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Illustrated Susruta Samhita - 3 Volumes

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Author: Translated By K. R. Srikantha Murthy
Language: Original Text in Sanskrit, Translation in English, Explanatory Notes and Pictures
Edition: 2023
ISBN: 9788176370677 (Set)
Pages: 2066
Cover: Hardcover
10.0" X 7.6"
4 kg
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Book Description


From the Jacket:

Susruta samhita is the first authoritative book on Ayurveda. It has the distinction of being the only authentic text on ancient Indian surgery and contains the description of many wonderful surgical feats conducted by ancient Indian surgeons.

Susruta, the author of the book is the pioneer in performing repair and reconstruction of mutilated organs of the human body, known now a days as "plastic surgery". His method of repairing the multilated nose-Rhinoplasty has been adopted by European surgeons under the name "The Indian Method". He was the first medical man to have conducted dissection of the human dead body and described the anatomy of the human being. He was the first surgeon in the world to insist on training the students in surgical techniques using fruits, vegetables and artificially prepared parts of the human body. He describes all aspects of surgery-pre- operative measures, methods of operation in detail and post-operative care. His methods of "battle field surgery" were the most scientific methods appropriated to those days. He has described many surgical instruments which had been fabricated ideally.

His surgical operation included removal of foreign bodies, treatment of bones, and joints (orthopedics) wounds, obstructed labour (obstretrics) abdominal surgery, diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology) ear, nose, throat and head, urinary calculus and many more. With all these merits Susruta samhita is considered a book "par excellence on ancient Indian surgery".

In addition to surgery, it also deals with all other branches of Ayurveda such as Kaya cikitsa (inner medicine) Agada Tantra (toxicology), Balaroga (paediatrics) and doctrines of physiology, physiology, pharmacology, hygiene, maintainance of health, foods and drugs etc. Thus Susruta samhita is a classical text of Ayurveda, studied assiduously since very early times to the present day not merely by Indians but even by medical men of many western countries.

The present translation is by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy who has rich experience of teaching and writing spread over a span of fifty years. It is mainly aimed to help the graduate and post-graduate students of Ayurveda. It covers the entire treatise, in three volumes of translation. Each volume contains the original text in Sanskrit, translation in English, explanatory notes and pictures at many places, appendices and index. It will thus be of great help not only to students of Ayurveda but also to all those interested in knowing ancient Indian wisdom and achievements.

About the Author:

Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy (b.1929) is an alumnus of Govt. Ayurveda college, Mysore (1948) and Post-graduate centre in Ayurveda, Jamnagar (1958) now known as Gujrat Ayurveda University. He has served as professor and principal of all the three Govt. Ayurveda colleges of Karnataka state and Govt. Unani Medical college, Bangalore and retired from service in 1984. Recently he served as National professor of Vagbhata (1977-1999).

He has been continuously engaged in teaching and literary pursuits over the last fifty years. He is the author of many independent books, scores of scientific monographs on Ayurveda. He has translated into English almost all ancient texts of Ayurveda such as Astanga hrdaya, Astanga Samgraha, Madhava nidana and Sharngadhara Samhita. This book-translation of Susruta samhita is the latest in the series.

He is the reciepient of many titles and awards from many prestigious organizations.



Susruta samhita is the earliest known authoritive treatise on Ayurveda. Its importance is all the more great, since it is the only text now available on Salya tanra (surgery)-an important branch of Ayurveda. It is the most ancient document on this branch of medical science not merely of India but also of the whole world. Its author Susruta is acknowledged as the “Father of Surgery”. It is being studied since long by all Ayurvedists. Scholars of medicine of western countries also have undertaken its study in the last two centuries and have admired the achievements of surgeons of ancient India. It has maintained its popularity as an indisputable testimony of ancient Indian scientific achivements.


Susruta, son of sage Visvamitra, is said to be the author of this treatise. It embodies the teaching of his preceptor, Divodasa Dhanvantari, the king of Kasi. At the commencement of the text, there is an interesting narration on this subject which runs as follows :

“Once Aupadhenava, Vaitarana, Aurabhra, Pauskalavata, Karaviry a Gopuraraksita, Susruta and others, all sons of sages, approached Divodasa, who was residing in his hermitage and requested him to teach Ayurveda to them with special emphasis on Salya tafitra (surgery).

