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History of Ancient India (Set of 11 Volumes)

Author: Dilip K. Chakrabarti, Makkhan Lal
Publisher: Vivekananda International Foundation / Ayan Books International
Language: English
Edition: 2023
Pages: 6023 (Throughout B/W and Color Illustrations)
11.5 inch X 9.0 inch
19.86 kg
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25+ Years in Business
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Book Description
Volume 1: ISBN: 9788173054808
Volume 2: ISBN: 9788173054815
Volume 3: ISBN: 9788173054822
Volume 4: ISBN: 9788173054839
Volume 5: ISBN: 9788173054846
Volume 6: ISBN: 9788173054853
Volume 7: ISBN: 9788173054860
Volume 8: ISBN: 9788173054907
Volume 9: ISBN: 9788173054884
Volume 10: ISBN: 9788173054891
Volume 11: ISBN: 9788173054907
About The Book Volumes

Volume I: Prehistoric Roots
Volume II: Protohistoric Foundations
Voume III: The Text Poltical History and Administration Till C.200 BC
Volume IV: Poltical History and Administration (C.AD 200 BC-AD750)
Volume V: Poltical History and Administration (C.AD 750-1300)

About The Book Volume -I

The present volume, i.e. Volume I, is about the genesis and the development of Stone Age cultures in the country. This is preceded by an examination of the historical diversity and richness of the Indian land and also of the various ideas pertaining to the physical elements of the people who inhabit this land. The prehistoric data available from the various parts of the country are scrupulously examined and they lead to the dominant impression of a seamless continuity through different prehistoric stages. What also emerges is the enormous hunting-gathering potential of the Indian landscape and the position of the Indian landmass in the general context of human evolution.

About The Book Volume -II

The present volume, i.e. Volume II, discusses the post-Stone Age development, dwelling on a vast array of interlinked themes such as the beginning of food-production, the phenomenon of the Indus civilization in all its regional diversities and features, and finally, the establishment of a ‘village India’ on the subcontinental level and its transformation into the phase of early historic urban growth. The volume is titled Protohistoric Foundations because these contain the seeds of what we see in the later contexts including the village India that we can still see, despite the impacts of modern socio-economic forces around us.

About The Book Volume –III

The present volume, third in the series, has to begin with the Aryan problem on which scholars have written for close to three centuries. Much of what has been written still clings like mill-stones to our necks, and we have argued why and how we should get rid of the general obsession with this notion. We have denied that the entire corpus of the Vedic literature is anything but an interconnected corpus of Indian texts and has to be viewed thus historically. A scholarly review of the Buddhist and Jaina literature features next with the issues such as the dates of the Buddha and Mahavira. Orthodox political history is introduced with the Mahajanapadas contemporary with the life of the Buddha and Mahavira and the subsequent emergence of Magadha as the leading political power of the country. The beginning and end of the Mauryan power along with the earlier political episodes of the Achaemenid and Greek invasions bring the political history part of the volume to conclusion. Following this, there are chapters on the urbanism, inscriptions and coins of the period and notes on 21 major archaeological sites.

About The Book Volume –IV

The present volume, fourth in the series, picks up the thread between the end of the Mauryan dominance and the growth of major regional powers around AD 750. This includes, on the one hand, the phase of the Kushanas who represent in a way the significance of the Oxus-Indus orbit in the course of Indian history and the resurgence of the Gangetic region under the Guptas on the other. We discuss also the development of Sangam literature and the ruling dynasties like Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas. Within this frame there were other political developments, each important in their own domain.

About The Book Volume –V

The present volume, i.e. volume V, deals with the regional developments which have the added dimension of large-scale regional interactions. Each of the regional polities was strong on their own and shows awareness of areas far beyond the usual areas of their interaction.

From this point of view, the powers which grew up in the Ganga plains, central India, the northwestern part of India-Afghanistan, east India, the Deccan and the south give the political and administrative history of the land an aura of pan-Indian significance. The different stages through which Islam acquired power in India have been clearly outlined in this volume.

About The Author

Dilip K. Chakrabarti is Emeritus Professor of South Asian Archaeology at Cambridge University and Dean, Centre for Historical and Civilizational Studies, VIF. He has a large number of research books and articles to his credit.

