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Memories: Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint (Set of 5 Volumes)


An audio clip of the contents from the book

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Publisher: Golden Age Media
Language: English
Edition: 2020
ISBN: 9788192970257
Pages: 1991 (Throughout B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
9.0 inch x 6.0 inch
2.52 kg
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About the Book

“As Krishna gave us Srimad- Bhagavatam, which has all kinds of stories about Him so that we can develop not just knowledge of Him and His teachings, but also an attraction for His personality, similarly, by hearing these Beautiful stories about Srila- Prabhupada, we can love Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada explains that unless there is love, we cannot fix the mind. We cannot fix the mind on something we don’t love. So we must love Srila Prabhupada. And one of the ways to love him is to hear about him. The stories we hear are significant because they teach us the heart of the pure devotee and the concerns of the pure devotee. And they can melt our reluctance to surrender.”

“ If we look of ISKCON as Prabhupada’s body, and we’re all helping to carry that body, we all have to cooperate in order that Prabhupada’s not inconvenienced at any point. We have to really work together. It doesn’t matter about our size, shape, when we come, what our different services might be- they all have to be coordinated in such a way that as Prabhupada’s movement grows, Prabhupada’s not inconvenienced to the point where he becomes upset by the way we act and treat each other”.

One day Prabhupada said, “ I’ve given you this big ISKCON movement. If you can, please expand it.” He said, “ At least maintain it. Don’t let this decrease,” Then he said, “Please cooperate,” as he said so many times before. And then Prabhupada started to cry. Everyone in the room started crying That was probably the most painful moment of my life, to see Prabhupada cry. So we have this movement. It’s Prabhupada’s movement. We have the good, we have the bad, and we have the ugly. But we just have to be determined to never leave the ISKCON movement. We just have to always try to push if forward. If there’s a problem, push it forward. Because when you leave ISKCON, you make Prabhupada cry. So let’s make Prabhupada happy and push on Krishna consciousness to every town and village.



With the Publication in video and print of “Memories- Anecdotes of Modern- Day Saint”, Siddhanta has made a contribution of monumental and historical proportions to our understanding of Srila Prabhupada, the modern Gaudiya Veisnava movement, and human religiosity in general. All too often, the contemporary followers of a great religious leader have failed to adequately record his or her life and teachings, resulting in long centuries to frequently futile debate and conflict among historians and religionists alike.

Thus Siddhanta’s documentation in both video and print of the testimonies of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples about their master provides an invaluable, irreplaceable, and unique treasure of information to all those who desire today, or seek in the future, an accurate, reliable, true picture of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder- Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Siddhanta’s patient, creative and professional work will surely by seen by future generations as one of our generation’s greatest contributions to the human family. Thus it is with the soundest of reasons that I acknowledge here my deep personal gratitude to Siddhanta, congratulate him on his outstanding achievement, and urge all those seriously interested, for whatever reason, in Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON, and spirituality itself, to stock the favorite shelves of their library with the singular treasure of the Memories series.



My First Contact with the Hare Krishna movement came in the summer of 1969 when I saw it’s members chanting on the streets of Hollywood. My initial reaction to the Shaven heads, saffron- colored robes, and seemingly strange activity, was one of the bewilderment and to some degree, comic relief. It was not until a year later that I was able to appreciate the sound philosophy that stems from one of the world’s oldest religious traditions. I soon realized that there was a tremendous wealth of knowledge and logic behind the activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and that it was far from being a cult. In fact, the information I obtained by reading my first back to Godhead magazine answered all the questions I ever had regarding life, its purpose, and more.