Divodasa cosented to this and revealed that “he is Dhanvantari-the first god of medicine, that he learnt Ayurveda from Indra, and has come again now to this world of men to propogate Salyatantra branch of Ayurveda” Susruta and other pupils learnt Salyatantra from Divodasa Dhanvantari and each of them wrote treatises containing the teachings of their master, which formed the basis of future texts on this subject.

Identity of these persons-

There is considerable difficulty regarding the correct identification of Divodasa, Susruta and Visvamitra, since we come across many persons of these names in ancient times. A brief enquiry about them is relevant here-

I. Divodasa - Rigveda mentions a king Divodasa, as the father of Sudasa. But it doesnot refer either to his scholarship of Ayurveda or to his connection with kingdom of Kasi, This person, considered as belonging to great antiquity can be excluded from this enquiry.

Mahabharata, Harivamsa, Agnipurana and some other scriptures make mention of Divodasa as one of the kings of Kasi.

According to Harivamsa, the kingdom of Kasi was founded by Kasa; other kings of this dynasty were Dhana, Dhanvantari, Ketuman, Bhimaratha, Divodasa, Pratardana, Vatsa and Alarka. Divodasa while he was ruling was defeated in battle by a king of Haihaya dynasty and took refuge in the hermitage of sage Bharadvaja, where his son Pratardana was born. After some time, Divodasa regained his kingdom and built the city of Varanasi. He, in his later life, relinquished his royal duties, lead the life of Vanaprasrha, residing in a hermitage near Kasi (Varanasi/Banaras) imparting knowledge of surgical science. His hermitage soon become a great centre of learning, attracting students even from other countries.

About his surname Dhanvantari, we may assume it in two ways viz. as the geniological name since one of his predessor (great grand father) was a Dhanvantari and as a honorific name since he was considered as an incarnation of Dhanvantari, the first god of medical science, because of his proficiency.

Dhanvantari sampradava-

Salyatantra (surgery) became the foremost among the branches of Ayurveda, under the leadership of Divodasa Dhanvantari. The precepts and practices formulated by Divodasa Dhanvafitari came to be known as Dhanvantari sampradaya- tradition of Dhanvantari (school of surgery) and followers of this tradition were called as Dhanvantariyah and considered as authorities in surgical methods of treatment of diseases.

It is this Divodasa Dhanvantari that is relevant for our enquiry regarding Susruta samhita.

2. Susruta-

The name Susruta was popular in ancient India and we come across many persons of that name. Out of them, the following only are relevant for us.

1. Susruta, son of sage Visvamitra- the author of Susruta samhita.
2. Mahabharata and Garuda Purana also mention Susruta as one of the sons of sage Visvamitra but do not say that he learnt Ayurveda (salya tantra) from Divodasa- king of Kasi.
3. Salihotra samhita - a treatise on Asvayurveda (medicine of horses) mentions a Susruta, the son of Salihotra, that he learnt that science from his father, that his classmates were Mitrajita, Gandhara, Garga etc.'. The text mentions the names of Atreya, Agnivesa, Bhela, Parasara etc as authorities of Ayurveda but does not mention Divodasa, Vaitarana, Gopuraraksita etc.
4. Panini - the great grammarian who lived during 7th cent, B.C. was in know of a certain Susruta and furnishes the derivatives of the term Susruta. He indicates a distinct tradition set up by Susruta and calls the followers of it as “Sausruta Parthivah”.
Taking the above informations for enquiry, present day scholars of Ayurveda have not been able to arrive at any decision. Hemaraja sharma argues that Susruta the author of Susruta samhita and Susruta, known to Panini are one the same person, since we do not find any other person of that name during the early period, and that Susruta the medical man must have been proficient in grammer also. This view has not received much support.

Internal and external evidences of Salihotra samhita do not suggest great antiquity for it and Susruta mentioned in it, is definitely a person different from Susruta of Susruta samhita.

