One of the celebrated areas of Indian astrology is the mundane astrology. There are many classical books in mundane astrology but to my knowledge there is no modern book, which will help any budding astrology student to predict the events of mundane astrology in an easy manner. This book is written to fill that void. Other motivating factor is some of my students and well wishers wanted me to share these knowledge, which will be helpful for other lovers of astrology.
There have been many in the field of mundane astrology like Dr. B.V. Raman and his illustrious daughter Gayatri Dev Vasudev. Mr. K.N. Rao of Delhi. These giants have been my inspiration.
Many a time’s transits are used in mundane astrology to explain the events. My approach has simple and staple techniques which is similar to that used in natal astrology. This will help a person to come out with high level of accuracy. This book will be based on simple techniques than using complicated chakras and jamini astrology.
Like any other fields, this had lot of evolutions, innovations and changes from the past years. The world of 1920 in mundane astrology is far different from the world of 1980 and even 2000. This is because of the rapid change of life style due to technology and attitude of people.
I would like to classify mundane astrology era as follows for easy understanding.
The pre Dr. Raman – astrologers use to predict about rains and about kings because they had correct horoscope.
Dr. Raman generation of people used to predict political future, wars and certain calamity. There was not much predictions in the sports, stock markets etc.
In Mr. K.N. Rao generation, the volume of prediction and the number of prediction has increased multi fold due to Internet, printing speed and Lot of interest in the areas of sports, commodities, stock markets and currency markets. The number of sports events has reached around 500 every year. This means more than one events in a day is happening in different aspect of sports.
Stock markets updates are on hourly basis in television channel. In the same way any individual can get information on commodity and currency markets.
The number of articles, and techniques available to people now is almost ten times higher compared to Dr. Raman generations. Speed by which a person can express and are by which it can be copied is also higher.
I also request the student of the mundane astrology to predict. This is the easier way to gain experience and insight. Many astrologers play it safe in mundane astrology because failures mean that they will go down in the eyes of people. Some of them even glibly add astrological jargon to already happened events. This is a kind of hypocritical way will never help in fine-tuning mundane astrology prediction.
Another point of caution, when astrologer predict they use a different standards of techniques and when the write they use other variation in techniques. Please do not get carried away by this fanciful writing, which are not meant for educated astrologers, but to impress others with their knowledge. The entire book is close to the thought process when I make my prediction. It will look thread bare and some times non-impressive but these techniques will work which matters the most.
In any after my fathers death I am more interested in the meditation than in astrology. Before I hang up my boots in astrology, I need to share these techniques.
This book will be helpful to any astrologers who wants to make foray into mundane astrology. The principles are simple and can be easily understood. Examples and the charts that are given in the book will help anyone to have easy understanding.
The book has basic principles of mundane astrology with explanation and examples that can be understood by anyone with basic astrology knowledge.
Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan covered many areas like election analysis and prediction, oath taking chart analysis, analysis of the famous personalities through chart, war prediction. No book so far has given any clear cut format to give out predictions. This book gives everything in one pack.
Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan wanted to put all the expertise he had gained during the mundane astrology predictions into simple principles that can be easily used for analysis. This urge bloomed into book format where he compiled all the principles and explanation. Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan himself had set the template for the book and wrote all he matter for the book by himself. Once it was written, I started the editing part of it.
As I edited the book one thing stood clear. Between the year 2002 and 2005, my teacher shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan had touched all above said aspects of mundane astrology and had given prediction. By the end of 2005 when we finally finished with the book every principles of the astrology he had discussed had examples to go with it.
The way he sees the horoscope and does analysis was always different. Along with it he will check for any astronomical incidence or nimitta. I still remember that after mars came closer to earth he kept on telling that Jayalalitha will lose power and most of CM of south India will change. It was ahead of the election where most of the politicians or political analysis would have thought or analyzed.
It was 2003 I joined astrology class with shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan. We had the rare privilege of seeing him giving out mundane astrology predictions as he was taking classes for us. Then he was associated with sify and was regularly providing mundane astrology predictions for them.
Usually we have seen him casting the horoscope of a celebrity or a country or oath chart for analysis. Then he gives the predictions which turns out to be a dazzling one every time. It was like an own stuff for us.
In 2005 he taught us mundane astrology as a separate class. In that class we used to take a chart and discuss the prediction based on the principles. We leaned many thing along with mundane astrology. He also had the urge to teach many people especially astrologers about mundane astrology principles.
Later I started working under him. I edited all his articles to be put in his site or for sending to other websites. All these articles will have a brief intro followed by the astrological analysis and predictions.
From astrological analysis I have seen my teacher doing pattern analysis for prediction. He used to call me and tell me the prediction based on the pattern which he sees before start of the event.
He would simply watch few matches of Wimbledon or U.S. open. He will observe the way the event is moving or the match is played and then he gives out the prediction. I still remember the Wimbledon match of 2007. it was between Nadal and Federer. He watched that entire game. Federer won the game after playing full five sets and the match was tough. He called the next day and told me that the no: 1 position of roger will start to wane and it will be difficult for Federer to win Wimbledon next year. True to his word, Federer lost and Nadal won the Wimbledon of 2008. he not do any astrology or horoscope analysis. Slowly his prediction did not have any astrology chart or analysis. Such was my teacher’s brilliance and the hard work he had put in this field of mundane astrology.
As his student who had learned mundane astrology from him, I became alert to nimitta and any important political transitions happening in the country. So when there is eclipse or are planetary combinations I became alert to the effect.
Learning mundane astrology principles was made easy. He would simple ask up to can the tajika of the Indian independence chart. With the tajika chart we did yearly predictions. This helped me to give fantastic prediction about Tamilnadu, 2007. the rule is simple yet gives fabulous result.
I started casting the horoscope when any personality made headlines. I also do the astrological analysis. So whenever we cast the personality horoscope we made sure the position of the 10th lord. If it is strong the personality will become strong or if the personality is weak, then the chart is wrong. This way we verified the chart.
He made me to do few mundane astrology prediction based on the principles he had taught us.
Me teacher being an exponent in the analysis of Indian stock market taught me the nuances in correlating the relationship between Sensex and astrology.
Whenever there is political or sensex headlines, we were asked to note the combination of stars. Like or example when WTC tower was hit, it was Mars and Kethu combination. So we became alert whenever Mars and Kethu combined.
The book gives the chart of the various countries formation and the Indian state formation. One can use this chart for the predication.
I really thank him for giving the opportunity to write the introduction for this book for it was he who taught the fine art of writing and editing.
I really wish him the success and wish his book will become trendsetter in the field of mundane astrology.
I really pray God to give him the platform that will help him to propel the science of astrology to another level.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
List of Horoscopes of Nations of the World and States in India
Horoscopes (185)
Medical Astrology (49)
Nadi (39)
Numerology (53)
Original Texts (272)
Palmistry (50)
Planets (233)
Romance (36)
Vastu (118)
Vedic Astrology (87)
हिन्दी (286)
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