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Kayacikitsa: Body Purification Therapy (Pancakarma) Fourth Paper (Part-I)

Author: Author Dr. H. L. SharmaCo-Author Dr. (Smt.) Sudha Sharma
Language: English
Edition: 2006
ISBN: 8189469010
Pages: 940
Cover: Hardcover
9.5" X 7.5"
1.46 kg
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Book Description


"SWASTHATURAPARAYAMNA": Ayurved deals with healthy as well as unhealthy. Maharishi Charak calls it TRISUTRA as it dwells upon Etiology, signs and symptoms and proper medicaments. A healthy person maintains his health and an unhealthy person heals himself through Ayurveda.


"Hetulingausadhajnanam svasthaturaparayanam.
Trisutram savastam punyam bubudhe yam pitamah."

Ayurveda has its own characteristics. It does not lay more emphasis on materialism like modern medical sciences. It rather emphasies purity of mind, thought and action. Since it is devoid of materialism, not more is visible. It can only be felt, realised, senses, perceived through experience only. Hence a lot depends on imagination and estimation which sometimes may go wrong as well. Hence, insight plays an important role in Ayurveda but todays is a scientific era which depends more on visible i.e. solid than imagination which requires insight to test its accuracy. Todays medical philosophers/doctors have their own tenets which too are pious, useful for mankind and quite right in their own sense but when there is a wide gap between the modern and the ancient, then the former should also pay due consideration to the old keeping in mind that the later is the outcome of the great sacrifices and dedication of sages.

Modern medical science being the product of industrialisation centres round mass production and hence thanks of the whole society instead of an individual. Keeping in mind that the society is perfect, the individual will naturally be perfect ancient thought centres round individual, for his development (mental, physical, ethical, intellectual etc.) with a view if the individual is perfect the whole society will be perfect. Hence the aim of both is uniform but the approach is different.

Since industrialisation, in spite of its usefulness, has created some unique problems for the mankind (For example pollution) it is necessary that due attention is paid to the old wisdom contained by Ayurveda to sort out modern ills. For this, individual attention to the sufferer will have to be given keeping his nature, temperament, physical features, way of living, food habits and his bent of mind because of the fact that each individual is different in forms of the factors mentioned herein before. For example the drug "Cholera Vaccine" may not be suitable to all individuals in spite of its efficacy to treat cholera. Hence Ayurveda takes the individual into account before proceeding to treat him. Not only this, it also prescribes behaviour according to time, whether, climate and nature. Daily routine too is similarly guided by these factors. Food, drinks, bath, sleep, celibacy, marriage and family life. All are extensively carried under Ayurveda which clearly answers "what, when and why" to remain healthy. On these basis, many a couplets, proverbs, old sayings have been in vogue to guide the society as a whole and the individual in particular which keeps old wisdom alive and passed on from one generation to another. It keeps the individual mentally, intellectually, physically and morally very sound and leads, to a harmonious social order and nation. Hence it is in the larger interest of the society that "Hygiene and Public Health" of the modern medical philosophy and "Personal Hygiene" of the Ayurveda are synthecised properly to benefit it from both the thoughts.

We should not be misguided from the individualistic approach of the Ayurveda and conclude that it can do nothing in case of epidemics. Ayurveda is fully competent in this direction as well. Even then it lays its first emphasis on individual approach.

Which means that a healthy person cannot be fully termed "not suffering" from illness until he is healthy by this mental state, ethical ideology and moral standing. It is reflected in the following shloka...

GERIATRICS: Nothing in this world is permanent. All the things on the earth are in the process of decaying. Human beings to are no exception. They take birth, enter youth, grow old and a stage comes when they become too weak to move and consequently die. It is natural. Ayurveda is very clear in accepting this natural fact. But it has a lot to see that the last stage. i.e. oldage and infirmity does not become too unbearable. It has certain pieces of advice for such people to follow and certain formulas of medication to slow down ageing, to recover the lost power and strength and restore the whole body with new vigour. If these principles of healthy living are religiously followed there is no reason to feel disappointed.

Modern medical sciences too are working towards achieving the goals mentioned herein above and in the process have developed certain drugs tending to prevent diseases. These prophylactics are general in nature. The Allopaths are also working on slowing the process of ageing by replacing or supplementing harmones using geriatrical medicines. Though they have not succeeded but serious trial are on.

In Ayurveda, GERIATRICS is a separate branch and there are historical evidences when old and infirm were restored to youth. Chayavan Rishi's famous KAYAKALPA is a case in point. Todays doctors who study modern science consider it a flight of fancy but it is true. Continuous use of Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amla in a certain ration alongwith seasonal carrier regular the lost strength.

PANCHAKARMA: The term having a special status and significance is self explanatory. Panchakarm plays an important role in treating various diseases and restore the subject to perfect health. It has its unique technique to warm up the patient for right treatment. For this two main pretreatment activities are followed. They are Snehana (Use of oils, Ghee, Vasa) and Swedana (Causing and speeding up of perspiration) which prepare the ground for the use of Panchakaram which is as follows.

VIRECHANA (Laxatives) is the process to clear the bowels to tone up the digestive system Rainy season often cause indigestion leading to so many health problems in rainy season and thereafter in winters.

VASTI: The diseases like gout, rheumatism, body-ache etc. often are caused during summers which are aggravated on the start of rains. Panchakaram activities which are five in number (VAMAN, VIRECHAN, ASTHAPAN VASTI, ANUVASAN VASTI and SHIROVIRECHAN may be used singularly or the appropriate ones jointly. It has to he decided by the Ayurvedacharya keeping the patient, his nature, his life styles, his food habits etc. It is said-


"Karmana kaseitekena dvabhyamkascit tribhistatha.
Vikarah sadhyate kasciccaturbhirapikarmabhih."

in India we have three main seasonal disorders of winters in spring season, those of summers in rainy season and those of rainy season in winters. These should be dealt with through PANCHKARAM to root out such seasonal maladies. It is said-


"Haimantikam dosacayam vasante pravahayan graismikamabhrakale.
Ghanatyaye varsikamasusamyakprapnoti roganrtujannajatu."

Innovative use of PANCHAKARAM is thus very important in modern times because the fast and sedentary life styles are cause a lot of new health problems. Todays doctors whichever pathy they may be practising must make use of this old Ayurvedic technique to keep the individual in particular and the society in general healthy.


