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A Guide to Ayurvedic Competitive Examinations (P.G. Entrance Examinations. Medical Officer’s Screening tests, J.R.F. Examinations etc) (Volume 2)

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Publisher: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan
Author: Dr. G. Prabhakara Rao
Language: English
Edition: 2007
Pages: 794
Cover: Paperback
8.5” X 5.6”
720 gm
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Book Description

Awareness of Ayurvedic in public, Professional competition among Ayurvedic physicians, Academic competition among Ayurvedic students, scholars, and competitions for P.G. Entrance, J.R.F., Medical officer screening is increasing day by day. As an observer, lover of Ayurveda I made an attempt to write ‘A Guide to Ayurvedic competitive examinations’. The part-I was already published and the response was overwhelming.

Now I am presenting a Part-II consists of following subjects:

Roga vijnanam – Vikriti vijnanam

Kaya cikitsa

Prasuti tantra – Stri roga


Agada tantra

Salya tantra

Salakya tantra

To create this book it took lot of time for the author to compile and go through all the available concerned literature.

This part of the competitive guide is very useful for those who are out of touch with the subjects for longer period and also it serves as a refresher and ready reconer. In this book each subjects is dealt with briefly but consisely and important materials are highlighted along with M.C.Q, & key. Each Multiple Choice Questions has given in a critical way in a possible tough nature, with most nearer answers. To solve the Questions the competitor should have through knowledge and should background. By solving such questions candidates will be completely out of confusion, anxiety and controversy. One more important feature of this book is addition of good number of related modern medicine Questions that are expected to be known to the students. Utmost care has been taken to remove controversies.

I am very much thankful to one and all who inspired, supported and helped and helped me directly and indirectly in different stages of my education.


Back of The Book

Part II of the ’A Guide to Ayurvedic competitive examinations’ consists of:

Roga Vijnanam-Vikriti vijnanam

Kaya Cikitsa

Prasuti tantra-Stri Roga,


Agada tantra

Salya tantra

Salakya tantra

This book is very useful for those who are out of touch with the subjects for longer period and also it serves as a refresher and ready reconer. In this book each subjects is dealt with briefly but consisely and important materials are highlighted along with M.C.Q. & key. Each Multiple Choice Question has given in a critical way in a possible thought nature, with most nearer answers. One more important feature of this book is addition of good number of related modern medicine Questions that are expected to be known to the students. Utmost care has been taken to remove controversies.