It was in Dallas in 1970 when I actually came in personal contact with the author of that magazine, the founder- acharya of the Hare Krishna movements, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. I greeted him along with the other devotees at the airport and then followed the procession back to the temple, where Prabhupada gave a Sunday Feast lecture. What struck me most about that lecture was Prabhupada’s answer to one question that was asked of him by a member of the audience. In his lecture, Srila Prabhupada had been stressing the importance of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare. The guest asked what Srila Prabhupada personally felt when he chanted this mantra. Without hesitation, Srila Prabhupada answered, “I feel no fear”. Because his response was so immediate and filled with such conviction, I immediately sensed in my heart that not only what he said was absolutely true, but that he was in direct contact with God. I obviously felt an urgency to try the same mantra mediation process myself.

Over time it became apparent to many who observed him first hand the Srila Prabhupada was steadily situated in a higher state of consciousness beyond anything that was part of our common experience. But that we not all. After a further study of the teachings in his books and observing his interactions with others, I realized that here was a person who was not materially motivated. He was not interested in mundane acquisition, exploitation, or adoration. He was also in complete control of his senses, the very foundation of all yoga practice. By his own example, he was a perfect teacher of the divine process of devotional service, or bhakti- yoga. And by means of his unconditional love and devotion, he was in touch with and connected with the Supreme Being. His mission appeared to be for all of our best interests by making me, and everyone else who cared to listen, spiritually happy by engaging our mind, body and soul in serving God, Krishna. Srila Prabhupada taught that as a fish out of water cannot be happy simply engaging in activities meant to satisfy our material senses.

Year later, after accepting Srila Prabhupada as a pure representatives of God and having taken spiritual initiation from him, I had the opportunity to personally be with him again when he visited the temple in Denver, Colorado. My previous conviction that Prabhupada was in direct contact with the Absolute Truth was Further solidified when I offered flowers at his feet and our eyes met. When Srila Prabhupada looked at me, he looked right through the external me, touching the internal me, the soul. I felt naked in front of him, feeling as though he could not only read my mind but me heart as well. It was the most humbling and purifying experience of my life.

That morning, during Srila Prabhupada’s daily walk, he was talking about prasadam, food offered to God before it is personally consumed. Prabhupada said prasadam is so spiritually potent that if a human being simply eats prasadam once, in his next life he will take birth in a wealthy family or a family of devotees. He then stated that if an animal eats prasadam, in its next life it will immediately take birth in the human form of life, jumping over all other species of life that a living entity would normally have to pass through before obtaining a human birth in the process of transmigration of the soul. After this discussion, I was contemplating asking him about something that had been bothering me for some time. I had been engaged as a book distributor of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental literature, but I had become affected by so many people I met who would say that we as devotees should get jobs and not take from society by asking for donations. I said to Srila Prabhupada, “People think we are just trying to escape material life by joining these sankirtan movements.” Srila Prabhupada turned to me, smiled, and asked, “A rich man, does he work? We are rich men. We don’t work. Any rich man, he is not working. So is that escaping? We are rich men. We are Krishna’s sons.” He said the problems we have are eating, sleeping and mating, and we can arrange for these things very easily. Prabhupada taught the Philosophy of “Simple Living, High Thinking”. One can till the ground anywhere and get some food. He said, “I keep some cows, and I have got land- my whole economic question is solved”. He asked, “Why shall I make big, big arrangements for these things?” He continued, “You may do it, but why should you forget your real business? That is the defect, that you are so foolish that only for maintaining this body, you have forgotten your real business- self realization.” Prabhupada then said, “In the spiritual world there is no question of working. You get everything. So why not endeavor to go there?”

Prabhupada then looked around the beautiful park that we were walking in surrounded by trees, lakes and swans. He noted how there was no one else in the park that someone had worked hard to create, and how we were the only ones who were taking advantage of the park and all its beauty. He said, “They worked so hard, yet they are sleeping. We are taking advantage.” To exemplify this situation with an analogy, ho told us the story of the mouse and the snake. Prabhupada said, “The mouse builds a nice home for himself underground and lives comfortably. Then the snake comes and eats the mouse and live comfortably in the home the mouse has built.” He finished by telling me, and the others that accompanied him on his morning walk, that we can tell people that actually, “Yes, we are escaping this horrible condition of life- meat eating, drinking and intoxication. We are escaping these things, but not happiness.”

