the same into English by Dr. Vemuri Ramesam. In it:
The 5000 stanzas of the fifth chapters on The Calm Down (Upasama) have been ably condensed and lucidly explained in simple worlds.
Possible methods of alleviation from the state of Bondage and annulment of mind are described through the stories of Janaka, Bali, Prahlada, Uddlaka, Gadhi, Suraghu, Parigha and others.
A Glossary of Vedantic Words is given.
The series of my Discourses on Yogavaasishta being televised by the Gemini T. V. for the last five years as well as the three earlier books published in Telugu and English based on these talks have received an overwhelming response from the public. I am particularly pleased to note that there are, amongst them, many young men and women, natives and NRIs, who are attracted by the subtle and straight- forward logical approach adopted by Yogavaasishta in establishing the illusory nature of the world.
I present to you now the book on the Fourth Chapter of Yogavaasishta as Part IV: The Calmdown.
Dr. D. R. Rao and his wife, Srimati Vijaya Rao who kindly supported the publication of English and Telugu versions of the earlier volumes are funding the publication of Part IV too and benevolently making it available to the devotees on the occasion of the 66th birth- day of Jagadguru, Parama Pujya Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji. May the unlimited grace of the Revered Guru be with this noble family, their children and their future generations!
Dr. Vemuri Ramesam, a senior wellknown scientist was kind to render into English this Part of the series, diligently going through each of the words with me for clarity for readers in English. May he and his family be blessed by the benevolence of Respected Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swarniji to enable him in experiencing the final goal of all Knowledge!
We presented the transliterated version of original Sanskrit slokas whenever they were quoted using the Itranslator of the Omkarananda Ashram, Rishikesh, 249192, Uttaranchal, India. The software is simple to operate and those desiring to have the slokas in Devnagari script can print using the transliterated text. Itranslator is downloadable from their website: www.omkarananda-ashramorg. We express our gratitude to Omkarananda Ashram for the software.
Some writers referred to acquiring Vedantic knowledge from scriptural texts as "Jnana" and experiential understanding of the same as Vijnana, while others considered knowledge dealing with material objects as "Vijnana " (Science) and the Knowledge that leads a person to liberation as "Jnana". All such apparently contradictory usages of the words arose because, in a sense, "Vijnana" itself manifests as Jnana and Jnana manifests as "Vijnana'' and both knowledge and realization become one and the same in the end. Inspired by Reverend Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji who understood this secret, I have become instrumental in establishing the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (1- SERVE) with the aim of understanding the Supreme through a study of the physical principles. For those interested, details with respect to I-SERVE are appended to this Preface.
As a matter of fact, I too was a listener to the discourses! I too am a reader of these compilations!! It is some One residing in me that makes me speak and pushes my pen to scribble!!! I pray to our Reverend Guru Shri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji to bless us all so that we will have an experiential understanding of the compassion of that One!
Yogavasishta is a treasure house of the ancient Indian philosophical wisdom. It offers logical and practical answer to questions like: What is Mind? What is world? What is the purpose of existence? What is Brahman?
It is a poetic classic by the Sage Valmiki explaining the nature of the Supreme Self expounded in his own inimitable and graceful way as a discourse between Maharshi Vasishta and Lord Sri Rama.
The present volume, “Musings on Yogavaasishta”-V (Nirvana-Liberation-PartI), is a presentation by Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, the Vidyadhikari of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore and forms a part of his lectures on “Yogavasishta” telecast by Gimini T.V. in Telugu. This volume is a rendering of the same into English by Dr. Vemuri ramesam. In it:
The 5000 stanzas of the fifth chapter on Liberation (Nirvana-Part I) have been ably condensed and lucidly explained in simple words.
Possible methods of alleviation from the state of bondge and annulment of mind are described through the stories of Bhushunda and others.
The series of my Discourses on Yogavaasishta being televised by the Gemini T. V. for the last four years as well as the two earlier books published in Telugu and English based on these talks have received an overwhelming response from the public. I am particularly pleased to note that there are, amongst them, many young men and women, natives and NRIs, who are attracted by the subtle and straightforward logical approach adopted by Yogavaasishta in establishing the illusory nature of the world.