Roga Vijnanam Vikriti Vijnanam
S.No. Content   Page No.
1. Vyadhi 9.1
2. Classification of Vyadhi 9.1
3. Adhyatmika rogas 9.1
4. Adhibhautika rogas 9.1
5. Adhi davika rogas 9.1
6. Sapta vidha rogas 9.2
7. Classification of roga by its swabhava 9.2
8. Roga is of two types 9.2
9. Roga is of three types 9.3
10. Caturvidha rogas 9.4
11. Saptavidha rogas (as per dosa) 9.4
12. Saptavidha rogas (Vagbhata) 9.4
13. Trividha roga margas 9.4
14. Bahya roga margaja rogas 9.4
15. Madhyama roga margaja rogas 9.4
16. Abhyantara rogamargaja rogas 9.5
17. Nanatmaja Vyadhies 9.5
18. Vataja nanatmaja vyadhies 9.5
19. Pittaja nanatmaja vyadhies 9.6
20. Kaphaja nanatmaja vyadhies 9.6
21. Nidanam 9.7
22. Types of Nidanam 9.7
23. Vyadhi bhodhaka Nidana 9.7
24. Types (Panca laksana Nidana) 9.7
25. Synonyms of Nidana 9.7
26. Types of Nidana  
27. Types of Nidana (Hariscandra) 9.7
28. Types of Nidana (disease producing capacity) 9.7
29. Purvarupa 9.7
30. Types 9.7
31. Rupa 9.7
32. Synonyms 9.7
33. Upasaya 9.8
34. Anupasaya 9.8
35. Samprapti  
36. Synonyms 9.8
37. Types 9.8
38. Nidanardhakara rogas 9.8
39. Rogi pariksa 9.9
40. Trividha pariksa (Caraka) 9.9
41. Trividha pariksa (Vagbhata) 9.9
42. Caturvidha pariksa (Susruta) 9.9
43. Sadvidha pariksa (Susruta0 9.9
44. Astasthana paroksa (yogaratnakara) 9.9
45. Dasavidha pariksa (Caraka) 9.9
46. Dasavidha pariksyabhava (Caraka) 9.9
47. Itiologyfactors of different diseases 9.10-9.15
48. Samprapti involved in different diseases 9.16-9.22
49. Diseases and their types 9.23-9.32
50. Diseases and their specific dosik predominance 9.32-9.35
51. Diseases and their important purvarupas 9.36-9.37
52. Rogas and their samanya laksanas 9.38-9.39
53. Some important rupa of rogas 9.39-9.46
54. Rogas and their sadhya sadhyata 9.46-9.49
55. Rogas and their upadravas 9.50
56. Multiple choice questions 9A.1-84
57. Key to multiple choice questions 9B.1-5
Kaya Cikitsa
1. Synonyms of Kaya 10.1
2. Synonyms of Cikitsa 10.1
3. The main aim of cikitsa 10.2
4. Types of cikitsa (Caraka) 10.2
5. Daiva vyapasraya cikitsa 10.2
6. Yukti vyapasraya cikitsa 10.2
7. Satva vajaya cikitsa 10.2
8. General principle of cikitsa 10.3
9. Sadupa kramas 10.3
10. Santarpana 10.3
11. Apatarpana 10.3
12.Cikitsa (Prayoga bedha)   10.3
13. Kriyakala 10.3
14. Trividha bala 10.3
15. Types of dravya 10.5
16. Adravyabhuta cikitsa (Caraka) 10.5
17. Cikitsa sidhanta (Susruta) 10.5
18. Dhatu dosaja vikara cikitsa (Caraka) 10.5
19. Dosa cikitsa (Sresta tama) 10.5
20. Sroto dusti cikista sutra 10.5-10.6
21. Ausadhakala 10.6
22. Ausadhakala in vata vikara 10.6
23. Rogas and their cikitsa sutras 10.7-10.24
24. Drugas commonly used in Kaya cikitsa 10.24
25. Kasaya preparations and their indications 10.25-10.27
26. Curna preparations and their indications 10.28-10.31
27. Asavarista preparations and their indications 10.31-10.33
28. Avaleha preparations and their indications 10.33-10.35
29. Vati preparations and their indications 10.36-10.37
30. Guggulu prearations and their indications 10.38-10.39
31. Bhasma preparations and their indications 10.39-10.41
32. Rasausdhas and their indications 10.42-10.45
33. Lauha preparations and their indications 10.46
34. Pisti preparations and their indications 10.46-10.47
35. Parpati preparations and their indications 10.47