Kva surya prabhvo vansah kvachalpavisayamatih.
Titirsurdustram mohadudupenasmi sagaram.

Though I have negligible say in the field of Ayurveda, but the inspiration and guidance from Dr. Ramanath Dwivedi former Prof. Of the Faculty of Ayurveda, Benaras Hindu University proved to be a beacon for me and I could compile this voluminous work. It has been also blessed by Dr. Ramanath Dwivedi with his valuable opinion through "Foreword & Introduction". Padmashri Dr. G. K. Vishwakarma, Former DGHS Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI who worked as Ortho-Surgeon to Former President Giani Zail Singh Ji too inspired me to take this work. Dr. Vishwakarma is no more. But finding this work inspired by him complete, his soul will rest in peace.

Some mistakes, errors, discrepancies must have crept in this work. I am sure scholars will excuse me for this as learned people never look at others faults. It is said-



& also


"Saram tato grahyamapasya phalgu.
Hamsoyatha ksiramivambumadhyat."
"Gacchatah skhalanam kvapi bhavatyeva pramadatah.
Hasanti durjanastatra samadadhati sajjanah."

Till the one is healthy, he should continue to work for the welfare of the society because death spares none and no one knows when it suddenly pounce on us. This work is with this spirit. I believe the scholars will benefit from it. I am thankful to all those who have assisted me in the completion of this stupendous work. It is said-


"Yavatsvastho hyayam deho yavanmrtyusca duratah.
Tavadatmahitamkuryatpranante kim karisyati."



14th January, 2005
(Makar Sankranti)


Dr. (Smt.) Sudha Sharma
M.A. B.P.Ed., T.T.C.C.,
. (Yoga), (K.D.Lonawala Pone),
N.D.(Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga)
P.E.T., K.V.Pragati Vihara,
New Delhi.




