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Madhava-Nidana (Rogaviniscaya) Ayurvedic Clinical Diagnosis

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Publisher: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan
Author: G.D. SinghalS.N. Tripathi K.R. Sharma
Language: Sanskrit Text, English Translation and Explanation
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 8170843893
Pages: 513
Cover: Hardcover
9.8" X 6.6"
1.19 kg
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Book Description
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Sushruta, the father of surgery wrote his Samhita (treatise) about 2500 years ago in Sanskrit at Varanasi and classified into six shtanas (cantos) bearing 186 chapters.

As Sushruta Samhita deals with anatomy & surgery and deliberates on many context of contemporary interest such as plastic surgery, it continued to be on high demand of English readers. Inspired by such demands Prof. G.D. Singhal the then professor & head, Department of Paediatric surgery of Banaras Hindu University along with a team of senior Ayurvedic experts from the same university, took the task of translating Sushruta Samhita in English. After several years of team work the book was published in 10 volumes during seventies.

In the mean time the initial print of the exhausted and several volumes becomes out of print warranting republication of this important work. Considering the high demand and good quality of this produced by the team of experts inclusive of both Ayurveda and modern surgery the publisher decided take up the work of republication in an improved formate pooling in three parts to make it easy to handle. The work is now being published in new print and in new formate pooling the 10 volumes of first edition into only three parts.

The present edition of Sushruta Samhita is endowed with authentic translation of the text in good English with scientific temper appropriate notes chapter summary and indentification of probable research areas in each chapter. The work is easy to read and grasp the contents on contemporary contexts. This work will be of renewed interest among the seekers of Sushrutarian wisdom and expertise.


About the Author

Born at Allahabad in 1932. Brilliant academic career with medical eduction at Lucknow, Edinburgh and Toronto. A Widely traveled Paediatric Surgeon and historian of Medicine, Rotarian Dr. Singhal was Professor & head of the Paediatric Surgery Section institute of Head of the Dept. of surgery institute of medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi.

Prof Singhal was a fellow of the international Society of History of Medicine and was the president of the B.H.U, history of medicine society; he was also a fellow/ Member of many national/ international academic bodies on Surgery/ Paediatric Surgery/ history of Medicine and was recognised as an authority on Ancient Indian Surgery. His monumental encyclopaedic Ayurvedic works on Sushruta Samhita and Madhava Nidana have already won national/ international recognition are changing the history of medicine and are stimulating research on Ayurveda all over the world.

Prof. Singhal claimed Sushruta of Indian to be called the “Father of Surgery” and frequently invited to give authentic talks in the subject in Indian and abroad.



It is a great pleasure and a valuable stimulation for those interested in the important science of Ayurveda that another Sanskrit work of basic important becomes available in an English translation so as to also reach a growing group in western countries.

After elaborating a most valuable translation of the Susruta Samhita under the title of “Ancient Indian Surgery Series”. Published by Dr. G.D. Singhal the same team is now bringing a translation so as to also reach a growing group in western countries.

After elaborating a most valuable translation of the Susruta Samhita under the title of “ancient Indian Surgery Series”, published by Dr. G.D. Singhal, the same team is now bringing a translating of the Madhava- Nidana, which is a work of fundamental important to Ayurvedic diagnostics. The Brhattrayi is well known to persons in the west devoting interest and work to Ayurveda since the Caraka Samhita has become available in a few translations (of which regrettably not all have been finished) as has also the Susruta Samhita especially in the series mentioned above. The Astangahrdaya Samhita however has been fully translated only into German: translation into English are so far not complete. The Astangasamgraha has not yet been fully translated. The Laghutrayi has except for partial translations of the Madhavanidana and a small part of the Bhavaprakasa, not been accessible to westerns without a profound knowledge of Sanskrit. The only translation of the Madhavanidana into English is incomplete but constitutes a very important work by the Dutch physician and Sanskritologist Dr. C. J. Meulenbeld an internationally known authority on Ayurveda. English translation of the Sargadhara Samhita and the Bhavaprakasa are still lacking and are much wished for. It would also be valuable, if the exiting parts of the Bhela (Bheda) Samhita were to be translated and if the narrow selection of other translated ancient scriptures on Ayurveda were to be complete and widened. We are after all dealing with a medical philosophy of fundamental important.

