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An Encyclopedic Survey of Hinduism Hindu World Two Volumes

Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Author: Benjamin Walker
Language: English
Edition: 1983
ISBN: 8121501400(for the set)
Pages: 1243
Cover: Hardcover
9.8" x 6.8"
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Book Description

From the Jacket

Never before has the fabulous world of Hinduism been dealt within its entirety in a single work. This book presents the vast pageant of India in all its teeming variety. It is the first general encyclopedia of Hinduism covering every major aspect of Hindu life and thought, embodying the result of recent scholarship, yet not ignoring the traditional point of view. Of absorbing interest, it will be found to contain a wealth of information not readily available to the general reader. It is astonishingly wide in range: besides religion, philosophy, yoga, art, music, architecture, history and mythology, it deals in fascinating detail with source of lesser-known subjects such as dress, diet, festivals, handicrafts, psychology, science, alchemy, magic, Tantrism, medicine, erotics, dance, social observances and cult cites.

As a reference book Hindu world is unique, and will appeal both the layman and the scholar. It contains over 700 lucidly-written articles, each of which gives a comprehensive account of the subject, and by a system of cross references interlinks all topics related to it, so that a single theme may be traced in all its ramifications through the whole book. An index of over 8000 items, which in itself forms a veritable treasury of Sanskrit terms and names, will further assists the reader in finding his way among the lesser topics treated in the work.




The substance of this book is derived largely from the standard works of recognized authorities, supplemented by material drawn from traditional Indian sources. It contains much that is not easily obtainable without access to a large specialist library, and its chief justification is that it is the only work of its kind. While there do exist several reference books on various aspects of Hinduism, there is no single work that covers the whole field, and Hindu World is the first attempt to do so.

This does not mean that every byway of the vast panorama of Hinduism has been described here in all its scholastic variora. The wealth of data found in the authoritative writings on Hinduism have indeed been utilized in the compilation of the present work, but this has naturally had to be modified and condensed to suit its objectives. Imperfections of scholarship will be apparent to the specialists in their respective fields, and I hope they will pardon the occasional liberty I may have taken in my treatment of their evidence, and that my own non-specialist status will mitigate their under- standable vexation if they find that I have skimped a subject to which they have devoted a lifetime.

Hindu World has been subjected to a continuous check for clearness and accuracy, but discrepancies will necessarily remain as long as there is no unanimity about the facts. Thus, little attempt is made to reconcile dates for the early historical period since traditional dates frequently differ from those given by modern scholars. Even for the recent period the fixing of dates is full of hazards. It will be observed that the etymology of Sanskrit terms given here is often based on commentarial tradition, and I have thought it pre- ferable to retain this version so as to preserve an ancient concept which might otherwise be obscured by a newer interpretation. The translation of Sanskrit words and names might at times appear clumsy, but neatness of expression had occasionally to be sacrificed to obtain verbal exactitude. For example, nish-kama-karma is rendered 'non-desire-activity', rather than 'service without reward', in order to indicate the literal meaning in the sequence of the original. An effort has been made to interrelate all connected articles by cross references, so that any subject may be read in its entirety if desired. An asterisk against a word signifies that there is a separate article under that heading. A reference to the Index will provide helpful ideas for further reading.

It is my pleasant duty to tender a word of special thanks to Mr Gerald Yorke for his patience and faith in this project. At every stage of the writing he was at hand with friendly advice and it was he who urged the book along those channels that make a publishable proposition out of an author's lucubrations. This work owes more than I can express to his guidance and mediation.

To Dr David Friedman of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, another great obligation is due. When the final bulky typescript was put into his hands he directed to it a keen and critical mind. particularly to the articles on philosophy and Buddhism. I have made the fullest use of his searching observations, but I must absolve him from the blame for any faults that remain.

It must again be emphasized that this book is the fruit of the labours of a host of devoted scholars who have done the spade work in delving into primary sources. My own function has largely been to gamer their harvests and make such appraisals as are within my competence. The names of these scholars will be found in the bibliographies, which will also serve as a rough guide to the chief sources from which I have drawn my material. I express my indebtedness to them, one and all. If an occasional echo of their writings is heard in my own work without acknowledgment I hope they will be charitable enough to forgive the inadvertence.