I present to you now the book on the 1st part of the 6th Chapter of Yogavaasishta as Part V: Liberation - Part I
Dr. D. R. Rao and his wife, Srimati Vijaya Rao who kindly supported the publication of English and Telugu versions of the earlier volumes are funding the publication of Part V too and benevolently making it available to the devotees on the occasion of the Mahasivaratri, 2010. May the unlimited grace of the Reverend Guru be with this noble family, their children and their future generations!
Dr. Vemuri Ramesam, a senior reputed scientist, was kind to render into English this, Part of the series, diligently going through each of the words with me for clarity for readers in English. May he and his family be blessed by the benevolence of Respected Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji to enable them in experiencing the final goal of all Knowledge!
We presented the transliterated version of original Sanskrit slokas whenever they were quoted using the Itranslator of the Omkarananda Ashram, Rishikesh, 249192, Uttaranchal, India. The software is simple to operate and those desiring to have the slokas in Devnagari script can print using the transliterated text. Itranslator is downloadable from their website: We express our gratitude to Omkarananda Ashram for the software.
Some writers referred to acquiring Vedantic knowledge from scriptural texts as "Jnana" and experiential understanding of the same as Vijnana, while others considered knowledge dealing with material objects as "Vijnana" (Science) and the Knowledge that leads a person to liberation as "J nana". All such apparently contradictory usages of the words arose because, in a sense, "Vijnana" itself manifests as Jnana and Jnana manifests as "Vijnana" and both knowledge and realization become one and the same in the end. Inspired by Reverend Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji who understood this secret, I have become instrumental in establishing the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (1- SERVE) with the aim of understanding the Supreme through a study of the physical principles. For those interested, details with respect to I-SERVE are appended to this Preface.
I am aware that many of the modem scholars who specialized in the history of Samskrut literature prefer to place Yogavasistha Vaa1rniki around 6th or 7th Century C.E. However, I have not studied this area extensively and I am not competent to make coments on this.
Regarding the content of the book, right from the beginning, I followed the commentary "Sri Vaasishta Maharamayana Tatparya Prakasa" of Sri Ananda Bodhendra Saraswathi Swamy, published in 1937 by Pandurang Jawaji, proprietor of the Nimaya Sagar Press", Bombay. I am deeply indicated to Shri Ananda Bodhendra Saraswathiji and I offer my humble salutations to him.
As a matter of fact, I too was a listener to the discourses! I too am a reader of these compilations]! It is some One residing in me that makes me speak and pushes my pen to scribble I pray to our Reverend Guru Shri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji to bless us all so that we will have an experiential understanding of the compassion of that One!
Part VI
Yogavaasishta is a treasure house of the ancient Indian philosophical wisdom. It offers logical and practical answer to questions like: What is Mind? What is world? What is the purpose of existence? What is Brahman?
It is a poetic classic by the Sage Valmiki explaining the nature of The Supreme Self expounded in his own inimitable and graceful way as a Discourse between Maharshi Vasishta and Lord Sri Rama.
The Present Volume, "Musing on Yogavaasistha" - Part VI (Liberation, Book - II), is a presentation by Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murty, the Vidyadhikari of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore and form a part of his lecture on "Yogavaasishta" telecast by Gemini T.V. in Telugu. This Volume is a rendering of the same into English by Dr. Vemuri Ramesam.
The series of my Discourses on Yogavaasishta being televised by the Gemini T.V. for the last eight years as well as the three earlier books published in Telugu and English based on these talks have received an overwhelming response from the public. I am particularly pleased to note that there are, amongst them, many young men and women, natives and NRIs, who are attracted by the subtle and straightforward logical approach adopted by Yogavaasishta in establishing the illusory nature of the world.
I present to you now the book on the sixth Chapter of Yogavaasishta as Part VI: Book II of Nirvana (Liberatioin).
