The book explores the concept and experiences of life after death based on religious insights on the subject and experiences of human souls on the threshold of death as recounted by doctors. It examines the sacred texts of religions, like the Holy Bible, the Vedas, the srimad Bhagavad Gita and the Upanisads for a broad understanding of the subject. It deals in particular with aspects of life after death as detailed by Christianity: the General Resurrection, Last Judgement, Hades, Paradise, Heaven and Hell, the concept of the Son of God and His dying on the cross as propitiation for the sins of man. It elaborates on the experiences of the soul after death and on the life after death as such by thoroughly studying the Bible. It reveals Biblical insights on Satanic deceits to enter the minds of people who are spiritually devoted, the soul departing from the physical body, and compassion, solace and love in the spiritual world.
The volume showcases the experiences of those nearing death which include new feelings and sensations as a spiritual being, meeting with other spirits and viewing the Light, that is, Christ Himself when passing through death. Mr Isaac emphasises the need to be faithful and perform acts of divine love and righteousness in all sincerity in order to prepare oneself for the eternal life in the hereafter.
Mr K.I. Isaac, an administrative officer by profession with a penchant for electronics, has keen interest in religious and spiritual matters in life. Being a member of the Indian Orthodox Church, he engages in congregational service and social charities as well. He has authored numerous articles and books in Malayalam as well as in English. One of his works has been published by the Malankara Orthodox Church Publication under the title, Death and Life Thereafter (in Malayalam).
If there is anything that is sure to happen in our life in this world, it is death. Generally no one likes even to think of death, because it is the end of this earthly life. Though the philosophy about it is Mrtyor ma amrtam gamaya meaning "All those who die are going to immortality," it is seldom understood. More grievous than that is the ignorance about the "Glorious Life After Death," for which we are created. Therefore most lives run on wrong tracks rather than leading to the true direction. Man is a triunity of Body, Mind and Spirit. It is only the physical body that perishes at death. The mind survives and accompanies the spirit, maintaining the fully spiritual personality as a human soul to live in eternity, communing with God. But to be in communion with the Holy God the human soul should have such meritorious graces earned in the given earthly life. In spite of the worldly biasing influences, there is an intrinsic God-consciousness in man irrespective of any religion or nationality, because he is a creation of God with a soul, in the image of God.
From very early days of human history the Holy Spirit of God had been inspiring the spirit of man in a Heaven-ward sway. The early Judeo-Christian scriptures and the Hindu Vedas, Upanisads etc. written millenniums ago by divinely inspired sages and religious prophets, are examples of Theophanic Revelations that brought religious harmony throughtout the world. But generally, man in his carnal nature in this earthly life, had been faultering in sinful ways, and became liable for condemnation. The wages of sin being spiritual death, to redeem human souls from spiritual death, it was God's plan to send a universal saviour to redeem humanity by means of a propitiating sacrifice.
This book is a humble effort to point out to that redeemer, who sacrificed himself in propitiation of the sins of the world. For each and every one, irrespective of caste, creed, nationality or religion, who approaches him in true faith and repentance, in this life before the Last judgement, he is the redeemer. He is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, who incarnated as Son of Man and sacrificed himself on behalf of us for all our sins. By the merit of his sacrificial blood the way is opened for humanity before God the Father for acceptance in the sonship bequeathed through the Son of God, Jesus Chirst. With God the Father in Heaven is the Glorious Life After Death, as God's sons. I present this book to the world with prayer and hope that the readers may be inspired to lead a dedicated life to merit this Glorious Life After Death.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Hindu (1758)
Philosophers (2383)
Aesthetics (327)
Comparative (69)
Dictionary (12)
Ethics (41)
Language (369)
Logic (74)
Mimamsa (57)
Nyaya (141)
Psychology (427)
Samkhya (65)
Shaivism (61)
Shankaracharya (236)
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