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An Intensive Course in Telugu

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Publisher: Central Institute Of Indian Languages, Mysore
Author: Parimi Ramanarasimham
Language: Telugu Text With English Translation
Edition: 2023
ISBN: 8173421625
Pages: 890
Cover: Hardcover
9.0 inch X 7.0 inch
1.60 kg
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Book Description

The central Institute of Indian Languages was established at Mysoere on 17th July 1968 with a primary objective of fulfilling the Government of India's resolution that envisaged a set of concrete measures for the development of the major languages of India. As an important step in this direction, the institute offers – through its seven Regional language Centers (RLCs) located in different parts of the country an intensive teaching programme in second language instruction for most languages in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution. The regional Language Centres were set up in order to help and meet the demand for trained teachers and implement the Institute's goal of developing the major Indian Languages at the school lever teaching. This was also planned as a part of the three language formula and the assurances given to linguistic minorities. It is needless to say that instruction in four Dravidian languages at the Southern Regional Language Centre at Mysore occupies a pride of place in this scheme. It has always had an excellent faculty and leadership in this matter. This Southern centre naturally attracts a large number of teachers who spend 10 months every year to take the course. Besides the RLC activities, Institute is also charged with the responsibility of conducting research on all the minor and lesser known as well as endangered languages of India to bring out grammars, dictionaries, style manuals, standardized writing and spelling patterns, language pedagogy materials and language technology tools for such languages.

The RLCs are also charged with the responsibilities of developing need based materials and methods of teaching Indian language as second/foreign languages, train secondary school teachers in languages other than their mother tongues with a view to Providing more language choice to young students in Secondary schools and thus heighten the awareness of the diversity which goes into the building of the mosaic of Indian Culture through their activities such as inter translations, original writing in an another language etc.

The Principals and Lecturers of all the Regional Language centres of the Institute had prepared a conducive and scientific format which became the point of reference for producing language teaching materials. In this series, the present book entitled 'An Intensive Course in Telugu' was prepared by Prof. P Ramanarasimham when he was working in the SRLC, Mysore. The material has been in use in different parts/versions in the Centre since long. Subsequently the copies of the first impression were sold out and on the basis of the feedback, Prof. P. Ramanarasimha revised this material by incorporating new materials and techniques. We appreciate the effort and academic input of Dr.K.V.V.L.N.Rao, Dr.K.VIswanatham, Shri. G. Vijayasarathi and Dr. G. Prabhakar and all concerned and also commend Dr. V.S.Nair, the current Principal, for his advice in syllabus design and help in revising the book. I hope it will be a welcome addition to Telugu teaching material already available in some universities.

From time immemorial individuals have been learning other's languages as well, in addition to their own. Some learn language of others without a teacher or a textbook. In this case the community is the classroom, and the social needs of the learner provide him/her with a curriculum. On the other hand, some learn with the help of teacher and a textbook, in which case the curriculum is organized and planned. In the first context the learning is generally felt to be easy and more or less unconscious, natural and automatic. Competence acquired in such a learning may or may not be similar to competence acquired in such a learning may not be similar to competence of language acquisition in mother tongue. It may also be of a time consuming process in some cases. In most cases such a learning may be partial in the sense that the learners may be competent in using that particular language for some specific purposes only. Also the learner is invariably required to live in the particular area in which that language is spoken or he/she must have regular physical contact with the speakers of the language. In the second context, the learning is generally seen to be difficult, formal, conscious at every step and organized. Because of these formal conditions there can be a variety of exposure within the shortest span, thus raising the theoretical possibility of a more rapid thus raising the theoretical possibility of a more rapid learning of the particular language. Also the learner need not live in the particular language area. However motivation is important in both the contexts. Learning a language in the second context is a complex activity. The term second language learning is generally restricted to this type of learning only.

The success of learning a second language depends upon the method, material and the motivation of the learner. Use of systematically organized and planned material ensures the attainment of educational goals with ease and rapidity. The present intensive Course is an attempt in this direction. The three principles of materials production, namely, selection, gradation and presentation are followed with care in the preparation of this book. The teachable items are carefully graded based on the pedagogical principles, namely, a progression of items from simple to complex and from known to unknown, and the relevance of the given linguistic situation.


This Intensive Course in meant primarily for the teacher trainees of the Southern Regional Language Centre of the Central Institute of Indian Languages , who do not know Telugu earlier. This is the prescribed textbook for the Basic course of the three phase ten month course of 1100 hours of instruction. The other two phases are Intermediate Course and Advance Course. The Basic Course extends over a period are able to achieve the following objectives:

1. To perceive and reproduce the sounds and their meaningful sequences, which means identification of the sounds in their meaningful sequence, discrimination of the sounds in their meaningful sequence, and oral reproduction of the sounds in their meaningful sequence.

