The true education is consequently the science parts of man, and also of of linking up the integral parts linking him up in turn with his immediate environment, and then with the greater whole in which he has to play his part. Each aspect, regarded as a lower aspect, can ever be simply the expression of the next higher. In this it is expressed a fundamental truth which embodies not only the objective, but also indicates the problem before all interested in education. If the astral body is the center of the personality life, then the objective of the educational process imposed upon the subject will be to make the mind nature the dominating factor, and the astral body then becomes that which is impressed by, and is sensitive to, environing conditions, but is under the control of the mind. If the mind is the center of personality attention, then the soul activity must be brought into fuller expression; and so on and on the work proceeds, progress being made from point to point until the top of the ladder has been reached.
Education should be a continuous process from birth to death. It is essentially a process leading to reconciliation of the human and divine elements in the constitution of a human being. Right relationship between God and man, spirit and matter, the whole and the part, should be a prime objective of educational techniques. Train the mind to respond intelligently to impressions coming to it via the senses about the outer tangible world. Deal intelligently with information relayed to it by the brain. Create thought-forms in response to impulses emanating from the physical plane; to emotional reactions set in motion by the feeling-desire nature; to the thought world, in which the man' environment is found. Orient itself to the subjective spiritual self that, from a condition of potentiality, the self may emerge into soul activity.
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