Maansagari is a amongst a few ancient treatises which was composed in the primeval time. Although the exact origin of this text is not know, some scholars trace it to the 16th century. This astrological text however, has assumed remarkable importance ofr its unique and special treatment accorded to the intricate and complex features of this pristine monograph. Most of its assertions and exposition were so original, fundamental and creative in character that the learned astrological seers defined this pprless Grantha as Maansagari Paddhiti. This text holds a most distinguished position amongst the great ancient astrological classics whose innovative and reare principles and dictums became most efficacious oracles and authoritative predictive tools. These pronouncements are believed to be based on Parasari and Bhrigu schools of thought.
Chakras which are the integral part of predictive astrology and can be employed for the instant results. These and many more add on memorable features in the text will provide strikingly effective and unique expositions to he esteemed readers.
Maansagari surged new frontiers in Dasa systems. This is the only known dissertation which portends cogent effects for Astottari and Yogini Dasas. These Dasas have become the tangible components of the horoscope in the present time and are explicitly referred to for the affirmation of results. In fine, Maansagari Padditi, as textual nomenclature suggests, is the unique system of delineating the horoscopes. It is a complete text explaining the use of many Yogas, different Dasa systems and various Chakras. There is no other text which deals with all these lesser known tools of prognostication in Vedic astrology.
This is a comprehensive and monumental primordial text of Vedic science which holds key to many baffling doubts lurking in the minds of avid readers and astute practitioners in this field. Compiled in two volumes with over 120 horoscopes including some to the most eminent personalities world over, to impart validation to many rare and pithy aphorisms propounded by the author.
About the Translator
He has retired as an Executive Director from one of the largest public sector undertaking of the country. He at present is associated with a leading business house as a management consultant. MBA and Diploma in Marketing from U.K., he has also obtained a Diploma in Jyotish Visharad from ICAS, New Delhi. He is ardently devoted to Vedic Astrology which he is pursuing as a hobby for over fifteen years. His book on 'Vedic Astrology on Monday Matters' has been well acclaimed.
It is my profound privilege to present before the esteemed readers the English translation of the most inspiring and enlightening ancient classic Maansagari which was composed by Harji, the son of a head priest from Gujarat who was a devout scholar of Vedic Sastras and was known for his great virtues. This primeval Grantha secured a coveted position and created a distinct niche in the astrological domain for its many remarkable and unique expositions. The much evolved and original character of the features covered in this text are so creative and rare that great astrologers termed this extra ordinary treatise as "Maansagari Paddhiti" and its most of the principles and weighty dictums are believed to be based on both Parasari and Bhrigu schools of thought.
Maansagari Paddhiti as the textual nomenclature suggests is the unique system of delineating horoscopes. It is a complete text explaining the use of many Yogas, different Dasa systems, transits as such and various Chakras. There is no other text which deals with all these lesser known tools of astrological prognostication namely Vargas, Dasas and Chakras. In this translation, all possible cross-references are cited to present the views of other writers as well as explanation of principles through examples and horoscopes have been presented, for the use by the students and scholars.
Maansagari acquired a marked and definitive status amongst the distinctive classic s of olden era. This Book handles the most intricate subjects in a comprehensive and authoritative manner and encompasses almost all the aspects of the human life. This highly acclaimed treatise has not omitted any thing from its purview. It is because of these refined and pronounced dispensations, this book is greatly appreciated and is famous even today as it used to be in the ancient time. In fact, the eminent scholars and other avid readers attach much credence for its exceptional compositions.
A chronicle description of the text in the form of synopsis is being brought in hereafter with a view to give a brief expose to the wide range of subjects having been condensed in five chapters.
