The sayings come like showers of heavenly mercy sometimes slowly, sometimes in volleys. We were in the beginning astonished to find them. One who can't normally speak out a single full sentence in English, can give out utterances in English so pregnant with the solution of the deeper mysteries of life- is an unsolved riddle to many of us. Yet every now and then Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, the great seer of the age-the prophet and messiah, gives out His utterances in English. They have a majestic charm of their own, a prophetic grandeur and a solemnity that surpass in all ages the ordinary utterances of ordinary man, in all respects.
The utterances come out spontaneously to solve the diverse problems of man-in English, in Bengali, in Sanskrit, sometimes in Hindi even though Sree Sree Thakur is not versed in the different languages at all. He has dived deep into the mysteries of life with His divine introspection and spontaneity of love and service. His wisdom sparkles out with the glittering facets of His manifold experiences out of His spontaneous urge to serve humanity and when His disciples of different nationalities-Asiatic, American or European, want to have deeper solutions of their life the utterances come out in different languages according to the needs of the different persons. The magnetic pull of His love, His divinely spontaneous methods of curing men of their sorrows, sufferings and troubles, His unique process by which the forlorn get glimpses of hope, life and light are ever originally His own. He is a divine man, original in His divine make-up with an impersonal personality of His own, whose loving influence can best be felt in His presence and company. His sayings, the Great Sayings, Magna Dicta will be a guide to the really needy to the forlorn like me who in His love for all, in His service to all and in the life that He is showering to all, have felt sure touch of the Lord, the son of man-God-the son-who comes, comes, ever comes to our rescue when the decadent world in its sorrows, sufferings and misdeeds cries halt! Let us with all humility accept His divine sayings, mould our lives accordingly and make ourselves fit to be His right instruments of service and thus make present day man and world fit to create and enjoy the kingdom of heaven that has already come to man with His advent on earth!
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