  Page No.
Prologue 7
Introduction 11
Foreword 19
Preface 25
Acknowledgement 39
Abbreviations 40
Sanskrit and allied alphabets scheme of translation 42
  Pancakarma (Five Purificatory therapies), Introduction, Kayacikitsa, Types of Kayas, Satvika-Kayas, Rajasa-Kayas, Tamasakayas, Cikitsa, The synonyms of Kaya-cikitsa, Pancakarma-Cikitsa-sutra, karma, Daiva or Paurva-Daihika-karma, Dravya-karyartha Vacaka Karma, Prayatnarthe Karma, Cikitsarthe karma, Panca, eight types of diseases, seven types of diseases, six types of diseases, five types of disease, four types of diseases, three types of diseases, two types of diseases, one types of diseases, three types of diseases, two types of diseases, one types of diseases, sankhya, Description of Pancakarma in Caraka Samhita, Pranabhisara, Rogabhisara, Pancakarma According to Maharsi Susruta, Pancakarma According to Maharsi Vagbhata, General description of Pancakarma, Purva-karma, Pacana, Snehana, Abhyantara-snehana-Svedana, Niragni (Anagni) Svedana, Sagni-svedana, Pradhana-karma, Vamana, Virecana, Vasti (Basti), Nasya or Sirovirecana, Raktamoksana, Pascata-karma, Samsarjana-karma, Rasayanadi-karma, Samana-Prayoga, Indication of Pancakarma-Therapy.  
Chapter-II 33-210
  Definition of snehana and Introduction, Utility of Snehana and its importance, Properties of Snehana Ausadhis (Drugs), Drava (Liquid), Suksma (Minute), Sara, Snighda, Picchila, Guru, Sita, Mrdu, Manda, Sneha-Dravya, Sneha, Bhautika Samgathana, of Sneha-Dravyas and Sarira Karmukta, Mahabhautika Predominance, Respective Organs with their specific characteristics, Classification of Snehas (Oils and Fats), Yonibheda, Sthavara-Sneha (Vegetable Oils), Properties of Sesamum Oil, Susrutokta, Sthavara-sneha, Virecanopayogi Sthavara Sneha (Emetics), Siro-virecanapayogi-sneha (Head Evacuatives), Dusta-Vranopayogi-sneha (Vitiated Wounds), Mahavyadhypayogi sthavara sneha (kusthadi), Mutrasangopayogi-sthavara sneha (Retention of Urine), Srkarasmari-Yopayogi-sthavara-sneha (Gravels and Calculi), Pramehopayogi-sthavara sneha (Prameha), Pitta Samsrsta Vayopayogi-sthavara-sneha (Vayu combined with Pitta), Krsnikarnopayogi-sthavara-sneha (Blackening the Skin), Pandukaranopayogi-sthavara-sneha (Produce Pallor in Skin), Dadru-kitibha-kusthopayogi-sthavara-sneha, Carakokta Snehopayogi-Gana, Jangama-sneha, Karmuktabheda (Classification of Sneha according to Actions), Sodhana Sneha, Samana-sneha or Samsamana-sneha, Brmhana Sneha, Matrabheda Sneha (Classification of Sneha according to Dose, Paka-Bheda sneha (Classification of Sneha according to Paka (cooking), Upayoganusara-sneha-Bheda (Classification of according to Utility), Bahya (Externally) use of sneha, Abhyantara (Intake) use of Sneha, Advantage of Regular massage, Abhyanga (Oil massage), Udvartana (Massage), Pariseka, Visista-samjna-Bheda Sneha (Classification of Visista sneha), Misra-Bheda-Sneha (Classification of Sneha according to Mixture), Yamaka-sneha, Trivrt-sneha (Most Important Sneha), Properties of Ghee, Indications for the administration of Ghee, Properties of Muscle Fat and Utility, Indications for the administration of Muscle Fat, Properties of Bone Marrow, Indications for the administration of Bone Marrow, Medicated Bone marrow, Seasonal Indications for different types of unctuous substances, Time for the administration of Fats (Dosanusara), Complications of Untimely administration of Fats, General indications for Oleations Therapy (Snehya or Snehya-Yogya), Contra-Indications of snehana-karma (Asneha or Snehayogya), sneha-Paka-Vidhi, Jala-Pramana (Quantity of Water, Sneha-Paka-Laksana (Method/kinds of cooking Fats), Snehapaka-Bheda (Three degrees of cooking), Mrdupaka, Madhyama-paka, Khara-paka, Paka-Bhedanusara Prayoga Bheda (Classification of prepared sneha according to Use, Table, Snehana-Vidhi (Procedures of Snehana-karma, Atura-pariksa (Examination of the patients), Dasa-vidha-pariksa, Sada-vidha-pariksa, Pariksa, Snehanakalavadhi (Determination of Duration), Determination of Dosage, Hrisiyosi Matra (Text Dose), Harasva-matra (Minimum Dose), Madhyama-Matra (Medium Dose), Uttama-matra (Pradhana or Maximum), Snehana-Purvapana (Dietetic management prior to Snehana-karma, Snehartha Dvya samgraha (Collection of Dravyas for Snehana-karma, Pradhana-karma, Procedure of Actual Sneha-pana, Dosage schedule, Features of Sneha Jirna, Anupana, Usnodaka, Yusa, Manda, Side Reactions of Ghrta, Observations of the patient, Features of Jityamana (Under digestion) Sneha, Features of Sneha Jirna, Observations of signs and Symptoms of Snigdhasnigdha of the patient, Features of Jiryamana (Under digestion) Sneha, Features of Sneha Jirna, Observations of signs and Symptoms of Snigdhasnigdha of the patient, Features of Samyak (Adequate) Sneha (Signs and Symptoms of Proper Oleation), Features of Asnigdha or Asamyaka (Inadequate) Snehana (Signs and symptoms of incomplete Oleation), Features of Atisnigdha (Excessively Snigdha) Signs and symptoms of over oleation, Samyaka Snigdha Laksana, Asnigdha (Asamyaka-snigdha) Laksana, Atisnigdha Laksana, Sneha-Vyapada and Pratikara, Cikitsa Acute complications, Chronic complications, causes of diseases Cikitsa-pascata-karma (Post-snehana regimen), Samans and Brmhana Sneha, Samana-Sneha, Brmhana Sneha, Samjna-Bheda-Sneha, Accha-Peya-Sneha, (Pra) Vicarana-Snehay, (Pra) Vicarana-Sneha, Twenty four recipes of Oils and Fats (Pra) Vicaranas, Classifications of Fat Preparations (Rasabhedanusar sixty four pravicaranas), Rasa Samyoga Samkhya (Number of combinations of tastes), Combination of two tastes, Combination of three tastes, Combination of four tastes, Combination of five tastes, Combination of six tastes, Each taste seperately, Some other Carakokta Pravicarana Kalpa (Indications for the administration of Fat preparation) Sadyah Sneha (Quick Oleation, Role of common