The first chapter begins with eulogy of deities and Devtas. This text is the one amongst a very few Jyotihs Granthas which enlists the effects of Samvatsaras, Ayanas, seasons, lunar months, Tithis, Vaaras, Nakshatra, Yogas, Karanas etc. The other known treatises are Yavana jataka of Yavanacharya and Dundi Raja's Jataka Bharnam. Samvatsaras are identical to lunar year. The application of an average movement of Jupiter forms the basis and its coverage of a sign in a horoscope is reckoned as one year. The effects for to Samvatsaras enlisted by the author are found to be incredible and could be used in presaging the tenable results. In facts the results portended through Samvatsaras are more desirable for the 'Mundane' and terrestrial events. Keeping this very aspect in view, added material relating to this field, has been involved in the note portion of each Shaloka of Samvatsara with the view to accord wider spectrum of application.
In order to provide a large platform for the readers to dabble, an earnest attempt has been made to bring in the opinionated averments of the eminent scholars and savant of ancient astrologers. This would help facilitating a realistic and meaningful interpretations. It may be marked that only useful inputs have been adduced to avoid repetition and ambiguity. The notified narrations denote the probable and plausible results and not to be applied literally as their applicability depends upon many other dominating factors available in a particular nativity. Apart from the ancient astrological concepts, the contemporary views are also brought into impart balanced interpretations and plausible conclusions.
Maansagari adopted certain critical features of specific character which the author depicted for the first time. For example, generally, almost all the old classical texts denoted the effects from the birth Ascendant, but the author also narrated these results fro the Moon as well as from the Navamsa Ascendants. This is a much acclaimed endeavour to introduce additional tools for the emphatic study of a birth chart and to draw the weighted results. Vedic Astrology considers the Moon as an Ascendant and if any house from the Moon as an Ascendant receives favourable influences so also from the birth Ascendant, the effects will be certain and pronounced. For instance, a strong birth Ascendent bestows opulence, dignity and a long cherished life and if the Moon As cendant also corroborates, these results will become a matter of certainty. It is stated in Devakaralam that while considering a house from the birth Ascendant, similar number of house shall be accounted for from the Moon sign. It further states that if the birth Ascendant is a soul, the Moon Ascendant is a body and therefore, it enjoins upon the astrologer to make predictions only after combining the effects from both these Ascendants.
A house is capable of delivering its comprehensive effects provided it is influenced by the benefics or by its own lord and provided it does not receive any adverse aspects etc. Keeping these elementary factors in view, the author described the significations of the houses while initiating the Second Chapter. The author to begin with, appropriately stated the results of the planets in the houses. The houses of the nativity denote the intrinsic qualities while the planets relay the stellar energies. Each planet, including the Sun and the Moon, governs one portion of cosmic creative rays and imbibes these vibrations from the solar system. Therefore, the planets as the cosmic significators cover all the dimensions of life and evolution of consciousness, besides, the planets also acquire the qualities concerning the house they rule.
The other factor that enhances or depreciates the value of the horoscope is the combination of planets in different houses which is known as planetary conjunction. When these planets are posited in one house or a sign, they radiate combined energies. Depending upon harmonious or inharmonious relationship between the involved planets, the resultant effects are experienced by the native during their Dasa periods. The next topic taken up by the author is precisely relate to the effects of combination of two or more planets. Should these planets get separated in 'Vargas', even though they may be closely related to each other in a particular nativity, the intensity of combined influence will decrease. Many notable ancient texts namely Garga Hora, Brihat Jataka, Saravali, Jataka Parijata etc. have restricted the effects to the combination of two, three or maximum four planets but this author has enumerated the results right upto seven planets. However, supplementary results from these valuable Vedic classics have been incorporated for a comprehensive study of each such combination.
