"WE TREAT HE CURES" The curative power of Homoeopathy is immense and known to us all with wide ranging options available to us. For homoeopaths to treat any ailment, choosing the right drug is a difficult task which depends on the totality of symptoms. The effectiveness and the curative power of Homoeopathy is known to us all. This required results and relief for the patients. Homoeopathy is incomplete without a thorough knowledge of Materia Medica, Organ on of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Repertory which are used in various combinations as per the requirement and merits of each case. But the most important subject within Homoeopathy is no doubt Materia Medica.
"THE ARMOURY OF HOMOEOPATHY". Though a large number of books have been written about Materia Medica and abundant literature is available on this subject, there is a major lacuna that was noticed by me during the study of this subject, there are few literature which tell us as to how to use this subject effectively and in a practical way, when the student of Materia Medica start their clinical practice.
In this book, we have tried to overcome the above mentioned hurdles. This book is an attempt to provide a concise yet complete information of each remedy with its sphere of action, source, ailments from, mind, constitution, temperament, thermal, miasm, keynote symptoms, clinical diagnosis, remedy relationship, modality of the remedy at a glance. The main principle of Homoeopathy is that each human being is different and unique, even twins are not alike as far as our intrinsic core is concerned. Individualisation is the basis of Homoeopathic practice. Similarly, each remedy is different and unique as different individuals.
"Materia medica is the study of collection of symptoms obtained by drugs which are proved on healthy human beings of different sex, ages and constitutions in an anatomical way according to Hahnemannian schema".
Source of Materia medica: Proving on healthy human beings, Proving on healthy animals, Clinical observation, Accidental source, Toxicological source, Chemical source, Empirical source, Doctrine of signature.
Source of Drugs: Vegetable kingdom, Animal kingdom, Mineral kingdom, Nosodes, Sarcodes, Imponderabilia.
Drug action: Action of a drug depends upon the dose and general receptive capacity of the body. The arithmetical data of homoeopathic drug action is not fully known. The latent dynamic spiritual power with its pharmacological message is liberated from material bonds and acts upon the dynamicity of the living cell of the human organism.
When a medicine is given it produces a mechanical or chemical action on the person according to the nature of the drug, when the primary action is over, the vital force produces a reaction to the primary action and this is called the secondary action. Potentised drugs act through the oral receptors, the specific message goes to the brain through afferent nerves in the form of an electric impulse in the cortex of the brain. Then, an appropriate response goes through the efferent nerves particula0 autonomic efferent to correct abnormal condition.
Constitution: Constitution is defined as a person's physical and mental make up which is revealed through his physical built, his characteristic desires and ave and reactions as well as emotional and intellectual attributes.
The three constitutions of Grauvogl:
1. The hydrogenoid constitution. 2. The oxygenoid constitution. 3. The carbo-nitrogenoid constitution. Relation with heat and cold: Hot patient, Chilly patient, Ambithermal. Temperament: Temperament is our inborn, God given nature, it is given to us at conception and remains constant throughout our life; Sanguine, Choleric, Mel Phlegmatic, Nervous Miasm: The true simillimum is always based on the existing miasm. Fundamental miasm and Dominant miasm. Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular, Syphilitic. • Psoric miasm: The reaction of the body on exposure to environmental stimuli, to ones surroundings, like noise, light, and odours, producing functional dist. • Sycotic miasm: Hypersensitive (hypertrophic) response to something specific, arising from the deficiency of normal response like tumors, allergies. • Syphilitic miasm: Tissue destruction like gangrene, ulceration. Body and mind destroy itself. • Tubercular miasm: Recurrence of complaints, changing symptoms, vague complaints, weakness, pain shifting in location, depletion, dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance. Mind: State of mind (including fears, anxieties, attitudes, dreams, will, emotion, intellect, understanding etc.) The mental symptoms are of special impc homoeopathic prescribing. They reflect the deepest aspects of the patients who experience them and the remedies which evoke them; in many cases they take pi over general and local symptoms, even when these have constituted the original complaint; and when correctly selected and matched, they can lead to a lasting cure. Social and psychological stress can trigger or aggravate a wide variety of diseases. Stress therefore, can cause physical symptoms even though no physic may be present. The body responds physiologically to emotional stress. A skilled homoeopath should know the relationship between the mind and the body times, chronic cases like that of migraine and peptic