salt in Oleation, Pancaprasrtikipeya, Sadyah Sneha for Bala-Vrddha (Children & Aged), Sneha according to Rtu (Seasons), Snaihika Dhuma, Snehattara Svedan-Vamanadi-karma, Bahya-sneha, Abhyanga, Abhyangayogya (Unsuitable persons for massage), Abhyanga-vidhi (Procedure of massage), Abhyanga-kala (Period of massage), Advantage of regular massage (Abhyanga Guna), Sirobhyanga, Cakratail, Padabhyanga, Pralepa, Lepa-vidhi, Pradeha and Pralepa, Method, Nisiddha-Lepa, Recipes for external use in Vatarakta dominated by Vayu, poultice for Vata-Rakta dominated by Vayu and Kapha, Udvartana-utsadana, Mardana-unmardana, Padaghata, Pariseka (Sprinkling), Mahasenha, Samvahana-Gandusa, Gandusa Prakara (Kinds of Gandusa), Snighda Gandusa, Samana Gandusa, Sodhana Gandusa (Purificatory), Ropana Gandusa (Healing), Gandusa Dravya (Liquid used), Guna and Upayoga, Kavala (Mouth Gargles), Kalavadhi of Gandusa and Kavala, Yogayoga Laksana, Samyaka-Yoga, Hina-yoga or Mithya-yoga, Atiyoga, Murdha Taila (Sirastarpana) Sirah Seka, use of Dravyas in Dharakalpa, Takra Dhara, Takra-Dhara-Guna and Karma, Taila-Dhara and Ghrta-Dhara Guna & Karma, Picu, Basti (Sirobasti), Matra-kala, Murdha-Taila Phala (Benefits of oiling of the Head), Matra-kala (Unite of Time), Siro-basti-kala, Aksitarpana, Tarpana-vidhi (Procedure of putapaka), Kala and Prayoga Pascata-karma, Yogayoga, Ayojnya, Ahara-vihara, Phala, Nasa-Tarpana, Karna-Purna, Mastiskya Snehavagaha (Hana), Sneha-karmukta, Action as a pradhana-karma, Karmukta of Sneha as a view of Purva-karma, Fats, Lipoids, Sterol, Hydrocarbod, Table 1, 2, 3 Carakokta some Sneha, Prayoga, Intake-sneha, Table 1, Sneho-Nama, Adhikara & Samdarbha, Bahya-sneha Prayoga (Externally use of Sneha), Sneha-Nama, Adhikara & Samdarbha.  
Chapter III 211-262
  Defination of Svedana, Introduction of Svedana, Utility & Importance of Svedana (Mode of action of Sveda), sveda nirgamana prayojana (Physiological), Karya, Properties of Svedana Dravyas, Svedana-karaka-Dravya, Svedopaga-Gana, Samanya sevdal Dravya, Vataghna Svedala Dasamula, Svedala Dravya according to utility, Pinda-sveda-Dravya (Materials used in Pinda-sveda), Materials used for Nadi Sveda, Materials used for Tub Fomentation, Materials used for Upanaha Sveda, Surasadigana in Upanaha, Eladigana in Upanaha, Godhumadi yoga in upanaha, Definition of Upanaha, Materials used for Prastara Sveda, Materials used for Salvana Sveda, Vidarigandhadi-Gana, Indications for Fomentation (Sveda ke yogya Roga and Rogi), Indication of Svedana, Contra-indications of Svedana (Roga & Rogi), Specificity in Fomentation, Degree and Quality of Fomentation, parts contra-indicated for fomentation, Sodhanartha, samanartha svedana, Signs of Ideal fomentation, Hinayoga or Mithya yoga of Svedana (Features of Asamyaka (Inadequate) Sveda, Features of Ati (Excess) Sveda (Signs of over fomentation), Treatment of Atisvinna (Excessive Svedana), Post Svedana Regime, Upadrava (Complications), Treatment, Daha, Dagdhavrana, Stambahana Cikitsa (Astringent Therapy), Stambhana-karaka Dravya, Classification of Svedana, Carakokta Svedana, Niragni Sveda, Sveda according to Kasyapa, Sveda according to Susruta and Vagbhata, Sveda according to Bala, Sveda according to Guna, Types of Sveda according to Dvandvaja (Two pairs), Dvandvaja Sveda (Two pairs), Thirteen Types of fomentation according to Caraka, Definition of Samkara Sveda (Or Pinda Sveda), Pinda-sveda, Pinda sveda, sankara sveda (Mixed fomentation) or Tapasveda Materials, kinds of Sankara Sveda, Snigdha Sankara Sveda, Ruksa-Samkarasveda, Baluka Sveda, Prastara Sveda (Hot-bed-sudation), Definition of Prastara Sveda, Definition and method of Nadi Sveda, Steam Ketal Sudation, Definition and method of Pariseka (Affusion sudation), Definition of Avagaha Sveda (Both sudation), Technique of Jentaka Sveda (Sudatorium sudation0, Definition of Asmaghana Sveda (Stone-bed-sudation), Technique of Karsu Sveda (Trench Sudation), Technique of Kuti sveda, Definition of Bhu Sveda (Ground Bed Sudation, Technique of kumbhi Sveda (Pitcher Bed Sudation), Definition of Kupa Sveda, (Pit Sudation), Technique of Holaka Sveda (Under Bed Sudation), Sveda-prakarah (Kinds of sudation), Tapa Sveda (Drysudation) or Hasta-Sveda, Upanaha, Sveda, Salvana Upanaha Sveda, Dosanusara Salvana Sveda, Kaphanugata Vata, Pittanugata Vata, Only Vata, Usma-sveda, Drava, Drava Sveda, Ten Non-Thermal sudation (Anagni Sveda Fomentation without Fire), Vyayama, Usnasadana,  
Chapter-IV 263-320
  Introduction and definition, Vamana ke Yogya Roga and Rogi, Vamyah (Persons suitable for Emesis), Contra-indications of Emetic Therapies, complications cuased by Emetic Therapy administered in contra-indicated conditions, utility of vamana, Vamana Phala (Benefits of Emetic Therapy), Mode of action and Virtue of Emetic Drugs (Guna and Karma of Vamana-Dravyas), Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavayi, Vikasi, Urdhva Bhaga Pravrtti, Vamaka-Dravya (Emetic Drug), Pradhana-karma, Madana-phala-yoga, Matra, Emetic Drugs in Caraka Samhita, Mulini Dravyas, Phalini Dravyas, Lavana-Dravyas, Vamanapaga Dravyas, Ksiri Dravya, Vamana-Dravya in the diseases of aggravated Slesm, Pitta and Gastro-intesttina, Drugs used in Emesis, Vamana Dravyas according to Susruta, Vamaka-Dravyas according to Vagbhata, Kalpanas of Vamana-dravyas, Purva-karma of Vamana (Premanagement of Vamana-karma), Hospitalization and General plan for the treatment, Vamana-Vidhi (Procedure of Emesis Therapy), Procedure of administering Emetic Therapy, Dose of Emetics, Signs and Symptoms indicating the proper action of the Drugs, Position of the Patient during emesis, Await after consuming the Medicine, Emetic Dose, Superior, Medium, Inferior, Vamana-Vega Nirnaya (Characteristics of Three Types of Emesis), Suddhi by Vamana, Signs of appropriately administered emetic therapy (Samyagyoga) Signs of inappropriately administered emetic therapy (Hinayoga), Signs of Emetic Therapy administered in Excess (Atiyoga), Adverse effects and their caustive factors, Causes and complications of Ayoga, Another types of Ayoga and Its Management, Treatment of Ayoga, Signs and Treatment of Ati-yoga, Treatment of Over action of Emetic-therapy, Treatment of Daha, Ati-Daha, Need for regulated Diet, Etiology, Signs and treatment Adhmana, Post Vamana regimen, Dhumrapana, Sanyama-Niyama (Code of conduct), Samsarjana-krama, Peyadi-krama, Madhyama-Suddhi me Samsarjana krama, Avarasuddhi me Samsarjana-krama, Peya, Vilept Akrta-yusa, Krta-Yusa, Samtarpana-krama, Some Tarpana yoga, Samsodhana (or Sodhana) regimen after Vamana, Some Vamaka-kalpa  