The last part of Chapter-2 deals with the most important aspect of Astrology. The author forebodes the effects caused by the placement of house lords in different houses. This particular feature is unique to Vedic Astrology and is not found being used in the Western Astrology. Its importance is evident from the fact that sage parasara, in Brihat parasara hora sastra, learned Sphujidhwaja in Brihat Yavana Jataka and sage satyacharya dealt this subject rather emphatically because the dispositions of the house lords transform the whole complexion of the horoscope which helps presaging the subtle results. Learned Ganesha Kavi, who made a concise compilation of Jataka Alankara also touched upon this subject significantly but restricted the results to the placement of house lords in the Ascendant only. The signification of this component could by judged from the fact that the house lords are greatly responsible in controlling and discerning the effects of the house. If a house by itself having beneficial influences, one should not predict wholly unfavourable results but this situation will certainly call for moderation.
The initial part of Chapter-3 carries the effects of planets in accordance to their status in the nativity as their quality and profound signification are seen through their placement in the different houses. The status of a planet is adjudged by the placement in its own sign, in the sign of exaltation, debilitation or in friendly or inimical sign etc., debilitation or in friendly or inimical sing etc., and the planets where upon acquire distinct strengths. The notes parts adduced in this format brought in the rationale behind adopting a particular sign as an exltation or debilitation etc. which will impart an interesting reading besides being highly informative.
This is followed by 144 Shalokas showing the results of twelve signs in twelve houses. Not many ancient texts have dealt with this important aspect. However, the author in order to encompass all the influencing factors on the nativity, thought it expedient to include this module as well. The quality of a sign relates to the manner whereby an individual directs his or her energy in life which is often reflected in the nature and the character of the native.
The radiations emitted by the celestial bodies are like positive, negative or neutral ones and each has its specific energy pattern, which causes imbalances. These vibrations are harmonized through planetary disposition in various houses. The twelve hoses represent the entire life of the native. Therefore, the interplay between these two dominating factors portrays the general disposition of the native. Substantive notes furnished under each Shaloka are quite informative and present a wider perspective of the inter-relationship of the signs and the houses. Incidentally, this topic has also not been tackled by most of the ancient astrologers and thus this segment becomes very beneficial for readers.
The next scheme of thing relates to planets and the twelve houses. As stated earlier each house portrays specific arc of life and the sign and plants fall within the phase of activities of that particular house. The significations ascribed to the house are based partly on the ancient averments and partly evolved through researches and experiences of the contemporary learned astrologers of eminence. In order to present both these inputs, the views of the prominent primeval astrologers like Varaha Mihira, Kalyana Varma Balabhadra etc., and at the same time the opinion of astrologers of the modern time, have been appended along with each Shaloka, in a fond hope that this will enrich the knowledge of the readers for this cardinal aspect of astrology and also on the assumption that without which the interest of the readers would go abetted.
The next frame of reference goes to "Planetary Relationship" and the author said in the opening verse that without ascertaining the inter-planetary relationship, the different shades of the effects of the various 'Dasa' periods cannot be assimilated. By terms like friendship, enmity, neutrality between the planets, we presume that the rays of one planet will get intensified. Counteracted or neuteralised by those of the others and accordingly, they become friends, enemy or neutral respectively to each other. However, these relationships are not on reciprocal basis. For example, if one plant is friend to other, the latter may not extend friendship to the former and who may become neutral or even enemy. Learned Varaha Mihira laid down great importance to the Panchddha Maitri concept in his treatise Brihat Jataka.
The last part of Chapter-3 deals with yet another imposing aspect viz; Shadvarga wherein the author explained the six divisional charts. It is noted that he gave different connotations to these Varga charts. For example, the Drekkana chart is said to be referred to for Karmaphala while Sage Parasara recommends it for co-borns. The great exponents of astrology like Varaha Mihira and others have followed the Varga Chars as conceptualized by Sage Parasara. Likewise, the astrologers of the succeeding periods have also followed the same practice successfully. The contemporary scholars as well are applying the results of these Vargas on the basis of Parasara's format. Therefore, we recommend that the same patterns be adopted. However, this controversial aspect does point out towards an area of research.
