This book will take you on a guided tour through the enchanting world of Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy is often misunderstood. This book strives to explode the myths misconception associated with this unique effective and safe medical science.
Apart from presenting the principle of Homeopathy the book also suggests treatment of common ailments like colds, cough, sore throat, fever, digestive upsets, feminine disorders, arthritis etc. there is a chapter devoted to preliminary treatment of injuries wounds muscle strains joint sprains burns.
Homoeopathy is a time tested truly curative therapy that has been patronized by numerous well known personalities. The royal family of England Charles dickens, W.B. Yeats, William Thackeray, Benjamin Disraeli, J.W. Goethe, Pope Plus X, Yehudi Menuhin the evergreen actor Ashok Kumar and now you dear reader.
Dr. Dhiren Gala is a registered medical doctor practicing holistic medicine. Effectively combining the positive features of Homeopathy acupressure/ acupuncture Naturopathy magnet therapy Reiki Therapy etc.
He has worked as a lecturer in visual sciences at the prestigious college of optometry municipal eye hospital Mumbai. He has lectured on a variety of subjects at seminars organized by various institutions all over the country.
He has authored a number of health related books one of which is in your hands.
The co-author of this book Dr. Dhanlal Gala is a qualified Naturopathic physician. He ahs over thirty years experience in treating chronic diseases through non medicinal measures such as dietary changes exercises and yogasanas.
In recent years has emerged a profound revolution in the thinking about health and disease.
Weary of being treated as mere objects disgusted by the numerous tests they are subjected to and innumerable medicines they are made to swallow each day patients are now looking for other simpler and safer therapies to them homoeopathy offers itself as a viable alternative.
Though most persons have heard about Homoeopathy their knowledge is incomplete or far from factual. A number of myths and misconceptions have come to be associated with this system. For example people believe it to be slow and useful only for chronic diseases doctors practicing modern medicine allege that it is ineffective and unscientific. Perhaps the reason for such a state of affairs is that most articles and books written on homoeopathy have been grossly one sided not presenting an objective view to the reader. We simply fail to understand why homoeopathy attracts either ardent defenders who accept everything without criticism or adversaries who are blind and deaf to every argument put forth.
The objects of this book then are :
1. To present a clear objective view of homoeopathy to laymen in simple words and offer them valuable hints of treating minor disorders on their own. 2. To offer non homoeopathic doctors an intelligible key to try in the lock of diseases provided they have not shut down the doors of their rationality at the bidding of goddess authority.
There is no reason for anybody to disbelieve in homoeopathy the proof lies within the principles of this system to test. The proof of any pudding must lie in the eating!
We concede that understanding homoeopathy is not easy but it is not more difficult than offer sciences. In this book we have presented. To those who wish not to understand and unhappily they are numerous we have nothing to say. The wish to know is all we ask of our readers. Inspired by such wish if they carefully read this book and yet fail to understand homoeopathy the blame must squarely lie with us.
Suggestions for the improvement of this book are solicited and shall be duly considered when bringing out future editions.
It was an abnormally hot morning in Leipzig Germany. Young John otherwise greatly fond of food refused to have his breakfast because he was feeling nauseated. In the afternoon he suddenly started passing watery motions every few minutes. To make the matters worse he also started vomiting. By late evening John was so exhausted and debilitated that he collapsed. Terrified his mother summoned an eminent doctor. After examining the child the doctor announced that some evil spirit had descended onto the house and had settled in John’s intestines. Stopping all food and intensive purging was the only way out he opined. He opened his impressive bad and brought out a bottle of calomel. John was given a dose of calomel immediately. Such doses were to be repeated every hour. By midnight John had passed three more motions in bed and seemed almost lifeless. His condition was progressively worsening. John’s mother faced a dilemma. Should she continue purging her son? Should she not give him even water? Should she continue to follow the doctor’s orders? Finally out of mere instinct and sheer luck good sense prevailed on her. She discontinued calomel and started giving her son water and other fluids. By next morning John was much better. In another two days he regained most of his lost health. This real life incident occurred in the early eighteenth century.
On the morning of 28th February 1792 king Leopold II of Austria suddenly developed diarrhea. His personal Physician Lagusius examined him to detect high fever and a painful swelling of the abdomen. He held consultations with a number of other physicians to finally opine that the king’s blood had become poisoned and it was necessary to shed his blood to get rid of these toxins.
Accordingly one of his veins was cut open and considerable blood was allowed to flow act. As the king’s condition remained unchanged by noon, another vein was cut open to drain further blood. Situation thereafter started getting worse. By evening the king’s health had greatly deteriorated. Dr. Lagusius inferred that the therapeutic measures undertaken so far were perhaps inadequate and therefore ordered further and more intensive blood letting. By night it was evident that the king was sinking. Brushing aside protest from the king’s kin Dr. Lagusius performed yet another heroic venesection at midnight only to realize that nothing flowed out of the cut vein! By early morning the king had left for the heavenly abode a victim of scientific medicine which believed that without shedding of blood there was no salvation!.
History bears testimony to the fact that king Charles II of England, George, Washington the father of America, count Cavour of Italy Lord Byron and Goethe all fell victims to blood letting King Louis XIII was subjected to 47 bleedings 215 emetics or purgative and 312 enemas during the period of one year by his physician the celebrated Dr. Bouvard.
If kings were subject to such brutal treatment the plight of the common man can only be imagined indeed the mere thought of treatment meted out to commoners sends shivers down the spine.
Apart from heroic purging and merciless bloodletting the other therapeutic measures and medicines employed in those days included animal dung, powdered mummies, sawdust, lizard’s blood dried vipers, frog-sperms crab’s eyes weed roots sea sponges unicorn horns and lumpy substances extracted from the intestines of cud chewing animals and mind you these were given in the name of contemporary science.
At such time (1755 A.D) when scientific medicine was plainly speculative and to put it mildly barbaric was born Samuel Hahnemann in Meissen Germany.
In 175 Hahnemann took to medical studies and in 1779 he completed his medical education to receive the degree of M.D. from the Erlanger University. During this period of education Hahnemann had developed a concern for a lack of fixed principle on which therapy could be based. Most of the prescriptions were based on arbitrary opinions of the so called medical authorities of those times.
Not long after he set up his medical practice Dr. Hahnemann started feeling helpless and handicapped due to his inability to give rational and effective treatment to his patients. In fact he was gradually and painfully realizing that he was harming rather than helping patients with his treatment.
Dr. Hahnemann’s religious bent of mind and powerful conscience could not allow him to continue such unprincipled medical not allow him to continue such unprincipled medical practice for more than two years. When announcing his decision to quit he wrote to his friend Hufeland it has been an agony for me to walk always in darkness with no other light than that can be derived form books. I cannot conscientiously treat the unknown morbid condition of my suffering brethren by these more unknown medicines which being very active substances may do more harm than good. To become a tormentor of my brethren is an idea too overwhelming and frightful. Rather than incurring the risk of causing injury to my patients, I feel it fit to renounce the practice of medicine.
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