Chapter-V 321-376
  Introduction and definition of Virecana, General description of Virecana, Avirecyah (Persons not suited for purgation), Adverse effects of Purgation therapy administered in contra-indicated conditions, contra-indication of virecana, contra-indications of purgation therapy, Indications of Virecana Karma (Purgation Therapy) Roga and Rogi (Diseases and Patients), Forty specific diseases of Pitta, Utility of Virecana and its Results, Treatment for Sarvadehika, Paittika diseases, All types of Mala-Samsodhana (Prabhuta Mala Visuddhi), Svasthya and Dirghayusa (Health and Longevity), Budhi-Prasadana and Dhatu Sthairya (Clarity of intellect and Firmness in Dhatus) Bahu Rogahara Upacara (Diseases treatable with purgation therapy), Sarvatha Dosa Nirharana for Virecana, Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavai, Vikasi, Traction of peripharal Dosas to the Centre, Drugs (Used for) Purgation, Benefits of cleansing measures classification of Virecana, Sukha Virecana, Mrdu-virecana, Tiksna-virecana, Four types of Virecana, Anulomana, Sramsana, Bhedana, Classifications of Virecana according to Modern Medical Science, Laxatives, Purgatives, Drastic Purgatives, Jalavata Virecanakaraka (Hydrogogues), Lavanka Virecana (Saline purgatives), Pittanihsaraka Virecana (Cholagogues) carakokta virecana Dravyas, Mulini drugs (Dravyas) Phalini-dravyas (Drugs), Helping Sneha in Virecana, Lavana, Urine, Ksira, For Purgation of the Vitiated Dosas of the Colan, Bhedaniya Dravyas, Virecanopagani-Dravyas (Most important Drugs), Susrutokta-virecana-Dravyas (Virecana Dravyas according to Susruta) Mula, Phala, Tvak, Patra, Ksira, Vagbhattokta Virecana Gana (Group of purgation), Classification of Virecana-Dravyas, Anulomana, Sramsana, Bhedana, Recana-Dravyas, Virecana-Vidhi (Purgation therapy Virecana-Dravyas-Kalpas (Virecana-Drugs in compounds), Purva-karma of Virecana Samagri (Reasoning for good store of medicine), The Drugs for Virecana-karma, Rogi Pariksa, (Examination of the Patients), Variations Relating to Dosas, Variations Relating to the Drug (Bhaisaja), Variation relating to the place (Dosa), Variation Relating to the Time (Kala), Variation Relating to strength (Bala), Variation in Relation to Body (Sarira), Variations Relating to Diet (Ahara), Variation relating to wholesomeness (Satmya), Variations relating to mind (Satva), Variations relating to constitution (Prakrti), Variations relating to Agni (Vaya), Daily Examination of the patients, Pre-preparation of patient, Ausadhi kalpana (Combination of useful Drug), Determination of Dosage, Effective Virecana-Dravyas-Matras according to Kosthas dosanusara (Dosa-wise) use of Drugs Pradhana-karma Virecana-Ausadhi-prayoga, Virecana-yoga, Rogi-Niriksana, Vega-Nirnaya, Jaghanya Suddhi, Madhya-suddhi (Moderate cleansing), Pravara-suddhi, Antiki, Vaigiki, Manaki, Langiki, Degree of Sodhana by Virecana, Virecana Ayoga-Laksana (Visama-yogah-Abnormal Bouts of virecana; Samyakyoga Laksana (Features of Adequate) Virecana, Atiyoga-Laks ana (Features of Excess) of Virecana, Vyapada (Complications) of virecana, Movement in reverse direction, (Ayoga) Ayoga-condition, Treatment of Ayoga Vyapad disease, Treatment of Atiyoga, General complication, Treatment of Adhmana, Treatment of Parisrava Etiology, signs And Treatment of Parikartika, Alapadosa, Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Hrdayaparana (Hrdgraha), Angagraha (Etiology, Signs and Treatment), Etiology, signs and treatment of Jivadana (Bleeding), Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Vibhramsa, Stamba (Etiology, Signs and Treatment), Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Upadravas, Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Klama, Pascata-karma, Samsarjana-karma, Tarpana Ausadhi, Samyama & Niyana, Virecanottara-karma, Some Virecana yoga, Some virecana kalpa, Use of Haritaki, Use of Haritaki according to Dosas.  
Chapter-VI 377-526
  Basti Nirukti and definition, Asthapana or Niruha Vasti ke Ayogya Roga and Rogi (Persons and Diseases unsuitable for Niruha-Vasti), Adverse effects of Niruha-Basti administered in contra-indicated conditions, Asthapana ke yogya Roga and Rogi (Indications of Niruha-Basti or persons suitable for Asthapana-Basti (Decoction Enema), Contra-indication of Anuvasana-Basti (Anuvasana-Ayogya Roga and Rogi), Adverse effects of Anuvasana-Basti in Contra-indicated conditions, Anuvasana-Basti yogya Roga and Rogi (Indications of Anuvasana-Basti), Vasti-karma ki upayogita (Utility or Importance) and advantage, Effects of Niruha-Basti, Effects of Anuvasana-Basti, Effects of Niruha-Basti and Anuvasana-basti in General, Anuvasana-vasti, Classification of Vasti, Classification according to Root or Anatomical, Paqvasaya-gata vasti (Rectal), Garbhasaya-gata vasti (Uterine), Mutrasaya-gata vasti (Urethrovesical), Vrana-gata vasti (Wound/Abscess), Classification according to Dravyas (Pharmaceutical), Madhu-Tailika-Vasti, Yapana-vasti, Yuktaratha-Vasti, Siddha-Vasti, Anuvasana or snaihika Vasti, Anuvasana-vasti is