Together, they firmly believe, after Hahnemann, in Nature's 'law of cure' in their day-to-day practice and express their opinions firmly and fearlessly.
The critically acclaimed first edition of Homoeopathy: The Complete Handbook was declared one of the best-selling books of the last decade of last century.
We have titled this edition, Homoeopathy: Nature's Way of Holistic Healing for easy comprehension.
The purpose of this book is to simplify homoeopathy for those interested in holistic well-being.
The present edition includes many important afflictions of current times, the role of vaccinations in creating their own symptoms by arousing the sycotic miasm. Afflictions such as, influenza/flu and flu like afflictions - Covid 19 and its after effects, fatty liver, ovarian cysts, Parkinson's disease, hiatus hernia, H. pylori, urinary tract infection, viral and bacterial infections are added. It is vital to understand that the homoeopathic system of medicine, restores the sick to health by working with the immune system and an entire chapter is dedicated to the same.
Dr KPS DHAMA MD (Homoeo) (1953) has been practising homoeopathy for about 40 years. His exemplary medical journey has seen the highest of accolades and recognition. From being the Honorary Physician to the President of India (Bharat) to being the recipient of numerous awards such as Dr. Yudhvir Singh Award, Exemplary Service Award in Homoeopathy, Award of Literary Excellence, and Dr. Hahnemann Memorial Award, among others.
Being a thought leader, a large number of his articles have been published in reputed professional journals. From editing and publishing The Homoeopathic Prestige, a monthly from Delhi for 18 years; to publishing a number of books (some co-authored with his wife Dr. Suman Dhama).
Dr (Mrs) SUMAN DHAMA DHMS (1956) has been practising homoeopathy for about 47 years. A trained homoeopathic gynaecologist, she has a vast experience in treating chronic cases. The author of a well-established book, Aadhunik Homoeo Chikitsaa (in Hindi), her impeccable medical journey is well studded with many an awards such as Dr. Yudhvir Singh Award, and Dr. Hahnemann Memorial Award, among others.
Our and the structure of our body correspond to a vital energy which is responsible for developing and controlling its functions and structure. It is inherent in our genetic code. As soon as there appears any disorder or imbalance in this vital energy, signs and symptoms manifest themselves in the form of various afflictions. If we can identify these symptoms of a sick person well in time and administer a homoeopathic remedy which shows similar symptoms in its proving on healthy individuals, such a remedy can restore the sick gently and permanently to health. It is because a remedy once proved on healthy individuals and clinically verified on the sick persons stands as a fixture, under the same specific indications, so long as human race dwells on the earth and needs medical aid for any affliction.
We have titled this book Homoeopathy: Nature's Way of Holistic Healing. Homoeopathic remedies work nonviolently. The sick person is restored to health without killing any virus or bacteria, etc.
Homoeopathic system of medicine deals with vital energies-affliction due to sick vital energy on one hand and dynamised energies of the potentised medicines on the other hand. All dynamised/potentised medicines are energies of a higher order. Homoeopathy is an art of individualisation. For every sick person we have to individualise the sickness and its corresponding remedy. The prescribed remedy should show its effect according to Hering's law of direction of cure, i.e. from above downwards, from within outwards, from an important organ to a less important organ; symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their appearance, the first to appear being the last to disappear. It is nature's way of holistic healing. Thus nature's fundamental law of cure operates on the dynamic plane. Dr Kent says, "cure is brought about by changing the diseased or sick vital force back to its normal (health) condition."
This book is an effort to comprehend therapeutics as manifestations or shades of miasms. Miasms are dynamic disease causing agents (morbid forces/energies) that disturb the otherwise healthy vital force/energy and bring about diseases. While considering different therapeutics, attention has to be paid to their true miasmatic background, e.g. painful dyspnoea due to anxiety, stress and worry about afflictions of heart, is a psoric manifestation but if there is no pain, there may be fear, it is a manifestation of sycosis. Hence, the remedy for painful dyspnoea would be antipsoric while for painless dyspnoea the remedy would be antisycotic. We are sure this book will prove useful for homoeopathic practitioners. We welcome critical suggestions for further improvement.
The miasms and their different manifestations can be comprehended by imagining three primary colours-blue, yellow and red and millions of different shades obtained by mixing these three in different ratios and proportions. Myriads of forms of individuality in health and in disease are manifestations of three primary or fundamental natural diseases known as chronic miasms.
Homoeopathy as a system of medicine was introduced by the famous German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. It is a medical science that restores the sick person as a whole to health under an infallible universal law of cure of nature known as "similia similibus curantur" by applying dynamised remedies which have been validated after being tested on healthy persons. This process under the universal law of cure of nature makes the homoeopathic system foolproof and safe. The question arises: Why medicines should be proven on healthy persons? The answer will be clear after reading this introduction.
Dr. Hahnemann emphasized the futility of omnibus experiments or researches. Which aimed to provide cures on the basis of the overall sickness rather than by focusing on individual morbid symptoms of the sick. This is because human beings react differently from animals and also differently from each other. This phenomenon applies to both medicines and diseases. For example, Morphia makes dogs vomit and renders them drowsy, whereas it excites cats; Aconite kills sheep but produces no effect on horses and goats; Antimony proves lethal to human beings and most animals except to hogs and elephants. The same logic can be extended to human beings. Therefore, each patient will have to be treated individually on the basis of his or her morbid symptoms. These are known as strange, rare and peculiar symptoms.
Homoeopathy as a system of medicine is rather not therapeutic only. Hahnemann in Aphorism 1 of Organon says, that the high and only mission of a homoeopath is to restore the sick person to permanent health. To fulfill this mission he should remove the true cause/s of disease.
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