From the Book
Planets are subjected to different influences in a horoscope and. They are analysed are analysed scientifically giving suitable weightages for every condition to arrive at the benefic and malefic percentage of each planet; Similarly bhayas are analysed. Based on these-benefic & malefic — percentage analysis of planets & bhavas, broad life; and yearly predictions can be given- The? Whole scheme is computirised.
Shri P.V.R. Rayudu, B.E., M. Tech., a former Senior Scientist and Deputy Director of Defence Research Laboratory of Government of India, has been studying, researching and practicing Hindu Astrology for the last three decades. He gave lectures in the conferences of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in USA and at Maharshi University of Management in Holland. His to Read a Horoscope: A Scientific Model of Prediction Based on Benefic and Malafic Analysis of Planets and Bhavas as per Hindu Astrology was published in 1997 by M/s. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, India. His articles were published in Indian and AFA magazine. He is a member of AFA. He was awarded “Divagna Ratna” and “Jyotisha Ardhakulu” by Star Astrological Research Centre, Hyderabad.
I have been studying and practising astrology for the last three decades. I was trained directly by Late A Daivagna Ratna and Vidya Visaradha Sri Divakaruni Venkata Subbarao and by my beloved father Late Sri A Pemmaraju Venkata Rao. I have also been trained rather indirectly by Sri B.V. Raman, the famous Indian Astrologer, by studying all his astrological books and, magazines. My non—professional and research oriented scientific bent of mind has prompted me to present a new book on Astrology giving a methodology for the Benefic and Malefic percentage analysis of planets, influencing a horoscope A and thereby proceeding further to analyse the benefic and malefic percentage of bhavas and planetary periods resulting in suitable predictions.
After studying various texts of astrology and based on my experience, I have picked up and chosen what I have considered best for presenting this new approach a of analysis of benefic and malefic tendencies of planets and bhavas. I have enumerated the predictions of various ascendants and various planets in different rasis, bhavas and their lordship results in different bhavas, in a novel way under different topics of body, health, temperament and personality, courage, education, houses and landed property, happiness, children, diseases, enemies, debts, marriage and marital relationship, longevity, prosperity, profession, gains and income, losses and expenditure giving the benefic and malefic results separately, since many people are interested to know their future in these topics generally and it will be easy to refer to the particular topic as per their interest. Of course, these predictions will be available in many standard text books on astrology, though I have added some from my experience, but the predictions are not available under different topics in any astrological text book for easy reference as I have presented. I have also preferred to give a Model Horoscope presenting my approach.
I hope that this book will make a useful addition to the existing literature on predictive astrology. I find now a days that a lot of literate and scientific community are taking a good deal of interest in studying astrology. As such I look forward to the prospect of this book being received with interest and approbation by the students as well as scholars in the subject, particularly the scientific astrologers.
I will be thankful if any suggestions for improvement and any mistakes detected during the course of study are communicated to me so that they may be incorporated in my future endeavours.
I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to my blessed son, Sri P.V. Kamesh, in computerising this scheme of analysis and predictions and my many friends for their valuable suggestions. My special thanks are to my wife, P. Bharati, for assistance in preparing the data with her astrological knowledge and to Sri Nair for typing the manuscript.
I am greatly indebted to Dr. A.N. Kapoor for patiently going through the entire book and improve its presentation.
My thanks are to my close friend, Dr. Y.V.S.R. Sastry, Prof. of Mech. Engg., Delhi College of Engg., Delhi, who had helped in liaisoning with the publishers. My thanks are also to Sri N.P. Jain of Messrs. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers for taking personal interest in publishing the book. Lastly my sincere prayers are to Sri Shirdi Saibaba for his constant guidance in the form of visions in my astrological research pursuits and to our family Dieties Lord Venkateswara and Alivelu Manga.
Abstract Planets are positioned in different Basis (signs) and Bhavas (houses) with respect to a particular ascendant at the particular time of birth. Accordingly, each planet - is subjected to many influences as per its placement in a particular rasi and bhava with respect to the placement of other planets. As such, the benefic and malefic tendencies of each planet differ in each horoscope. For example, the benefic or malefic tendency of a planet may differ as per its placement in exaltation/debilitation rasi, own rasi/star, (friendly! enemy rasi/star, different bhavas as per its `own lordship and as per its associations and aspects by other friendly/enemy planets etc. Each of these placements, aspects, associations are not of equal importance and they are to be considered giving different weightages for each type of influence. Similarly each bhava is also subjected to influence of different planets.
In this book, a methodology is given to evolve the benefic and malefic (percentage of a planet and bhavas in a horoscope considering all the influences that they would be subjected to along with suitable weightages for each type of influence. The predictions of all planets as per their benefic or malefic tendencies with respect to their placement in different rasis and bhavas are enumerated separately under different topics of body, health, temperament and personality, wealth, courage, education, houses and landed property, happiness, children, diseases, enemies, debts, marriage and marital relationship, longevity, prosperity, profession, gains and income, losses and expenditure. Once each planet and bhava are analysed for its benefic and malefic percentage for a particular horoscope, the predictions on all important aspects of life can be given as per the concerned ruling main, sub and inter-period planets.
The tables of the periods of the ruling main, sub and interperiod planets from the time of birth are calculated as per the Vimsottari Dasa system of Hindu astrology.
The complete scheme of analysing the planets and bhavas for a particular horoscope along with broad life predictions for each bhava and yearly predictions for the current ruling main, sub and interperiod planets, is computerised.
A model horoscope in this respect is also given for ready interpretation of this new methodology.
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