36. Kupi pakva rasayana preparations and their indications 10.47-10.48
37. Taila preparations and their indications 10.48-10.53
38. Ghrita preparations and their indications 10.53-10.56
39. Manasa roga vijnanam 10.56
40. Trigunas 10.56
41. Mano dosas 10.56
42. Manasa roga cikitsa 10.56
43. Unmada 10.57
44. Apasmara 10.57
45. Atatvabhi nivesa 10.57-10.58
46. Murcha 10.58
47. Sanyasa 10.58
48. Pancakarma therapy 10.59
49. Purva karma 10.59
50. Sneha karma 10.59
51. Classification of sneha dravyas 10.60
52. Classification of sthavara sneha (Susruta) 10.60
53. Abhyantara sneha 10.60-10.61
54. Bahya sneha 10.61
55. Sadyah sneha 10.61
56. Description of sneha dravyas 10.61
57. Ghrita 10.61
58. Taila 10.61-10.62
59. Vasa and majja 10.62
60. Important terms for sneha 10.62
61. Sneha anupanas 10.62-10.63
62. Sneha mantra (Caraka, Vagbhata) 10.63
63. Sneha mantra (Susruta) 10.63
64. Duration of sneha (Dalhana) 10.63
65. Diet suggested after sneha 10.64
66. Indications of sneha karma 10.64
67. Contra indication of sneha karma 10.64
68. Sweda karma 10.64
69. Properties of Swedana dravyas 10.65
70. Classification of sweda 10.65
71. Agni sweda 10.65
72. Niragni sweda 10.65
73. Ruksa sweda 10.65
74. Snigdha sweda 10.65
75. As per sthana-types 10.66
76. As per quality-types 10.66
77. As per Susruta & Vagbhata types 10.66-10.67
78. Dalhanas view on 13 types of Sweda 10.67
79. Effect of Sweda karma 10.67
80. Indications of Sweda as per Caraka 10.67-10.68
81. Contra indications of Sweda (Caraka) 10.68
82. Sign and symptoms of Samyak svinna 10.68
83. Sign and symptoms of asvinna 10.68
84. Signs and symptoms of atisweda 10.69
85. Sweda karma atiyoga cikitsa 10.69
86. Vamana karma 10.69
87. Qualities of vamaka dravyas 10.69
88. Vamaka dravyas 10.69-10.70
89. Stages observed in Vamana Karma as per Caraka 10.70
90. Four ways to knowing the vamana 10.70
91. Dosa of Vamaka dravya 10.70-10.71
92. Indications of vamana 10.71
93. Contraindications of Vamana 10.71-10.72
94. Samyak vamana laksanas 10.72
95. Asamyak Vamana laksanas 10.72
96. Ativamana laksanas 10.73
97. Vamana vyapath 10.73
98. Samsarjana karma of vamana 1073.-10.74
99 Virecana karma 10.74
100. Best virecana dravyas (Caraka) 10.74
101. Best virecana dravyas (Susruta) 10.74
102. Virecana drayvas (Sargadhara) 10.75
103. Pakvasayagata dosharavirecana dravyas 10.75
104. Bhedani dravyas (Caraka) 10.75
105. Virecanopayogi dravyas (caraka) 10.75
106. Dose of virecana drayvas 1087-10.76
107. Virecana dravyas qualities 10.76
108. Indications if virecana karma 10.76
109. Contra indications of virecana karma 10.76-10.77
110. Description of virecana karma in respect of suddhi 10.77
111. Samyak virecana laksanas 10.77
112. Ayogya virecana laksanas 10.77
113. Atiyoga virecana laksanas 10.78
114. Vasti Karma 10.78  
115. Types according to adhist hana 10.78
116. Types as per dravyas 10.78
117. Types as per pharmacological actions 10.79
118. Types of vasti as per anusangika 10.79
119. Vasti yantra 10.79-80
120. Vasti netra dosas 10.80
121. Vasti putaka dosas 10.80
122. Indications of asthapana vasti 10.80-81
123. Contra indications of asthapana vasti 10.81-82
124. Contra indication of anuvasana vasti 10.81-82
125. Vasti samyak yoga laksana 10.82