Abhira 1
Aditi 2
adultery 3
advaita 5
aeon 6
aesthetics 9
agama 10
Agastya 10
Agni 12
agnihotra 13
Agnihotri, S. N. 14
Agnivarna 15
ahimsa 16
Ajanta 17
Ajita 19
Ajivika 20
alchemy 22
Alexander 26
Allahabad 29
altar 30
Alvar 32
Amaru 34
Anarya 34
anatomy 37
ancestors 39
Andhra 40
androgyny 43
angika 45
Angiras 45
animals 46
animal sacrifice 49
antinomianism 51
Aranyaka 54
archery 55
architecture 56
Arjuna 62
army 64
art 66
Aryans 69
asana 73
Asanga 77
asceticism 78
ashes 80
Ashoka 81
aspersion 83
asrama 84
Assamese 86
astronomy 87
asura 90
Asvaghosha 92
Asvin 93
Atharvan 94
Atharva-veda 94
atom 96
Atri 97
Aurobindo 98
Aurva 100
Austric 101
Ayodhya 103
Ayurveda 104
Ayurveda history 108
Bactrians 112
Bagh 114
Balarama 114
Baleya 116
Balin 117
Bana 117
Banaras 118
bandha 119
Barbarians 120
bard 125
baths 126
Bengali 128
bestiality 132
betel 133
Bhagavadgita 134
bhakti 138
bhanga 139
Bhangasvana 140
Bharadvaja 141
Bharata (patriarch) 141
Bharata (writer) 142
Bharata-natyam 144
Bharavi 145
Bhartrihari 145
Bhasa 146
Bhavabhuti 147
Bhima 148
Bhishma 149
Bhrigu 151
Bilhana 152
bindu 152
birds 154
Black-Pagoda 156
blood 157
Bodhidharma 158
bodhisattva 159
bodily substances 161
body 162
Bogar 164
Brahma 164
Brahmana 166
brahmin 168
breath control 174
Brihaspati (rishi) 177
Brihaspati (philosopher) 178
Buddha 178
Buddhism 183
Buddhist history 187
Buddhist scriptures 191
calendar 195
canons of proportion 198
caste 201
caste marks 207
category 208
cave temples 209
Chahamana 212
Chaitanya 214
chakra 217
chakrapuja 220
Chalukya 221
Chandella 224
Chandidas 226
Chandragupta 226
channels of the subtle body 227
Charvaka 228
Chidambaram 230
child marriage 230
China 232
Chola 235
Christianity 238
Chyavana 241
coconut 243
column 243
community 247
compassion 249
consummation 250
continence 252
cosmology 252
cow 255
Dadu 258
Daksha 259
dance 261
danda 267
Dandin 268
Dayananda 268
designs 271
Desika 274
Dhanvantari 274
dharma 275
Dhruva 275
diagnosis 276
diet 277
direction 282
Diti 283
divination 284
Divodasa 286
divorce 287
dogs 288
dowry 290
drama history 291
dramaturgy 294
Draupadi 298
Dravidian 299
dreams 302
dress 303
drinks 308
Drona 311
drugs 312
Drupada 313
Durvasas 314
Duryodhana 314
Dutt, Madhusudan 315
Dyaus 316
dyeing 317
ear 319
education 320
Egypt 324
Ekanatha 325
elephant 325
eligibility 327
Ellora 329
empathy 330
epigraphy 331
equanimity 332
era 333
erotics 334
eschatology 340
espionage 342
ethics 343
etymology 345
Europeans 346
exteriorisation 349
eye 350
festival fig tree 351
fig tree 357
fire 358
five daily sacrifices 360
flags 360
foot 361
forgeries 362
Galava 365
gambling 365
games 367
Gandhara 369
gandharva 371
Gandhi 372
Ganesa 376
Ganga 378
Ganges 379
Gargya 380
Garuda 381
Gaudapada 382
gavamayana 382
Gaya 383
Gayatri 384
gems 385
gender 388
geography 389
God 393
godlings 397
gopi 400
Gorakhnath 402
Gotama 403
grammar 404
grasses 405
Greeks 406
Gritsamada 413
Guhila 413
Gujarati 414
Gunadhya 416
Gupta 417
guru 419
Haihaya 420
Hala 421
hand 422
handicrafts 422
Hanuman 425
Hardwar 426
harem 426
Harischandra 429
harsha 431
head 432
hell 434
Hemachandra 435
Hemadri 436
hierophant 436
Hindi 441
Hinduism 445
Hinterindia 449
Hiranyaksha 451
historiography 453
history 455
horse 457
horse sacrifice 458
horticulture 459
hot and cold 460
Hoysala 461
human sacrifice 463
humours 466
Huns 467
idolatry 468
Ikshvaku 471
Ilango 472
implements 472
incest 473
Indology 474
Indra 480
Indus vally 482
intiation 485
Iran 486
Jagannatha 490
Jainism 492
Jamadagni 496
Janaka 497
Jarasandha 497
Jaratkaru 499
Jataka 499
Javali 500
Jayadeva 500
Jayadratha 502
Jayarasi 503
Jews 503
Jnanadeva 504
joint family 505
Kabir 506
Kalhana 508
Kali 509
Kalidasa 509
Kalinga 511
Kalki 512
Kalmashapada 512
Kayana 513
Kama 514
Kamadhenu 515
Kamarupa 516
Kamasastra 517
Kamboja 520
Kamsa 520
Kanarese 521
Kanauj 523
Kandu 525
Kanishka 525
Kanva 526
Kapalika 526
Kapilar 528
Karma 529
Karna 530
Karttikeya 531
Kashmir 533
Kasyapa 535
katha 535
Kathak 537
Kathakali 538
Katyayana 539
Kaurava 539
Kautilya 540
kavya 542
kayastha 545
Kekaya 545
Kerala 547
Khandoba 548
Kharoshthi 548
kingship 549
Kirata 555
knowledge 555
Kolarian 557
Kratu 559
Krishna 559
kshatriya 567
Kubera 569
Kumarajiva 571
Kumarila 571
Kumbhakarna 572
Kumbha-mela 572
kundalini 574
Kurukshetra 576
Kushan 581
Kusika 582
Lakshmana 583
Lakshmi 584
language 584
law 587
levirate 592
Lichchhavi 593
linga 594
Lingayat 597
literary forms 598
literature 602
livelihood 603
logic 604
Lokacharya 606
longevity 606
love 607





