There are persons who hate astrology and have no faith in it. There is no apprehension from such persons. They are in the open field and can be dealt with. The greatest apprehension is from those who love astrology and have great faith in its predictions. The reason is that they make too heavy demands on it to be easily satisfied. Longevity of human being is one such subject. They will not be satisfied if they are merely told that the particular person has a deerghayu or a long life. They want to have the answer in quantitative terms, precisely, in years, months and days etc. I am also one such admirer. Being a serious student as well I worked on the subject. The net result of my labours is presented to the readers.
As an admirer or the science and its students I have always been interested in taking it to as many person as possible. I have been for the purpose teaching this science under the auspices of Delhi chapter of Astro Sciences Research Institute of India. As for writing a book on a subject like longevity which is both difficult and vast I have to admit that the divine grace of Gurudeva. H. H. Swami Madhawanandji Maharaj inspired me for it and the Invisible Hand of Lord Hanuman did the job. I bow my head in reverence to the lotus feet of Gurudeva and dedicate myself to the service of the Lord.
My sincere and unsolicited go to Ranjan Publications who readily agreed to publish my work under their seal and cover.
I am also indebted to Sh. S. C. Chaudhri who helped me in a second reading with a view to edit it.
Determination of longevity of human beings in exact and precise terms of years, months and days etc., is a difficult task. It is transgressing the Providential domain. As we are imperfect human beings our methods can claim perfection, if at all they do, only to a certain extent and nothing beyond that. The masters had their way and the best way to reach some of their height is to follow their footprints.
The sages tracked this question very competently and we have no better alternative but to follow them most scrupulously. They based all their conclusion on a comprehensive study of the birth chart. To arrive at a correct conclusion, therefore; the first important thing is to judge the reliability of the time of birth upon which the whole edifice ok the chart has been prepared. As it is not the purpose to so how the rectification of the error in time of birth is made, we have restricted ourselves only to cheek up the correctness of the time of birth and not to indulge in its correction. The first chapter deals very briefly with this subject. Three methods have been explained here very briefly. The first is the easiest method in light of ruling planets advocated by very eminent astrologer of our days, K.S. Krishnamurti. The second is that of counting the constellations and checking up the position of moon. There is yet another method by which we check the sex of the new comer and if it is same as should be the time of birth gets confirmed.
It may be mentioned here very clearly that our sages meant by life the yogajayu determined by various combinations of planets called the yoga. Their judgement started with the time of birth itself. In chapter 2 therefore the three types of arishtas known as Gandarishta, Tithi ganda and lagna ganda, visha navamsas, inauspicious muhurtas for the birth have been explained. Sadyo-arishta, arishtas, and yogarishtas have been described briefly and the principles in the background explained. Various factors that nullify the effects of above arishtas have also been referred to in the chapter.
There is a special emphasis on the study of childhood period which ranges up to 12 years of age with minor adjustments both ways because it is during this period that the prospects of life depend more on various external circumstances than on the blessings or curse of the planets. In other words, the problem of early life was considered with reference to Desh, Kala and Patra that is the country, period, and the person. Chapter 3 deals with the classification of life into three comportments namely, the alpayu, madhyamayu and poornayu and planets. This has been followed by an attempt at studying the various factors that prove deterrents to the prospects of the continuity.
In chapter 4 the principle relating to the study of the birth chart have been explained. The good and bad planets and houses, importance of nodes, various yogas, importance of drekkanas and navamsas and the principle of Bhavadbhavam etc. have been dealt with. Various causes of death have been studied. Transit system, Pada rasis, the Upgrahas, Tara dasa system, Spashta Deha, Spashta Mrityu and Spashta Jeeva have also been included in the study.
In after confirmation in various ways that life would last for some substantial period, attempt were made about the calculation of longevity mathematically in precise terms. In all there are 32 methods. All of them could not be included in this book for reasons of space but the most important and popular of them have found their place. Chapter 5 deals with ashtakavarga system of calculation. Preparation of charts, Ekadhipatya and Trikona Sodhanas. Mandal Sodhana, Rasi and graha gunakaras have all been explained in detail with practical example Samudaya ashtakavarga and its calculations with practical illustrations have also been included. In the end, a word about the circumstances under which Bhinna ashtakvarga or the Samudaya ashtakvarga should be tried and working out the dasa system has been explained.
Badrayan's horary system of calculating the longevity with step by step considerations supported by practical calculations have been explained. The Rasmikayu calculations, Bharanas and haranas, the nakshatrayu, Gauri Jataka and Jaimini system have been included with practical illustrations. They from the subject matter of chapter 6.
In chapter 7 the pindayurdaya and the Amsakayurdaya methods have been discussed in detail and illustrated with practical examples in each case.
Chapter 8 has been devoted to a new method of determining the longevity. Its separate treatment would inside its importance. The method is really novel in the sense that I have not found it in the classical books. It was found in the book 'Span of Life' written by Sh. G. S. Rama Murthi. The second edition of the book was published in 1971. Sh. Rama Murthi has started that this method is being practiced successfully by one family of astrologers in the south. There are two main merits of the method. The one great merit is that it is too simple to be explained and practiced. There are no ifs and buts. The way it has been explained indicates that it is universally applicable. The other advantage is that it is very easy to practice without any mathematical calculations. As regards its usefulness this author has very little to comment, as the same has not so for been used by him. The reason for its recommendation is that it takes into account life factors from various angels. The calculations are made on that basis of four important factors, which deal with life in its various aspects. The lagna represents the native. The third house indicates his prowess. The eight houses is for life itself according to astrological principles. The tenth house stands for karmasthana as well as the retirement from life. The readers are requested to practise it themselves and draw their own conclusion. It would be better if they could share their experiences with others.
Chapter 9 deals with all the methods of calculations collectively. Their practical utility has been discussed and various circumstances under which one or the other method can be used has been explained. In short a comparative study of the methods is the subject matter of the chapter.
In practical life of today it has been noticed that the methods fail not so much on account of their own short coming as due to the differences in the times then and now. The stresses and hurdles on the way today are not only many in number but also much deeper in intensity. The accidents, which take a heavy toll of human life every now and then, call for a deeper study. Of course as human beings we are quite imperfect instruments to judge the ways of providence. We can however be more careful and cautious attempts. The extra care that can be taken in judgement has been discussed and explained to some extent in the chapter.
In the Epilogue the author has tried to evaluate the various methods by way of critical appreciation of the methods and their practical utility. A word about what the author has been doing in this respect has also been added by way of advice. This may be followed or rejected lies within the discretion of the readers.
Determination of longevity is an integral part of horoscopy. It is as different and complicated as it is important. The author, who is both a teacher and a practitioner of the science, has dealt with the whole subject in an easy-to-understand style for the beginner as will as the seasoned. Beginning with the elementaries he proceeds in sequence to the more and more difficult aspects of the subject culminating ultimately in their synthetics. First he outline the essential producers for checking the correctness of time and date of birth for preparing the birth chart and then he goes on to the identification of inauspicious yogas. There after follows a vivid discussion on Balarishtas and Arishta-bhangas etc. The philosophy behind the yogas has been logically explained. A deeper analysis of many methods of mathematical calculation of longevity and their application is enriched by practical examples.
In short the book is scholarly blend of the wisdom of the sages and the practical experience of the author. It is the only treatise of its kind on this very difficult subject of longevity and a dedicated attempt presenting the essence flowing thought the churning of classical texts by the author.
A rare exposition on longevity that neither a neophyte nor a scholar or a seasoned practitioner of the science can afford to miss.
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