126. Vasti ayoga laksanas 10.82
127. Vasti atiyoga laksanas 10.82
128. Nasya karma 10.83
129. Synonyms 10.83
130. Types as per (Caraka) 10.83
131. Types of nasya as per action 10.83-10.84
132. Navana nasya indications 10.84
133. Indication of Nasya in general 10.84-10.85
134. Contra indication of nasya 10.85-10.86
135. Rakta moksana 10.87
136. Synonyms 10.87
137 Types and indications 10.87
138. Rakta moksana indications 10.87
139. Contra indications of Raktamoksana 10.88
140. Raktamoksana kala 10.88
141. Raktamoksana dose 1089
142. Jalukavacarana 10.89
143. Siravyadha 10.89
144. Site of siravyadha indications 10.89-10.90
145. Rasayana tantram 10.90
146. Effects of Rasayana 10.91
147. Types of Rasayana 10.91
148. Types of Rasayana (Susruta) 10.91
149 Kamya Rasayana 10.92
150. Medhya Rasayana 10.92
151. Best medhya rasayana 10.92
152. Bhallataka rasayana yogas 10.92
153. Amalaka rasayana yogas 10.92
154. Changes in ageing as per Sarangadhara and Vagbhata 10.93
155. Triphala rasayana 10.93
156. Pippali vardhamana rasayana (Caraka) 10.93-94
157. Pippali rasayana 10.94
158. Silajatu rasayana 10.94
159. Dose and duration 10.94
160. Apathya during silajatu rasayana 10.95
161. Carakokta rasayanas padas 10.95
162. Buddhi medhakara gana 10.95
163. Susrutokta rasayana 10.95
164. Sarvopaghata samaniyam 10.95
165. Medhayuskamiya rasayanam 10.96
166. Swabhava vyadhi pratisedhaniyam 10.96
167. Vajikarana tantra 10.96
168. Effects 10.96
169. Utility 10.96
170. Best vajikarana 10.96
171. Best vrisya 10.97
172. Selection of Stri 10.97
173. Vajikarana purva karma 10.97
174. Vjikarana dravyas 10.97
175. Age limit 10.97
176. Sukra srava hetu 10.97
177. Sukra ksaya 10.98
178. Klibata 10.98
179. Vajikarana yogas 10.98
180. Multiple choice questions 10A.1 – 125
181. Key to multiple choice questions 10B.1-8
Prasuti Tantra – Stri Roga
1. Description of stri 11.1
2. Best type of stri 11.1
3. Best qualities of uttama stri 11.1
4. Stages of stri 11.1
5. Extra organs present in stri 11.1
6. Rajah (Rajas) 11.2
7. Synonyms 11.2
8. Ritu kala 11.2
9. Qualities of ritumati 11.2
10. Qualities of suddhartava 11.2
11. Rajah Pravritti vaya 11.2
12. Rajah pravritti kala 11.2
13. Dosas involved in rajah pravritti 11.2
14. Artava dosas 11.3
15. Asadhya artava dosas 11.3
16. Treatment of sadhya artava dosas 11.3
17. Garbhadanam 11.3
18. Garbhadana yogya vayah 11.3
19. Garbha sambhava samagri 11.3
20. Garbha vakranti 11.4
21. Signs and aymptoms of garbha 11.4
22. Sadyo grihi ta garbha laksanas (Susruta) 11.5
23. Sadyo grihi ta garbha laksanas (Caraka) 11.5
24. Garbha laksanas 11.5
25. Pumsavana vidhi 11.5
26. Garbhopaghata kara bhavas 11.6
27. Garbhini paricarya 11.6-11.8
28. Pathyam during pregnancy 11.8
29. Garbha vyapad – Garbha srava 11.8
30. Garbhapata upadravas 11.9
31. Treatment of garbha pata upadravas 11.9
32. Garbhapata 11.9
33. Adhmanam 11.9
34. Mutra sanga 11.9
35. Preventive remedies of garbha/srava 11.9-10
36. Abnormalities of garbha 11.10
37. Upavistaka 11.10
38. Nagodara 11.10
39. Treatment of Upavistaka and nagodara 11.11
40. Lina garbha (Susruta) 11.10
41. Treatment 11.10
42. Upadravas of garbha and their treatment 11.11
43. Sosa 11.11
44. Hrillasa 11.11
45. Chardi 11.11
46. Jwara 11.11
47. Pandu 11.11
48. Kamala 11.11
49. Mutravibandham 11.12