In the interest of Western readers, I add is list of translation of ancient scriptures on Ayurveda into western languages (excluding a few articles in journals, which only bring extracts except for works mentioned above). Where no other language is mentioned the translation is into English.

I wish to congratulate Dr. G.D. Singhal and his team for another monumental work and an important effort for bringing Ayurveda closer to readers not well versed in Sanskrit for thus aiding to spread the knowledge of this important science beyond the borders of India.



The subject of Nidana or Rogavijnana always had a special place in Ayurveda. Ancient sages axiomated that knowing the causation prodromal symptoms stagewise progression complications prognosis and the holds true that unless the disease was essential before starting the treatment. It still holds true that unless the disease was essential are known in this way it is not possible for any physician to treat them effectively and rationally. Depending upon the disease, it severity constitution of the patient etc. actual treatment may differ from individual. Based upon these consideration the Ayurveda treatment is divided into the following :


1 Hetu viparita Measures directly against the causative factors
2 Vyadhi viparita measures directly against the disease process
3 hetuvyadhi viparita measures directly against the causative factors and the disease process
4 Hetu viparitaritarthakari Measures similar to the causative factors but opposite in action
5 Vyadhi viparitarthakari Measures similar to the disease in action
6 Hetuvyadhi viparitarthakari measures similar to the causative factors and the disease process but opposite in action

The ancient Ayurvedic classics like Caraka Samhita, Susruta Samhita etc. described Rogavijnana separately in Nidana-sthana. However, it was Madhavakara who developed this subject into a discipline by writing the book “Rogaviniscaya” which is now famous as ‘Madhavanidana. This book became so popular that traditional Ayurvedic studies in those days were started with this book.

The very fact that the work the Madhava is considered a classic even today reflects that the author’s approach to the subject arrangement of disease and the style of presentation are of a standard as yet unsurpassed. As can be seen, Madhavakara collected his material from Samhitas to a great extent. His work became the trend setter for later works like Siddha Yoga of Vrndamadhava, Cikitsa Samgraha of Cakrapanidatta Cikitsasara Samgraha of Vangasena, Bhavaprakasa of Bhava Misra etc. as can be seen by the scheme of arrangement adopted. The book become so popular that many scholars of Ayurveda have written authentic commentaries on the book. Madhukosa by Vijayaraksita and Srikantha data. Atamkadapana by Vacaspati, Siddhantacintamani of Narasimha Kaviraja Subodhini on different portions of Nidana of Vadeva (Vasudeva?), Madhavanidana tippani of Bhavamisra, Rugvinirnayatika of Bhavani Sahaya, Vaidyamanorama of Ramakrisna, Rugviniscaya parisista of Haradhana are just a few of the works cited as commentaries on this treatise. This book was translated in foreign languages also in various countries. Khaleefa harun ul Rashid got it translated in the Arabic in 8th century. This book was translated and popularized in Italian language in 1913-14 by Dr. Mario Vallauri which was published in Florence. Ten chapters of this book alongwith Madhukosa and Atamkadarpana commentary were translated by Dr. Meulenbeld which was published by E.J. Brill at leiden in 1974.

The text and commentaries of Madhavanidana being in Sanskrit its accessibility and understanding has been restricted to those who know that language. It is necessary that an important work of this kind on Nidana should be translated into English and Hindi so that a lorger section of readers can have the benefit of grasping the text of Madhavanidana.