2. To form orally sentences from given patterns and lexical items.

3. To converse with the teacher and with fellow trainees on specified topics under controlled situations.

4. To narrate specified events and topics orally

5. To read simple and graded passages with comprehension, which includes the recognition of the letters of the alphabet in isolation and in sequence, and the comprehension of passages containing simple sentences.

6. To write simple sentences and guided compositions on specified topics, which means the writing of the letters of the alphabet in the initial stage followed by words and sentences and writing of guided composition on the basis of the cues provided.

Of the above objectives, this Intensive Course in meant mainly to achieve objectives from 2 to 4. To realise the other objectives, the other CIIL publications such as Telugu Phonetic Reader (1961), CIIL – K. V.S Mother Tongue Series MANA BHASHA LEVEL I (1973) consisting a Textbook, a Scriptbook, a Copybook and a teacher's Manual. Though the books in CIIL-K.V.S. Mother Tongue Series are prepared for Children learning Telugu as a mother tongue, they could be effectively used by adult second language learner for the script learning purpose as the Telugu script is presented in the Scriptbook and Copybook on the basis of similarity of shape of the letters and the hand movements in writing them. The learner would do well to learn Telugu script before they commence using this book or learn it simultaneously while using this book.

Design of the Book

This Intensive Course of 100 Lessons in 24 Units. Each Unit consists of two or more lessons covering a group of related grammatical patterns of a major grammatical structure. This is further divided into various teachable items. Each lesson deals with a few teachable items covering at least one of the structural patterns of the Grammatical structure focused in the Unit. Teachable item may be defined as a single minimum point that the teacher has to concentrate upon while teaching. This may also be a single minimum point that the teacher has to concentrate upon while teaching. This may also be a single minimum point that the teacher has to concentrate upon while constructing a test. First 40 lessons cover a comparatively has number of teachable items than the later lessons. This is to accommodate the initial problems involved in learning the mechanics of writing and developing reading skill. There are two types of lessons in this Intensive Course: unit lessons and review lessons, unit lessons, Each Unit consists of 5 components, namely, (i) Text, (ii) Drills, (iii) Exercises, (iv) Vocabulary and (v) Grammar Notes.

The text is mostly in the form of conversation. A few narrations, news items and a story are also there. In this component, new teachable items with a judicious mixture of old ones for reinforcement are presented in a meaningful situation. Each sentence in the Text is provided with a free English translation to give a general comprehension of the sentence in particular and the total text in general. However, the translation does not maintain one to one correspondence with the structural elements of the Telugu sentence.

The drills are designed to train the learner to speak through a mastery of the basic structural patterns of the language. the drills include repetition drill, build up drill, substitution drill both simple and manipulative, interlocked substitution drill, expansion drill, response drill, combination drill, transformation drill and conversation drill. Each drill is designed to bring out automatic accuracy and speed of performance.the drills are graded considering the complexity of manipulation involved in each drill. The drills, other than repetition and build up drills, have a model set of stimulus and response.

The drills are followed by different kinds of exercises. Both these components are confined only to the new teachable items covered in the lesson. No new vocabulary items are used in drills and exercises. Drills are for oral administration in the class whereas the exercises are for home practice. Clear and adequate instructions are provided at the beginning of every exercise. The exercises involve a higher degree of manipulative activity than the drills, helping a specialized practice and consolidation of the grammatical rules. The new vocabulary items of each lesson are listed separately in the order of their first occurrence in the Text. The English equivalent is given against each item. This meaning is confined to the context to the context of reference in the text. The teacher has the liberty of bringing out the various shades of meanings and uses of a vocabulary item by way of proper explanation, wherever felt necessary.