50. Parikartika 11.12
51. Makkala sula 11.12
52. Asana prasava laksanas 11.13
53. Signs and symptoms of male fetus of garbha 11.13
54. Sign and symptoms of female fetus of garbha 11.13
55. Sutika 11.13
56. Sutika paricarya 11.13-11.14
57. Mudha garbha 11.14
58. Mudha garbha gati 11.15
59. Asabhya mudha garbha laksanas 11.15
60. Mudha garbha upadravas 11.15
61. Treatment of Mubhagarbha 11.15
62. Sutika rogas 11.15-16
63. Stri Roga 11.17
64. Yonivyapath 11.17
65. Nidana of yonivyapath 11.17
66. Types of yonivyapath 11.17
67. Dosik predominance 11.17
68. Description of yonivyapath and their treatment 11.17
69. Udavarta 11.17-11.18
70. Vanghya 11.18
71. Vipluta 11.18
72. Paripluta 11.18
73. Vatala 11.19
74. Lohita ksaya 11.19
75. Vamini 11.19
76. Prasramsini 11.19
77. Putraghni 11.19
78. Pittala 11.19
79. Atyananda 11.20
80. Aticarana 11.20
81. Acarana 11.20
82. Karnini 11.20
83. Slesmala 11.20-21
84. Andini 11.21
85. Sandini 11.21
86. Mahati 11.21
87. Suci vakra 11.21
88. Sarvaja 11.21
89. Asadhya rogas (yonivyapath) 11.21
90. Upapluta 11.21
91. Antarmukhi 11.21
92. Suska yoni 11.21
93. Prakcarana 11.21
94. Asrigdhara 11.22-23
95. Yoni kanda 11.23
96. Yonarsas 11.23-24
97. Soma roga 11.24
98. Sweta pradara 11.24-25
99. Garbha pratibandhaka cikitsa 11.25
100. Multiple choice questions 11A.1-66
101. Key to multiple choice questions 11B.1-4
Bala Roga
(Kaumara Bhrityam)
1. Stages of age (Carak) 12.1
2. Stages of age (Susruta) 12.1
3. Stages of age (Kasyapa) 12.1
4. Samskara 12.2
5. Danta vijnanam 12.2
6. Stanya ksira vijnanam 12.2
7. Properties of ksira (Vagbhata) 12.2
8. Properties of Stanya (Susruta) 12.3
9. Properties of Stanya (Caraka) 12.3
10. Properties of Stanya (Vagbhata) 12.3
11. Properties of Godugdha (Susruta) 12.3
12. Properties of chaga ksira (Susruta) 12.3-12.4
13. Ksira dosas 12.4
14. Vairasya dosa cikitsa 12.4
15. Phena sanghata dosa cikitsa 12.4
16. Ruksa dosa cikitsa 12.4
17. Vivarnya dosa cikitsa 12.4
18. Durgandha dosa cikitsa 12.4-5
19. Ati snigdha dosa cikitsa 12.5
20. Picchila dosa cikitsa 12.5
21. Guru dosa cikitsa 12.5
22. Bala rogas 12.5
23. Signs and inferences of balaroga 12.5-12.6
24. Dusta stanya vyadhi 12.6
25. Ksiralasaka 12.6
26. Kukunaka 12.7
27. Ahiputanaka 12.7-8
28. Bala sosa 12.8
29. Parigarbhika 12.8
30. Mridbhaksana janya vyadhies 12.8
31. Upasirsaka 12.9
32. Ajagallika 12.9
33. Nabhi janya rogas 12.9
34. Ulbaka roga 12.10
35. Paridagdharoga 12.10
36. Talu kantaka 12.10
37 Mahapadma 12.11
38. Kuranda roga 12.11
39. Phakka roga 12.11-12
40. Mutrasmari 12.12
41. Niruddha prakasa 12.12
42. Sanniruddha guda 12.12-13
43. Guda bhramsa 12.13
44. Pascaruja 12.13
45. Bala graha vijnanam 12.13
46. Grahavesa nidana 12.13
47. Types of graha 12.13-14
48. Graha grahana karana 12.14
49. Graha vesita bala purva rupa 12.14
50. Samanya laksanas of bala graharoga 12.14-12.15
51. Graha samanya rupa 12.15
52. Skanda graha laksanas 12.15
53. Skandapasmara laksanas 12.16
54. Sakuni graha laksanas 12.16
55. Revati graha laksanas 12.16
56. Putana graha laksanas 12.16
57. Andha putana graha laksanas 12.16
58. Sita putana graha laksanas 12.16
59. Mukha mundatika graha 12.17
60. Naigamesa graha laksanas 12.17
61. Svagraha laksanas 12.17
62. Pitrigraha laksanas 12.17
63. Suskarevati graha laksanas 12.17