In his kindness, Prabhupada helped me realize my foolishness to think. I had to fulfill the exportations of the public by having a nine to five job . I had been affected by the negative feedback I received from the people I met, but Prabhupada reminded me that the point of life is self-realization, and our role in the varnashram scheme of things, was to remind others of that fact. He had dispelled my doubts with the torchlight of knowledge.

Later on, I realized that if had this small glimpse of truth from being with Srila Prabhupada for such a brief period of time, there had to be many more devotees who had just as much or more association with His Divine Grace who could also share their experiences and realizations. It was obvious that each devotee’s encounter would be unique and would reveal other aspects of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and boundless wisdom that were not necessarily contained within his transcendental books. I believed that these encounters with Krishna’s pure devotee not only inspired the devotees at the time, but could help anyone who hears these lessons in his or her present daily lives. It is with that belief that I ventured out to acquire to stories contained in this book. These stories are not only informative but also entertaining and inspiring in the way the devotees express themselves, seemingly going into a regression- type trance as they recall those times spent with Srila Prabhupada.

One poignant realization that came from one of Srila Prabhupada’s grand disciples was that through these memories we can learn about the qualities of Prabhupada and thus develop our at traction and love for him. Just as we become attracted to and ultimately love Krishna by learning about His qualities and activities from readings them in the krsna book, we can also develop love for Srila Prabhupada by becoming aware of his compassion, humanity, wisdom, humor, wit, knowledge, determination, love and how he dealt with life in a practical Krishna conscious manner.



This Book of oral Histories is a transcription of the DVD series “Memories- Anecdotes of a Modern –Day Saint.” The interviews contained within this book are from the direct disciples, with a few exceptions, of the Founder- Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. These fortunate souls had that all- important association with a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, has been well recognized by scholars, religionists, and lay persons alike, as one of the most prominent ambassadors of India’s spiritual culture in modern times.

The recollections presented here are testimony to the transcendental character of Srila Prabhupada, whose purity, compassion, knowledge, humor, humility, strength, and determination seemed to be almost effortlessly exhibited on a daily basis. To get a complete picture of Krishna consciousness, it is essential to not only have the written teachings contained within Srila Prabhupada’s books, but also how he acted in so many circumstance, so that we may follow in his footsteps, as he is a true acharya, one who teaches by examples. Many times, Srila Prabhupada did mention that everything society and culture, and we can only offer as a disclaimer that the interviews documented here have been accepted at face value, with the onus of veracity left to the integrity and memory of the interviewed party. However, since the interactions described in this book were witnessed by more than one person, we as the publisher, feel all of the accounts are genuine.

As mentioned in the preface to Prabhupada Nectar, the glories and pastimes of the Lord’s pure servants are seen to be as sweet and instructive as the Lord’s own unlimited pastimes. In the same mood of appreciation for Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental glories and instruction, we hope this volume will be of some value for initiates and novices alike who are thirsting for new or revisited facets of the spiritual jewel that is Prabhupada-sanga.

