Malayalam literature witnessed an unusual flowering of poetic minds at the dawn of the present century when Mahakavi Traya made their appearance as the Harbinger of a new enlightened vision in literature. These were Kumaran Asan, Vallathol Narayana Menon and Ulloor Parameswara Iyer. Ulloor started as a teacher and occupied various posts of importance, finally becoming the top most officer in the Travancore Government service. The title of Mahakavi was bestowed on him in 1937 by the Maharaja of Travancore. A truly great poet of Modern India, he could evolve a harmony between classical grandeur and romantic variety. Through his writings in poetry and prose, he integrated the mind of Kerala with its own past and that of India.
Prof Sukumar Azhicode, former Pro-Vice Chancellor and currently Professor of Malayalam in the University of Calicut, in this monograph on Ulloor, offers a new look at his multifarious literary achievements against the backdrop of his remarkable greatness as a person.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
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