Dr. D. R. Rao and his wife, Srimati Vijaya Rao who kindly supported the publication of English and Telugu versions of the earlier volumes are funding the publication of Part VI too and benevolently making it available to the devotees May the unlimited grace of the Revered Guru Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji be with this noble family, their children and their future generations!
Dr. Vemuri Ramesam, a senior reputed scientist was kind to render into English this Part of the series, diligently going through each of the words with me for clarity for readers in English. May he and his family be blessed by the benevolence of Respected Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji to enable him in experiencing the final goal of all Knowledge!
Some writers referred to acquiring Vedantic knowledge from scriptural texts as "Jnana" and experiential understanding of the same as Vijnana, while others considered knowledge dealing with material objects as "Vijnana" (Science) and the Knowledge that leads a person to liberation as "Jnana". All such apparently contradictory usages of the words arose because, in a sense, "Vijnana" itself manifests as Jnana and Jnana manifests as "Vijnana" and both knowledge and realization become one and the same in the end. Inspired by Reverend Guru Shri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji who understood this secret, I have become instrumental in establishing the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (1- SERVE) with the aim of understanding the Supreme through a study of the physical principles. For those interested, details with respect to I-Serve are appended to this Preface.
The first part of the Chapter: Nirvana of Yogavaasishta (Part V: Book - I) closed with Lord Rama being brought back from his deep meditative state (Samadhl) into the empirical world by Sage Vasishta at the request of Sage Viswamitra. One may infer from the way Sage Valmiki described the entire event that Self- realization happens effortlessly to a fully eligible and mature individual at the completion of a single cycle of Listening (to Scriptural teachings) and Reflection (on what is heard). However, it is possible that a number of doubts and reservations may still continue to persist in the mind of a seeker regarding the attainment of a stable and lasting Realization of the Self. Some of the questions that began answer could be:
Will a Self-realized individual be able to function back again in the phenomenal world or not?
In case (s)he is back in the activities of the world, would his mind lose Identity with Brahman?
Is there a way to abide firmly in Brahman even if the mind of a Self-realized individual happens to dwell on such worldly affairs that are contra to a position of Self- realization?
Sage Viswamitra and other saints and ascetics were undoubtedly happy at Rama attaining Self-realization (Samadhl). Yet they wanted the Sage Vasishta to interrupt Rama's Samadhi state and bring him back into the phenomenal world. What could be the possible reason behind such a request of Sage Viswamitra and others? Could they have wished to botch up the Self-Knowledge of Rama? Or is it possible for one to continue to abide in Brahman though he may be out of Samadhi?
There is an obvious need for clarity to emerge on the above matters.
It is precisely for that reason does Sage Valmiki continue with the Book" of the Chapter: Nirvana. The Sage did deliberate on these issues during the earlier chapters; yet we find a marked difference in the way these matters are raised and then resolved again in this Chapter. The solutions offered in the previous chapters were discussed from the position of an individual who had not as yet attained Self-realization (Samadhl). The current discussions are presented from the viewpoint of a Self-realized man. Sometimes Sage Valmiki repeats in the forthcoming Sargas the very same verses that he talked about in the previous chapters. But he adopts each time a novel way in establishing the point in an argument. Further, he digs deeper into the meaning underlying the stories he illustrated previously and explicates them in a new light. Hence one cannot lightly dismiss the second part of the Chapter: Nirvana as a mere repetition of the past chapters.
Sage Valmiki gives greater importance to the matters of principle and related technical aspects in his deliberations in the Book" of Nirvana. He narrates far fewer stories. As a result, the discourses wear a scriptural hue and may even occasionally seem highly pedantic. We shall, however, try to present here the exposition in as simple a manner as possible.
The discussions between Lord Rama and Sage Vasishta ended in the 126th Sarga of Book I of the Chapter: Nirvana. The next two Sargas (127 and 128) were the description of the dialog between Sage Valmiki and his disciple, Bharadwaj. The dialog takes off with a question posed by Bharadwaj whether Lord Rama had any unresolved issues pending at that stage.
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