sub-classified, Sneha-vasti-Anuvasna-vasti, Matra-vasti, Classification according to Karma-Bheda (Actions) Niruha-Basti), (Or Pharmacological classification), Sodhana-vasti, Lekhana-vasti, Snehana-vasti, Brmhana-vasti, Three types of vasti, Utklesana-vasti, Dosahara-vasti, Samana-vasti, According to Samkhya-Bheda (Number of Vasti), Karma-vasti, Kala-vasti, Yoga-Basti, classification of vasti According to Anusangika, Prasrta-Yogiki Vasti, Dvadasa Prasritiki-vasti, Dravyas (Drugs) used in Vasti-karma, Asthapana or Niruhopayogi phala-pradhana-Dravya, Asthapanopayogi Astamutra, Asthapanopayogi Astaksira, Asthapanopayogi Pancalavana, Asthapanopayogi Dravya, Asthapana skandha, Usefull, Madhuroskandha, Amla-skandha, Lavana-skandha, katu-skandha, Tikta-skandha, kasaya-skandha, Susrutokta Niruhapayogi-Dravya (Niruhopayogi-Dravyas according to Susruta, Vagbhattokta Niruha-Dravya (Group of Drugs for decoction enema), Asthapana and Anuvasana Gana, Sneha Dravyas for Anuvasana, Anuvasanopayogi- Gana, Vasti-yantra, Vasti-netra and Vasti-putaka, Vasti-Netra (Enema Nozzal), Basti-Putaka (Enema Bag), Material for Enema-Nozzle, Size and shape & Hole of Nozzle according to Age, Source of Enema Receptacle (Basti), and its Attributes, In case of Non-availability of Bladder, Basti-netra length according to Age, Vasti-netra according to Susruta, Karnika, Prasrtah, Vrana-netra, Material, Non-availability of Nozzles, Uttara-basti (Urethral and Veginal Enema or Douche), Uttara-basti-netra, Netra-dosa (Deffects), Complications, Aprapti, Ati-gati, Ksobha, Karsana, Ksarana, Srava, Guda-pida, Jihmagati, Vasti-putaka, The deffects of vasti-putaka (Vasti putaka-Dosa) or (Characteristics of Bladder), Vasti-putaka Dosa, Complications, Gati-Vaisamya, Visratva, Srava, Daurgrahya, Nihsrava, Phenila, Cyuti, Adharyatva, Non-availability of Vasti-putaka (Bladder-puch), Method of Vasti-Dana (or Procedure of Vasti karma), Niruha or Asthapana-vasti, Need for proper examination, Dosas, In case of Rakta-gata Dosa, In case of Mamsagata-dosa, In case of Medogata-Dosa, In case of Asthigata-Dosa, In case of Majjagata-Dosa, In case of Sukra-gata-Dosa, In case of Mamsagata-dosa, In case of Udanavrtta Apana-vayu, In case of Ama-Dosa, In case of Ama-Vata and urustambha, Vata Pradhana-Dosa, Pitta pradhana Dosa, Kapha Pradhana Dosa, Ausadhis (Drugs), contra-indication for some persons, order of adding ingredients of different categories, Niruha-Dravya kalpana, Desa (climate), Bhumi-Desa, Atura-Desa, Auspicious Time for administration of Basti therapy, Kalavadhi, Satmya (Adaptability), Agni (Digestive capacity), Satva (Mind), Oka-Satmya, Vaya (Age) Bala (Strength), Pradhana-karma, Vasti-Dana, Method of administering Basti, Posture of Body during enema, Management of complications, Vasti-pratyagama and Niriksana, Features of Samyaka (Adequate), Asamyak (Inadequate) and excess (Ati-yoga) Vasti, Features of samyaka (Adequate) Vasti, Features of Asamyak (In-adequate) Vasti, Feature of Excess (Ati-yoga) Vasti, Pascata-karma, Atonce Duty after the vasti-karma, Pathya and samyama-niyama, Prohibited after Vasti-karma, Complications of vasti-karma and their treatment, Vayu (Air) Entering into the Rectum, Rapid insertion or Hurriedly taken out of the vasti netra (Nozzle), Tiryaka (oblique) Insertion of Nozzle, Treatment, Sakampa-vasti-pravesa (Shaking of nozzle during administration of Basti), Excessive penetration of nozzle, Treatment, Ati-bahya or Ati-manda-vasti, Treatment, Forceful administration of Enema (Vasti), Treatment complications, Their number And Etiology in General, Yoga, Atiyoga, Klama, Adhmana, Hikka, Hrtprapti, Urdhavata, Pravahika, Siro-Arti, Anga-Arti, Parikartika, Parisrava, Etiology of Ayoga, Signs of Ayoga, Treatment, Etiology of Ati-yoga, The signs of Ati-yoga, Treatment of Ati-yoga, Etiology Signs of Klama, Treatment, Etiology and Signs of Adhmana Treatment of Adhmana, Etiology and signs of Hikka, Treatment of Hikka (Hiccup), Etiology and Signs of Hrt-prapti, Treatment of Hrt-prapti, Etiology and signs of Urdhva-gamana (Upward movements, Treatment of Urdhva-gamana (Upward Movement), Etiology of Pravahika (Gripping pain), Signs of Pravahika (Gripping pain), Treatment of Pravahika (Gripping pain), Etiology of Sirorti (Headache), Signs of Sirorti (Headache), Treatment of Sirorti (Headache), Etiology of Angarti (Pain in Limbs), Signs of Angarti (Pain in Limbs), Etiology of Parikartika (Sawing pain), Signs of parikartika (Sawing pain), Treatment of Parikartika (Sawing pain), Etiology of parisrava (Anal Exudation), Signs of parisrava (Anal Exudation), Treatment of Parisrava (Anal Exudation), Yapana-Vasti, Apathya, Vapada (Complications) of Yapana-vasti, Treatment, Anuvasana or Snaihika vasti, Classification of Anuvasana Vasti, Sneha-vasti, Matra-vasti, Anuvasana-vasti, Procedure of Before Anuvasana-Karma, Time of Anuvasana Vati, Number of Anuvasana-Basti, Prohibition of Exclusive Administration of Niruha and Anuvasana Basti, Prohibition of Fat after Anuvasana, Anuvasana-vidhi, Purva-karma, Abhyanga svedandi, Ahara (Diet), Pradhana-karma, Vasti-pratyagamana, Pathyadi Vyavastha, complications of Anuvasana-vasti (And their treatment, condition leading to complications, Factors responsible for occlusion of Enema fluid, signs of impediments by Vayu, treatment of Vayu impediment, Signs and treatment of Pitta-impediments, Treatment, signs of Kapha Impediments, Treatment of Kapha impediments, Signs of impediments by Intake of Food and Excess, Treatment of Impediments caused by Stool, Treatment, Ailments caused by administration of Basti on empty stomach and their treatment, Treatment, Matra-Vasti, Dose, Matra-Vasti-Visesata, Matra-Basti yogya-Atura, Indications of Anuvasana-Vasti, Adverse effects of Anuvasana-Basti in contra-indicated conditions, contra-indications of Anuvasana