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Golden Jubilee Souvenir 1896-1946 (An Old and Rare Book)

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Language: English
Edition: 1995
Pages: 511 (Black & White Illus: 15)
Cover: Hardcover
8.6" X 5.6
720 gm
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Book Description


Bhagavan Sri Ramana's Realisation is unique and unparalleled in the annals of history. He realized in his boyhood the Eternal Truth, the Self Supreme, without the aid of initiation by any external Guru, without the need for a theoretical knowledge or study of the Sastras and Scriptures, and without having resorted to any kind of ritualistic form of worship, nay without any kind of Sadhana other than his spontaneous realisation of the eternal nature of the "I", the Self Supreme. Half a Century has passed since first he sat in the State of Transcendental Silence at the Hill of the Holy Beacon.

Arunachalam What did it mean to the boy barely fifteen years old, when he heard it uttered casually by some relative coming from Tiruvannamalai Outwardly and for the time being, there was no change. But inwardly, in his heart of hearts, young Venkataramana was lit by the spark of devotion,-an inward awakening to the core of his being. Some five months later, he happened to read the book Periyapuranam. It contains the lives of well known Saivite Saints. One reading of the book was enough to make him sure that the life of a Saint is the noblest possible. But the direct urge to BE the Truth Eternal came to him not from any study of books-indeed, apart from Periyapuranam he did not study with attention any religious book at all till then-nor from any external discipline, but as a result of the unique experience of the eternal nature of the spirit as the "I" apart from and independent of the physical body. He saw death come and go, while the "I" in him remained as the Immutable Awareness.

Always indifferent to his studies, this experience made Venkataramana completely indifferent not only to his studies but also to every thing in external life. Meditation on the Deathless "I" came naturally to the young Saint who never felt the need to curb or control the mind, because it had already come under the sway of the Self Supreme. Still he continued to go to the school for a few weeks more,-to what purpose, he did not know. In fact, he felt the lonely interior of Minakshi-Sundareswara Temple more congenial to his spirit than the boisterous atmosphere of the school and the playground.

Thus passed six weeks. One day at his home in Madura, while apparently engaged in his class-work, he put aside the books and sat up in his accustomed attitude of meditation. Observing him doing such things ore and more often during the past few days, his elder brother took the opportunity to administer a sharp rebuke to the younger one supinely indifferent to his studies. He said "Why all this (show of studying in a school etc.) for one who behaves thus?" The rebuke went home. It acted like an electric shock with an instantaneous effect. The propriety of the remark gave a quick and firm conviction to the younger one that his place was no longer in the home.

"Arunachala" whispers, at the very next moment, his inner voice. "That is my Home" says Venkataramana to himself. "There I must go at once." How? He does not know. He bundles up the few books by his side, saying that he has to attend a special class at his school. "Take five rupees from my box and pay my college fees" says the elder brother. Arunachala thus provides the trainfare! After a hasty meal, he turns the pages of an old schools atlas to see which place on the railway line is the nearest one to Tiruvannamalai. "Tindivanam," he decides. Three rupees will suffice; so, out of the five, he leaves two rupees with a small bit of paper on which he scribbles a few words to say he is leaving the place for good. What for? "In search of his Father" How else is he to describe his mission, much more so, his destination, which he must not disclose if he is to succeed in his enterprise? As to the nature of this enterprise, he is sure it is a meritorious one. Therefore, why enterprise, he is sure it is a meritorious one. Therefore, why should anyone come in search of him, why waste one's money and energy in undoing a good act? These few thoughts he expresses in fewer words, and leaves the place at once. It is already late, will he catch the train? That is the lookout of Arunachala. And when he reaches the station, he finds that the train is yet to come. He purchases a ticket to Tindivanam, and as soon as the train halts at the platform, he find himself in a compartment. Young Venkataramana is on his way to Arunachala.