Makkhan Lal, taught at Banaras Hindu University and Aligarh Muslim University. He was a Visiting Fellow in Clare Hall, Cambridge University. He was elected member of the Executive committee of World Archaeological Congress representing South Asia (1986-94) and also Academic Programme Co-ordinator and Treasurer of World Archaeological Congress -3 (1990-94). He is founding Professor-Director of Delhi Institute of Heritage Research and Management (established by the Government of Delhi) and a Senior Fellow at Vivekananda International Foundation. He has a large number of books and researches articles to his credit.


Volume –I

Foreword - Ajit K Doval, KCvii
Editor's Prefacexv
Part I
1.1.Aspects of Historical Geography3
1.2.The Classifications of Indian People in the Census of 1901 and 1931. and the Current Approach22
of the Anthropological Survey of India
1.3.People of India: Implications of Recent DNA Studies28
1.4.Genetic Basis of Unity (Early Palaeolithic Antiquity and59
Continuity of the Contemporary Indian Populations)
Part II
The Palaeolithic Context
II.1.Stratigraphy, Typology and Technology of the Palaeolithic Record67
II.2.Palaeolithic Cultures in the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan Ranges, Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat121
II.3.1.Madhya Pradesh and Adjoining Uttar Pradesh: Palaeolithic Cultures140
of the Belan and Son Valleys
II.3.2.Madhya Pradesh: Narmada Valley Prehistory and Hathnora163
II.4.Palaeolithic Cultures of Western and Southern India177
II.5.The Palaeolithic Cultures of Eastern India205
II.6.The Palaeolithic Cultures in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Nepal229
Part III
The Mesolithic And Rock Art
III.I.Microlithic Industries and the Issue of the Mesolithic245
III.2.Rock Art301
Part IV
Site Reports
IV.2.Andaman Islands353
IV.4.Baghor I372
IV.5.Bangar Canal (16 R)382
IV.11.Mesolithic Sites in Koraput District, Orissa445
IV.15.Singi Talav489
IV.16.Tilwara and Bagor495
Volume -II

Editors' Prefacexix
Part I
The Beginning Of Food-Production and The First Villages
I.1.the Beginning of Wheat, Barley and Rice Cultivation: Mehrgarh and Lahuradeva3
I.2.Early Villages from Baluchistan to Western Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat35
Part II
Harappan Civilisation
II.1.Name, Origin and Chronology of the Harappan Civilisation87
II.2.Distribution and Features of the Harappan Settlements97
II.3.The Saraswati River: Geographical Literature,144
Archaeology, Ancient Texts and Satellite Images
II.4.3.Internal Trade202
II.4.4.External Trade207
II.4.7.Technology, Craft Production, Raw Material, Manufacturing Techniques and Activity Areas263
II.4.8.Metrology and Linear Measurements309
II.4.9.Social Stratification and Political Set-up321
II.4.11.Human Skeletal Biology332
II.4.13.Seals, Sealings and Script371
Part III
Late Harappan Phase395
Part IV
Legacy Of Harappan Civilization433
Part V
Village Settlements Outside The Harappan ORBIT
V.1.Mountains in the North: Baluchistan, Gandhara, Kashmir and the Almorah Hills459
V.2.Chalcolithic Rajasthan465
V.3.Chalcolithic Madhya Pradesh480
V.4.The Deccan Chalcolithic487
V.5.The Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu498
V.6.The Neolithic-Chalcolithic of Andhra Pradesh506
V.7.Eastern Indian Neolithic Chalcolithic523
V.8.Copper Hoards and the Ochre-Coloured Pottery of the Upper Ganga Plain557
Part VI
The Beginning of Iron
VI.1.The Beginning of Iron567
VI.2.The Iron Age in Tamil Nadu592
VI.3.Towards Early Historic India615
Part VII
Site Reports
VII.17.Narhan, Imlidih Khurd and Other Related Sites777
VII.24.Sheri Khan Tarakai852
VII.25.Sohr Damb/Nal860
Volume -III

