Female Horoscopy (Strijataka) has been dealt with somewhat meagrely in ancient classical works. Today, in the light of increasing interest evinced by women in educational cultural and scientific pursuits, this book, which chiefly confines itself to the sketch of female horoscopes and deals exclusively with combinations bearing on the fair sex, will be of special interest to general readers, astrological students and savants.
The 9th edition published in 1984, was rapidly sold out, thanks to the immense interest of the public in the horoscopes of women.
In this edition, while not meddling with the original text as given by Prof. Rao, some corrections have been made here and there.
In the light of the increasing interest evinced by women in educational, cultural and scientific pursuits, this book is bound to make a fascinating appeal to all those interested in the horoscopes of women,
Female Horoscopy has been dealt with some- what meagerly in ancient classical works. Hence this book, dealing exclusively with combinations bearing on the fair sex, can be of special interest to astrological students and savants.
Humanity is divided into three grand sexual divisions: Females, Males and Eunuchs. There is also a small section called Hermaphrodites who are neither males nor females' but who partake of both characteristics, sometimes in a most pronounced form but often with apologies for sexual organs, both sexual organs being ill-developed and impotent to act individually. In the male erection is needed for penetration. In the female a certain internal adjustment is needed both for coition and for the proper reception of the seed thrown into it by the male organ. When this is not properly developed, the seed cannot be received and conception does not take place. The planetary combinations for conception, progress of the foetus, birth and life are given elaborately in the astrological sciences. Pindotpatti Adhyaya on foetal development is very interesting and instructive to readers. I have given it in my Brihat Jataka. In this book, I have chiefly confined myself to the sketch of female horoscopes. Till about the 8th year there will .not be much difference between boys and girls. From the 8th year a peculiar fluid begins to form both in the males and also in the females. In the former the fluid is white or whitish-yellow and in the latter it will begin to assume reddish colour, until in the first appearance of the menses, it flaws out by a physical involuntary motion and constitutes what may be called the puberty or first menses. In the boy the fluid gorws thicker and thicker and its development depends upon various conditions=physical, mental and moral. There are some precocious boys who can have erection and discharge of semen at 14 years and the seed possesses reproductive capacity. Generally this stage is reached when the boy is 18 or 20. In some boys it will not develop properly until they are 20 .or 25 or even 30 years. In some it will never develop at all. The last is exceptional. Between males and females a large number of char- acteristics are common. I have treated here the female peculiarities.
Women never occupied an inferior position in Indian society, religion, politics or spiritual develop- ment. The Sastras never called them chattels, which can be disposed of by men at their sweet will and pleasure. Some of the wrongly informed and superficial women are thundering their ill-advised orations from the platforms and attributing motives which have never been sanctioned by the Sastras or approved by the thoughtful men. For abuses of pure principles the original authors certainly cannot be blamed or held responsible. The European nations are priding themselves upon the abolishment of slavery. It is in name and theory but certainly it has no real existence in practice. Take the tyrannies in offices, in the military, in large centres of manufactures and industries and of the various rulers and Governments and honestly say if slavery has really been abolished and the labourers and subordinates have anything like liberty, independence of thought or action. What do the enormous strikes indicate, if not the blackest tyranny, dirtiest slavery and the most unsatisfactory and shameful treatment of the ill paid subordinates by their respective masters and tyrants? Statesmen and the principal leaders cannot utter a more daring falsehood. Take the large number of divorces in the most enlightened country in the world, viz., America. 7, 00,000 divorces for a year, in the United States of America are certainly tangible evidences -of domestic happiness and felicities in the most civilised countries and among the most enlightened nations. Do the advanced Indian women want these domestic comforts and these unenviable divorces? Do they really know the unhappiness that prevails in many of the European homes? The liberty of a woman should never merge into the regions of license? The Hindus never treated women with ill-grace. The highest appointments in religion are given to the ladies in preference to males. Brahrna, Vishnu and Maheswara corne after their spouses for respect and worship. Vasishta comes after his chaste wife Arundhati. Anusuya is held in the highest esteem above her revered 'husband Attrirnaharshi. While the Maharshis are the brightest intellects, none of them got the post of Inspector-General of Education, which enviable post, among all the 33 crores of Devatas, is held by Saraswathi the Goddess of Learning. All have to pray to her for progress in education and intelligence and fall on her feet to get them. Take the money power: It has been granted to a woman and Lakshrni holds that enviable post. She is the Goddess of Wealth. All political power to punish the wicked and protect the innocent has not been invested in a man, but in a woman, viz., Parvathi or Durga, the spouse of Siva and the Goddess of Destruction. Even today the wife sits on the right side of her husband in all religious ceremonies among the Hindus. Their sacred works, the Upanishads, cry loudly and give preference to mother, as against father. They say Matru Devo Bhava, then comes the father, Pitru Devo Bhava. The debt to father is cleared by doing death ceremonies or Sraddha in Gaya. But the debt to the mother will not be cleared till a man renounces the world, becomes a Sanyasi and falls on her feet. The ancient writers are agreed in giving the best and the highest honours to women. One of the finest Vedantic works known as