Devi is Infinite and Finite The Divine Mother is the Sound, the V AK, light and consciousness, yet that appear to be finite, in the fragments itself. Dr. Ram Kumar Dadhich Dean, Rajasthan Sanskrit University Mystic Glory of Devi Mahatmya is mystic classic of great celebrity. Want of an English translation cum annotation and Commentary of this sacred text was keenly felt and hence this publication.
The present book is based on the Kashmir Shakta tradition, Shakti Yoga and mystic tradition.
Dr. C.L. Raina, a shakta devotee himself has tried to make emphasis on the different aspects of the Nava Durga (Life Urge). The vision of Reality has been dealt with properly, according to the Kadi system of worship. Various are the ways and method to understand the supreme Word VAK - the philosophy of being and becoming. In 'this context or. Raina has conceived Yoga paintings, through his intuition, as a pictorial tribute to the Supreme Mother Durga.
Was initiated into the Saraswati Bija Mantra by Madhavanand Saraswati of Srinagar, Kashmir at the age of five.
He has studied the Shaiva and Shakta scripture from the traditional system of Kadi Vidya of Kashmir.
Had his schooling in the Premier Institutions of Srinagar. Did Honors in Urdu at Aligarh; Masters in Hindi &: English. Phone in Hindi &: Iqaluit at the University of Kashmir. Worked on the research project at the Iqbal Institute for writing monographs on Indology as Research Associate. Worked as lecturer to teach research methodology in Iqbal Institute, University of Kashmir.
Dr. Raina's first love is for the Vedas and the Shakti Tradition of India. Wrote research oriented articles on the Vedas, Shaktivad in Kashmir. To his credit go some ten books on Indology. He was awarded Nagmani Fellowship, Buddhist Fellowship etc. from various Institutions. He is the founder member of NSKRI, New Delhi and Director Research of Madhyma Pratipada Hindi Patrika, Ajmer. Attended various National &: International con- fervencies and seminars in India, Trinidad &: Tobago, the U.S.A.
Presently Dr. Raina is associated with the Yoga Studies at Florida International University, (USA) and works as Programme Director for the Foundation of Indology &: Culture, Miami (USA).
He has been invited to work on the Encyclopedia of Africana at the ANWS at Flu, USA to focus on Mahatma Gandhi and Ahimsa subjects.
It is well-known that India is alone among the world's ancient civilizations to retain its goddess traditions. What is less well-known is that a highly advanced theology accompanies both popular and yogic approaches to Her. We are most grateful to Dr. Raina, then, for his exposition and lucid translation of an important text.
Dr. Raina is most succinct in describing this wonderful text as "philosophic in theme, mystic in language, ritualistic in approach, and yogic in practice." His multidimensional approach to the text reveals Durga as the Life Urge (Shakti) of the Absolute; as the one who brings protection by spreading Her Divine Apron, Kavacham; and Who manifests herself as the Nine Goddesses (Nava Durga), Who end all evil. All phases of the cycles of the universe=creation, maintenance and dissolution-are attributed to the activities of Devi Durga.
Only one initiated into the practices that lead directly to experience Durga, coupled with rigorous academic training in Sanskrit and the Sanantana Dharma, could make this text come alive, as Dr. Raina has done.
The spirit of unity which has been inferred from or perceived by the men of spiritual merit was on the analysis, investigations of the bio-physical world. They wanted to see the global unity within the vast expanse of the universe. The analysts and investigators who undertook these investigations were known as Rishis. These Rishis worked hard to realize the Truth about the Supreme reality vis-a-vis man and universe. They studied nature with respect to environment, ecology, atmosphere, time, space, oceanography etc... to arrive at the Truth. These investigations were bio-physical in nature and spiritual in content to knowing the problem of man, with respect to God and universe.
These Rishis were the preservers of Indian wisdom in succession, who passed the higher truth from one generation to another in the form of 'Mantras', found in the Rik, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda. They formed their own Ashramas- hermitages under the. banner of Tapovanam. It was a place of Sadhana. Whatever they realized or achieved after great penances in the Tapovanas through intuition is known as Shruti-the revealed knowledge. Shruti and the Vedas are synonyms. The word Veda is derived from the root 'vid' which means to know the truth with sound mind and sound body about the absolute Reality. It is the guidance revealed by a celebrated preceptor who could be a scientist, environmentalist, agronomist, mathematician and above all the knower of 'spirit'. All these were based on intellect but were answered through intuition and 'Sadhana'. It helped the Rishis to achieve the goal of human life, which is 'Moksha' -the final liberation. Verily, it is a state of bliss, filled with the supreme realization of the absolute.
The Vedas have been acclaimed as the formost source of knowledge in the library of mankind. This higher revelation has, remained a source of inspiration for spiritual and scientific approach to know the truth on the basis of inference, perception, verbal testimony and intuition. The intuition has helped the Rishis to be one with the Mantra for higher understanding and realization of the spirit.
These have been the teachings which were later explained in the Agamas particularly in the Shakta literature and Shakta doctrine. They are primarily concerned with fundamental principles of the physical world around the man who is but the particle of the Divine, in this mystic universe.
In short, an inquisitive mind endeavors to know about the human creation, involution, evolution, death and life after death.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Vedas (1295)
Upanishads (482)
Puranas (612)
Ramayana (839)
Mahabharata (328)
Dharmasastras (162)
Goddess (474)
Bhakti (242)
Saints (1312)
Gods (1268)
Shiva (344)
Journal (144)
Fiction (52)
Vedanta (334)
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