64. Skanda graha cikitsa (Susruta) 12.18
65. Skanda graha cikitsa (vagbhata) 12.18
66. Skandapasmara graha cikitsa (Susruta) 12.18
67. Skandapasmara graha cikitsa 12.18
68. Sakuni graha cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.19
69. Sakuni graha cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.19
70. Revati graha cikitsa (Susruta) 12.20
71. Revati graha cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.20
72. Putana graha cikitsa (Susruta) 12.20
73. Putana graha cikitsa (vagbhata) 12.21
74. Andha putana cikitsa 12.21
75. Andha putana cikitsa (Susruta) 12.21
76. Sita Putana cikitsa (Susruta) 12.22
77. Mukha mandatika 12.22
78. Mukha mandatika cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.22-23
79. Naigamesa cikitsa (Susruta) 12.23
80. Naiga mesa cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.23
81. Svagraha cikitsa (Vagbhata) 12.23-24
82. Pitri graha cikitsa 12.24
83. Suska revati graha cikitsa 12.24
84. Multiple Choice Questions 12A.1-38
85 Key to Multiple choice questions. 12B.1-3
Agada Tantram
1. Description of visa 13.1
2. Types of visa (Caraka, Susruta) 13.1
3. Types of visa (Vagbhata) 13.1
4. Maha visas 13.2
5. Upa visas 13.2
6. Visa yoni 13.2
7. Sthavara visa adhisthanas 13.2
8. Jangama visa adhisthanas 13.2
9. Classification of visas 13.3
10. Suicidal poisons 13.3
11. Homicidal poisons 13.3
12. Abortaficient poisons 13.3
13. Corrosive poisons 13.3
14. Irritant poisons 13.3
15. Cerebral poisons 13.3
16. Spinal poisons 13.3
17. Peripheral nervous system poisons 13.3
18. Cardiac poisons 13.4
19. Asphyxiants 13.4
20. Poisons cause sudden death 13.4
21. Poisons cause loss of consciousness 13.4
22. Poisons cause heart failure 13.4
23. Poisons cause paleness of the face 13.4
24. Poisons cause delerium 13.4
25. Poisons cause titanic like convulsions 13.4
26. Poisons cause paralysis 13.4
27. Poisons cause mydriasis 13.4
28. Poisons cause miasis 13.5
29. Poisons cause dry skin 13.5
30. Poisons cause wet skin 13.5
31. Poisons cause vomitting 13.5
32. Jangama visas and their poison 13.5
33. Spreading of poison 13.6
34. Visa gunas 13.6
35. Visa gunas as per Sarangdhara 13.6
36. Effect of visa (Vagbhata) 13.6
37. Visa Vegas and their effects 13.6-13.7
38. The signs & symptoms of visa Vegas (Susruta) 13.7
39. Toxic effects of visas based on adhistana 13.7-13.8
40. Toxic effects of poisons 13.8
41. Visopa krama 13.8
42. Visa cikitsa in response to vega as described in classics 13.9
43. General signs and symptoms of visa (Caraka) 13.9
44. Jangama visa 13.9
45. Sthavara visa 13.9
46. Description of visa dravyas 13.9
47. Vatsanabha 13.9-10
48. Ahiphena 13.10
49. Jaya pala 13.10
50. Dhattura 13.11
51. Gunja 13.11
52. Visa musti 13.11
53. Bhanga 13.12
54. Arka ksira 13.12
55. Snuhi ksira 13.12
56. Karavira 13.13
57. Langali 13.13
58. Bhallataka 13.13
59. Jangama visa 13.14
60. Sarpa 13.14
61. Number of different types of Sarpa 13.14
62. Davikara sarpa visa laksanas 13.14
63. Mandali sarpa visa laksanas 13.15
64. Rajimana sarpa visa laksanas 13.15
65. Factors potentiating visa in sarpa 13.15
66. Types of sarpa damsa 13.15
67. Sarpa visa vegas 13.16
68. Sarpa visa nasaka ausadhas 13.16
69. Apathya of sarpa visa 13.16
70. Vricchika 13.16-17
71. Satapadi 13.17
