This small, infamous volume has been a bestseller for decades. Why? - because sex is our basic life energy, and transformation our longing.
Osho approaches the whole subject of Sex humanly, humorously and scientifically. No one is born an expert on love and sex; one of life’s joys is to discover its sacredness, simplicity and naturalness. And once we bring understanding and harmony to sex, a door to the superconscious opens.
“What is needed is an understanding, not suppression. The deeper the understanding, the higher human beings rise. The less the understanding, the more human beings try to suppress. There are never any successful and healthy results out of suppression. Sex is the greatest every in human life. But one has not to stop at it. Sex has to be transmuted into super consciousness.”
Osho is one of the most provocative mystics of our time and continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their individual search for meditation and transformation amidst the everyday challenges of contemporary life.
His proposal that we celebrate the whole of our humanity-both our inner and outer words-encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest potential of Western science and technology.
"Until the naturalness of sex becomes accepted wholeheartedly nobody can love any-body. I want to say to you that sex is godly energy, godly energy. That is why this energy creates nw life. It is the greatest, most mysterious force of all. Drop this antagonism toward sex. If you ever want love to shower in your life, renounce this conflict with sex. Accept sex blissfully Acknowledge its sacredness".
Osho defies categorization. His thousands of talks cover everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. Osho’s books are not written but are transcribed from audio and recordings of his extemporaneous talks to international audiences. As he puts it, “So remember: whatever I am saying is not just you… I am talking also for the future generations".
Osho has been described by The Sunday Time in London as one of the “1000 Makers of the 20th Century” and by American author Tom Robbins as “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ.” Sunday Mid Day (India) has selected Osho as one ten people-along with Gandhi, Nehru and Buddha-who have changed the destiny of India.
About his own work Osho has said that he is helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being. He often characterizes this new human being as “Zorba the Buddha”- capable both of enjoying the earthy pleasures of a Zorba the Greek and the silent serenity of a Gautama the Buddha.
Running like a thread though all aspects of Osho's talks and meditations is vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of all ages past and the high potential of todays (and tomorrow’s) science and technology.
Osho is known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner the transformation with an approach to meditation that acknowledges the accelerated pace of contemporary life. His unique Osho Active Meditation are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind, so that it is then easier to take an experience of stillness and though-free relaxation into daily life.
I have almost four hundred books in my name. I have not written anything, but these are a collection of my talks. Out of four hundred books there is only one book on sex, and that too is not really on sex; it is basically on how to transcend sex, how to bring the energy of sex to a sublimated state, because it is our basic energy. It can produce life ... that is only one thing that we know about it, but that even animals manage. And scientists say even trees have their own kind of sexuality, so the whole of existence manages some kind of sexual energy. It is only man who has the privilege to change the character and the quality of sexual energy.
The name of the book is From Sex to Superconsciousness - but nobody talks about superconsciousness. The book is about superconsciousness; sex is only to be the beginning, where everybody is. There are methods that can start the energy moving upwards, and in the East, for at least ten thousand years, there has developed a special science, tantra. There is no parallel in the West of such a science.
For ten thousand years people have experimented with how sexual energy can become your spirituality, how your sexuality can become your spirituality. It is proved beyond doubt - thousands of people have gone through the transformation. Tanta seems to be the science that is, sooner or later, going to be accepted in the whole world, because people are suffering from all kinds of perversions. That's why they go on talking about sex as if that is my work, as if twenty-four hours a day I am talking about sex. Their repressed sexuality is the problem.
A great poet, Heinrich Heine, once got lost in the forest. For three days he could not find the way out. Hungry, tired, worried about wild animals the whole night, sitting in the trees, and the whole day stumbling, trying to find some human being.... But for three days he could not meet anyone to show him the way. The third night was a full-moon night. He was sitting in a tree, utterly exhausted. He looked at the moon, and suddenly he laughed.
He laughed because he had written so many poems about the moon and he has read so many poems about the moon. The moon is such a romantic phenomenon that no poet of any standing can leave it out, a painter can leave it out. Its impact is deep, its beauty is great. So why did he laugh? He laughed because when he looked at the moon, he didn't see all those romantic things that he was talking of in his poems; he saw a round loaf of bread floating in the sky. He said, "My God! What has happened to me?" After three days of hunger and tiredness it is natural, but perhaps his experience was unique: nobody else has ever seen a round loaf of bread floating in the sky! He laughed at himself, and for the first time he understood that whatever he had been saying about the moon had nothing to do with the moon; it had something to do with himself.
So the people who talk about sex, and condemn me, don't understand that it is their repression. I have been speaking on thousands of subjects, but they are not concerned with them because that is not their repression. Sex has been repressed traditionally all over the world. Naturally it is bound to come up in some way or other. You cannot avoid it.
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