Volume I


  Foreword 13
  Preface 15
  Introduction 21
Chapter 1 Hridayananda das Goswami, Hari Sauri das, Atma Tattva das 23
Chapter 2 Jayapataka Swami, Govinda dasi, Badrinarayan das Goswami 37
Chapter 3 Brahmananda das, Gurudas, Nara Narayan das 59
Chapter 4 Lokanath Swami, Madhudvisa das, Srutakirti das, Nara Narayan das 79
Chapter 5 Yasodanandan das, Sudama das, Gopavrindapal das, Brahmananda das 105
Chapter 6 Sridhar Swami, Baradraj das, Harivilas das, Gurudas 127
Chapter 7 Pusta Krishna das, Yamuna dasi, Keshava das, Gauridas Pandit das 149
Chapter 8 Revatinandan das, Malatidasi, Chitsukhananda das, Yadubara das 173
Chapter 9 Tribhuvanath das, Bhajahari das, Sakshi Gopal das, Kaliyapani das, Dhruvanath das, Dhananjaya das 195
Chapter 10 Giriraj Swami, Madhudvisa das, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Kanchanbala dasi, Mula prakriti dasi, Nalini Kanta das, Sureshvar das, Ksudi das, Adya das, Krishna Prema das, Chaitanya Chandra das, Gohita das, Vamanajan das, Vitthalesvar das, Tirtharthi das 215
Chapter 11 Tamal Krishna Goswami, Kaushalya dasi, Revatinandan das 231
Chapter 12 Radhanath Swami, Bhakta das, Uttamasloka das 257
Chapter 13 Jadurani dasi, Tripurari Swami, Bhagavata das 287
Chapter 14 Prahladananda Swami, Balavanta das, Sureshvar das, Dayananda das 315
Chapter 15 Mukunda Goswami, Brahmananda das, Arundhati dasi, Jayadvaita Swami, Srutakirti das, Romapad Swami, Prithu das, Radhanath Swami, Rabindra Svarupa das, Malati dasi, Dayananda das, Yogeshvara das, Dina Bandhu das, Nara Narayan das, Badrinarayan das Goswami, Madhusudana das, Urvasi dasi, Babhru das, Rambhoru dasi, Brajendranandana das, Rasjna dasi, Majari dasi, Ekanath das, Hridayananda das Goswami, Jayapataka Swami 341
Chapter 16 Pradyumna das, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Ambarish das, Tamal Krishna Goswami 369
Chapter 17 Ramai Swami, Kurma das, Yasomatinandana das, Hari Sauri das, Amogha das, Ambika dasi, Rasarani dasi, Krishna Prema dasi, Svayambhu das, Ram prasad das, Narahari das 399
Chapter 18 Dina Bandhu das, Bhavananda das, Pushkar das, Yogeshvara das 419
Chapter 19 Upendra das, Vishakha dasi, Bhargava das, Sura das, Sri Nathji das 447

Volume II


  Foreword 13
  Preface 15
  Introduction 21
Chapter 1 Jadurani dasi, Giriraj Swami, Bhakti Caru Swami 23
Chapter 2 Jyotirmayi dasi, Balabhadra das, Mahakratu das, Nrihari das 53
Chapter 3 Saradiya dasi, Nanda kumar das, Mahabuddhi das, Brahmatirtha das 81
Chapter 4 Kirtanananda das, Trivikram Swami, Malati dasi, Srutakirti das 113
Chapter 5 Mahatma das, Sruti, Rupa dasi, Ganesh das, Radha Kund das, Nava Yogendra Swami 141
Chapter 6 Sama Priya dasi, Vrndavanesvari dasi, Kanka dasi, Deva Didhiti dasi, Bhavatarini dasi, Arundhati dasi, Vidya dasi, Gunamai dasi, Prabhavisnu das, Danavir Goswami, Anuttama das, Madhava Gosh das 169
Chapter 7 Shyamasundar das 199
Chapter 8 Abhiram das, Satyanarayan das, Mangalananda das, Vaiyasaki das, Moksa Laksmi dasi 225
Chapter 9 Jahnava dasi, Nischintya das, Tamal krishna Goswami, Haridayananda das Goswami 247
Chapter 10 P.L. Sethi, Daivishakti dasi, Hari das 271
Chapter 11 Nanda Kishor das, Guru Kripa das, Krishna Kanti das, Pavamana das, Vaikunthanath das, Pariksit das, Madhavananda das, Havi das 279
Chapter 12 Aniruddha das, Jagadatri dasi, Karandhar das, Vidya dasi, Jayadvaita Swami, Stoka Krishna das, Giriraj Swami, Bhakti Madhurya Govind Swami 301
Chapter 13 Indradyumna Swami 327
Chapter 14 Radhanatha Swami, Vaishesika das, Bhakti Sundar Swami, Shanka das, Rasa Lila dasi, Bhakti Vikas Swami, Brahmananda das, Vishnu Gada das, Rajendranandana das, Prasanta dasi 349
Chapter 15 Hansadutta das 363
Chapter 16 Bhutatma das, Tosan Krishna das, Atma Tattva das, Chitralekha dasi, Kuladri das, Rangavati dasi 385
Chapter 17 Umapati das, Sacinandana Swami, Narada Muni das, Dinadayadri dasi, Bhakti Caru Swami, Vaiyasaki das 405
Chapter 18 Joshomatinandan das, Rukmini dasi, Tranakarta das 427
Chapter 19 Dhananjaya das 451
Chapter 20 Jayadvaita Swami 463

