About the Book
The message for the New Millennium presents a vision of Awakening which reveals the human face of the Buddha. It is essential at this moment in our evolution to return to a more realistic perspective of enlightenment. Most seekers cannot relate to the concept of enlightenment for they feel intimidated by the image of the 'flawless' Buddha. Here, the Human Buddha is no longer a spiritual superman who denies natural longings, desires and human imperfections. The Human Buddha is indeed a sensitive being, a child of the Beloved like all of us. The Human Buddha openly acknowledges the gentle and vulnerable quality of his or her heart...
About the Author
Aziz is a self-realised spiritual master who de-mystifies the phenomenon of enlightenment and shows us how to reach it directly. Aziz is not a Master who is posing as a guru but a true spiritual teacher who deeply dislikes spiritual slogans and simplistic understanding of Enlightenment. As a real master, he never emphasizes his own presence but remains in the shadow of the Truth humbly representing the Ultimate.
Aziz lives in the Now in absolute presence to the present. He resides in a non-conceptual space, which cannot be grasped by the mind. One feels him to be like a living essence, perhaps even like the Tao personified. To meet him, to perceive his eyes on is immediately overwhelmed by his absolute clarity. Like a bald flame of attention he drops you hard into the immediate reality. In these moments, you feel a transmission of energy, understanding and wakefulness.
The book that we present has been compiled from the teachings of Aziz in the latter part of 1999. It is an immense amount of material which summarizes the Teaching of Guidance — a revolutionary vision of Awakening channeled for the New Millennium from the Dimension of Pure Intelligence. This book cannot simply be read - it needs to be deeply contemplated. A seeker who wants to passively absorb this teaching will become quickly frustrated because it is not a presentation of intellectual knowledge but a Transmission of direct understanding. This transmission can be received only if one makes an extraordinary effort both from the mind and heart to actually enter the Inner Dimension, the truth of I AM.
Dear reader, in reading this book may you be one with deep meditation and an intense inner quest for clarity. This book is not a ready made dish, but a challenge, a mountain to be climbed in order to gain the whole panorama of Understanding.
Aziz mostly teaches in the third person. That is because he does not merely represent his individual consciousness but also the dimension of Guidance. This ‘we’ to which Aziz refers is not plural. Neither it is collective, nor is it individual. It is a vast space of Intelligence and Love, the realm of the Beloved. It is from that mysterious place that the Transmission of Awakening flows into the time-dimension where forgetfulness and the sorrow of separation abide.
A reader who is familiar with the teaching of Nisargadatta Maharaj should be aware that Aziz gives different meanings to terms like ‘Being ness’ and ‘I The translators of Maharaj were using both these terms as synonyms for ‘consciousness’ or ‘sense of existing} For Aziz, I Am is more than consciousness as it includes the quality of Being and Heart. From the other side, Being ness (Being) is beyond consciousness and represents the energy of Rest, that which gravitates towards the Absolute. The Absolute represents the very ground of Being ness, where the manifested reality is transcended. The recognition of the Absolute, which was not elaborated by Maharaj, signifies the meeting of consciousness with Being ness. Because of this meeting, the absolute state though beyond consciousness can become consciously recognized.
Certain terms found in the text which may be unknown to the reader can be found in the explanation. Aziz often uses the pronouns she or her for terms like the beloved. Divine, heart soul or Me. This is because from the perspective of human psychology these dimensions of existence and experience reflect closer that which we would consider feminine qualities. The term me is an equivalent to the soul but carries a slightly different flavor as it refers more directly to how the soul experiences herself. When we refer to awareness in general we use a small letter. When we refer to the awareness aspect of I am it is capitalized. The reader should take special notice of capitalized words as they are terms relevant to the unique teaching of Aziz. In addition they are not meant to de-emphasize other important concepts like universe for instance. These terms are not capitalized simply because they don’t refer directly to the Transmission of Awakening.
This book is a continuation of the previous teachings presented in the books enlightenments beyond traditions and transmission of Awakening. Hence it is highly recommendable to read these books to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the whole teaching.
`You always ask such impossible questions’ a friend said to me, laughing and shaking her head. It was true. Since I was a child I had been asking these questions and nowhere could I find real answers. Parents and friends teased me and said: ‘wait until you are old enough to go to University. Then you will be happy...you will stay up all night discussing these things Later, I went to Oxford and Cambridge Universities but still there were no answers. So, I sat with the questions inside and waited. One day I met Aziz and, to my amazement, he answered every question to my satisfaction. Since then more and more questions arise. I have books of questions and Aziz is endlessly patient in closing his eyes and transmitting a subtle and penetrating response.