Hence it will be prudent on our part to consider Susruta, the author of Susruta samhita as a person different from others mentioned above. 3. Visvamitra- Identification of Visvamitra is also problematic, since we meet the following persons of that name.
1. Rigveda mentions a Visvamitra as a 'seer' of many hymns and who was the priest of king Sudasa. No allusion is made to his knowledge of Ayurveda.
2. Ramayana describes Visvamitra as the son of Gadhi, king of Kanyakubja who became a sage later and was the teacher of Rama and Laksmana, sons of king Dasaratha, teaching Dhanurveda (archery) to them.
3. Visvamitra- author of Visvamitra samhita- a treatise on Kaya cikitsa (inner medicine) branch of Ayurveda. This book is not available now. Dalhana and other commentators have quoted from it proving its existence.
4. Visvamitra-author of a text on Dhanurveda (archery). The original text is not available now. A small book by name Dhanurveda containing only about 265 verses has been published which is in the form of a conversation between sage Vasistha as the teacher and sage Visvamitra-son of Gadhi, as the student. This being an unbelievable event, the authenticity of this book is doubtful.
Reviewing the above information, we may delete Visvamitra of Rigveda on the basis of great antiquity. Visvamitra the author of the treatise on kaya cikitsa can also be deleted since nothing is known about him and his works. Finally we are left with only one, that is visvamitra of Ramayana fame.

Modern scholars of Ayurveda are not unanimous in accepting this Visvamitra as the father of Susruta-the author of Susruta samhita. Both Hemaraj sharma and Priyavrat sharma opine that Visvamitra of Ramayana is an ancient personality and different from the father of Susruta our present author.



