Manavasrishti Vijnanam or The Genesis of the Human Race by Sri Kota Venkatachalam Garu of Gandhinagar, Vijayawada, is a work much-needed at the present moment when Research all-round is advocated by one and all in our New Free India, wherein Western ideas and theories propagated for over one and half centuries must yield place to our traditional lore based rightly on our most ancient and classical literature which has got to be read fully and interpreted correctly for the benefit of the world. The author has also written many more useful works on Arya Vijnanam.
Before writing about the abode of the Aryans and connected problems, he has done rightly in interpreting the several theories regarding God, His will or Maya or Prakriti and the body which is determined by Prakriti or Nature. The union of purusha and prakriti and the process of creation and its age have been described in detail and the theory of Evolution based on our Shastras has been compared with certain theories put forward by Western scholars. The author has done very well in examining the writings of certain foreign writers and rejecting what is not supported by our Vedas and Shastras and other works accepting those in consonance with them.
The statistics supplied are a welcome feature. The maps have enhanced the value of the work and brought home to our minds the correct position. The evidence of Geology noted by the learned author has received unexpected support from recent discoveries made and reported. For instance, Dr. B. N. Chopra, lately Officiating Director of Zoological Survey of India discovered recently a living fossil in a well at Banares and opines that its ancestors flourished in the Mesozoic period of Earth's history over a hundred million years ago and its representatives are found now in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, South Africa etc., and its discovery in India proves the existence of Gondwana Land, when these countries along with South America and South Asia formed one big Southern land mass. Dr. Kennette E. Caster of Cincinatti University found fossils in rocks in South America of the Paleozoic Age states that and the opinions of scientists that they are only 250 millions of years old are to be revised as they are thought to have-existed more than 100 million, years earlier, i, e., they must be more than 350 million years old. Based on the studies pursued by the Geologists, Aryavartha, according to the author, was the most ancient pact of the Globe and it was inhabited at the end of the Azoic Age (ie.) 195, 58, 85, 048 years ago. The Panchanga, based on Surya-Siddhanta, Vishnu Purana, Mahabharata, Manusmirti and Vedas must be fully and implicitly believed. The Maha Sankalpa and Nitya Sankalpa are devised to preserve our Age but we are neglecting them, Like the Veda which has come down to us from mouth to mouth, the Sankalpa has also enabled us to know the Age of Creation.
It is a law of nature that plants and animals take their shape and react in accordance with the environment where they take their birth. Psychologists and naturalists base their inferences regarding the peculiar characteristics physical and mental of various races, genus and species of animals and plants, inhabiting the earth accordingly. We find actually that the Dravidian, Mongolian, the Semitic, the Negro and other races exhibit their own respective peculiar qualities in their physical features, form, colour, emotions and predictions by long domicile environment and the influence of climate, food etc., We have thus to explore and go back into the remote past with reference to the home of the original Vedic Indo-Aryans with their descendants-the Dravidians and how far they have been influenced spiritually and intellectually by their place of abode and its surroundings. We find from the scriptures and the literature of the Aryans that from the earliest times (i.e. from the beginning of the present Creation and from the beginning of the 7th Manu Vaivaswata or 12 crores of years) down to the Puranic age of the 28th Mahayuga of Vaivaswata and for the matter of that up- to-date the Bharatas (Le., Aryans & Dravidians) are pre-eminently a peace-loving intellectual and meditative race.
We shall have, therefore, to seek for the natural causes which have, since time immemorial left their mark on these people.
1. The origin and growth of the Aryan civilisation have their foundations in the Vedas which deal mainly with the praise of the Devas through Yajna.
2. Those only who are capable of dedicating their whole-hearted mind by deep concentration can achieve the highest intellectual eminence and heavenly bliss.
3. The forces of nature emanating from Paramatman deified as Indra, Agni, Varuna and other Gods were harnessed to man's material prosperity by propitiating the above Gods by the sacrifice of the Soma-juice as it gives material, intellectual and spiritual bliss to its votaries.
4. The area (ie, Brahmavarta Desa) where the Vedic sacrifices were performed is the sacred banks of the Holiest of the Holy River-Saraswati-which means the very Goddess of learning. Its climate owes its purity to the rivers' rise in the Himalayan range, than which no better place could be selected for spiritual contemplation.
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