Madhva 1
Madra 2
Maga 3
Magadha 5
Magha 7
Mahabharata 8
Mahajanapada 12
Mahavira 13
Mahayana 14
Mahidasa 16
Maitraka 17
Malayalam 17
Man of the World 19
Manasara 20
mandala 21
Mandhatri 22
mango trick 23
Manikkavasagar 24
mantra 25
Manu (lawgiver) 27
Manu (patriarch) 29
Maratha 30
Marathi 33
marga 36
Marichi 38
marriage 38
Marutta 43
Matanga 44
mathematics 44
Mathura 47
matriarchy 49
Matsyendra 51
Maurya 51
maya 53
mechanics 55
medicine 56
meditation 58
menstruation 61
Mesopotamia 63
metals 65
meteorology 67
microcosm 68
Milindapanho 69
Mimamsa 70
Minakshi 71
minerals 72
Mirabai 73
miscegenation 74
Mongolians 81
mountains 82
mudra 85
music 88
music history 93
musical instrument 96
Muslim 98
mystic syllables 103
mythology 104
Naga 106
nagari 108
Nagarjuna 110
Nahusha 111
Nair 111
Nala 113
Nalanda 114
Namdev 115
names 116
Nanak 121
Nanda 122
Narada 123
Narayana 123
Nasik 124
nastika 125
Natha 128
necrophilia 129
nectar 131
Negrito 133
Nimbarka 133
Nishada 134
nudity 135
numbers 136
numerals 137
numismatics 140
Nyaya 142
nymphs 143
Nysa 144
obsequies 146
occultism 149
olisboi 154
orifices of the body 155
Orissa 156
Oriya 159
ornaments 160
painting 162
Pala 167
Pallava 169
Panchama 172
Pancharatra 176
Panchatantra 177
Pandava 178
Pandya 180
Panini 182
Paradise 183
Paramara 186
paramudra 187
Parasara 189
Parasurama 189
Parsva 191
Parthians 191
Parvati 192
Pasupata 193
Pataliputra 194
Patanjali 195
Patta 196
Perception 197
Perversions 199
Philology 201
Philosophy 202
Phoenicians 207
Phonetics 208
Physical culture 209
Physician 210
Pilgrimage 212
Pisacha 214
Plants 214
Poetics 219
Poison 221
Pole ceremonies 222
Politics 223
Polygamy 228
Prabhava 229
Pradyumna 231
Prajapati 232
Prakrit 232
Prarthana Samaj 235
Pratihara 236
Pregnancy 238
Promiscuity 242
Prosody 242
prostitution 246
Proto-Aryan language 249
Psychology 250
Puja 252
Pulastya 253
Purana 253
Puranjaya 257
purification 258
Purochana 261
Pururavas 262
Purusha 263
Pushan 263
quality 264
race 265
raga 266
Raghu 270
Rahu 272
Raibhya 272
Raidas 273
Rajput 273
rakshasa 277
Rama 278
Ramakrishna 282
Ramananda 284
Ramanuja 285
Ramayana 287
Ramesvaram 289
Rashtrakuta 289
Ravana 290
reciting 293
repetition 294
Rig-veda 294
Rishabha 297
rishi 297
Rishyasringa 299
ritual canon 300
ritualism 302
rivers 303
Romans 306
rope-trick 309
Roy, Rammohan 310
royal consecration 312
Rudra 313
Rukmini 314
sacraments 315
sacrifice 316