VOLUME I - Sutrasthana, Nidana Sthana and Sarira Sthana


I. Preface ix
II. Chapters of the text 1
Sutra Sthana - Section 1
1. Vedotpatti adhyaya (origin of Ayurveda) 3
2. Sisyopanayaniya adhyaya (initiation of the pupil) 13
3. Adhyayana Sampradaniya adhyaya (fecilitating the study) 16
4. Prabhasaniya adhyaya (necessity of interpretations) 26
5. Agropaharaniya adhyaya (collection of materials) 28
6. Rutucarya adhyaya (seasonal regimen) 36
7. Yantra vidhi adhyaya (usage of blunt instruments) 46
8. Sastravacaraniya adhyaya (usage of sharp instruments) 52
9. Yogyasutriya adhyaya (practical training) 57
10. Visikhanupravesaniya adhyaya (entry into profession) 59
11. Ksarapaka vidhi adhyaya (alkaline cautery) 63
12. Agnikarma vidhi adhyaya (thermal cautery) 70
13. Jalaukavacaraniya adhyaya (usage of leeches) 78
14. Sonita varnaniya adhyaya (description of blood) 86
15. Dosa dhatumala Vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of dosas etc) 97
16. Karna vyadhana bandha vidhi adhyaya (puncturing and bandaging the ear) 111
17. Amapakvaisaniya adhyaya (features of unripe and ripe swelling) 122
18. Vranalepana bandhana vidhi adhyaya (poulticing and bandaging of wounds) 128
19. Vranitopasaniya adhyaya (care of the wounded) 137
20. Hitahitiya adhyaya (suitable and unsuitables for health) 144
21. Vrana prasna adhyaya (questions concerning wounds) 152
22. Vranasrava vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of exudates of wounds) 165
23. Krtyakrtya vidhi adhyaya (prognosis of wounds) 170
24. Vyadhisamuddlesiya adhyaya (knowledge of diseases) 175
25. Asta vidha sastrakarmiya adhyaya (eight kinds of surgical operations) 182
26. Pranastasalya vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of foreign bodies) 189
27. Salyapanayaniya adhyaya (removal of foreign bodies) 197
28. Viparitaviparita vrana vijnaniya adhyaya (prognosis of wounds) 205
29. Viparitaviparita svapna nirdesaniya adhyaya (auspicious and inauspicious dreams) 209
30. Pancendriyartha vipratipatti adhyaya (good and bad sensory perceptions) 221
31. Chaya vipratipatti adhyaya (good and bad colour etc. fatal signs) 225
32. Svabhava vipratipatti adhyaya (good and bad nature of body parts fatal signs) 230
33. Avaraniyam adhyaya (fatal signs of diseases) 233
34. Yuktaseniya adhyaya (duties of army surgeon) 237
35. Aturopakramaniya adhyaya (examination of the patient) 242
36. Bhumi pravibhagiya adhyaya (kinds of land regions) 255
37. Misraka adhyaya (drugs of specific actions) 260
38. Dravya sangrahaniya adhyaya (groups of drugs) 266
39. Samsodhana samsamaniya adhyaya (purificatory and palliative drugs) 277
40. Dravya-rasa-guna-virya-vipaka vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of taste etc of drugs) 282
41. Dravya visesa vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of categories of drugs) 290
42. Rasa visesa vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of tastes of drugs) 295
43. Vamana dravya vikalpa adhyaya (recipes of emetic drugs) 304
44. Virecana dravya vikalpa adhyaya (recipes of purgative drugs) 310
45. Drava dravya vidhi adhyaya (knowledge of liquid substances) 323
46. Annapana vidhi adhyaya (diet articles and regimen of diet) 370
Nidana Sthana - Section - 2
1. Vata vyadhi nidanam (diagnosis of diseases of nervous system) 461
2. Arsas nidanam (dianosis of haemorrhoids) 476
3. Assmari nidanam (diagnosis of urinary calculus) 483
4. Bhagandara nidanam (diagnosis of anal fistula) 490
5. Kustha nidanam (diagnosis of leprosy and other skin diseases) 494
6. Prameha nidanam (diagnosis of disbetes) 503
7. Udara nidanam (diagnosis of enlargement of the abdomen) 511
8. Mudha garbha nidanam (diagnosis of foetal obstruction) 516
9. Vidradhi nidanam (diagnosis of abscess) 521
10. Visarpa-nadi-stana roga nidanam (diagnosis of erysipelas, etc) 527
11. Granthi-apaci-arbuda-galaganda nidanam (diagnosis of tumors etc.) 532
12. Vrddhi-upadamsa-slipada nidanam (diagnosis of enlargement of scrotum etc) 538
13. Ksudra roga nidanam (diagnosis of minor diseases) 544
14. Suka dosa nidanam (diagnosis of diseases of the penis) 555
15. Bhagna nidanam (diagnosis of fractures-dislocations) 559
16. Mukha roga nidanam (diagonis of diseases of mouth) 563
1. Authorities named by Susruta and Dalhana 575
2. Summary of Sastrakarma 577
3. Summary of Surgical instruments-blunt 580
4. Summary of Surgical instruments-sharp 583
5. Summary of Bandaging 586
6. Summary of Foreign bodies 587
7. Classification of diseases 590
8. List of diet articles and drugs 591
9. Index-Sanskrit Terms 626
  Index-Sanskrit - English 650
VOLUME II - Cikitsa sthana and Kalpa sthana




