Not run of the mill. Not lukewarm. Not mild but revolutionary is what, the author, Mr.N.N.Sharma, a member of the teaching faculty,Institute of Asteology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan relishes for he unloks the mysteries of divisional charts with a shock treatment. It is sure to achtivate the brain cells of readers and make them think loudly. A timely intiative indeed that was due since long.
The book is scientific in nature. The reasoning is convincing. It is Now for to apply the methodology and take forward this research. It isexplained scientifically for the first time as to why some tein birth within one to three minutes interval have different destinies. .
Divisional charts refer to the different facets of a person’s life.except for Shastiamsha, the meaning of the divisions of divisional charts as it requied a very precise and accurate record of the birth time. However,the reseance carried out by a tearm of devoted researchers, under the guidance of our revered Guru Shri K.N.Rao, have made the divisinal charts popular. .
With the emphasis on rether than the readymade modules, the milestones in reserch are being achived with a greather speed Now. Tredition is animportan ingerdient of the craft of astrology, which is bolstered though research. Strong reseach is neceessary for the progress of astrology Modemising is essential to get to the correct predictions. Classics, in their oriiginal from, are Not adequate. They have to the interpreted in today’s context with modification. .
The important of divisional charts: Ask our research enthusiasts to collectively brain stoem and answer the question as to which is the area in astrology that and has the potential to transform astrology. The reply has to be the division charts. I am sure once we get to roots of this challenging area, the percentage of correct predictions would go as high as it was never ever before. .
Question yourself. 1. Why Shodasvargas are given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra so prominently?. 2. What has to be done with names of ten divisions of dashamnsha, sevendivision given in Brihat parashara Hora Shastra. 3. Why “Navamsha Dasha” gives excellent results and so do other dashas based on divisional charts? What matters in the final anelysis is the rate of successful predicitions, which Now stands in the vicinity of 70%, and can move to 90% once we understand the hidden portion of the divisional cgarts.
The concept of Divisional charts is unique as each divsion charts refers to the different facets of a life of a person. While narrating the different divisonal charts Maharishi Parashara did Not elaborate the methodology to be adopted for reading these charts were Not much used by astrologers who perferred the Bhava Chalit chart to delineate. The Shastiamsha was also Not used much as it requierd a very precise and accurate record of the birth time.
However, The researches carried out by a team of devoted researchers, under the guidance of our revered Guru Shri K.N.Rao, have made the divisional charts popular. On the basis of his researches Shri K.N.Rao has demonstrated the use of these charts in his book titled, Timing Events Though Vimshottri Dasha, In the weekly research classes Shri Rao emphasizes the importance of divisional charts reminds the research students never with more subtleties. Col. Gour, One of Distinguished student has recently publshed a paper and delineated a chart for Bhakti, using only the Navamsha.
The divisional charts are to be analysed in the same manner as in the birth chart. First look at the assendent, followed by the concerned bhava and also the karaka and the then see the key plants of the birth chart in the divisional chart.
The predictive principle laid down by Maharishi Parashara have been meticuously followed in probing the destinies of twins were the birth chart is invariable the same. The concept of divional charts have been furter extended and Sookhaham charts are perpared. It was observed that, as in Optics, Physics, a combination of lens/prisms gave a better view of the fleld focused, a particular divisional chart when merged with a navamsha and vice versa, focused the plants, which are the power centres, with more clarity for better understanding. Any comments and suggesstions from readers are most welcome and will help me in improving the subsequent editions.
Prarabha or destiny is handful of sachet karmas of a person with which he is born either to enjoy the fruits in this life or to suffer. The picking of handful of sachet karmas is entirely a divine function and the person has absolutely No choice. The sachet karmas are No so chosen by our karamphaldata that these are in perfect equilibrium and harmony with the prevailing force of nature as represented by start or grahas at that time. Therefore the birth chart is a manifestation of the karmic pattern of the person. The astrologers, with the blessing of God try to read the language of the horizon is the same, but the people bourn during that period have different prarabdha. This is for the simple reason That each planet under altered alignment has to deliver widely different and varied function. The alignments get altered, with respect to the fastest moving entity, the Ascendant. Twins born of the same parents, almost at the same time are a perfect example of the wide fluctuations in prarabdha. It is Not uncommon to come across the following cases of twins. a. One of the twins dies after birth, say within a few weeks, while the other enjoys a Normal healthy life even up to pooranayu. b. While one is enjoying the fruits of rajyoga the other is a rolling stone in life. c. While one is blessed with the male children the other is having No Child or only female children.