Foreword v
Acknowledgement vii
Introduction to First Edition ix
Introduction to Revised Edition xxv
Abbreviations xxvii
Symbols used in Phonemic Transcription xxviii xxviii
Lesson 1 What is that? and Who is he? 1
III person pronouns; Telugu Script 1.
Lesson 2 I and II person pronouns; Possessive (oblique) forms of the pronouns; Greeting; Imperative; Telugu Script 2 20
Lesson 3 Friend's house 45
Pronominal & Nominal adjs.; Kinship terms; Yes-no type question; Emphatic marker ( to mark emphasis); Telugu script 3.
Lesson 4 How many in total? 70
Numerals; Plural suffix; Neutral plural pronouns; Locative case (in); Existential verb (be forms); Some postpositions (on, under, etc.); Telugu Script 4.
Lesson 5 You, We and We 95
I & II per. plural pronouns & oblique forms (forms capable of taking case suffixes); Human numerals; Coordinative constructions (x and y); Telugu Script 5.
Review 1
Lesson 6 Where is the post office? 123
Unit II
Lesson 7 My father is in America 132
Non-future tense forms in existential verb (is, are…), affirmative & negative; Personal suffixes; Indicative predicates; Inclusive marker (and and also)
Lesson 8 Hellol How do you do? 150
Negative imperative; Inclusive marker to differentiate between two and both, three and all the three, etc.
Lesson 9 Today is our grandfather's birthday 168
Pronominal predicates (mine, ours, yours, etc.); Human indicative predicates (There he is! ... ); Ordinal numerals (first, second, etc.); Interrogative words as pronouns, predicates and adjs.; Tag question.
Lesson 10 Dasara Festival 182
Oblique base of plural noun; Adjectival predicates (good one).
Lesson 11 What is the time now? 193
Time expressions; Fractions; More numerals.
Lesson 12 What vegetables are available? 205
Lesson 13 Do you have a job? 212
Dative case; Predicate markers; Degrees of respect.
Lesson 14 What are there in your town? 234
Dative case contd.; Nominal and adjectival predicates.
Lesson 15 Dubitative marker; Dubitative word; Use of kadu (is not) and ledu (is not there). 256
Lesson 16 What do you want? 272
Defective verbs kavilJj (want), addu (don't want); Dative subject; Expressions like nothing, nobody, nowhere, etc.; Adverbial marker gil.
Lesson 17 You don't need sugar 282
More defective verbs akkar/edu (don't need/require). cslu (be enough); Ablative case (from); More on dative; More numerals; Eithen .. or... structure.
Lesson 18 Temple and School 302
Lesson 19 See who he is! 307
Some compound sentences; i ending verbs; More on dative
Lesson 20 I have to go to a movie 321
Obligatory forms (have to); Accusative case; Direct and indirect objects; Sociative case (with); Separable and inseparable possession (Ravi has a book; Ravi has sense); More on dative and locative
Lesson 21 A mango grove 336
Present tense; Purposive case (for); Adverbializer of manner (looks like x, talks like y); Indefinite pronouns (someone, somebody, something, etc.);Address terms/ markers.
Lesson 22 What are you doing? 350
Present tense contd.; Locative function of dative suffix.; Some adverbs; Quantitative adjs. (those ma~v, these many ... ).
Lesson 23 I am buying a radio Present tense contd; More on dative; Inferior address markers. 364
Lesson 24 A letter 376
Unit V
Lesson 25 Eating is too much is not good 382
Gerund (ing form of the verb); Present negative; Comparative marker (than); Dubitative marker to express uncertainty
Lesson 26 Let's go to a movie; will you come? 396
Future tense; Horative (Let us forms); Accusative forms of I and II person pronouns; More on dative subject.
Lesson 27 TIckets will not be available 413
Future negative; Dative as directional (towards); Compound verbs; Use of certain nouns and English words as verbs.
Lesson 28 I repaired your radio Past tense. 425
Lesson 29 We should not waste electricity 434
Infinitive; Past negative; Permissive (may); Prohibitive (shoud not); Persuasive form (why don't you ... ); Use of hortative in sentences expressing planning to, have a desire to; More on gerund; Directional (to'rlKlrds); Postpositions through.from in
Lesson 30 What vegetables did you cook for today? 450
Lesson 31 Don't read while eating 456
Present adverbial participle (eating while talking, came laughing, etc.); Present/progressive adjectival participle (playing children, etc.); Informative
base (ask to eat, etc.); More on dative and dative subject; Sentences expressing Not only ... but also.
Lesson 32 Catch by hair if you can; otherwise surrender 473
Conditional (if clause); Negative conditional; Request question (What shall I do? Shall I give you something?); Some oblique bases; Expression like I am planning that I must ... ; More on dative; Postposition within; More on conditional.
Lesson 33 It is raining 489
s ending verbal bases; Obligatory adjectival participle (that one has to ... ); Future continuous (will be raining).
Lesson 34 Did you clean the tables? 498
c ending verbal bases.
Lesson 35 I am toasting the bread 506
Derived transitive verbs(to stop and stop something, erc); Verbal base tie; Feminine inferior address markers; More on dative.
Lesson 36 This is our farm. sir! 516
Lesson 37 Mr. Mukharjee became the Principal 525
The verbs po and ka in past tense; More defective verb forms (to know); More on dative subject; Expressions ago, otherwise; Use of conditional and dubitative; More on dative; Advrbializers to express As and like