I. Preface v
II. Chapter of the text 1
Uttara Sthana - Section - VI
1. Aupadravika adhyaya (netra vivarana) Description of the eye 3
2. Sandhigata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of fornices) 11
3. Vartmagata rog vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of eyelids) 13
4. Suklagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of sclera) 18
5. Krsnagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of cornea) 20
6. Sarvagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of whole eye) 22
7. Drstigata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of pupil) 27
8. Cikitsita pravibhagiya (Kinds of treatments) 34
9. Vatabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 37
10. Pittabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 41
11. Slesmabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 44
12. Raktabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis 48
13. Lekhya rog pratisedha (Treatment of scraping) 56
14. Bhedya roga pratisedha (Treatment of puncuring) 59
15. Chedya roga pratisedha (Treatment of excision) 61
16. Paksma kopa pratisedha (Treatment of Inflammation of eyelashes) 66
17. Drstigata roga pratisedha (Treatment of Diseases of pupil) 68
18. Kiyakalpa adhyaya (Eye therapies) 85
19. Nayanabhighata pratisedha (Injury to eyes) 103
20. Karna roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of ear diseases) 107
21. Karna roga pratisedha (Treatment of ear diseases) 110
22. Nasa roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of nose) 119
23. Nasa roga Pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of nose) 123
24. Pratisyaya pratisedha (Nasal catarrh) 126
25. Siroroga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of head) 133
26. Siroroga pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of head) 137
27. Navagrahakrti vijnaniya (Knowledge of Navagrahas - Balagrahas) 144
28. Skanda graha pratisedha (Treatment for skandagraha) 149
29. Skandapasmara pratisedha (Treatment for skandapasmara graha) 151
30. Sakuni graha pratisedha (Treatment for Sakuni graha) 153
31. Revatigraha pratisedha (Treatment for Revati graha) 155
32. Putana graha pratisedha (Treatment for Putana graha) 157
33. Andhaputana graha pratisedha (Treatment for Andhaputana graha) 159
34. Sitaputanagraha pratisedha (Treatment for Sitaputana graha) 161
35. Mukhamandika graha pratisedha (Treatment for Mukhamandika graha) 163
36. Naigamesa graha pratisedha (Treatment for Naigamesa graha) 165
37. Grahotpatti adhyaya (Genesis of grahas - demons) 167
38. Yoni vyapat pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of vagina) 170
39. Jvara pratisedha (Treatment of fevers) 175
40. Atisara pratisedha (Treatment of diarrhoeas) 223
41. Sosa pratisedha (Treatment f pulmonary tuberculosis) 251
42. Gulma pratisedha (Treatment of abdominal tumors) 260
43. Hrdroga pratisedha (Treatment of heart diseases) 281
44. Panduroga pratisedha (Treatment of anaemia) 285
45. Raktapitta pratisedha (Treatment of bleeding disease) 292
46. Murcha pratisedha (Treatment of syncope) 300
47. Panatyaya pratisedha (Treatment of alcoholism) 305
48. Trsna pratisedha (Treatment of thirst) 319
49. Chardi pratisedha (Treatment of vomitting) 325
50. Hikka pratisedha (Treatment of hiccup) 336
51. Svasa pratisedha (Treatment of dyspnoea) 344
52. Kasa pratisedha (Treatment of cough) 344
53. Svarabheda pratisedha (Treatment of hoarseness) 352
54. Krimi roga pratisedha (Treatment of helmenthiasis) 355
55. Udavarta pratisedha (Treatment of upward movement) 361
56. Visuika pratisedha (Treatment of gastroenteritis) 370
57. Arocaka pratisedha (Treatment of anorexia) 375
58. Mutraghata pratisedha (Treatment of retention of urine) 379
59. Mutra krchra pratisedha (Treatment of dysuria) 389
60. Amanusopasarga (Treatment of seizure by demons) 394
61. Apasmara pratisedha (Treatment of epilepsy) 403
62. Unmada pratisedha (Treatment of insanity) 410
63. Rasabheda vikalpa (Categories of tastes) 416
64. Svasthavrtta adhyaya (Regimen of health) 422
65. Tantrayukti adhyaya (Literary techniques) 434
66. Dosabheda vikalpa (Categories of dosas) 444
1. Names of Authorities 448
2. Religious Information 450
3. Geographical information 455
4. a. Names of Anatomial structures 456
4. b. Marma (fatal spots) 69
5. Surgical instruments 473
6. Operations 479
7. Articles of food 483
8. a. List of Vegetable drugs 501
8. b. Animal products 544
8. c. Mineral drugs 556
9. Diseases 563
10. Toxicological information 591
11. Methods of treatment 593
12. Ausadha yogas-medicinal formulae 595
13. Ancient weights and measures 599
Translations of Susrutta samhita 600
Select Bibliography 601
Index 603