The above examples are only indicative and by No means exhaustive and can at best help in introducing the subject. The twine have mostly the same birth chart and same navamsha in majority of the cases. Our revered Guru the living legend of astrology, Shri K. N. Rao has stated in the Journal of Astrology Mesha Sankranti issue, (April-June, 2005) at page 44: ‘When two dentinal horoscopes are before us, we at once see our limitations. Maharishi Parashara has given sufficient guidelines and indications in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra but, unfortunately, these have Not been carried further and developed by sustained and organized research. For the last couple of centuries, astrology has been in the hands of traditional pandits, who were interested in astrology as related to karam kand seen by them as a source that sustained their families. No research is reported during this long period. Thus, there has been No effort to interpret the ancient Vedic dictas in modern scientific and social context. During this period the contemporary physical sciences have advanced to specialization and super-specialization levels. Astrology, which is really a super science, remained buried and got fragmented partly because of the indifferent or rather hostile attitude of the rulers. In this book an attempt has been made to interpret or even extend the original basic principles, without in anyway interfering with the basic dictates of vedic philosophy. More than half of twin births are within a time gap of ten minutes and thus the co- borns have the same birth chart and more often the same navamsha also. It will Not be wrong to say that twins may have the same prarabdha or very nearly the same prarabdha.
On careful examination of the birth charts of several twins, the following observations are worth sharing. a)Twins have near identical horoscopes. b) The planets are also quite identically placed,i.e, their longitudesare almost the same. c) When divisional charts are prepared, most of the planets move to the same rashi. For example, a particular planet in navamsha, is found in the same rashi in both the horoscopes. d) The purpose of divisional charts is to highlight the position of planets as these are the power centres in the horoscope. Highlighting of a planet also pre-supposes discarding a certain useless portion of the chart. A navamsha chart actually represents only forty degree of the original zodiac of 360 degree of the birth chart. In scientifiE parlance, it can be said the navamsha chart is the nine times magnification and focus around the position of planets( which are the power centers) and the remaining 320 degree of unwanted load is to be discarded in interpretation of a specific area. e) In most of the cases, it is observed the the ascendant in a divisional chart has got changed while the planets stick to the same rashis in one set of twins. This small observation forms the basis for differentiating between the prarabdha of twins. e) The Ascendant is the fastest moving entity. On an average, it moves one degree every four minutes. It means that for every difference of thirteen minutes in the birth time of twins, the navamsha ascendant will always be different. However, it does Not imply, that the navamsha ascendant will be the same if the difference in the birth time is less than 13 minutes. In some extreme cases the navamsha ascendantmay be different with birth time difference of even one minute. g) Ascendant is a reference point from where the planet’s position and its karkatawas (significations) are demarcated. In other words, with the change of the ascendant, the role of different power centres (planets) get altered.
The InNovation: A changed Ascendant has been found to answer the puzzle of interpreting birth charts of twins having different destinies. This approach of changing the Ascendant is well within the defined principles of astrology. The guiding source have been the principles and guidelines laid down by Maharish) Parashara in Br/hat Parashara Hot-a Shastra. The magnifications of some of the divisional charts has been experimented to prepare sookhsham charts and then use them as orisinal divisional charts for evaluating the results. As in optics, for better clarity and resonance, a combination of optical devices are employed, on the same analogy, a combination of divisional charts have been used to prepare sookhsham charts. The results obtained are convincing and replicable. If a birth chart is compared to the physical body, sthool sharira, the divisional charts are the scokhsharn of the particular portion, in focus, and then the sookhsham (charts) may be taken as MRI of the power centers (planets).
Sookhsham charts shall Not Normally be prepared for any single chart unless the birth time is very accurate.
Understanding Medical Science The ovaries, in the females, produce one egg every month from puberty menopause. These eggs conta’rn the chromosomes, which are the carriers of hereditary characters. After its discharge from the ovaries, the egg travels through the fallopian tube on way to uterus. In the fallopian tube the egg meets sperms from the male species. Sperm also contain male chromosomes. Many sperms surround the egg, but only one is able to pierce the egg wall and enter inside. The other sperms remain outside and get destroyed. Thereafter the egg and the sperm fuse together to form a zygote, and this moves to the uterus for further development. The process of division and further dMsions then follow.
In certain cases, which are quite rare, during the initial process of division, two equal portion of the zygote separate out and develop as two separate babies. Since both of these are formed from the same zygote, they are very similar and even have the same physical characters.
In certain cases which is still rare, during the process of initial division the zygote separates into two parts but they do Not separate fully and remain attached at a very small place. The two portions develop as separate individual babies but attached together at a very small point. After the delivery these have to be surgical[y separated. These are Siamese twins.
In yet aNother, but freak case, a female generates two eggs in a particular month and both of these get fertilized by separate sperms and thereafter develop as separate babies. The physical characters in this type of twins may Not be the same and might differ.
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