Dr. G.D. Singhal, M.S., F.C.S., Prof, and head of the Paediatric Surgery section of the Institute of medical science Banaras Hindi University Varanasi is famous all over the medical world for his renowned work on Ancient Indian Surgery series. His valuable contribution for dissemination of ancient Ayurveda knowledge to the modern medical world has been widly recognised and appreciated. By translating the Madhavanidana in English and hindi in joint authorship with the well know Ayurveda scholar teacher and physician, Dr. S.N. Tripathi Professor and Head of the Dept of kayachikitsa of the same institute, Dr. Singhal is presenting a vast medical knowledge for greater utility of the medical profession. The work is not a mere translation but a novel presentation and a monumental work in an impressive style.

I congratulate Dr. Singhal, Dr. Tripathi and their associates for this commendable job. I am sure this work will be well appreciated by the medical and Ayurvedic scholars teachers students and physicians all over the world.



It is great pleasure and a valuable stimulation for those interested in the important science of Ayurveda that another Sanskrit work of basic importance becomes available in an English translation so as to also reach a growing group in Western counties.

After elaborating a most valuable translation of the Susruta Samhita under the title of Ancient Indian Surgery Series, Published by Dr. G. D. Singhal the sane team is now bringing a translation of the Madhava Nidana which is a work of fundamental importance to Ayurveda diagnostics. The Brhattrayi is well known to person in the west devoting interest and work to Ayurveda since Caraka Samhita has become available in a few translation (of which regrettably not all have been finished) as has also the Susruta Samhita especially in the series mentioned above. The Astangahrdaya Samhita, however has been fully translated only into German translation into English are so far not complete. The Astangasamgraha has not yet been fully translated. The Laghutrayi has except for partial translations of the Madhavanidana and a small part of the Bhavaprakasa, not been accessible to westerners without a profound knowledge of Sanskrit. The only translation of the Madhavanidana into English is incomplete, but constitutes a very important work by the Dutch physician and Sanskritologist Dr. C. J. Meulenbeld and internationally known authority on Ayurveda English translation of the Sarngadhara Samhita and valuable if the existing parts of the Bhela (Bheda) Samhita were to be translated and of the narrow selection ancient scriptures on Ayurveda were to be complete and widened. We are after all dealing with a medical philosophy of fundamental importance.

In the interest of Western readers, I add a list of translations of ancient scriptures on Ayurveda into western languages (excluding a few articles in journals, which only bring extracts except for works mentioned above). Where no other languages is mentioned the translation is into English.

I wish to congratulate Dr. G. D. Singhal and his team for another mounental work and an important effort for brining Ayurveda closer to readers anot well versed in Sanskrit for thus aiding to spread the knowledge of this important science beyond of India.