In the Chapter-4, the author begins with the description of Panchmahapurusha Yoga (Five Yogas of great persons). The literal meanings of a Yoga stands for two or more planets combing together or having some specific position between the planets in a nativity. Panchmahapurusha creats a genre of typical Yogas which are formed out of a single planet. However, the Sun and the Moon are kept out of this formation. Nevetheless, all the classics and modern texts accept the entity of the yogas on the premises that the unique placement of the planets do give rise to a situation which becomes potential of conferring high quality of benefic effects and thus found conductive in predicting the results. However, one must use these Yogas do not become great people but lead an oridinary lives. These Yogas becomes efficacious when the concerned planet is powerful and untainted. Learned Mantreswara in Phaladeepika opined that this Yoga should also be seen with reference to the Moon ascendant. In order to accord validation to these Yogas, as many as eighteen horoscopes of notable personalities have been discussed. However, should the sun or the moon conjoin with the Yoga effecting planets, the benefic results get annulled and such a situation is called as Panchmahapurusha Bhanja Yoga.
After these great Yogas, the author dealt with the Moon and the Sun specific Yogas. These Yogas are generated through the placement of planet, other than the Sun or Moon as the case may be, on the either of the sides or astride the luminaries. If the Moon stands alone in a nativity, it gives rise to Kemadruma yoga which is inauspicious in nature but, the author cited some cancellation factors as well. There are some remarkable results shown for these Yogas which no other has revealed. While still dwelling on Yoga subject, the author brought in the concept of certain miscellaneous yet important Yogas, and most of which form the part of Nabhasa Yogas. Since all the 32 basic Yogas in this category were not dealt with, the left over Yogas have been included in the note part in the form of synopsis with a view of present a complete format of Nabhasa Yogas.
Raja Yogas is the next topic picked up by the author. He dealt with as many as 102 such yogas. The connotation astrologers which primarily meant for the conferment of kinghood, as in the olden days the ancient astrologers were focusing there efforts on the vativities of the royal families, and with the passage of time, the definition of Raja Yoga became generic as the common people were also brought in its domain. According to sage parasara, a quadrant house in called Vishnu Sthana, while the trine house represents Lakshmi Sthana. When the lords of quadrant and trine house formed Sambandha, it gives rise to this powerful Yoga. Out of these 102 Yogas, most of the combinations where not drawn on the platform of trine-quadrant syndrome but the author gave away some most amazing results for these Yogas which are worth to be taken note of.
The description of Raja Yoga is succeeded by yet another weighty subject like "evils at birth". This topic has great significance as it deals with the inauspicious combinations of the planets resulting early death. Kalyana Varma is Saravali averred that in the absence of the knowledge about the longevity, it would be futile to delineate other events of the native. Assuming the seriousness of the subject, efforts were made to quote the material from the verses of notable texts like, Jataka Tatva, Sarvarth Chintamani, Brihat Jataka etc. to present the balanced views. The author adduced as many as 99 shalokas on this topic. All the referred classics also carry antidotes for the evil births but this text carried these counter measures as the part of Ayur Bhava (the eight house). However, in order to impart comparative study of the good and the evil effects, it is thought expedient to adduce the combinations of off-setting the evil effects over here and as such a detailed note has been appended at the concluding part of this topic.
In continuation of this subject, the effects of the remaining eleven houses, starting from the Dhana Bhava have been stated giving comprehensive treatment to the Ayur Bhava wherein the author quoted as many as 49 Shalokas of affecting longevity to show the importance of this house. A good amount of supportive material has been incorporated duly culled out from many ancient books. However, some of the effects as detailed by the author are just overwhelmingly incredible.
The other special feature of this text is related to various Chakras which are the integral part of predictive astrology. Eminent astrologers were used to be made part of the kings entourage were used to be made part of the kings entourage in the olden time to fix auspicious time and predict success or failure of the ventures. These Chakras are used for displaying the instant answers to any query put forth by the king. Apart from this text, jataka Bharnam and Jataka Saradeepa touched upon this subject. In order to provide an add on material, the stated effects of these two treatises have also been cited where ever found necessary.