That was on the 29th of August 1896.
Who can describe the state if Venkataramana's mind while the train seemed out of the station? The past, even while it was the living present, had little harm for him; and, ever since he had the death-experience, it became as unreal as the shadow of a shade. During all his school-boy career he never cared for the future, and now he cared for it even less. He know his Father would take care of the future; because, was it not He that 'enticed him from his home?' That He did take such care of His son had been repeatedly confirmed by the events that followed his decision to leave his Madura home. Another instance was soon to rise. The ticket he had actually purchased would take him to a place (Tindivanam) more than twenty miles away from the direct route to Tiruvannamalai, and he did not know this, nor did he care to make enquiries of others. Undistracted by anything that took place around him and indifferent to the bustle and talk in the compartment, he sat in silent contemplation of Arunachala. It was in search of his father that he had started on his pilgrimage, and, from the moment he boarded the train, he began the search in right earnest within himself. Observing the silent unconcern of the young traveller, a loquacious Moulvi travelling in the same compartment was impelled by curiosity to know his destination. "Tiruvannamalai" said the lad. The Moulvi gave out that he too was going there, or rather to the station next to it. "Station next to Tiruvannamalai" wondered Venkataramana. Did the train go in that direction at all? The Moulvi then told him that he should get down at Villupuram and take the branch line, which his old school atlas did not show. Surely, Providence was guiding his foot-steps, while he himself remained indifferent to external life.

The train reached Trichinopoly some time in the evening. But for the hasty meal he took before leaving his home, he had had no food since noon. Neither had he any relish for it, because at each succeeding moment he reached new heights of fervent devotion which consumed his very being. As to sleep at night, he was already asleep to the outer world during the day-time. He reached Villupuram at 3 a.m. At sunrise he walked into the town and had a meal in some hotel. When he offered to pay the few annas he had with him, the hotel-proprietor, who had been watching with some admiration the demeanour of the bright-looking youth, declaimed to take the charges for the meal. Young Venkataramana came back to the station, and investing all the cash he had (just two and half annas) he purchased a ticket to Mamblapattu from which Tiruvannamalai was still 32 miles away. On reaching Mambalapattu, the undaunted youth continued his journey on foot and reached Arayani-Nallur late in the evening on the 30th of August, thus covering a distance of about ten miles.

The nearby temple on a rock attracted his attention. It was the temple of Atulyanatheswara, sanctified by Sri Jnanasambandha who installed the Idol of Sri Arunachaleswara in one of the shrines there. It might have been on account of this and other ancient spiritual associations that when the youth, who had set out in search of his Father, Sri Arunachaleswara, sat in meditation in that temple, he had the vision of a dazzling light which filled the whole place. It is an interesting fact to note that the temple of Atulyanatheswara on the rock is the farthest shrine from Arunachala wherefrom one can see the peak of the Hill of the Holy Beacon. Hence it is also, perhaps, that Venkataramana had the vision of celestial light in that temple. Since none were permitted to stay there for the night, he had to come out along with the priest and his party, who after conducting the evening worship locked the temple doors. Only late at night near the temple at Kilur could Venkataramana get some food, and for drinking water he was led to the nearby house of a Sastri.

Next morning (the 31st of August) he was the guest of one Muttukrishna Bhagavatar and since it was the day of Nativity of Lord Krishna, the lad's arrival was considered auspicious. He had his first sumptuous meal since he had left Madura, devoutly served by the lady in the house, who also gave him a bundle of sweetmeats intended as offering to Lord Krishna. Venkataramana had still twenty miles to cover. He knew from the Moulvi that the train went up to and beyond Tiruvannamalai, but he had no money. He had little use for the ruby-set ear-ring he wore. "Why not get rid of them and get the trainfare?" he thought. Accordingly he pledged the ear-ring and with the money the Bhagavatar gave and the packet of sweets he went back to the station, where he had to wait till dawn next day to catch the train to Tiruvannamalai.

Early in the morning on the 1st of September, 1896, young Venkataramana came to this holy place of Sri Arunachala. From the station he went direct to the Temple. Strange to say, even at that early hour all the temple doors, including those of the Sanctum Sanctorum were wide open, as it were, for the Father to receive His Son immediately the latter reached Tiruvannamalai. Unhindered, unnoticed and unhesitating the youth ran in and reported himself to his Father thus:-


O Lord, obedient to Thy call,
Here have I come, deserting all.
No boon I ask, no loos bemoan,
Take me in and make me Tine own.

That very moment all physical and mental excitement disappeared, and he felt perfect peace and bliss unalloyed.

From that day to this, from the 1st of September, 1896 to the 1st September. 1946, all these fifty years, he has made Arunachala his abode. Having realized the Eternal Truth in his 'teens', the Truth that transcends time and space, he never considered it necessary for him to leave the place and go about spreading his message of inward peace and realisation. This is unprecedented in the history of humanity; and unprecedented also is the fact that within the life-time of the Sage his message has spread even to such remote parts of the world as the Fiji Islands in the East and California in the West.

