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A Glimpse on Vedic Concepts

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Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan
Author: E T Sankaran Kutty
Language: English
Edition: 2006
Pages: 178
Cover: Paperback
7.2 inch X 4.8 inch
130 gm
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Book Description
About the Book

Atman – Atmanevedan – Avastha – Brahman – Bhakthi – Bandhana – Daana – Dharma – Devaupasana – Guna – Jeevatma – Jagat – Jnanendriya – Kosha – Karma – Karmendriya – Mahavratha – Mahayajna – Maaya – Mantra – Naadi – Niyamas – Om Om- Tat Sat – Pramaana – Prameya Panchabhuta – Panchaprana – Puja Prayaschitta – Purushartha – Runa Siddhantha – Tyaga – Varna Vairagya – Yuga – Yaga.

Back of the Book

This book covers a wide range of concepts that define the very base of Hinduism, the oldest religion of the world. The scriptural meaning of the Vedas and their ethical influence on the society, have made a spiritual impact on the Rishis. This concept has been presented in a lucid fashion with crisp quotations for a better grasp of the scriptures.

E T Sankaran Kutty, born in 1937 in Madras, descends from a well – known family of Palghat, Kerala.

He graduated from the University of Madras with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, joined Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai, as an Officer and retired as Assistant General Manager in 1997 after more than three decades of tireless service. To fulfill his spiritual quests and thirst, he started writing on Hinduism after his retirement.


Everyone, everywhere desires to be happy in life, always and throughout his life. Without exception all are desirous of reaching the abode of God at the end of their lives.

Different means to this end are adopted, in tune with their mental inclination.

A knowledge about what you are, who you are, what ‘Brahman’s, your relationship with ‘Him’, the spiritual path you may opt to tread to reach ‘Him’, etc. elucidated in our vedic scriptures, have been meaningfully propounded with well reasoned conclusions using some specific Sanskrit words to convey certain concepts clearly.

In the pages of this book, an effort is made to deal with as many vedic concepts like Brahman, Sat Chit Anand, Om Tat Sat, Atma, Prana, Sarira, Anthakarana, Avastha, Kosha, Sakthi, Karma, Guna, Dharma, Maya, Bhakthi, Moksha, Japa, Yoga, Yajna, Rruna, Mahavratas, Prayaschitta, Vairagya, Tyaga, Atmanevadana, etc. more than 60 in all, and presented many pronouncements from Vedas, Upanishads, Ithihasas, Puranas etc. to back them up.

I hope readers would find the concepts comprehensive and will help them find lasting happiness.


Preface v
Acknowledgement vi
Part I: Introduction: On ‘Jnaanam’ – ‘Pramaana’ – ‘Prameya’ 1
‘Jnaanam’ or knowledge: What is it? 1
‘Jnaana’ or Knowledge: On What? 3
‘Jnaana’ or Knowledge: For What? 4
‘Pramaana’ means Proof or Valid Evidences5
‘Prameya’ or The Subjects to be Known 6
Part II: Prameya Number One ‘Jeevatma’ or Individual Soul 8
Of Human Body and Mind 11
Part III: Vedic Systems, Philosophies and Doctrines 36
Vedic Ashrama or ‘Spiritual’ Order of Life 36
Vedic ‘Varna’ or ‘Social Order of Life’ 39
Special Comments 41
‘Darshan’ or System of Philosophy 6 Nos 42
‘Vedantic Siddhantha’ or School of Vedic Doctrines or Thoughts Main 3 Nos 44
Part IV: Prameya Number Two: Jagat or Universe 46
Loka or World. 14 Nos 48
‘Mahabhutha’ or Great elements. 5 Nos 50
MAAYA {Maa=not. Yaa=this} 52
‘Yuga’ or Millinia. 4 Nos 54
Part V: Prameya Number Three: ‘Eshwara’ or Lord or Controller 58
Brahman – The Supreme Reality 62
Brahman: Beyound Words 65
Brahman: One Word Appellations 67
‘Aatman’ or Soul 69
Brahman – Three-in-One 73
‘Sat Chit Anand’ – Quintessence of Brahman 75
“Om” – Sound Logogram of Brahman 77
“Om TAT SAT’ – Threefold Symbol81
‘Brahman’ in the Words of Upanishads. [random selection]83
Part VI: ‘Upaaya’ or Means of Attainment 89
‘Purushartha’ or Goals of Life. 4 Ends90
‘Prayaschitham’ or Atonement/Penance 103
‘Vairagya’ or Detachment 108
‘Tyaga’ or Renunciation109
‘Yoga’ or Paths of Spiritual Process 111
‘Samadhi’ or Meditation116
Nirvikalpa Samadhi117
Savikalpa Samadhi 117
‘Bhakthi’ or Devotional Worship 118
‘Bhaktha’ or Worshippers. 4 Classes 121
‘Yaaga’ and ‘Yajna’. Homa and Puja 123
Homa 130
Worshipping 132
‘Deva Upasana’ or Worship of Deities 134
Nine Modes of Devotion 137
No. 1. ‘Sravana’ or Hearing 138
No. 2. On ‘Kirtana’ or Hymning: 139
No. 3. On ‘Smarana’ or Remembrance140
No. 4. On ‘Padaseva’ or Serving the Feed of the Lord142
No. 5. On ‘Archanam’ or Worship142
No. 6. On ‘Vandanam’ or Salutation143
No. 7. On ‘Dasya’ or Servantship143
No. 8. On ‘Sakhya’ or Comradership143
No. 9. On ‘Atmasamarpana’ or Self Dedication144
‘Japa’ or Pious Repetitive Recitation of Holy Names of Lord 145
Mantra, ‘Gaayatri’ Mantra – Mother of Mantras, and Japamala or Rosary 148
Gaayathri Mantra150
Japamaala or Mananamaala or Akshamala or Rosary 152
‘Atmanevedan’/Atmasamarpana’ or Surrender/Self Dedication 154
Part VII: ‘Upeya’ or Goal to be Aimed At 156
‘Mukthi’ or Release from the Cycle of Birth and Death. 3 Varieties157
Vedic Gods 160
The Abode of God 165
Devotees [Names mentioned in Scriptures. List ‘A’] 169
Devotees. [Name of hollowed souls who lived during the past 2000 years or so List ‘B’] 171
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