The “Mimamsa Theory of Meaning” is devoted to the task of explaining the Vakyartha according to the Prabhakara school of Purva-Mimamsa. The present work is based on the Vakyarthamatrka of Salikanatha Misra, the most celebrated writer of the Prabhakara Mimamsa.
In this work, the author has discussed critically and comparatively the factors, viz. Akamksa, Yogyata and Sannidhi which are called the cause of understanding the Vakyartha. Moreover, the two popular theories of Verbal comprehension namely, the Abhihitanvayavada of the Prbhakaramimamsa are discussed. The author has also discussed some important issues such as Sakti, Laksana, Adhyahara, Vidhi, Arthavada, Bhavana, Apurva and Karya, etc. The theories of Bhavanavakyartha of the Prabhakaras have also been dealt with critically and comparatively.
Thus the book will be of great help to the readers of the Prabhakara Mimamsa in respect of the theory of Meaning.
Modern students of Indian philosophy do not like to study the Prabhakara Mimamsa. The lack of primers and standard works is mainly responsible for the fact that this system of Mimamsa is not well understood.
The most important and dependable work on this system is the Prakarana-pancika, a primer that deals with very important tenets such as pramana, prameya and vakyartha, etc. The Prakarana-paicika is the magnum opus of Salikanatha Misra, the polemical writer of the Prabhakara-Mimamsa.
The present work deals with the theory of Meaning according to the Prabhakara Mimamsa based on the Vakyarthamatrka. It also deals with the theories of Meaning according to the Bhatta Mimamsa and other systems like Nyaya, Vedanta and also the view of the Vyakarana.
Though the "Prabhakara School of Purva-Mimamsa" and the "Pi1rva-Mimamsa in, its sources" by Dr. G.N. Jha are devoted to the Mimamsa topics proper, yet the theory of Meaning according to the Prabhakara system is not discussed at length. An attempt has, therefore, been made in the present work to give a critical and comparative account of the Mimamsa Theory of Meaning which will, I hope, be of great help to the students in respect of their understanding the Vakyartha.
I have great pleasure in recording my grateful thanks to my respected teachers namely Professor Dr. Mukunda Madhava Sharma, M.A., Ph.D., D. Litt., Kavya Tirtha and Dr. Ashok Kumar Goswami, Reader of the Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University, Guwahati, who initiated me to the study of Mimamsa. I am also very much thankful to my teacher and well wisher Shri Sudhendu Mohan Bhadra, M.A. Veda-Shastri of Cotton College, Guwahati and my friend Dr. Sibnath Sarma Reader in Philosophy, Gauhati University, Guwahati, who have been a constant source of inspiration to me. I also express my who inspired me for publishing the present work.
I am deeply thankful to Messrs Indian Books Centre, Delhi for bringing out this book. Hope, the readers will accept the work gladly.
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