In commemoration of that day, the 1st September. 1896, on which young Venkataramana reached Arunachala, and in devout and humble recognition of his fifty years of transcendental life, is publishe4d this GOLDEN JUBILEE SOUVENIR, being a chorus of tribute from some of his devotees, far and near.

From The Jacket

This fine collection of inspired writings on Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi was first published in 1946 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his arrival at Arunachala. Long out of print, it is now being reissued in a revised format to mark centenary of the same event.


Dedicatory ix
Preface xi
On This Golden Jubilee Day  
Ethel G. Merston, O. B. E. xviii
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, God-Reality Incarnate  
Sadhu Ekarasa (Dr. G. H. Mees, M. A. LL.D.) 1
The Master's Call to Freedom  
Harindranath Chattopadhyaya 7
Prayer (Sanskrit with Translation) 8
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, Sustainer of Spiritual Reality  
Dr. S. Radakrishnan, M. A. D. Litt., F. B. A. 9
With Sri Ramana of Arunachala  
Grant Duff (Douglas Ainslie) 16
East and West Meet in Maharshi  
Banning Richardson, M. A. etc. 17
The Gracious Master (Sanscrit and Translation) 36
Vedantic Tradition in Sri Ramana Maharshi  
Sri Swami Sidheswarananda, (Paris) 37
The Incomparable Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Vidya Ratna K. R. Viswanatha Sastri 59
Bhagavan Sri Ramana And the Modern Age  
B. Sanjiva Rao, B. A. (Cantab), I.E.S., (Retd.) 63
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, the Embodiment of Spiritual Power  
Dewan Bahadur K. Sundaram Chettiar, Retd. High Court Judge 81
Spirit of Peace  
Veronica Eyton, California 93
Sri Ramana & His Message to Modern Man  
Dr. C. G. Gung (Zurich) 95
Heart's Homage to Sri Ramana  
Sadhu Ekarasa (Dr. G. H. Mees, M. A., LL.D.) 99
A Hymn to Sri Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Sri Malladi Suryanarayana Sastri 100
Ramana of the Sacred Heart (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Kuppuswami Sastri 101
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi (An Acrostic)  
Sri Swami Rajeswarananda 102
Our Homage to Sri Ramana Maharshi  
Prof. B. L. Atreya, M. A., D. Litt. 103
Tear-drops in my Eyes, I offer  
Sadhu Ekarasa (Dr. G. H. Mees, M. A., LL.D.) 105
Why We Come to Thee, Sri Ramana  
Dilip Kumar Roy 106
My Humble Tribute to Sage Sri Ramana  
Manu Subedar, M. L. A. (Central) 107
To Sri Ramana Maharshi  
Dilip Kumar Roy 118
The Grandeur of Advaita  
Olivier Lacombe, L'Attache Culturel,  
Fr. Consulate, Calcutta 119
A Necklet of Nine Gems in Praise of Sri Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Sri Sundarananda Swami 125
My Humble and Heart-felt Homage to Sri Ramana Maharshi  
William S. Spaulding (Jr.) New York City 120
Sri Maharshi, the Alchemist  
Girdharlal (Shri Aurobindo Ashram) 130
My Visit to Maharshi-The Greatest Event in my Life  
Grant Duff (Douglas Ainslie) 131
Sri Ramana Stava (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Sri Sundarananda Swami 135
In Praise of Sri Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Mahamahopadhyaya Mahakavi Sri Lakshmana Suri 140
Sri Ramana Maharshi  
Dilip Kumar Roy (Shri Aurobindo Ashram) 141
The Sage of Arunachala  
Sri N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar,  
Retd. High Court Judge 161
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi  
K. S. Venkataramani, M. A., B. L. 165
At Sri Bhagavan's Feet  
D. Fuchsberger (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) 168
Sri Arunachala Ramana  
Duncan Greenless, M. A. (Oxon.) 169
Liberated Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
R. V. Krishnamacharya Swami 172
