Caraka while describing mode of action of drugs quotes "In fact drugs act by virtue of their own nature (Dram Prabhu) or by qualities (Gana Prabha) or by both on a proper occasion, in a given location, in appropriate conditions, the effect so produced to be their action (Karma), the factor by which the effect is produced is known as potency (Vira), where they act is known as site of action (Adhikarana) when they act is time (Kala) how they act is Upha (mechanism / mode of action) what they accomplish is Phala (therapeutic effect)" (Ca. Su. 26/13). Rules of preparation and administration of medicine play a pivotal role in producing the desired therapeutic effect (Phalam) A critical analysis of Cakrapan's commentary on this verse explicitly defines the word "Up as the mode / method of preparation and procedure with regard to Nasya karma administration Hence, the Upya is not the mechanism of action and, in fact it is related to the preparation of the patient and mode of administration of the drugs. Cerald's delineation of the concept of drug action (Draya Kamulata) contains several components like Virya (drug potency), Adhikarana (site of action) Upaya (method of administration), Karma (action) and Phala (therapeutic effect).
1. Karma-Caraka has furnished the classification of different drugs based on Pharmaco-therapeutic profiles in first four chapters of Sutrasthana under Bhesaja Catuska. Several pharmacological actions are mentioned while classifying the drugs (Ca. Su. 1 to 4 chapters). Certain Karma oriented drugs are also furnished under Agrayausathis (Sü. 25th chapter).
2 Virya:- General principles (Resa, Guna, Virya, Vipika & Prabhra) for the assessment of drug action are furnished in detail under Atreya-Bhadrakipiya (Sü. 26th chapter) 3. Kala-Details of Bhesaja Kala (time of administration) are denoted in 30th chapter of Caitsasthana Kila also indicates seasons where in the vitiation of Dosas which are to be addressed with Various Sodhana procedures. It also includes the collection of the useful part of the drug in Different seasons.
4. Upaya-Method of administration includes procedures involved in the processing of the drug dosage, preparation of the patient and management of the complications. The collection, processing, drug preparation and method of administration along with therapeutic procedures (Upya) related to Sadhana therapies which are referred as Paicakarma viz. Vamana, Virecana, Vasti (Niraha & Anundsana) and Sirovirecana (Nasya)- are discussed by Caraka in Kalpa and Siddhisthands, Sudruta Samhita's Kalpasthana deals with various types of poisons and their antidotes.
It gives me immense pleasure to present to the esteemed readers the 5th volume of the illustrated Carake Samhita with its English translation along with Calradni commentary. This volume contains the last two sections vie, Kalpasthana and Siddhisthana Kay is that which is processed and thus the pharmaceutical preparations are called Kalpa. Therefore, the section which describes various pharmaceutical preparations related to Vamana and Vircana is called Kalpasthana. In the section Kalpasthana, a total number of 600 formulations pertaining to 6 Vamana Draryds and 9 Virecana Drays are described in a lucid manner.
Though there are innumerable number of formulations, here author has explained the details of only 600 formulations useful for purificatory therapy for the sake of guidance and for comfortable and easy applications. Siddhisthana is the section which describes the successful administration of purification therapies like Vamana, Vircana etc. as well as the complications arising from various causes and their management In this section the author describes the successful administration of Paricakarma, eligible and ineligible for all Paicakarma therapies, procedure of Vastikarma, Complications of Vasti defects of Vestinetra and Vastutala, importance of three Marmas, signs and symptoms of afflicted Marmas and their treatment, 37 types of excellent Vasti formulations and at the end 36 Tantrayuktis are described in detail.
It is also quoted that fenfifa afar, and which means the medical knowledge found in this treatise is found in other treatises as well, but what is not found here cannot be found anywhere else. A physician who memorizes this treatise of 12,000 verses gains knowledge and is considered an expert in treatment because he never fails to diagnose and treat successfully.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (203)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (500)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (430)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (132)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1127)
Ayurveda (3051)
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