72. Luta 13.17
73. Types of Luta 13.18
74. Toxic effects of Luta 13.18
75. Seat of visa in luta 13.18
76. Cikitsa 13.18-19
77. Musaka 13.19-20
78. Alarka 13.20
79. Alarka visa laksanas 13.20
80. Cikitsa 13.21
81. Dusi visa 13.21
82. Sadhya sadhyata 13.22
83. Cikitsa 13.22
84. Garavisa 13.22
85. Materials used for garavisa 13.22
86. Laksanas of gara visa 13.22
87. Cikitsa 13.23
88. Visahara yogas and indications 13.23
89. Multiple choice questions 13A.1-15
90. Key to multiple choice questions. 13B.1
Salya Tantra
1. Salya 14.1
2. Importance of Salya tantra 14.1
3. Trividha karma 14.1
4. Yantra 14.1
5. Types 14.1
6. Pradhana tama yantra 14.2
7. Number of different yantras (Susruta) 14.2
8. Yantra karmas 14.2
9. Yantra dosas 14.2
10. Sastra 14.3
11. Names of sastra 14.3
12. Sastra gunas 14.3
13. Sastra dosas 14.4
14. Sastra payana 14.4
15. Sastra Karmas 14.4
16. Sastra and their function 14.4
17. Measurement of sastra 14.5
18. Anu sastra 14.5
19. Sastra used as per karma 14.5
20. Chedana karma 14.5
21. Bhedana karma 14.6
22. Lekhana karma 14.6
23. Visravana karma 14.6
24. Vedhana karma 14.6
25. Aharana karma 14.6
26. Esana karma 14.6
27. Sivana karma 14.6
28. Bandhana 14.7
29. Bandhana and their uses as per site 14.7
30. Ksera karma (Susruta) 14.8
31. Ksara karmas (Susruta) 14.8
32. Ksara types 14.8
33. Ksara gunas 14.8
34. Ksara dosas 14.8
35. Ksara properties 14.9
36. Paniya ksara 14.9
37. Properties 14.9
38. Indications 14.9
39. Contra indications 14.9
40. Antidote 14.9
41. Agni karma 14.10
42. Dahana upakaranas 14.10
43. Dahana upakaranas and their uses 14.10
44. Characters of agni karma as per site 14.10
45. Agni karma as per Susruta 14.10
46. Types of Agni karma (Vagbhata) 14.11
47. Types of agni karma as per seat 14.11
48. Types of agni karma as per Character 14.11
49. Indications of agnikarma 14.11
50. Contra indications of agni karma 14.11
51. Importance of agni karma 14.11
52. Upakarmas 14.12
53. Saptokramas 14.12
54. Sastyopa kramas 14.12-13
55. Vrana 14.13
56. Vrana parigraha 14.13
57. Vrana pariksa 14.13
58. Vrana gandha 14.13
59. Vrana srava 14.13
60. Vranopa dravas (Susruta) 14.14
61. Vranopa dravas (Caraka) 14.14
62. Surgical diseases and their types 14.14-14.18
63. Sastra karmas and their indications 14.19-14.20
64. Surgical diseases and their cikitsa (Susruta) 14.20
65. Sadyovrana 14.20
66. Bhagna 14.20-21
67. Arsas 14.25
68. Asmari 14.25
69. Bhagandhara 14.25-14.26
70. Virdradhi 14.26-14.27
71. Nadi vrana 14.28
72. Granthi 14.28-30
73. Apaci 14.30-31
74. Arbuda 14.31-32
75. Galaganda 14.32
76. Vriddhi cikitsa 14.33-34
77. Medovriddhi 14.34
78. Mutra vriddhi 14.34
79. Antra vriddhi 14.34
80. Upadamsa 14.35
81. Slipada 14.35
82. Ksudra roga 14.35
83. Ajagallika 14.35-36
84. Andhalaji 14.36
85. Yavaprakhya 14.36
86. Panasika 14.36
87. Kaccapi 14.36
88. Pasana gardhabhi 14.36
89. Vivrita 14.36
90. Indraviddha 14.36
91. Gardabhi 14.36
92. Jala garbhabha 14.36
93. Irivilla 14.36
94. Gandhanamni 14.36
95. Kaksa 14.36
96. Vispota 14.36
97. Cipya 14.36
98. Kunaka 14.36
99. Vidarika 14.37
100. Sarkararbuda 14.37
101. Kacchu 14.37
102. Vicarcika 14.37
103. Pama 14.37
104. Padadari 14.37
105. Alasaka 14.37
106. Kadara 14.38
107. Indralupta 14.38
108. Arumsika 14.38
109. Darunaka 14.38
110. Masurika 14.38