Volume III


  Foreword 13
  Preface 15
  Introduction 21
Chapter 1 Mahamaya dasi, Govinda dasi, Tulsi das, Kulashekhara das, Svavasa das, Mahavir das 23
Chapter 2 Mulaprakriti dasi 43
Chapter 3 Rupa-Vilasa das, Caru das, Tejiyas das 51
Chapter 4 Gokularanajana das, Udayananda das, Arjuna das, Jnanagamya das, Bahushira das, Jayapataka Swami 73
Chapter 5 Candramauli Swami, Prajapati das, Sukadev das, Pita das, Sumati dasi, Jagajivan das, Sarvabhavana das, Dhanesvara das 95
Chapter 6 Satsvarupa das Goswami 119
Chapter 7 Annada dasi, Bhagavati dasi, Bhuta Bhavana das, Dhanistha dasi, Dhirasanta das, Dravanaksha das, Guru das, Hansadutta das, Jayapataka Swami, Krsnavesa dasi, Malati dasi, Mulaprakriti dasi, Padmanabha das, Rajendranandana das, Ranadhir das, Sukhada dasi, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Tribhuvanath das, Ugrasrava das, Vasudev das 131
Chapter 8 Balai dasi, Kusa dasi, Madhusudana das, Nara- Narayana das, Jaya Gauranga das, Hamsavatar das 159
Chapter 9 Gargamuni das, Jayapataka Swami, Srutakirti das, Guru Kripa das, Haridas das, Narayani dasi, Nrsimhananda das, Ranjit das, Madhavananda das, Rupa- Vilasa das 181
Chapter 10 Patita Pavana das, Ramesvara das, Manmohini dasi, Soma das, Omkara dasi, Girindra Mohini dasi, Kiba jaya das 201
Chapter 11 Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Laxmimoni dasi, Laksmi Nrsimha das, Urmila dasi, Chaturatma das 233
Chapter 12 Gaura Hari das, Pundarika das, Akuti dasi, Prabhanu das, Sama Priya dasi, Gadi das, Prabhupada das, Vrindavanesvari dasi, Paramesvari das, Rucira dasi, Divyanga das 261
Chapter 13 Rajani Priya dasi, Gopal das, Smara Hari das, Kalakanta das, Jaya Gauri dasi, Adideva das, Narataka Gopal dasi, Dharmatma das, Narada Muni das, Pushkar das, Radha Damodar das, Ganga Narayana das, Bhisma das, Adikarta das, Kamalini dasi, Dhruva Maharaj das, Vedamata dasi, Apurva das, Lomasha Rishi das 287
Chapter 14 Achytananda das 311
Chapter 15 Amarendra das, Ananga Manjari dasi 327
Chapter 16 Pragosh das, Ramesvara das 353
Chapter 17 Aditi dasi, Chaitanya dasi, Ballavhi dasi, Nanda dasi 379
Chapter 18 Yogesvara das, Udayananda das 397
Chapter 19 Krsna Kumari dasi, Sravanananda das, Sandamini dasi 419
Chapter 20 Govinda dasi, Mahapurana das, Drumila das, Kalpalatika dasi, Kriyashakti dasi, Jivananda das, Tattvavit das, Banabhatta das, Guru- Gauranga das 437


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