VOLUME - III - Uttara Sthana



I. Preface v
II. Chapter of the text 1
Uttara Sthana - Section VI
1. Aupadravika adhyaya (netra vivarana) Description of th eye 3
2. Sandhigata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of fornices) 11
3. Vartmagata rog vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of eyelids) 13
4. Suklagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of sclera) 18
5. Krsnagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of cornea) 20
6. Sarvagata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of whole eye) 22
7. Drstigata roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of pupil) 27
8. Cikitsita pravibhagiya (Kinds of treatments) 34
9. Vatabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 37
10. Pittabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 41
11. Slesmabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 44
12. Raktabhisyanda pratisedha (Treatment of conjunctivitis) 48
13. Lekhya rog pratisedha (Treatment of scraping) 56
14. Bhedya roga pratisedha (Treatment of puncturing) 59
15. Chedya roga pratisedha (Treatment of excision) 61
16. Paksma kopa pratisedha (Treatment of Inflammation of eyelashes) 66
17. Drstigata roga pratisedha (Treatment of Diseases of pupil) 68
18. Kriyakalpa adhyaya (Eye therapies) 85
19. Nayanabhighata pratisedha (Injury to eyes) 103
20. Karna roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of ear diseases) 107
21. Karna roga pratisedha (Treatment of ear diseases) 110
22. Nasa roga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of nose) 119
23. Nasa roga pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of nose) 123
24. Pratisyaya pratisedha (Nasal catarrh) 126
25. Siroroga vijnaniya (Knowledge of diseases of head) 133
26. Siroroga pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of head) 137
27. Navagrahakrti vijnaniya (Knowledge of Navagrahas - Balagrahas) 144
28. Skanda graha pratisedha (Treatment for skandagraha) 149
29. Skandapasmara pratisedha (Treatment for skandapasmara graha) 151
30. Sakuni graha pratisedha (Treatment for Sakuni graha) 153
31. Revatigraha pratisedha (Treatment for Revati graha) 155
32. Putana graha pratisedha (Treatment for Putana graha) 157
33. Andhaputana graha pratisedha (Treatment for Andhaputana graha) 159
34. Sitaputanagraha pratisedha (Treatment for Sitaputana graha) 161
35. Mukhamandika graha pratisedha (Treatment for Mukhamandika graha) 163
36. Naigamesa graha pratisedha (Treatment for Naigamesa graha) 165
37. Grahotpatti adhyaya (Genesis of grahas - demons) 167
38. Yoni vyapat pratisedha (Treatment of diseases of vagina) 170
39. Jvara pratisedha (Treatment of fevers) 175
40. Atisara pratisedha (Treatment of diarrhoeas) 223
41. Sosa pratisedha (Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis) 251
42. Gulma pratisedha (Treatment of abdominal tumors) 260
43. Hrdroga pratisedha (Treatment of heart diseases) 281
44. Panduroga pratisedha (Treatment of anaemia) 285
45. Raktapitta pratisedha (Treatment of bleeding diseases) 292
46. Murcha pratisedha (Treatment of syncope) 300
47. Panatyaya pratisedha (Treatment of alcoholism) 305
48. Trsna pratisedha (Treatment of thirst) 319
49. Cardi pratisedha (Treatment of vomitting) 325
50. Hikka pratisedha (Treatment of hiccup) 331
51. Svasa pratisedha (Treatment of dyspnoea) 336
52. Kasa pratisedha (Treatment of cough) 344
53. Svarabheda pratisedha (Treatment of hoarseness) 352
54. Krimi roga pratisedha (Treatment of helmenthiasis) 355
55. Udavarta pratisedha (Treatment of upward movement) 361
56. Visucika pratisedha (Treatment of gastroenteritis) 370
57. Arocaka pratisedha (Treatment of anorexia) 375
58. Mutraghata pratisedha (Treatment of retention of urine) 379
59. Mutra krchra pratisedha (Treatment of dysuria) 389
60. Amanusopasarga (Treatment of seizure by demons) 394
61. Apasmara pratisedha (Treatment of epilepsy) 403
62. Unmada pratisedha (Treatment of insanity) 410
63. Rasabheda vikalpa (Categories of tastes) 416
64. Svasthavrtta adhyaya (Regimen of health) 422
65. Tantrayukti adhyaya (Literary techniques) 434
66. Dosabheda vikalpa (Categories of dosas) 444
1. Names of Authorities 448
2. Religious Information 450
3. Geographical information 455
4. a. Names of Anatomical structures 456
4. b. Marma (fatal spots) 469
5. Surgical instruments 473
6. Operations 479
7. Articles of food 483
8. a. List of Vegetable drugs 501
8. b. Animal products 544
8. c. Mineral drugs 556
9. Diseases 563
10. Toxicological information 591
11. Methods of treatment 593
12. Ausadha yogas - medicinal formulae 595
13. Ancient weights and measures 599
Translations of Susruta samhita 600
Select Bibliography 601
Index 603

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