Astanga Yoga is an ancient wisdom, the greatest and noblest gift that Sage Patafijali has offered mankind. Its wisdom is timeless and is as valid today as it was centuries ago. Its beauty lies in the application of its principles that can be adopted and adapted in discovering the finer aspects of man according to one’s physical and intellectual capacity. The world-renowned Guru BKS Iyengar provides a lucid explanation on the exposition and application of the principles of Sage Patanjali in Light on Astanga Yoga.
BKS Iyengar is considered as one of the foremost Guru on Yoga, who revived interest in the ancient subject and popularised it across the world. His writings are all based on his personal experiences. His book Light on Yoga written more than 50 years ago is often referred to as the Bible of Yoga. He is an author of over 30 books and most are best-sellers.
In 1996, I gave a talk on Light on Astanga Yoga at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute and YOG published this in 1999 for the benefit of the students of the Institute.
At present, Allied Publishers have taken the rights to publish it and I am delighted to offer this treatise on Astanga Yoga through my publishers so that it not only benefits its practitioners but also those who are unacquainted with the subject to get an overall view of this yogic philosophy that is hidden in the yogic texts.
As it was first published verbatim, I thought that I should re-read the original, revise and edit so that the readers grasp the subject with an uninterrupted flow of attention.
In order to understand the importance of yoga and its values, man needs to have a good background regarding the origin of the universe (macrocosm) and the world and their relationship with man (microcosm) and God. Without this essential background of the science of cosmology, it may become difficult to understand the structure and the constitution of man and the role that yoga plays in uniting the macrocosm (brahmanda) with the microcosm (pinddnda) as human being is regarded as the representation in miniature form of the universe.
According to sémkhya darsana (philosophy), God is the seed of the universe and knowledge. He created purusa, the soul, and prakrti, the nature with its twenty-four principles. These principles of nature mould and blend with its three gunas or qualities, namely, sattva (illumination), rajas (vibration or motion) and tamas (inertia or laziness). See table one in the text.
The hub of man’s life is interdependent upon these gunas wherein all the twenty-four principles of nature of man revolve around them. Here Astanga yoga comes handy in order to put an end to this revolving wheel of nature.
It means that yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Universal Soul. Yoga acts as an instrument in associating (samyoga), union of nature (prakriz) with the Soul or the Self (purusa) in order to bring this union. Hence this union (samyoga) of nature with God is called yoga.
Light on Asténga Yoga explains this union through the perfection in dsanas and prandydmas along with the principles of yama and niyama which help to eradicate the divisions and differences between body and mind, and mind and Self, so that the sadhaka or the practitioner becomes only a seer and lives in a state of firmness and serenity forever "tatah dvandvah anabhighatah" (Y.S., 11.48).
The dualities between body (prakrii) and Soul (purusa) ceases in this precise state of sadhana making the sddhaka live in a state of beatitude as he has built up the union between the intelligence of the consciousness that sprouts from nature to that of the shining intelligence of the Soul "sattva purusayoh suddhi samye kaivalyam iti ||" (Y.S., I1T.56).
This is the real health, real awareness and freedom from all bondage. From then on he ceases to do or act, that causes no pains, sorrows and afflictions on himself or on mankind. "tatah klesa karma nivrttth ||" (Y.S., [V.30).
According to the yoga sutras of Patafyjali, the subject is divided and discussed in two parts. The first part deals with the principles of Astanga Yoga and the second part explains its application in the daily practices. I have tried my best in unfolding the subtle parts of yoga so that the readers savour the flavour of yoga like seeing and enjoying the blooming petals of the flowers from a healthy tree. At the same time, the subject matter carries sub-titles so that one can refer and re-refer according to the topic of interest and need. Also I have included the tables and sutras which are referred to in the text.
I feel that this book is special and unique, defining lucidly the vrttis, klesas and antardyas at various levels with fresh ideas for readers to grasp and reach the finest state of consciousness.
I am indebted to Allied Publishers in presenting this work to a larger group of readers with new thoughts on yoga which may possibly ignite their zeal further in their sadhana.
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