It is well known dictum in astrology that 4th lord in an angle showers the person with a long life, a luxurious life with immovable property, all around success etc. These types of 500 golden rules have been presented in chapter – 1 The role of planets in shaping or maring destiny patterns of human beings have been described in 15th chapters. This book provides excellent information about brilliant career, accumulation of huge wealth, business caliber, poverty yogas, lunatism, sun-satrun relationships, mute yoga, influence of guru chandala yoga etc.Yogas for a wonderful manager who can change the face of the country have been described. It should be borne in mind that astrology offers an insight into the meaning and purpose of life and its predictable/unpredictable pattern of events in life which moulds one’s destiny patterns through an invisible force called Law of Karma. This book will surly help hard working astrologers with a gift of synthesis to become brilliant predictors.
Dr. S.S Chatterjee, now 70, is a noted authority on Vedic astrology & a prolific writer in predictive astrology. This is his 10th book. Ist book is “Cosmic Influences on mind & IQ” appeared in the market in 1992, “Advanced Predictive Astrology Vol 1-2” were published in 1999-2000, “Fortune and Finance”(2002), “Astrology Applied”(2004), “Astrology Nectar” (2005), “House 8th & 3rd in Advance Astrology” (2008), “Advance Medical Astrology”(2007), “Jyotish X-ray” (2011), are the beautiful creation of the learned author. His books and as well as write ups are not only authentic but also give thought provoking clues to the judgement of horoscopes. The author does not write anything without verification of golden rules in real life.
Stephen Hawking, The author of “A Brief History of Divine” has told in T.V. channels throughout the globe in April, 2011, that God exists. Our wise sages believed the same thing many thousand years ago. We believe in Karma theory. What western scientists prove today, was proved by great Indians at least 4000 yrs, B.C.
Astrology gives a comprehensive look at the sorrows and the joys, the miseries and the happiness and the tragedies and comedies of life for imparting purposeful teachings and hilarious acceptance of the dictates of divinity. Man is the integral part of the ultimate universe and can do nothing except to accept and abide by the infinite and illuminating cosmic rules in its many sideness. Sages found it to their utter discomfort that the virulent currents of the previous sinful deeds make their caves in the embodied ego in the form of afflicted house and the planets for easy penetration and forceful effectuation of the physical constitutions of the man so that the desired effects can materialise in unimpeded fashion. Psychological self is utterly helpless and has no protective cover to avoid these unscrupulous currents. Latent potentialities are buried in the horoscope.
All the future incidents in life surface out at the appropriate time. One has to start from 5th house in order to determine its connection with the past Janma, If a person’s 5th house has connection with his Lagna, Lagna lord, The moon, The moon’s dispositor, or balance dasa lord, then he has connection with his past Janma. Such a native gets direct upliftment in his life without much efforts. Natural luck flows to him. He has got the ability to make use of credit balance from his Poorva Janma. Though they have their share of ups and downs in their life, but their life will not be curtailed due to some ailment or disease or some happenings etc. Planets play a very important role for they not only after the results of the house but also depict the past life of the native. Placement of benefic in the 5th house is better than the placement of malefic.
Now we shall discuss the rags to riches phenomena in the life of a Keralian native.
DOB : 21-02-1963, TOB : 5:00 am., POB : Cochin, Lagna : Capricorn, Mercury, Saturn, Ketu. Aquarius : Sun, Jupiter. Cancer : Mars(R), Rahu. Sagittarius : venus, Moon.
The rules framed by our sages are still valid even in 2012, Raja Yoga formation in a horoscope helps the mundane journey of the native in a very nice manner. Only 4 signs are occupied by planets. 9th lord in Lagna, conjoined with lagnapati, Ketu generated formidable Dhana Yoga. 4th lord Mars has generated Neehbhanga Raj Yoga in the 7th house. Exchange of aspects between 4th/9th lords, 2nd lord saturn and 11th lord saturn and 11th lord mars formed super Dhana Yogas for him. 6th/8th houses are vacant and 12th house is occupied by two natural benefic planets. Planets remained silent upto Rahu-Venus dasa. He came to Delhi with a small job. On my advice he started export and important business, and became a very rich man between 2001-2011. He has purchased several flats in Noida. His 4th lord mars is in a char rasi, hence this mars provided him many flats. Maximum money was showered on him like rain water during Jupiter Mahadasa. One yellow sapphire did the tricks. His 11th lord (elder brother) is debilitated in his 7th house in direct aspect of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. He committed suicide by consuming poison in March 2008 in Chennai. Death of his elder brother was written in his horoscope. Karakwata of planets flourishes in 12th house. Venus increased his wealth, provided him number of vehicles, his wife became happy in life, Moon=Mind & Mother. He has long living parents in 2012, mother is 79 yrs, father is 84 yrs. Old. Venus in 12th house makes anybody financially sound. Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga did not allow him to enjoy comforts of life up to 37 yrs. of his age. Since Lagna is hemmed between benefics, he has strong Lagna and its lord. Until or unless, these two factors and Moon are not strong, Raja Yoges do not bear fruits. He started his life 8th lord Sun’s dasa. When a native starts his life with this evil dasa, he struggles very hard upto 25 yrs. of his life. He was satisfied with a small clerical job upto 37 yrs of his life. 10 lord in 12th helped him in export business. Whenever Rahu joins quadrant/trine lords it generates “Astalaxmi Yoga”, a yoga for fabulous wealth. Yogakarka of any Lagna does not deny a person. Since he will never enjoy Mahadasa of Venus, Venus ordered his sign lord Jupiter to pour money on him. After birth, luxury and comfort for which one struggles whole life is decided by the 4th house. The fourth house being 9th of 8th house explains the prospects of comfort and complacency in current birth as per the strength of credit or debit balance of Karma in past birth. If anybody has connection with his past Janma, his life get direct upliftment in this life. Natural luck flows to him. He has got the ability to make use of credit balance from his Poorva Janma, Lagna lord in Lagna grants and eventful life to a native, when it is aspected by another natural benefic planet. Saturn, Mercury Yoga in Lagna, made his horoscope very powerful.
In order to help the young astrologers of India, the author has penned down this present book. Hundreds of astrology slokas have been included in the Chapter – 1. These golden rules will open the eyes of the savants of astrology . From 2001 onwards with the advent of 21 century people have started earning croros of rupees. Who can earn crores of rupees, have been explained in Chapter-5-6. Total there are 15 Chapters. Art of prediction have been included in Chapter-2. By knowing the various Karakwata of planets, drawing a Solar return chart and by mastering 3 dasa systems, it would be easier for anybody to forecast mundane events in life. 7th house is actually opposes the Ist house, So evil planet in the 7th house may give too much trouble, opposition, rivalries and these will take away his valuable time and energy to fight them and his success is delayed too much and his career may be tarnished due to much of opposition and enemies. Saturn and Mars in the 7th house does not allow the native for the fuller utilization of his inherent talent.
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