sadhu 322
Sagara 326
Saiva Siddhanta 328
Saivism 329
Saka 331
Sakha 334
Sakti 336
Sakuni 338
Sakuntala 339
Sakya 340
saliva 341
salutation 341
Sama-veda 343
Samba 343
Samkhya 344
sanatva 345
Sanjaya 348
Sankara 348
Sanskrit 352
Sarvabhauma 356
Sati 357
Satrajita 358
Satyakama 359
Satyavati 360
savanna 361
Savitri 362
sayings 363
scatology 366
science 367
scripts 369
scriptures 372
sculptures 373
secrecy 380
seduction 381
Seleucids 383
Sen, K. C. 385
Senses 387
serpent worship 387
sex mysticism 390
siddhi 394
Sikh 396
Sikhandin 399
sin 400
singing 401
Sisupala 404
Sita 404
Siva 406
Sivaji 409
Sivdayal 411
skills 412
slavery 414
sociology 415
Solanki 416
Soma 417
soma 418
Somadeva 421
Somnath 422
sonship 423
soul 425
sound 426
sraddha 427
sterility 429
stigmata 430
stripuja 431
strirajya 432
stritantra 433
stupa 437
subandhu 440
Substance 440
sudra 442
Sudraka 444
Sudyumna 445
suffering 446
suicide 446
Sukra 448
Sumbha 449
Sunahsephas 450
Sunga 451
sunya 452
Sura 454
surgery 455
Soorpanakha 456
Surya 457
suspended animation 459
suttee 461
svabhava 466
Svaphalka 467
Svayambhuva 467
svayamvara 468
Svetadvipa 468
swastika 469
swing 470
syllogism 471
symbols 472
Tagore 473
Tagore, Rabinderanath 474
Tamil 478
Tansen 481
tantrism 482
Taraka 486
taxation 487
Telugu 487
temple 490
textiles 492
theatre 496
thread ceremonies 498
thug 501
time 502
Tirath. Ram 504
tirthankara 505
Tiruvalluvar 506
Toda 507
towns 507
trade & shipping 513
trace states 518
travel 520
Trisanku 522
truth 523
Tukaram 524
Tulsidas 525
Udayana 526
Uddalaka 526
Ujjain 528
Uma 530
Upanishad 530
Urvasi 535
Usha 536
Usinara 536
Utathya 537
utsarga 538
vahana 540
Vaiseshika 541
Vaishnavism 541
vaisya 543
Vaivasvata 544
vajapeya 546
Vakataka 546
Vallabha 547
Valmiki 550
Vamadeva 550
Vanara 551
Varahamihira 551
Varuna 552
Vasishtha (rishi) 553
Vasishtha (tantric) 554
Vasugupta 555
Vayu 556
Veda 556
Vedanta 559
Vedic 560
Vedism 561
vega 564
Vena 565
Vijayanagar 566
Vikramaditya 569
Virata 570
virginity 571
virility 573
Vishnu 574
Visvakarman 576
Visvamitra 578
Vivekananda 579
vows 581
Vratya 582
Vrinda 584
Vyasa 585
warfare 586
weapons 590
weights & measures 594
wheel 597
widow 599
wind 602
women 602
worship 606
writing 610
Yadu 611
Yajnavalkya 611
Yajur-veda 613
Yama 614
Yayati 615
Yoga 616
Yoni 618
Yudhishthira 619
yupa 621
Zoroastrianism 622


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