Seetharamanjaneya was given to Anjaneya by Seetha Devei, wife of Sri Rama. The prizes to the monkey warriors of Rama after the conquest .of Lanka were distributed in the public assembly by Seetha and not by Rama. One of our fine mathematical works was written by Leelavathi called after her name and she was the worthy daughter of Bhaskaracharya, the famous astrologer and mathematician in the 9th century A.D. One of our great medical works was written by Lollamba and is now well known as Lollambarajiya. Rudramba, the grandmother of Pratapa Rudra II, ruled over the extensive empire of Warangal successfully and prosperously for over 45 years and led her armies to success and conquest in person. Her splendid administration has been installed as a model one by the great Chinese travller-Hiuen- Tsang. Instances of courage, chastity, prudence and administrative tact and capacity have been recorded in the histories of the Mahrattas and the Rajputs, of women, who have figured prominently before the public. In every religious mantra and practice, the name of the woman comes first and then that of her husband showing unmistakably the high rank in which women are held in India. The right side is always the place of the greatest honour and respect. Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Sachi Purandarayanamaha, Lakshminaraya-nayana-maha, Parvathi Parameswarayanamaha, Arundhati- Vasishtayanamaha, Seetharamayanamaha, Chayas- Mryayanamaha and so forth. I can quote many instances to show that the Hindus never held their women as chattels to be disposed of but as Deities who have given birth to men and held them in high esteem, and if Dharmaraja staked his wife Draupati in the gambling, he did so in an unholy trace and against his Kshatriya . Conscience and Dharma: Whether it is Dharmaraja or anybody else, gambling has never been justified as a righteous act by any Sastras or moral religious codes. Healso staked his brothers and made them ignoble arid go to Ajnatavasa or state of Incognito for a long period. This was not all the folly of him. He staked his own liberty and took up the disgraceful position of serving Virata in humble capacity. The brothers and Draupati were not bound by his stake in gambling but they yielded as honorable personages to preserve the honorable promise of a man in a dishonourable transaction. Suppose they rebelled and disobeyed, it was not in Dharmaraja's power to compel them if they had not yielded to preserve the discipline of obedience to their elder brother. Draupati was not treated as a chattel nor the four brothers of Dharmaraja, Louis XI of France went to England as a prisoner voluntarily to keep up his word of honour, when the French nation did not redeem their promise of payment of the ransom fixed. His words ring with a spirit of nobility andadmiration when he observed, "If honour is not with king, where then could we find it?" I refer my readers to my articles on the superiority of women in the issue of Vol. 19 of The Astrological Magazine. Even his best admirers cannot justify selling his brothers, in the unholy trade of gambling. Faults cannot become virtues, simply because great men committed them. Human beings nave their merits and demerits side by side. There are many women now in India and the world, who are treating their husbands like chattels and worse than chattels. For what can it mean else than selling their husbands, by contracting debts, living extravagant lives, cheating them by removing their properties and sending them to jails and handing them over the clutches of law' and penalties. Are not women hateful, mean, rascally and cut-throats, to join with dirty paramours, resort to all sorts of' devilish intrigues, poison or murder their husbands and even their own children for the sake of their unholy lust, hatred, jealousy, spirit of re- venge and sensual gratifications? Will the platform ladies examine the criminal records in the world and find out what are the bases for the criminal acts and what responsibility rests on their shoulders? There is no use of blaming this or that sex and saying these or those have been held as slaves. Good people are found among both the sexes and the worst criminals are equally counted among both. Women are now advancing rapidly on various lines, and their horoscopes all over the world are composed of varieties of temperaments. The order of creation is such. No one can change the laws of the Nature, and God alone must bring about radical changes. Mantharas and Kaikeyis have been in existence from time immemorial. Will our U advanced women" remember who brought about the unjust banishment of Rama and Seetha to the forest for fourteen years? Will they also remember the nobility of Bharata in offering the crown back to Rama and the meanness of his mother Kaikeyi in getting Rama's banishment on the evil advice of her favourite servant Manthara. There is no use of blaming this or that section of humanity. Take the world as it is, and try your best to modify the evil surroundings and make them as good as possible. Astrology helps to read the character and fortunes of individuals. After having read them correctly, try your best to modify or avert the evil influences and turn them to your advantage by the previous knowledge of future events. Remedies are recommended by the science of astrology and Dharmasastras and they should be adopted in all cases, where they are likely to produce beneficial results by averting and modifying the evils,
As I have explained often in my writings, astrology is a huge chemical science and the rest of the sciences are its minor branches. What are Dharmasastras? They are completely chemical in nature. They give you strict rules for the preservation of good and sound health, to purify the mind, increase and develop the spiritual and moral tendencies and thus enable the person to live happily here and secure states of bliss and final emancipation after death.
The constellations, the planets, the zodiacal signs, the lunar and solar days, the Yogas and the Karanas are all chemical in nature and as chemical bodies they exercise their good or evil influences on each other. In birth as well as in menses electrical and ethereal currents are set afloat and whenever their actions are prejudicial and injurious to mankind, remedies-chemical in nature--are prescribed to neutralise their effects, to produce good and thus to secure comforts and happiness to humanity.
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