Vol-1: 9783990000977 Vol-2: 9783990001530 Vol-3: 9783990001578
Paramahamsa Hariharananda cautioned his students to proceed carefully because "the spiritual path is very slippery." The journey to God is fraught with pitfalls, traps, endless sensual enticements, and creations of the mind. We can only marvel at the remarkable men and women who have courageously attained the realized state. How were they able to avoid the hazards that lead to spiritual downfall?
The masters who choose to share their experiences are spiritual inspirations; their teachings nourish students' growth. A realized one, a guru, is a divine alchemist who guides the transformation of seekers from mortal human beings to the realization that they are immortal souls. Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the illustrious modern day sage, was such a master.
In the Company of My Master, Volume One, is the first in a series of diaries that contain the priceless teachings of Paramahamsa Hariharananda. These teachings are taken from the personal notes of his foremost disciple and successor, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, who shares many of the teachings that helped him achieve the pinnacle of realization. We learn how to live spiritual lives, achieve Self-realization, and serve God's creation. We learn about day-to-day practical spirituality. This book is a roadmap for traveling on the journey to the truth: we are God in human beings and human beings in God.
Our parents teach us about the world, but a spiritual master teaches us what lies beyond it. A master teaches us how to conquer the world by conquering ourselves. When a student is receptive and follows the master's guidance, advancement on the spiritual path is assured. When the teachings take root in the heart and mind, they flourish and grow when faithfully practiced with discipline and love. No doubt, this was the case for Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji, the foremost disciple of the God-realized yogi Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji. Through his unflinching spirit, dedication, selfless love, and devotion, Prajnananandaji was perfectly attuned to his master and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of Self- realization.
This second volume of In the Company of My Master contains Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji's notes and recollections as a young disciple of his beloved Gurudev. In this enlightening and intimate book Prajnananandaji shares some of his most treasured memories, revealing the master's words and actions that laid the foundation and provided the necessary thrust for him to achieve the ultimate goal of life. It is an indispensable source of inspiration for every seeker. As we read this book, we will realize that when we follow the master's teachings with implicit faith and love, everything is possible.
Great beings have great goals. Spiritual greatness is achieved by those who have the noblest and highest goal of all. But the goal is not enough. One must also possess the determination, discipline, and love to pursue it wholeheartedly.
At an age when most young men are chasing dreams of financial success and relationships, Triloki Dash (later known as Paramahamsa Prajnanananda) focused on only one thing: attaining the summit of spiritual realization. His intense longing eventually led him to the ashram of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, one of the greatest realized masters in modern history. Among spiritual giants Paramahamsa Hariharananda was extraordinary. His teachings were simple, his depth unfathomable. His words and actions had a weighty purpose; they were all hints to help his students unravel the mystery of life. His life was a living scripture. Ultimately, his most remarkable quality was the unconditional love that flowed like a mighty river from his heart. It charged the atmosphere and transformed the lives of countless spiritual seekers.
This marvelous book is the third volume in a series written from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda's notes during his discipleship at the feet of his beloved Paramahamsa Hariharananda. It is an invaluable tool for every seeker of Truth. The deeply personal narrative provides an intimate glimpse into the mind and heart of an exceptional student as well as into the teachings that helped him attain spiritual realization. We are also allowed to witness the eternal bond of love between a realized master and his devoted student.
The world is a fathomless ocean with invisible shores inhabited with ferocious predatory animals such as anger, greed, jealousy, hatred, ego, and emotions that seek to devour, torment, and torture us every moment. Most of us want to get rid of such misery and be in a safe place. Arriving in this safe haven requires crossing the ocean from maya where everyone is sinking into troubles and making it to the other shore, called liberation.
The ship is good company and we should board it. The guru is the boatman and God's grace is in the form of the favorable wind safely sailing the ship to its destination. If seekers avail themselves of good company, then without a doubt, they can easily cross this ocean of danger and difficulties. Finding good company is not always easy and association with the guru-preceptor is extremely rare; however, if seekers persist, then their daily lives will be filled with love and peace.
We humans need the company and association of others every step of the way in our lives. We love to have people, even pets and plants, around us. Human beings are social by nature. Do we think this is only true of humans? Plants and animals love to live together like we live in families and in communities. Among all the babies in creation, human babies are the most helpless and insecure. A calf or a kid can stand up a few minutes after its birth and go to the mother to suckle milk. What about humans? For years, not just minutes after our birth, we depend on our elders. We learn to speak through the sincere efforts of our parents. We develop a wide variety of skills to get through our struggles and survive in this world.
Life is a river. The river of life can be compared to any river that originates in the mountains as a small fountain or tributary, then passes through many difficulties and disasters. In the beginning the river is small, but it meets other small streams and grows a little bigger, at last it meets a big river, and the river's path to its beloved sea or ocean becomes much easier. Association with other small rivers can be compared to a family or good company that motivates us to move ahead with strength and courage, and not lose faith. The big river is none but the guru-preceptor. Once these two rivers meet, the journey becomes easy and smooth. The big river has already reached the ocean and cleared the way. The small river loses its identity and accepts the path and identity of the big river. Both rivers, small and big, accept each other with love; they merge and truly become one. Thus comes an end to the small tributary's struggle; ultimately, it meets the ocean without obstacles, which is its goal.
The example of the small fountain and the big river symbolizes the meeting, love, and union of a seeker with the guru-preceptor. The acceptance and union of the seeker with the divine guide is the most auspicious moment. It begins a real-life transformation of strength, courage, and fearlessness. Reaching the goal is completely assured. The duty of the seeker is to intensify love and devotion as taught by the teacher. When a seeker lives with the master, the seeker is trained and tuned in every possible manner. Initially it might be difficult for beginners, but with practice followed faithfully with love, the journey is most joyous.
A traveling king lost both his companion and the trail that led out of the thick forest. He was exhausted, and he realized the sun was about to set on the western horizon. He came upon a hermitage where he was treated with kindness. The king finished eating a simple but delicious meal and was preparing to sleep when he asked his host, "Who is your guru? Who is your guide?"
His host, a hermit, smiled and said, "People always search for a human guru to guide them, but I found a nonhuman guru who continuously shows me the best path to follow. I am following my guru and guide in the best possible manner."
The king was intensely curious, even impatient to know about this guru and guide. The hermit revealed at last, "My child, the tree is my guru."
Anxious to learn more about a tree as a guru, the king inquired, "A tree is dumb and mute. It cannot even protect itself from the sun and rain. How can a tree serve in the role of your teacher? How did it teach you, and what were the lessons?"
The hermit looked at the king with innocent eyes and said, "My child, who told you a tree does not speak? A tree in the plant kingdom and a cow in the animal world have the perfection within to be father, mother, friend, and guide. They teach us how we can live with love, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice."
The hermit continued, "My child, sometimes a human guru's behavior gives birth to doubt and confusion, but trees and cows sacrifice their lives without expectation. That is why I respect and humbly learn from trees and live with their lessons."
As the king listened to the hermit in the darkness of night, his mind became more curious and insistent.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Vedas (1293)
Upanishads (481)
Puranas (610)
Ramayana (834)
Mahabharata (331)
Dharmasastras (163)
Goddess (473)
Bhakti (240)
Saints (1295)
Gods (1272)
Shiva (341)
Journal (144)
Fiction (49)
Vedanta (329)
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