ulcer, which had their origin after a mental trauma or prolonged stress, disappear with a few doses of prescribed homoeopathic medicine. Psychological symptoms often play a primary role in the selection of correct medicine. Keynote symptoms: The keynote in music is defined as "the fundamental note or tone on which the whole piece is accommodated". In pathology, the term "pathognomonic symptom" expresses what might be called the keynote of the disease, or that which differentiates it from other diseases of a similar character. "The most singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case are chiefly and almost solely to be kept in view; for it is more particular similar list of symptoms that must correspond with the selected medicine, in order to0 constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure. Clinical diagnosis: Disease is correctly defined as the loss of harmony in function and sensation. Today, with the advancement in medical field and awareness the people about the implications and complications of a disease or ailment, it is rather essential that we not only have to diagnose the ailment of the patien have to satisfy the patient's knowledgeable queries and also have to confirm our own diagnosis. For a homoeopath, many times a diagnostic report will help in minimizing the sphere of selection of a drug, achieved by elimination of common sympton particular disease and concentrating more on peculiar guiding symptoms. By this process, we are able to provide rapid relief. The importance of diagnosis are as follows: • The management of the case will be easy if the diagnosis is known. • It helps us to know the common symptoms of the diseases. These common symptoms will, thus help us to know the uncommon symptoms. • The uncommon symptoms help us to find the similimum. **Contents and Sample Pages**
Miasm: The true simillimum is always based on the existing miasm. Fundamental miasm and Dominant miasm. Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular, Syphilitic. • Psoric miasm: The reaction of the body on exposure to environmental stimuli, to ones surroundings, like noise, light, and odours, producing functional dist. • Sycotic miasm: Hypersensitive (hypertrophic) response to something specific, arising from the deficiency of normal response like tumors, allergies. • Syphilitic miasm: Tissue destruction like gangrene, ulceration. Body and mind destroy itself. • Tubercular miasm: Recurrence of complaints, changing symptoms, vague complaints, weakness, pain shifting in location, depletion, dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance. Mind: State of mind (including fears, anxieties, attitudes, dreams, will, emotion, intellect, understanding etc.) The mental symptoms are of special impc homoeopathic prescribing. They reflect the deepest aspects of the patients who experience them and the remedies which evoke them; in many cases they take pi over general and local symptoms, even when these have constituted the original complaint; and when correctly selected and matched, they can lead to a lasting cure.
Social and psychological stress can trigger or aggravate a wide variety of diseases. Stress therefore, can cause physical symptoms even though no physic may be present. The body responds physiologically to emotional stress. A skilled homoeopath should know the relationship between the mind and the body times, chronic cases like that of migraine and peptic ulcer, which had their origin after a mental trauma or prolonged stress, disappear with a few doses of prescribed homoeopathic medicine. Psychological symptoms often play a primary role in the selection of correct medicine.
Keynote symptoms: The keynote in music is defined as "the fundamental note or tone on which the whole piece is accommodated". In pathology, the term "pathognomonic symptom" expresses what might be called the keynote of the disease, or that which differentiates it from other diseases of a similar character. "The most singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case are chiefly and almost solely to be kept in view; for it is more particular similar list of symptoms that must correspond with the selected medicine, in order to0 constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure.
Clinical diagnosis: Disease is correctly defined as the loss of harmony in function and sensation. Today, with the advancement in medical field and awareness the people about the implications and complications of a disease or ailment, it is rather essential that we not only have to diagnose the ailment of the patien have to satisfy the patient's knowledgeable queries and also have to confirm our own diagnosis.
For a homoeopath, many times a diagnostic report will help in minimizing the sphere of selection of a drug, achieved by elimination of common sympton particular disease and concentrating more on peculiar guiding symptoms. By this process, we are able to provide rapid relief. The importance of diagnosis are as follows:
• The management of the case will be easy if the diagnosis is known. • It helps us to know the common symptoms of the diseases. These common symptoms will, thus help us to know the uncommon symptoms. • The uncommon symptoms help us to find the similimum. **Contents and Sample Pages**
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