Basti, Uttara-Basti, Uttara-Basti-Netra, Uttara-Basti-putaka, Uttara-Basti-Netra for females, Balanamapi Netraparimana-maha, Uttara-basti Netra Parimana in Female, Uttar-basti Matra or pramana in male, Uttara-basti Matra in females, Qvatha Pramana, Uttara-Basti-Vidhi-Vidhana, Purva-karma, Uttara Basti yogya Roga Pathology, Signs and treatment of Mutra-ukasada, Etiology, Signs and treatment of Mutra-jathara, Etiology of Mutra-krechra, Etiology and Signs of Mutra-utanga, Etiology and signs of Usna-Vata,, Etiology and signs of Vida-vighata, Etiology and signs of Basti-Kundala, Line of treatment of Urinary Morbidities, Garbhasayika-uttara-basti-yogya Roga (Urethral Douche for Women), Uttar-Basti Yogya Twenty yonivyapada, Line of Treatment, Patients should prepared for Uttara-Basti (Atura-siddhata), Urethral Douche for women, Ausadhi, Pradhana-karma, Basti-pranidhana (Methods of administering urethral Dourche), Uttara-Basti in Male, Mathod of Administering Uttara-Basti to Females, Niriksana, Pascata-karma, Retention of Douche-Fluid, Pippalyadi-varti, Argvadhadi-varti, Agara-Dhumadi-varti, Burning sensation, Bhojana use of uttara-basti, Parihara (Prohibitions).  
Chapter-VIII 527-604
  Introcution and definition of Nasya, paryaya (Synonyms of Nasya-Karma), Contra-indications of Nasya-karma, Siro-virecana (Inhalation theraphy), Prohibitions, Indications of Nasya-karma, (Inhalation-thearapy), Adverse effects of Inhalation Therapy in prohibited conditions, Advantages of Nasal-therapy, Nasya-Dravya, Drugs for Errhines, Susrutokta Nasya-Dravya, Vagbhattokta Nasya-Dravya (Group of Drugs for Nasal Medication), Classification of Nasya, Navana-Nasya, Avapida-Nasya, Dhamapana-Nasya, Dhuma-Nasya, Pratimarsa-nasya, Classification of Nasya according to Maharsi Susruta, Matabheda about Nasya (Different point of view), Navana-nasya, Use of Navananasya, Nasya (Navana) Time schedules, Nasya (Navana) in Healthy persons, The dose of Nasya-according to strength, Sneha-Nasya-Matra (Quantity of Nasal Drops), Sadhana Navana Nasya, Avapida-Nasya, Types of Avapida-Nasya, Matra, Prayoga, Dhamapana or Pradhanana-Nasya, Matra (Dose), Prayoga, Complication, Dhuma nasya, Classification of Dhuma Nasya, Indications of Dhuma Nasya- Pratimarsa- Nasya, Dose of Pratimarsa-nasya, Use of pratimarsa-Nasya, Contra-indication, Marsa-Nasya, Method of Nasya-karma, Purvakarma, Sambhara-Samgraha, Nasya-Aana and Bed, Nasya-ausadhi, Commonly used Nasya Drugs, Nasya-yantra, Observation of Atura Vaya and Kala, Pratimarsa, Dhuma-Nasya, Atura-siddhanta, Pradhana-karma, Nasyadana, Pradhamana, Nasya Matra (Dosages of Nasya-karma), Nasyottara Paricarya evam Niriksana, Nasya Yogayoga Laksanas, Samyaka, Asamyaka (Ayoga) and Hinayoga Laksana, Atiyoga Laksana, Treatment, Nasya Vyapada (Complications) and Pratikara (Treatment), Pascata-karma, Nasyottara Tatkala-karniya Karma, Dhuma-pana, Prayogika-Dhuma (Or Samana-Dhuma), Dhuma-pana-matra, Kavala and Gandusa, Kavalagraha, Bhojanadivyavastha (Diet after Nasya-karma), Parihara and Pathyapathya.  
Chapter-VIII 605-656
  Raktamoksana classification of Raktamoksana, Sastravisravana, Anusastra-visravana, Principles of treatment for the diseases of Blood, Caution for Blood-letting, Features of pure blood, Features of men having normal Blood, Function of normal blood, Indication of Rakta-Moksana, Contra-indications of Rakta-moksana, Raktamoksana-kala (Suitable season of Raktamoksana), Procedure of Rakta-Moksana, Dosavasthanusara, Raktavasthanusara, Aturavasthanusara, Jalauka (Leech), types of Jalauka (Leech), Savisa Jalauka Laksana & Treatment, Nirvisa Jalauka (Leech), Savisa Jaluka Laksana & Treatment , Nirvisa Jalauka, Indications of Jalauka, Jalauka Sodhana (Purification of Jalauka), Aturasidhanta, Pradhanakarma, Jalauka Prayoga, Niriksana (Observation about Jalaukavacarana, Removal of Jalauka from Skin, Pascata-Karma, Jalaukopacara, Aturopacara, Yoga-Ayoga and Atiyoga Laksana, Siravyadha, Siramarma, Siravyadha-vidhi (Blood-leting), Siravyadha Yogya-Atura (Indications of Sira-vyadha patients), Contra-indications of Sira-vyadha (Sira-vyadha Anarha), Sira-vyadha-kala, Upakarana Sidhata, Kusharika, Brihimukha-sastra, Atura-siddhata, Svedana, Bhojana (Diets), Pradhanakarma, Other vein puncture, Features of Adquate sira-vyadha, Features of Inadequate Sira-vyadha, Features of Excessive sira-vyadha, Procedure of quick stopage of Blood flow, Post Rakta-Moksana Regimen Pracchana, Method of pracchana, Niyama, Sastra (Pracchana), Sranga, method, Alabu-Avacarana, Ghatiyantra, Raktamoksana by Suci etc., Mothod of Vigharsana.  
Chapter-IX 657-706
  Resoning for a good store of Medicine, Subtleness of the factors determining the result of the treatment, Variations relating to Dosas, Variations relating to the Drug, Variations relating to the place, Variation relating to Time, Variations relating to strength, Variation in relation to Body, Variations relating to Diet, Variation relating to whole-someness, Variations relating to mind, Variations relating to constitution, Variations Relating to Agni, Hospital Building, Medical attendants and other general requirements of a Hospital, Hospitalization and general plan for the treatment, Bhaisajya-upakalpanas, Bala-Taila or Dhanvantara-Taila, Sahasrapaka and Satapaka-Bala-Taila, Sahacaradi Taila No. 1 & No. 2, Prasarini-Taila, Pinda-Taila, Madhuka-Taila, Satapaka Madhuka-Taila, Saindhavadya-Taila, Astakatvara-Taila, Rasna Taila, Recipe of medicated Ghee, Medicated Ghee for inhalation Therapy, Medicated bone marrow, Medicated muscle Fat, Mahasneha, Nirgundi-Taila, Narayana-Taila, Baladya-Taila, mamsadi-Taila, Jatyadi-Taila, Candanadi-Taila, Dhattura-Taila, Asvagandha-Taila, Maha-Narayana-Taila, Ghrta-yoga, Pancatikta-Ghrta, Tiktaka-Ghrta-Guggulu, Triphaladi-Ghrta, Asvagandhadya-Ghrta, Some others Ghrtas, Phala Varti, Upakalpanas of Ahara and Pathya, Definition of Yavagu, Manda, Peya Vilepi, Definition of yusa, Saptamusti-Yusa, Peya-yusa, Bhakta, Manda, Astaguna-Manda, Vatyamanda, Lajamanda, Mantha, Kharjuradimantha, Masuradimantha, Yava-Skatu Mantha, Sidhu-Laksana, Suraprasannadi Madhya-Bheda and Laksana, Varuni and Sukta, Cukra, Gudasukta and Mrdvika-sukta (Iksu-Sukta), Tusambu and Sauviral, Kanjika and Sandaki, Sidhu (Fermented sugarcane juice), Sura (Beer), Varuni, Sukta, Cukra, Tusodaka, Sauvira and Aranala, Kanjika and Sindaki, Yantradi upakarana ki upakalpanaem, Manaparibhasa, Drvyamana, Dairghya-Mana, Kalamana.  