Amongst the various Chakras described over here, Sarvatobhadra Chakra needs special mention as this Chakra is termed as "Trilokyadeepika" Chakra (Beacon that illuminates all the three worlds). Many ardent astrologers greatly bank upon this Chakra which is a prolific predictive tool for its proven efficacy. The most amazing aspect of this wonderful format is that it involves five important components viz. Nakshatras, Rasis, Tithis, Aksharas and Swaras. These ingredients have been condensed in the Chakra to provide instant yet a wide range of application for predicting the effects through the transit of planets over the Nakshatras.
The effects of Planetary Rays is the next topics included in this text. Sage parasara devoted a full chapter in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra on this feature which speaks for the importance and usefulness of this concept. However, Maharishi assigns different values of Rays for each planet in debilitation. The greater the number of Rays in the nativity, the higher is the status and respect, the person concerned will enjoy. Planetary Rays is one of the known methods in mathematical astrology through which the strength of the planets could be measured. However, the most weighty amongst these systems is called "Shada Balas" i.e., the six kinds of potencies of a planet. The author naturally, had taken up this topic in the succeeding part of this text. This format of determining the planetary strength is dealt with practically in every astrological work and all useful material from these texts have been imported to fill the missing links.
Towards the end of Chapter-4, the author had taken up the most important aspect of astrology which is known as 'Ashtakavarga'. While expounding this great master piece, sage parasara contended that this system will be for the benefit of humanity at large, as through which the worldly life and longevity of the native could be predicted. With this instrument of Ashtakavarga, the intricate inter-play of planets including the Ascendant with the different houses have been brought under one unique matrix. Many eminent astrologers made appropriate use of this tool with some moderations and simplification. Ayuradya has been the concluding issue discussed by the author before he took Dasa systems in the next chapter.
The last Chapter-5 is fully devoted to various Dasa System. This is an indispensable requirement of the predictive astrology. The planetary period technique to time an event is the unique feature of Vedic astrology and which is not available in the western system. This perhaps is the most accurate system for showing how planets give diversified effects at different stages in one's life. In other words, the Dasa system set the time frame of the events, which are going to occur in the life span of the native. The events have direct relationship with the strength and disposition of planets of any on going Dasa and Antardasa. The inter-related influences between the Dasa and Antardasa lords and other planets mark the different phases of the Dasa. This is a comprehensive system yet much easier to apply as compared to other cumbersome systems for delineating the events, like progression, transit system etc.
Sage Parasara in his classics work Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra expounded as many as 32 Dasa Systems and amongst them, the most important and widely practiced being the Vimsottari Dasa system. Besides, Kalachakra, Astottari, Yogini Dasa systems are also being applied selectively by the astrologers in different part of the country.
After enunciating the methods of computation of Vimsottari Dasa and Antardasa etc. the author briefly recorded the results of the Mahadasas and Antardasas of the nine planets. Although, the Dasa effects are available in many classics, some of the effects averred by the author are quite revealing and not quoted by others. Uttara Kalamrita presaged the detailed effects of the Mahadasa of the nine planets only but with much of contemporary flavour. Hence, these results have been brought in the note portion. Besides, Sage parasara who is the fountain, head of Dasa systems, his views on dasa, Antardasas, pratyantardasas along with effects shown by the other known classic have been adduced to provide a wider canvas for the readers to operate. Amongst the 32 Dasa systems described by Saga parasara, there are some of the Dasas which can not instituted universally and their applications are restricted to certain specific charts which meet the pre-requisites as laid down by the sage. These are known as "Conditional Dasa Systems" and predominant amongst these is Astottari Dasa which has been comprehensively dealt with in this chapter.