Many spiritual teachers ask one simply to be in their presence. This may be temporarily uplifting, but it rarely brings about a complete and permanent transformation. Aziz draws to him those who crave understanding; those who wish to grow not only in awakening but also in intelligence. Without understanding, appreciation and clarity, awakening is only partial. I have seen a student ask: why do I have no questions?’ After a month of guided meditation with Aziz, the questions came. Asking the right question is as important as finding the answer. I hope this book will stimulate you, dear reader, to bring any latent questions you may secretly explore in your daily lives into consciousness and express in. Question and answer give birth to each other in a dynamic process and it is from this process that this book is being created. It is a living book, a living truth, not petrified by time into a fixed tradition.
There are souls who are lead by intuition or guidance to go inside and glimpse the awakened states but who lack the conceptual tools and the clarity to go deeper. Without a rigorous training.1 understanding, both experiential and conceptual, there is- usually no clarity, no confidence, no consistency. Not finding any reflection in the outer world or any language in which to express; shift so subtle and profound, the person may not understand Liar has happened. Unless one knows that the State of Presence needs to be deliberately cultivated, the mechanical mind keeps pulling one back into collective consciousness or amnesia. Those with common sense may be further confused because they know that their humanness: their personal, time-bound self, coexists with their eternal identity. While they may merge with that which is beyond them, the unique, individual experience of the inner states remains. Most established spiritual traditions tell us that after Enlightenment there is no ME, no one relative, flawed or human. The standard image of an enlightened person is of a kind of superman with no human desires, no human attachments and no human ego. This image is unrealistic and unattainable and so many remain perpetual seekers instead of finders. Unless one has the courage and the insight to challenge the spiritual status quo, the mechanical mind may be left doubting what the soul doubtlessly knows.
What I am trying to say is that understanding is crucial and I have never met a catalyst for understanding like Aziz. On behalf of his students I would like to thank him for the most valuable of gifts. This is an important and revolutionary book because it addresses a crucial issue which has often been neglected: the human face of the Buddha. How do our human nature and our eternal nature interact? What happens where imperfection and perfection meet, where time and timelessness meet, where the human and the Buddha meet? Who are we and how can we integrate all aspects of our true selves? How can we find completion here and beyond? This book is, at last, a response to these vital questions and I hope that contemplating the answers prompts us to find our own understanding, our own nourishment, our own completion.
Who is Aziz? He is a Self-realized spiritual Master who de-mystifies the phenomenon of Enlightenment and shows one how to reach it directly. The Satsangs are beyond meditative techniques and beyond traditions. Beginning with the question: Who am I? Aziz guides his students inside to discover their true identity. Satsang consists of guided meditation or silent sitting followed by questions and answers. The guided meditation focuses on three gateways to the inner realm: Being, Awareness and Heart. We locate, activate and explore these centers to bring about a complete and radical shift in the inner experience. The effect is cumulative. It is hard to put the experience of being in Satsang or in the presence of Aziz into words. One feels thrown back on oneself, in a space beyond the mind. One finds oneself just sitting (Shikantaza), resting in the Now, one with God. Sometimes one feels neutrality, stillness, absolute rest; sometimes one feels moved, touched by Grace, Beauty and infinite Love. There is a new experience of oneself, a new depth. To be in the presence of Truth is always a relief and the energy of Guidance channeled by Aziz is nourishing, bringing balance, clarity, sanity, peace... After Satsang v one feels renewed. Something extraordinary is happening: one is seen by the Beyond, by the Mystery and, like a child, one is embraced.
Aziz is not a Master who is posing as a guru. Those who are looking for guru worship are quickly forced to reconsider their attitude to the Spiritual Path, for Aziz is intensely and tirelessly testing their practice and level of awakening, not allowing them just to sit passively in his presence. The role of the spiritual master is extremely important for he is a channel of transformation, but a real master never emphasizes his own presence. He remains in the shadow of the Truth humbly representing the Ultimate. Aziz is a true spiritual teacher who deeply dislikes spiritual slogans and a simplistic understanding of Enlightenment. He frees us from our crystallized and conditioned concepts about the Awakened State. If we are Buddhists, he takes us beyond the concept of no- self, beyond the concept of non-suffering, beyond the linear concept of liberation. If we are Advaita students, he frees us from the idealistic concept of Enlightenment, from the linear concept of not being a doer, from the static concept of non-duality. He clearly demonstrates the necessity of a methodical process in cultivating• the Inner States in order to 'reach the Self. Aziz challenges many of the conclusions created by the past traditions in order to reveal a multidimensional reality of Awakening.
To seekers 'who ask the question: ‘Am I that?’ Aziz gives a surprising answer: ‘you are not and you will never be and you are not even yourself yet, but you can become your Real Me and you can become one with God. Do not be fooled, thinking that you are the Ultimate Reality while you are living in the sorrow of ignorance. If you wish to find your way back home you must be honest with yourself and ready to go beyond slogans; it is here Liz; you enter the Spiritual Path.
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