Editors' Prefacexix
Part I
The Vedic Texts And Related Issues
I.1.The Aryan Hypothesis: Theories and Arguments3
I.2.The Horse and the Aryan Debate30
I.3.Genetics and the Aryan Issue44
I.4.India of the Vedic Texts65
I.5.Traditional Political History112
Part II
The Buddhist And Jaina Texts
II.1.The Buddhist and Jaina Texts127
Part III
Political History And Administration Till c. 200 BC
III.1.Janapadas, Mahajanapadas, Kingdoms, and Republics183
III.2.The Achaemenid Expansion to the Indus and Alexander's Invasion of the North-West205
III.3.The Mauryas231
III.4.Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas276
Part IV
Iron Age To Early History
IV.1.Ganga Plain and North-Central Vindhyas301
IV.2.Peninsular and Southern India343
IV.3.Early Agriculture in the Middle Ganga Plain379
Part V
Inscriptions And Coins
V.1.Asokan and Post-Asokan Inscriptions (up to c. 200 BC)413
V.2.Evolution of Coinage and Early Indian Coins422
Part VI
The Growth Of Early Historic Cities And States
VI.1.Early Historical Urbanism and State Formations435
Part VII
Site Reports
VII.5.Jhusi (Pratishthanpur)525
Volume -IV

Editors' Prefacexv
Part I
Post-Mauryan Phase: Northern India Till The Kushanas
I.1.The Sungas, Kanvas, Republican Kingdoms and Monarchies,3
Mahameghavahanas, Indo-Greeks, Indo-Scythians, Indo-Parthians
I.2.Republics in Ancient India24
I.3.The Kushanas35
Part II
Post-Mauryan Phase: Deccan And Western India
II.1.The Satavahanas and Their Successors71
II.2.The Western Kshatrapas96
Part III
Northern India, c. AD 300-750
III.1.The Gupta Dynasty119
III.2.North Indian States and Dynasties, c. AD 300-600164
III.3.Harsha and His Contemporaries192
III.4.Northern India after Harsha (c. AD 650-750)207
III.5.Administration (the Guptas, Harsha and Their Contemporaries)222
Part IV
Deccan, South India And Orissa
IV.1The Vakatakas, the Chalukyas of Badami and the Kadambas of Banavasi241
IV.2.The Dynastic Successions in the South (From the End of the Sangam Era to c. AD 750)256
IV.3.Orissa till c. AD 750270
Part V
Coins And Inscriptions
V.1.Coins of Historical Period (c. 200 BC-AD 750)291
V.2.Inscriptions, c. 200 BC-AD 750324
Part VI
Site Reports
VI.1.Bharhut as an Archaeological Area351
VI.2.Rivers, Valleys, Harbours and the Distribution of the Rock-cut367
Monasteries of the Western Ghats
VI.3.Sanchi as an Archaeological Area388
VI.4.The Military Aspect of Wari-Bateshwar428
Volume -V

Editors' Prefacexv
Part I
North India
I.1.The Gurjara Pratiharas3
I.4.The Kalachuris110
I.5.The Chahamanas133
I.6.The Gahadavalas142
I.7.The Guhilas157
I.8.The Pala-Sena and Others165
I.9.Assam from the Fifth to the Thirteenth Centuries214
I.10.Dynasties of Orissa228
Part II
The Deccan And The South
II.1.The Pallavas255
II.2.1.The Cholas272
II.2.2.Military Organization of the Cholas288
II.4.The Hoysalas349
II.5.Eastern Chalukyas384
II.6.Notes on Some Dynasties of the Deccan and South India: The392
Rashtrakutas, Western Chalukyas, Cheras, Kakatiyas, Yadavas and Silaharas
Part III
The Road To Muslim Political Power
III.1.The Arabs in Sindh, Kabul and Zabul409
III.2.The Shahis of Afghanistan and Punjab426
III.3.Invasions of Ghaznavids441
III.4.Muhammad Ghori and the Establishment of Muslim rule460
Part IV
Coins, Inscriptions, Archaeology
IV.2.1.North Indian Inscriptions500
IV.2.2.South Indian Inscriptions525
IV.3.Inscriptions and Archaeology in the Mapping of Religious Settlements:532
A Case Study of the Surma Valley (Sylhet)
**Contents and Sample Pages**

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