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Jyotish (Parashar Code of Prediction Dasa Analysis-Effects/Events Based on Ten Prime Classics)

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Item Code: NAM226
Author: Om Prakash Paliwal
Language: English
Edition: 2016
ISBN: 9788170821953
Pages: 502
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 9.0 inch X 6.0 inch
Weight 560 gm
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Book Description
About the Book

This book is written with two objectives. First to emphasise that the subject matter of jyotish as described by Parasara, Varaha Mihira and others is to decipher the karma Phala (Luck) of the native that is the effect of an individual’s actions done in past life. It is similar to cause and effect theory application in physical science. This effect is not” caused by relative positions of the Moon, Sun and Stars” as given in English Dictionaries.

Three constant factors used as tools are the saved planed of the solar system, 28 Nakshatras and Lagna as described in Vedange Jyotish. The traits of planets are symbolically derived from Vedic Mantras recited in performance of Yajnas, Proper reference from Vedas are give. Similarly signification of Bhavas are symbolically adopted from “jyotish Bawachebavan” Stutras of Brahma-sutras. Variable factors are nit fixed. These are 12 as per Yavana.

Second objection is to present relevant data one place featuring in ten texts, viz., Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Brihat Jataka, Saravali, Sarvarth Chintamani, Jataka Parijata, Maan Sagari Paddahati, Jataka Sara Deepa, Phala Deepika, Hora Ratnam and Phalit Vikasa, under Study with proper references. A sincere effort has been made for reconciling conflicting views.

Thus, the book is ten-in-one study-first of its kind in predictive astrology in modern times. The reader will have the benefits of ten classical texts logically interpreted and arranged it this book offering him principles of Dasa analysis and interpretation leading to various effects in life.

About the Author

Started as a lecturer in Economics in 1953 after completing M.A. (Economics; Political Science) LL.B.

Joined Labour Bureau (Govt. of India) in 1955. Appointed as Research Officer (Gazetted Class I) in 1963. Included in Indian Economics Service in 1964 as Assistant Director, promoted as Deputy Director in 1974 and retired in 1986.

Research work in official life encouraged research work in astrology as a hobby. First article was published in Planets and Forecast forty years ago. Thereafter, articles were published in The Astrology Magazine. The Times of Astrology, Saptarishi Astrology, The Astro Force Academy, Jyotishmati (Hindi), Shri Viswa Vijaya Panchange and Brihad Shridar Panchange. A compatibility Table “ Saparihaar var-vadhu Melaapak Saaranee” is being published as a regular feature in Shri Viswa Vijaya Panchange.

An article “Vedon mein Jyotish” was published in Veda katha Vishneshanka Special Annual Number (January, 1999) in Kalyan, Gorakhpur.

Hindi translation of “Graha and Bhavabala” of late Dr. B.V. Raman was done by me and published by Motilal Banarsi Dass in 1988.

Paliwal Brahaman, an historical research work on Paliwal was published in 2005.

Vimshottari Dasa Phala Niyam was published in 2013 by Sagar Publications that has been appreciated by Hindi readers.


This volume deals with Dasa System, which is linked to longevity. Eight types of longevity are mentioned in B.P.H.S. and J.P, The corresponding Dasas are Amsay, Pinda, Naisargika Dasa, Rashmija Dasa, Kalachakra Dasa, Vimsottari Dasa and 2 types of Ashtakavarga Dasas. Out of these three Dasas: Amsa, Pinda and Naisargika are mentioned in the remaining books viz., B.J. Saravali, J.S.D., H.R., P.D. and Man Sagari. Kala Chakra Dasa is described only in B.P.H.S., J.P. and P.D. Naisargika Dasa Phala is described in B.J. Saravali and J.D.D.

Vimsottari Dasa has been the most accepted Dasa system which is based on birth star. The name of Parasara is associated with this Dasa. His period is considered to be not later than 3200 B.C Vimsottari Dasa Phala is described in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Sarvartha Chintamani, Jataka Parijata, Phala Deepika, Hora Ratnam and Man Sagari Paddhati. Four important versions of B.P.H.S.- Venkateswar Press Sita Ram Jha, G.D. Pathaka and D.C Jha are not identical. However, in this study. B.P.H.S: Sanskrit Commentry by Shri Shridhar Sharma (1933 edition by Khamraj Shrikrishna Das, Mumbai) has been used.

Additionally, this book is based on astrological literature available in the library of my father late Shri Roshanlalji to whom, therefore, this book is dedicated.

I am thankful to Shri Kailash Bhushanji for prompting and persuading me successfully to write this book.

The credit for expeditions preparation of manuscript goes to my wife Bhagwati Devi whose constant moral support acted as a catalyst.

Readers are requested to point out any discrepancy in the text or suggestions for further improvement.


The most important part of predictive astrology is the timing of events. These are timed by Dasa (Planetary periods) and Gochara (Transits) as per Deva Keralam (II/1592), Jataka Parijata (18/1) and B.P.H.S. (36/143).

Each planet indicates the happening of events as per Yogas present in the horoscope J.P. (18/2). These can be deciphered by the learned astrologer only by studying the twelve houses of a horoscope. This view is expressed in almost a similar verse in B.P.H.5. UK. (4./1), Saravali (2/ 1) Bhargava Nadika (1/1). A literal interpretation of the verse is:

"Lord Brahma (The Creator) has written Prarabdha-the destiny (in the form of garlands of alphabets) on the forehead of each new born which can be deciphered only by the learned astrologer." Kalyan Varma has used the word Karmaphala in this context. (Saravali 2/3).