A Vision of the Absolute, Reflections after a Day at Sri Ramanasramam  
Dr. C. Kunhan Raja 173
The Thrice Marvellous Master, Sri Ramana  
Harindranath Chattopadhyaya 188
My Experiences of Maharshi  
Rao Sahib Sri K. K. Nambiar, B.E., M.I.E., & c. 189
Sri Ramana Bhagavan, the Kailasapati at Arunachala  
Corkha Dakshina Bahu Sardar Rudra Raj Pande, M. A., (Nepal) 199
To Maharshi Ramana, the Merciful Master  
Sadhu Arunachala (Major A. W. Chadwick, O. B. E.) 213
Sadhu Arunachala (Major A. W. Chadwick, O. B. E.) 215
The Glorious Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
R. S. Venkatarama Sastri, M. A. 216
Sri Ramana, The Self Supreme  
K. Swainathan, B. A. (Oxon) 217
Maharshi Sri Ramana, the Sage of Mystic Silence  
Rai Bahadur Madan Mohan Varma, M. A., (Jaipur) 221
Sri Ramana, Vedic Rishis of Modern Age  
Dr. Sir Rm. Alagappa Chettiar, M. A., LL.D., D.Litt. 231
Salutations to Sri Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation )  
Atmavidyabhushanam Sri Jagadiswara Sastri 233
To Beloved Bhagavan, the Lord of Love  
Eleanor Pauline Noye (California) 236
The Sage's Activity in Inactivity  
Ella Maillart (Switzerland) 237
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, the Sage of Peace, Purity & Love  
Rajaseva Praveena T. M. Krishna Swami Aiyar,  
B. A., B. L., Retd. Chief Justice, Travancore State 243
To Bhagavan Sri Ramana, the Leonine Power  
C. S. Bagi, M. A., Vice Principal,  
Lingaraj College, Belgaum 246
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the Light of Lights  
Dewan Bahadur K. S. Ramaswami Sastri,  
B. A., B. L., Retd. Chief Justice, Pudukottah State 247
Sri Ramana Maharshi  
Dr. K. C. Varadachari, M. A., Ph. D., (Tirupati) 271
To Sri Ramana, the Silence Divine  
C. S. Bagi, M. A., Belgaum 282
Maharshi Ramana's Spiritual Philosophy & Modern Thought  
Dr. M. H. Syed, M. A., Ph. D., D. Litt. (Allahabad) 283
"There is Nothing. Be!"  
Sadhu Arunachala (Major A. W. Chadwick, O. B. E.) 293
Sri Ramana, the Sage of Peace  
Sir C. P. Ramaswai Aiyar, K. C. S. I., etc 301
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, the Typical Rishi  
A. S. Panchapagesa Ayyar, M. A., Bar-at-Law, F.R.S.L. 309
The Message of Bhagavan Sri Ramana  
Sri Swami Rajeswarananda &  
Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan, M. A., Ph. D. 325
What I Saw in Sri Bhagavan  
Duncan Greenlees, M. A. (Oxon.) 335
Sri Ramana-The Embodiment of Advaitic Truth  
Sri Swami Madhavtirtha, Gujarat 349
To Sri Bhagavan-The One Reality Eternal  
C. S. Bagi, M. A., Etc. 364
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi  
H. Ghosh, M. A., Holkar College, Indore 365
Homage to Sri Ramana (Sanscrit with Translation)  
M. Ramakrishna Bhat, M. A. 374
Easy to Remember-Impossible to Know  
C. S. Bagi, M. A., Vice-Principal,  
Lingaraj College, Belgaum 375
Abhayashtakam (Sanscrit with Translation)  
Atmavidyabhushanam Sri Jagadiswara Sastri 389
Sri Ramana and Our Quest for Happiness  
B. C. Sengupta, M. A., B. L., Principal,  
K. C. College, Hetampur 393
The Sage's Message-The Need of Our Times  
Dr. S. V. Ram, M. A., Ph. D., Head of the Department of Political Science, Lucknow University 404
Bhagavan Sri Ramana, The White Radiance of Truth  
K. Subrahmanyam, M. A.,  
Vivekananda College, Madras 408
The Place of Bhakti in the Life and Teachings of Sri Ramana  
M. Govind Pai, B. A., Manjeshwar 412
Victory to Sri Ramana  
Sundarananda Swami & A Bhakta 433
O Bhagavan  
Chinta Dikshitulu, B. A., L. T. 434
A Lyric to Sri Ramana  
Harindranath Chattopadhyaya 437
My Pilgrimage to Sri Ramanasramam  
Eleanor Pauline Noye (California) 439
A Rose-petal a day at Thy Blessed Feet  
Major A. W. Chadwick, O. B. E. 453
Sri Ramana's Wondrous Grace  
A Self-styled devotee 455
Index 464

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