Miasmatic Prescribing is an enlarged edition of the book Miasmatic Diagnosis which is a bestseller book on miasms by Dr. S. K. Banerjea. Author has revised and added many new chapters to the Miasmatic Diagnosis book from his further experience of more than 26 years of clinical practice and brought out this new version by the name of Miasmatic Prescribing.
This book is written over a period of fifteen years and supported by clinical experience. This is the most complete book on Miasms with new sections and ideas. The book contains 9 parts: Part I – Philosophy and Utility of Miasm
Part II – Miasmatic Diagnostic Classifications
Part III – Miasmatic Diagnosis of Clinical Classifications
Part IV – Miasmatic Ancestral Tips
Part V – Miasmatic Repertory
Part VI – Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines
Part VII – Modern Classical Prescribing – Practical Approach
Part VIII – Miasmatic Interpretation in Prescribing – Case Illustrations
Part IX – Look and Diagnose the Miasm
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Dr Subrata Kumar Banerjea was born in Calcutta, India in 1957. He graduated in Homeopathy with five gold medals to his name, setting himself on a path to become an internationally acclaimed homeopathic clinician, lecturer and author. He is now acknowledged to be the world’s leading authority on miasmatic prescribing. He is an Honored Fellow of several academics; Director and Principal Lecturer of the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta; Principal and Chief Lecturer of Materia Medica and Clinicla Therapeutics at the Allen College of Homeopathy, Essex, England.
I was born and brought up in a homoeopathic family and in an environment of homoeopathic philosophy and am proud to say that homoeopathy is in my blood. I am a fourth generation homoeopath, my great-grandfather Dr Kalipada Banerjee was born in a town near Kolkata (India) in 1844 and was a practising homoeopathy for 38 years. His son, my grandfather, Dr Kishori Mohan Banerjee, was born in 1886 and followed in his father’s footsteps qualifying as a homoeopath in Kolkata, which by this time had acquired a reputation as the ‘Mecca of homoeopathy’. My grandfather however, had a great desire to broaden his knowledge and travelled to America where he learned the art of miasmatic prescribing directly from the great Dr John Henry Allen. After returning to his native country, Dr Kishori Mohan Banerjee founded The Bengal Allen Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital in 1924 naming it after his much loved and respected tutor, DrAllen. Sadly, he died at a young age of 55 but his legacy lived on through his son, my uncle, Dr Naba Kumar Banerjee, by whose inspiration my own love for homoeopathy was discovered and nurtured. Although my father Dr R.K. Banerjee is a pathologist, he has always rendered support in my study of this great art and science of homoeopathy, as has my aunt, Dr Kamala Banerjee, whose love and affection was key to many of my earlier academic laurels. My family have always held true to Hahnemannian-Kentian principles and since my grandfather’s time incorporated miasmatic diagnosis into their plans of treatment. It is this approach, which I believe, was intrinsic to their success as homoeopathic physicians and I offer you this book not only in their memories but also for the future of homoeopathy.
The inclusion of miasm in a homoeopathic prescription is becoming more and more important in this modern world of suppression. Hahnemann with his infinite wisdom recognised some two hundred years ago the prominence of one-sided diseases with a scarcity of proper characteristic symptoms and the increasing usage of modern drugs has intensified this to a degree that such cases are becoming increasingly common today. There can only be one approach if a complete cure is sought and this is to systematically remove each layer of suppression and miasmatic dyscrasia before proceeding to nip the underlying cause of disease in the bud. This book is designed for homoeopathic practitioners and students alike and for this reason I am assuming a degree of knowledge as befits both. However, I feel it is worthwhile at the outset to define the homoeopathic context of the word miasm as an invisible, inimical, dynamic principle, an inherited weakness, a stigma or vacuum in the constitution and to share with you the analogy of the peeling away of petals from the lotus flower, a representation of the removal of each different layer of suppression or disease and their corresponding dyscrasia which I use in my lectures to demonstrate the curative art of miasmatic prescribing.
With proper application, miasmatic prescribing can uproot the underlying cause of disease and nip the bud of increased susceptibility to future diseases, so it is not only curative but also preventative, something for which our patients will surely thank us in the long run. There are no shortcuts to complete and permanent cure and it is up to us and our patients to play our parts in striving towards successful treatment in as many cases as possible. It is by the incorporation of miasmatic prescribing into our treatments that this can become possible.
There are six main sections to this book as detailed below:
Part I — Philosophy and Utility of Miasm: Here I have taken the opportunity to discuss the philosophical background of miasm and to share my views regarding suppression and the need for miasmatic prescriptions in the modern world. Key words are presented to reflect the miasmatic tendencies.
Part II — Miasmatic Diagnostic Classifications: Starting with the mental symptoms, this is a head to foot schematic classification of the four miasms, including my tips for rapid miasmatic diagnosis.
Part III —- Miasmatic Diagnosis of Clinical Classifications: In this section, I have shared all the possible clinical nosological names under their respective miasmatic headings with a view to enable fast diagnosis of the corresponding miasm.
Part IV — Miasmatic Ancestral Tips: All the tips of my four generations of miasmatic prescribers.
Part V — Miasmatic Repertory : This is a totally new concept and once again aimed for your quick miasmatic diagnosis.
Part VI — Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines: A comprehensive guide to the weight, value or gradation of the medicines and listings of the leading anti-miasmatics.
I have worked for six years in completing this book and in last twenty-two years or so, have lectured on miasms all over the world wherever homoeopathy is known. It is always a pleasure to lecture on miasm as I can share my great love and passion for this subject. This venture however would not have possible without the constant support, care and co-operation, love and affection of my partner Janet and I am deeply touched and indebted to her.
I would also like to sincerely acknowledge the help given by Fiona Wray, who has painstakingly edited the contents of the book; would also like to extend my gratitude towards Debasish Mukherjee for his technical support in typing the manuscript and Manas Nayak for his help with the printing.
I welcome any constructive suggestion towards the improvement of future editions. All the information mentioned herein has some verifications and it is with this foreknowledge and my own experience that I have been successfully incorporating miasmatic prescribing into my practices for many years. I entreat you to publish the failure of miasmatic incorporation in prescribing, if any and if ever, to the world!
It is my hope that you will both learn from and enjoy this book; the benefits of prescribing miasmatically will be experienced by both yourselves and your patients.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
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