In this context Bala Bhadra Misra (Hora Ratnam, Introductery chapter/28) has quoted a verse (B.J. 1/3) of Varaha Mihira that means "whatever auspiciousness (Subha) and inauspiciousness (Asubha) was earned in previous births due to his various deeds (Karma) will be known through the science of astrology just as the lamp throws light on the articles in darkness."

Commenting on this verse Bala Bhadra says that auspicious and inauspicious placements of various planets in the birth chart merely indicate the good and bad gathered due to deeds of past birth. The planetary placements on their own do not produce any effect. The planets are merely indicators (Suchaka) and not producers (Janaka) of any effect. (Thus, planets reflect the effects of our Prarabdha Karma. They simply act as medium like a mirror. Planets are not the producers of any effects.)

Bala Bhadrda has used the words Karma Phala Paka which need elaboration for those not well versed with Hindu philosophy of rebirth of soul.

Two fundamental principles of Hindu philosophy are Rebirth and Karma Phala. Rebirth means an human being is born again and again after death and this process continues till Pralaya (total disappearance of Universe).

Karma phala is a combination of two words- Karma and Phala. Karma means all deeds done by a human being and Phala means resultant effects of those deeds- good and bad- that an individual has to bear as a fruit of his deeds. This principle is an extension of cause- effect theory, (expounded in physical sciences) at a higher plane.

Karma is of three kinds Viz. Sanchita (gathered), Prarabdha and Kriyamana (current). Sanchita Karma means all the actions (deeds) done by an individual since his creation till date minus those actions the effects of which an individual has experienced in previous births.

Prarabdha Karma means those deeds whose effects an individual has to bear in this life, Kriyamana Karma means actions being done at current moment. It becomes Sanchita as soon as the action is complete. This is a transitional deed.

'Paka' means time of fructification of effects (Phala) of actions done in previous life. Astrology avails the Cosmic Time Mechanism - The Solar System and Zodiac to specify time schedule. This is through planetary placement in the horoscope and their motion. This is correlated to the happenings of events through Dasa and Gochara System.

Dasa Systems

Dasa System is linked to longevity. Life span determination is of 8 types. Each type of longevity has a corresponding Dasa System as follows (J.P. 5/33):

Life SpanDasa NameWhen applicable
1. Amsayu(Amsa Dasa)Lagna strongest(Lord of Ascendant)
2. Pindayu Pinda DasaSun Strongest
3. NaisargayuNisarga DasaMoon Strongest
4. Ashtaka VargaBhinnashtaka Varga DasaMars Strongest
5. Ashtaka VargaSamdaya-ashtaka Varga DasaSaturn Strongest
6. RasmyayuRasni DasaMercury Strongest
7. NakshatrayuVimsottari DasaJupiter Strongest
8. KalachakrayuKala Chakra DasaVenus Strongest
There is unanimity in respect of first three Dasas only. P.D. (22/28).

Various Dasa Systems are described in the texts under study. Vimsottari Dasa is described in seven viz., B.P.H.S., J.P., P.D., Phalita Vikasa, H.R., Man Sagari and S.C. Naisargika, Amsa, Pindayu Dasas are described in four viz., B.J. Saravali, P.D. and J.S.D. Kala Chakra Dasa is described in three viz., B.P.H.S., J.P. and Phala Dipika. Other Dasas are described in one or two books and not used at present have been omitted.


Results mentioned in Dasa Phala indicate Prarabdha of the native through the medium of lord of sub-period as stated in B.J. (8/10). Varaha has used the word Pak sammini (Lord of sub-period) and Paakpe (Lord of the Major Period) and their placement in good houses (Ascendent, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from the ascendant at the time of beginning of Antra Dasa). Benefic Vargas indicate good luck (Prarbdha shubhada dasha). Similar views are expressed B.P.H.S., Saravali, and H.R.

Contents of Dasa Phala

Dasa Phala is the resultant arrived at by judging effects of 12 factors as per 'Yavana.' These are: 1. Naisargika Dasa 2. Dasa Krama, 3. Antara Dasa 4. Dasavichara 5. Rasi Phala 6. Bhava Phala 7. Yoga Phala 8. Effects of aspects 9. Ashtaka Varga 10. Horadi Vargas 11. Effects of birth in various years, Months, Days and night 12. Avastha of planet and limbs of Kala Purusha as allotted to them. J.S.D. (81/10-13).

All ancient writers do not agree with this view. Manittha has mentioned ten by clubbing first three into one. Badrayana mentions 8 out of 10 mentioned by Manittha. He has clubbed Rasi, Bhava and Horadi into one. Siddhasena mentions six only i.e. Dasa Phala, Rasi Phala, aspects, Ashtaka Varga, birth in different time segments and Avasthas J .S.D. (81/9). Varaha has mentioned five only, viz, Rasi Phala, planets' Karakatwa, Bhava Phala, Aspect and Yogaphala. B.J. (8/20). Nrisimha Daivajna has said that results of all topics discussed in Predictive Astrology are merged in Dasa Phala (‘Sveshan flanan vipako dshapake’)J.S.D. (81/8).


2Dasa Phala : Its names Two types of Dasa Phala-ordinary, special factors for special Dasa Phala, Names of Dasa Phala5
3Dasa Phala Rules16
(i)General Rules
(ii)Rules for Vimsottari
4Vimsottari Dasa : Its mechanism44
5Dasa of The Sun72
6Dasa of the Moon99
7Dasa of Mars120
8Dasa of Rahu142
9Dasa of Jupiter168
10Dasa of Saturn191
11Dasa of Mercury216
12Dasa of Ketu240
13Dasa of Venus260
14Kala Chakra Dasa288
15Naisargika Dasa325
17Gochara Phala376
18Practical Examples409
Appendix I437
(Savya Kala Chakra Dasa)
Appendix II464
(Apsavya Kala Chakra Dasa)
Sample Pages

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