Chapter-X 707-742
  Panca karma-vivecana, Introduction, Jirna-jvara, Visama-jvara, Rakta-pitta, Gulma, Prameha, Kustha, Rajayaksama, Unmada, Apasmara, Svayathu (Sotha), Langhana-Pacana, Udara, Arsa, Grahani, Pandu-Roga, Hikka-Svasa, Kamala-Halimaka, Kasa, Atisara, Ghardi, Visarpa, Trsana, Visa, Madatyaya, Dvivraniya, Tri-marmiya, Udavarta, Mutrakrcchra, Asmari-sarkara, Mutraghata, Hrdaya-Roga, Siro-Roga, Mukha-Roga, Karna-Sula, Khalitya & Palitya, Svara-Bheda, Apatanaka, Tandra, Urustambha, Vata-Vyadhi, Vata-Rakta, Yoni-Vyapata, Sukra-Dosa, Stanya-Dosa.  
Chapter-XI 743-942
  Table 1, Purva-karma, Table-2, Pradhana-karma, Table-3 Pascata-karma, Table No. 4, Snehana-karma, Table 5, Detailed classification of sneha, Table 6, Sneha-Matra with Indications (Caraka and Vag-bhata), Table 7, Sneha-Matra with indications (Susruta) Table 8, Duration of sneha as suggested by Jejjata having in view the various types of kosthas, Table 9, Duration of Sneha as suggested by Dallhana, Table 10, Matra schedule of uttama-sneha, Table 11, Dietary regimen suggested by Caraka and Vagbhata, Table 12, Anupana of Various snehas (Caraka and Vagbhata), Table 13, Various Anupanas according to predominence of Dosas (Susruta and Vrddha Vagbhata), Table 14, Indication sof Snehana-karma, Table 15, Contra-indications of snehana-karma, Table 16, Symptoms of Digested and undigested sneha, Table 17, Characteristics of samyaka-snighda according to Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata, Table 18, Characteristics of Asnigdha, Table 19, Characteristics of Atisnigdha, Table 20, List of Asu-cikitsya Vyapada & cira-cikitsya Vyapada, Table 21, Cikitsa of Sneha-vyapada, Table 22, List of indicated and contra-indicated Pascata-karmas, according to Caraka, Vaghbhata and Sarangadhara, Table 23, List of Days suggested for Svedana, Vamana and Virecana after Snehana, Table 24, Svedana, Properties, Main actions and predominence of Mahabhutas of Svedas Dravyas, Table-25, Table reads the inclusion of all the 13 Svedas (Caraka) as suggested by Dalhana, Table 26, Detailed classification of Sveda, Table 27, Indications of Svedana, Table 28, contra-indications of Svedana, Table 29, Characteristics of Samyaka-Svinna, Table 30, Characteristics of Asvinna, Table 31, Characteristics of Atisvinna, Table 32, Sequelae of excessive Svedana, Table 33, Management of Sequelae  
Chapter-XII 775-817
  Table 34, Kalpanas of Vamana-Dravyas, Table 35, A comparative Table of indications of Vamana according to Brhattrayi, Table 36, A comparative Table of contra-indications of Vamana according to Brhattral, Table 37, Vamana Dravyas Dosa-wise, Types of Drugs to be used, Table 38, Degree of Samsodhana by Vamana-karma, Table 39, Characteristics of Samyaka Vamana, Table 40, Characteristics of Asamyaka Vamana, Table 41, Characteristics of Ativamana, Table 42, Samsarjana-karma, Table 43, Vyapads (Complications) of Vamana alongwith their treatment, Table 44, Kalpanas of Virecana Dravyas, Table 45, Indication of Virecana according to Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata, Table 46, Contra-indication of Virecana according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata, Table 47, Dosa-wise Virecana-Dravyas, Table 48, Effective Virecana dravyas Matras of some of the main virecana Dravyas, According to Classification of Kosthas, Table 49, Showing degree of Virecanas having Vaigiki, Maniki, Antiki and Langiki Sodhana Laksanas in view, Alongwith number of Vegas and weight of Malas, Table 50, Characteristics of Samyaka-Virecana according to Brhattral, Table 51, Charactesristics of Ayoga-virecana according to Brhattrai, Table 52, Characteristics of Atiyoga-virecana according to Brhattrai, Table 53, Vasti Table 54, The indications of Asthapana-vasti (Niruha-vasti), Table 55, Contra-indications of Asthapana-vasti, (Niruha-Vasti), Table 56, Contra-indications of Anuvasana-vasti, Table 57, Size of Vasti-Netra (Nozzle), according to Caraka, Table 58, Size of Vasti-Netra (Nozzle) according to Susruta, Table 59, Size of Vasti-Netra (Nozzle) according to Vagbhata, Table 60, Table Reads the Sizes of Mulabhaga and Agrabhaga Chidra of Vasti-Netra according to Age (Susruta), Table 61, Table Reads the Size of Vasti-Netra, Parinaha and Karnika according to Age (Susruta), Table 62, The Dose of Ausadha-Dravyas according to age for Niruha-vasti as suggested by Caraka and Vagbhata, Table 63, Nasya, Classification of Nasya according to Caraka, Table 64, The Detailed classification of Nasya, Table 65, Contra-indications of Nasya, Table 66, Nasya Matra, Table 67, Raktamoksana, Table 69, Factors to be kept in view in Raktamoksana, Table 70, Classification of Jalauka.  
APPENDIX 819-942
  1. Alphabetical list of diseases  
  2. Anatomical and physiological information  
  3. Name of Rsis, Authorities and Text mentioned in Body-Purification-Therapy  
  4. Ausadhayogas (Medicinal Formula)  
  5. Plants and minerals names with Botanical Identification  
  6. Units of weight with Metric Equivalents  
  7. Units of Times  
  8. Unites of Linear Measurements  
  9. Word-Index  
  10. Alphabetical glossary of Ayurvedic Terms  
  11. Sanskrit prose and verse  
  12. Bibliography  


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