Lesson 38 Did anybody come for me? 540
Expressions anybody, anywhere, whichever, etc; More on time expression; More on verb padu 'to fall'; More on compound sentences; More on sociative case suffix (with).
Lesson 39 Has your brother passed the examination? 554
More forms of the verb ka 'to become'; Compound verbs with uMdu, Emphatic conditional (if clause with emphasis)
Lesson 40 Sarma! You will live for thousand years! 561
c/s ending verbs in past negative; Peculiar use of conditional; Unless construction; More on gerund and dative.
Lesson 41 Who is the person standing there? 569
Past adjectival pariticiple (as in phrases like written word; that which came, etc.); Future/ non-past adjectival participle (that which will go); Norminalized adjs. (that which came); Adjectival participle predicates as in sentences like you are the one who passed; Conjuction gani in a compound sentence; More on dubitative marker used in a compound sentence; More on dative; Compound verb about to…
Lesson 42 What Happened to the coat that I kept here? 589
Lesson 43 It tooks as though it would rain now 599
Derived manner adverb ( in the manner as someone asked); Expressions like It seems/looks like; Count pronouns (many) and mass pronouns (much); Negative adjectival participles (un-asked, undone, etc.); Nominalized negative adjectival participles (that which does not go); Expressions like as someone goes on talking ... ; More on the use of gerund.
Lesson 44 While I am knitting 612
Temporal adverbs (while coming, when came, etc.); Quantitative modifiers derived from verb (as many as, as much as); Expressions
like It seems/looks like he did not give; By the time someone came ... ; More on the use of gerund; Adjectives of kind; Past tense of Iedu; A special use of adjectival paticiple predicates in a verbless sentences like The one who came is Ravi.
Lesson 45 Having told and without telling... 627
Past adverbial participle (having gone, having asked, etc.) and its negative (without going. without asking); More on dative.
Lesson 46 How long since you came? 638
Some temporal expressions (expressions involving time); Expressions like intend/decide to ... , need not ....
Lesson 47 Computer Music 646
A formal use of language as in newspapers; Sentences with reporting verb (direct and indirect speech).
Lesson 48 Subbarao shouted 657
Lesson 49 She would have come 664
Expressions like will/would have ... , will/would be ... ; Another Imperative negative form of the verb.
Lesson 50 On the Chamundi Hill 671
Abilitative and its negative (can/cannot; forms; Expressions like as Soon as; Postpositions equivalent to due to, because of .. ; Past obligatory form (had to); Expression of distribution of things between and among; More on address markers.
Lesson 51 May be or May rot be! 684
Probabilistic (may, may not….); Reporting particle (It is told ... ); Future obligatory (will have to ... ); More on dative; Compound verbal bases formed with the use of verbs ceyyi 'to do'. Pettu 'toput/place'. and ka'to become'.
Lesson 52 Allowing or not allowing to come 696
Permissive verb (let/allow to..); Negative form of gerund (not doing); obligatory conditional (if one has to …); An expression with assurance.
Lesson 53 Whether comes or not 704
Concessive and its negative (though, though not); Defective verbs in various tenses; cu ending verbs; More on tag questions.
Review 9
Lesson 54 Dawn and Dusk 716
Unit X
Lesson 55 The python that swallowed a goat 724
A special group of verbs; Auxiliary verb po to express a sense of completeness to the verb; Stative verbs (It is dead; It is alive; He is sitting, etc.);Expression like immediately after (as soon as).
Lesson 56 Stopping and stopping (something) 732
Some sets of intransitive and transitive verbs; Auxiliary verbs veyyi to express a sense of completeness to the verb.
Lesson 57 I will get the flowers plucked and give 741
Causative verbs; An expression of assurance
Lesson 58 I brought plates for myself 750
Reflexive verb (do for self); oblique forms of some pronouns; Expression like what is there is it…, what is great about it..
Lesson 59 Tenali Ramakrishnudu (a story) 760
Historical/ remote past (expressions like used to …); Historical/ remote past continuious; Abilitative verb in different tense (is/ was/ will be able to..) and their negative forms; More on causative; Passive voice; Auxiliary verb tiru to express a sense of definiteness and certainty to the verb; Royal/ most formal/ most honorific II per. Pronouns; Expressions like could not remain without saying remained without saying, etc.
Review 10
Lesson 60 What is the reason for you not marrying? 774
Overall Review 1
Lesson 61 A novel experiment in lending 787
Overall Review 2
Lesson 62 The poor people 791
Overall Reveiew 3
Lesson 63 Some wonders of the world 796
Overall Review 4
Lesson 64 The planet Mars 802
Appendix I List of vocabulary items introduced in the course 805
Appendix II Index of the suffixes, Particles and Functions words occuring in the Grammar Notes 824
Appendix III Index of the techincal and grammatical items occuring in the Grammar Notes 834
Appendix IV List of words with glosses occuring in script exercises 834

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