111. Jatumani 14.38
112. Masaka 14.38
113. Tila kalaka 14.38
114. Nyaccha 14.39
115. Vyanga 14.39
116. Nilika 14.39
117. Yavana pitaka 14.39
118. Padmini kantaka 14.39
119. Parikartika 14.39
120. Avapatika 14.39
121. Niruddha parakasa 14.39-40
122. Anati vriddha valmika 14.40
123. Pakva valmika 14.40
124. Ahiputana 14.40
125. Vrisana kaccu 14.40
126. Guda bhramsa 14.40
127. Suka roga cikitsa 14.41
128. Sarsapika 14.41
129. Astilaka 14.41
130. Granthika 14.41
131. Kumbhika 14.41
132. Alaji 14.41
133. Mridita 14.41
134. Sammudha pitika 14.41
135. Avamantha 14.42
136. Puskarika 14.42
137. Sparsa hani 14.42
138. Uttama 14.42
139. Sataponaka 14.42
140. Twakpaka 14.42
141. Sonitarbuda 14.42
142. Mamsarbuda 14.42
143. Mamsapaka 14.42
144. Virdadhi 14.42
145. Tilakalaka 14.42
146. Multiple choice Questions 14A.1-60
147. Key to multiple choice questions. 14B.1-4
Salakya Tantram
1. Netra rogas 15.1
2. Netra angas 15.1
3. Netra pancabhautikatvam15.1  
4. Netra sandhies 15.2
5. Nidana of netra rogas 15.2
6. Samprapti 15.2
7. Number of Netra rogas 15.2
8. Classification based on dosas 15.2
9. Classification based on netrangas 15.2-3
10. Paksma rogas 15.3
11. Vartma rogas 15.3
12. Sandhi rogas 15.3
13. Sukla mandala rogas 15.3
14. Krisna mandala rogas 15.4
15. Dristi mandala rogas 15.4
16. Sarva gata rogas 15.4
17. Vataja netra rogas 15.4
18. Pittaja netra rogas 15.4
19. Kaphaja netra rogas 15.5
20. Rakta netra rogas 15.5
21. Sannipataja netra rogas 15.5
22. Bahya rogas 15.5-6
23. Vhedya netra rogas 15.6
24. Lekhya netra rogas 15.6
25. Bhedhya netra rogas 15.6
26. Vedhya netra rogas 15.6
27. Asastra krit netra rogas 15.7
28. Netra kriya kalpa 15.7
29. Seka 15.7
30. Ascotanam 15.7-8
31. Bidalaka 15.8
32. Tarpana 15.8
33. Putapaka 15.8
34. Anjana 15.9
35. Netra roga cikitsa 15.9-12
36. Pathya in netra rogas 15.13
37. Apathya in netra rogas 15.13
38. Karna rogas 15.13
39. Nidanam 15.13
40. Samprati 15.13
41. Number of karnarogas 15.13-14
42. Karnapalini rogas 15.14
43. Important points in karna rogas and treatment 15.14
44. Karna purana therapy in different karna rogas 15.15-16
45. Nasarogas 15.16
46. Nidanam 15.16
47. Samprapti 15.16
48. Types 15.17
49. Important points in Nasarogas and treatment 15.17-19
50. Mukha rogas 15.20
51. Nidanam 15.20
52. Number of mukha rogas 15.20
53. Osthagata rogas 15.20
54. Danta rogas 15.20
55. Danta mula gata rogas 15.20-21
56. jihwa rogas 15.21
57. Talu rogas 15.21
58. Gala rogas 15.21
59. Sarva sara mukha 15.21
60. Asadhya mukharogas 15.21-22
61. Description of osta rogas 15.22-23
62. Description of Danta mula rogas 15.23-26
63. Description of Danta rogas 15.26-27
64. Jihwagata rogas 1528
65. General treatment of jihwa rogas 15.28
66. Talurogas 15.29
67. Gala rogas 15.30-31
68. General treatment of Galarogas 15.31
69. Sarva sara rogas 15.31-32
70. Siro rogas 15.32
71. Vataja 15.32
72. Pittaja 15.32
73. Kaphaja 15.32-33
74. Sannipataja 15.33
75. Raktaja 15.33
76. Ksayaja 15.33
77. Krimija 15.33
78. Suryavarta 15.34
79. Ananta vata 15.34
80. Sankhaka 15.34
81. Ardhavabhedaka 15.34
82. General yogas 15.34
83. Pathya 15.35
84. Apathya 15.35
85. Multiple choice questions 15A.1-41
86. Key to Multiple choice questions. 15B.1-3

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