Chapter 1 The five Aspects of Diagnosis 1-8
Chapter 2 The Diagnsis of Fever 9-29
Chapter 3 The Diagnosis of Diarrhoea 30-37
Chapter 4 The Diagnosis of Grahani Disease 38-44
Chapter 5 The Diagnosis of Piles 45-55
Chapter 6 The Diagnosis of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Gastro enteritis, Alasaka (? Mechanical intestinal obstruction) and Vilambika(? Paralytic Ileus) 56-64
Chapter 7 The Diagnosis of worm Infestations 65-69
Chapter 8 The Diagnosis of Anaemia, Janudice, Kumbha kamala and Halimake 70-77
Chapter 9 The Diagnosis of the Haemorrhagic Disorders 78-83
Chapter 10 The Diagnosis of Rajayaksama, Ksata, and Ksina (Tuberculosis and other emaciating diseases) 84-93
Chapter11 The Diagnosis of Cough 94-98
Chapter 12 The Diagnosis of Hiccough and Dyspnoea 99-110
Chapter 13 The Diagnosis of Hoarseness of voice 111-114
Chapter 14 The Diagnosis of Anorexia 115-118
Chapter 15 The Diagnosis of Emesis 119-125
Chapter 16 The Diagnosis of thirst 126-130
Chapter 17 The Diagnosis of Fainting Vertigo Sleep Drowsiness and coma 131-137
Chapter 18 The Diagnosis of Excessive Drinking Hangover Alcohlic gastritis and Chronic Alcoholism 138-144
Chapter 19 The Diagnosis of the Burning Sensation 145-148
Chapter 20 The Diagnosis of Psychoses 149-160
Chapter 21 The Diagnosis of Epilepsy 161-164
Chapter 22 The Diagnosis of Vartika Diseases 165-189
Chapter 23 The Diagnosis of the Vata rakta(Gout) 190-195
Chapter 24 The Diagnosis of the Urustambha 196-198
Chapter 25 The Diagnosis of Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis etc) 199-202
Chapter 26 Diagnosis of the Abdomninal colics , Duodenal ulcer and Gastric ulcer 203-209
Chapter 27 The Diagnosis of Udavarta and Anaha 210-216
Chapter 28 Diagnosis of Gulma (Abdominal Swellings) 217-223
Chapter 29 The Diagnosis of the Heart Diseases 224-227
Chapter 30 The Diagnosis of Mutrakrcchra (Dysuria) 228-231
Chapter 31 Diagnosis of The Mutraghata (Obstructive Uropathy) 232-238
Chapter 32 The Diagnosis of Urolithiasis 239-244
Chapter 33 The Diagnosis of the Diabetes Syndrome Including the Boils & Carbuncles 245-257
Chapter 34 The Diagnosis of Obesity 258-260
Chapter 35 The Diagnosis of the Abdominal Enlargements 261-269
Chapter 36 The Diagnosis of Sotha (Oedema & Inflammation) 270-277
Chapter 37 The Diagnosis of Inguino-scrotal Swellings 278-281
Chapter 38 The Diagnosis of Goiters Lymphadenopath, Cystic Swellings & Tumours 282-291
Chapter 39 The Diagnosis of Elephantiasis 292-293
Chapter 40 The Diagnosis of Abscess 295-300
Chapter 41 The Diagnosis of Vranasotha 301-304
Chapter 42 The Diagnosis of the Endogenous Ulcers 305-310
Chapter 43 The Diagnosis of Acute Traumatic Wounds 311-318
Chapter 44 The Diagnosis of Fractures and Dislocations 319-323
Chapter 45 The Diagnosis of Sinuses 324-327
Chapter 46 The Diagnosis of Fistula in ano 328-331
Chapter 47 The Diagnosis of Upadamsa 332-334
Chapter 48 The Diagnosis of Suka Dosa 335-340
Chapter 49 The Diagnosis of Kustha 341-352
Chapter 50 The Diagnosis of Sitapitta, Udarda & Kotha 353-360
Chapter 51 The Diagnosis of Amlapitta 356-360
Chapter 52 The Diagnosis of Visarpa 361-367
Chapter 53 The Diagnosis of Visphota 368-371
Chapter 54 The Diagnosis of Masurika 372-379
Chapter 55 The Diagnosis of minor Disease 380-392
Chapter 56 The Diagnosis of the Oral Diseases 393-412
Chapter 57 The Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Ear 413-419
Chapter 58 The Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Nose 420-427
Chapter 59 The Diagnosis of the Eye Diseases 428-454
Chapter 60 The Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Head 455-459
Chapter 61 The Diagnosis of Menorrhagia 460-463
Chapter 62 The Diagnosis of Gynaecological Disorders 464-468
Chapter 63 The Diagnosis of Yonikanda 469-470
Chapter 64 The Diagnosis of the Obstructed Labour 471-475
Chapter 65 The Diagnosis of the puerperal Disorders 476-477
Chapter 66 The Diagnosis of the Mastitis Breast Abscesses 478
Chapter 67 The Diagnosis of the Breast Milk Abnormalities 480-482
Chapter 68 The Diagnosis of The Diseases of Children 483-490
Chapter 69 The Diagnosis of Poisoning 491-506

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