The other, not much known Dasas discussed in the texts are Sandhya and Pachaka Dasas. The duration of Sandhya Dasa is just 12 years and is a sign based dasa system like Kalachakra dasa. This Dasa is hardly seen being made use of any where. However, Yogini dasa system which is the last topic picked by the author, is quite popular Dasa system and has been dealt with exhaustively. The author is the only known astrologer who ventured to lay down the effects of Astottari, Sandhya Pachaka and Yogini dasa systems, in addition to Vimsottari dasa.
Yogini dasa system is concise, compact yet a cogent Dasa format and is a most effective technique for precise and quick predictions. This system preferably be applied in tandem with Vimsottari Dasas for the affirmation of the result. The system is much in practice in the northern part of the country. Yogini and Astrottari Dasas have become the integral part of horoscope these days. The credit for all this goes to Maansagari and had the effects of these Dasa systems not been expounded in this valued treatise, these Dasas would have gone in oblivion like many other Dasas which have since become obscured. These are the incredible efforts which are well acclaimed by one and all and it is because of these unique featuers, Maansagari has acquired a position amongst the most coveted ancient astrological texts.
From the foregoing resume of the five chapters, one may observe that this book has practically touched upon all the aspects of Vedic astrology in unique and comprehensive manner and made some startling and remarkable revelations and expositions which would immensely benefit the readers. It is because of this peerless distinction, Maansagari holds the most lofty position amongst a few notable astrological classics of primeval time.
The translator took great pains and made momentous efforts in sourcing useful and valuable contents from many well known classics authored by great savants of astrology for a comparative study and enrichment of composite results by blending their thoughts and experiences. The other factor that prompted to transpose the effects from the other ancient classics and contemporary renderings is that the author gave very concise and succinct effects and most the time, he divulged the negative shade only which was falling short of the complete exposition. In order t address this paradoxical situation and with a view to provide a wider canvas to dabble, all important material from the classics of eminence have been adduced to make the subject interesting and enlightening.
With a view to lend credibility to the renderings, over 120 horoscopes have been included. These charts will demonstrate the conformance and veracity of predictive effects portended in the book. Out of these 75 birth charts belongs to the leading and eminent personalities world over. The birth details of these dignitaries have been sourced from the leading astrological magazines, books and other reading astrological magazines, books and other reading materials. The translator does not claim their correctness. The details are used merely to relate the known events with the view to provide validations to be stated effects wherever possible.
I do not vouch for infallibility of the translation as some of the Shalokas may not have been appropriately translated or the intent there on may not conform with intended meaning of the original author. I am therefore open to any such kind of rectification. Yet I pray to the readers to be generous and ignore such unintended shortcomings.
I will commit a great mistake if I fail to acknowledge the encouragement and valued guidance rendered to me by one of my learned friend from time to time in bringing up this monumental document as productive and plausible as possible. Out of sheer generosity and modesty, this friend of mine desired to withhold his name from the print. I reluctantly agreed to his fervent desire.
I devoted a large amount of time in writing and shaping this voluminous book. During this bothersome period, my wife and other member of my family were put to immense iconvenience and discomfort. While placing on record my heartfelt gratitude, I earnestly acknowledge their unflinching support and encouragement rendered by them. But for their continued backing and co-operation, this massive work would not seen the light of the day. I am highly grateful to my beloved wife Urmila in particular, for her love and emotional support right through this long toiling time. May almighty bless her perfect health and happiness.
In must put on record the sustained encouragement and helpful attitude displayed by Mr. Narinder Sagar in providing me good number of literature and other allied material which helped immensely in improving the quality of this book. I am most grateful to Mr. Saurabh Sagar for extending help in many ways to make this publication a success.
It has been my endeavour to present the English translation of the renderings of the text close to the concept as possible. I have tried to make the translation and explanations lucid and informative by incorporating all possible supportive material in my notes I could lay my hands on. I am sure the readers will find it racing and enlightening. I trust, this book will be received with warmth and enthusiasm, for which I will remain ever grateful.
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