Born in 1940 in Uttar Pradesh, Justice S N Kapoor (Retd. ) was in the Judiciary services from the year 1969 onwards. He was appointed as the Secretary of Delhi Legal Aid and Advice Board in 1985. In 1985-86, looking at the need compassionately, to reduce the number of unnecessary bothersome matrimonial cases in court, he took the initiative to start Matrimonial Counselling Centre at Patiala House in Delhi. In 1995, he was elevated to the post of 'High Court Judge'.
In 2003, he was appointed as the 'Member of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission'. This happened after his retirement. In 2013, he was appointed as the Member Law Commission of India, a highly prestigious position.
He had started learning Astrology since the age of 17 years and his thirst for knowledge in the field has not waned even now in 2021. In 1988, he was appointed by Dr BV Raman, the 'Secretary of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), the all India body for teaching Vedic Astrology. He has been also teaching since then. In 1989 he took over the responsibility of the Controller of Examinations of ICAS. In 1998, he was appointed by Dr B V Raman the 'Honorary National President of ICAS'. He relinquished this post after 10 years to his worthy successor Shri A B Shukla in 2008.
He was honored by several institutions for his astrological writings and lectures, including an Honoris Causa degree of Vachaspati in 2003 by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Samskrit Viddyapeetham (A Deemed University). Besides many other titles, He was also honoured with 'Dr BV Raman Swarna Samman', the highest honour by ICAS, in 2018.
Justice Kapoor combines technical depth of Astrological principles with rare passion for exploring the classics for lesser known wisdom, expanding those principles and teaching them. His work on Divisional charts is seminal and unparalleled, the glimpses of which were published in a splendid book guided by him 'Splendour of Vargas'. He has written innumerable articles published in Astrological Magazine, Modern Astrology and presented workshops in various parts of the country on almost every subject of Vedic Astrology.
The present book is the culmination of his labour of love of the last 60 years for Vedic Astrology. It is hoped that everyone would benefit from this book whether he is a new student or a seasoned teacher.
Formative years of a person, from childhood till he completes his education, are very trying. This usually covers dasha periods of Janma, Sampat and Vipat Taras.
The aforesaid situation made me think about better insights into their problems and my personal quest started. The articles contained in this book are the result of my continued learning of astrology for the last 60 years. I have learnt from various sources over this period, most notably from The Astrological Magazine edited by Dr B V Raman. Wherever I found an important thought that tickled my astrological mind, I collected it, tried the principles given in that article, if found sound, wrote about them and taught them to my worthy students.
I cannot but mention that I was fortunate in discussing many topics, from time to time, with great savants of astrology such as Prof. A B Shukla, who is coming up with several researches on new topics in Astrology, not heard of before. I also had the great fortune of interacting with some great minds and original thinkers, like Shri J N Sharma, Shri M N Kedar and Dr S C Mishra, who came from diverse astrological traditions and schools of thoughts. Coming across divergent views, these discussions certainly sharpened my understanding of the various subjects, since these stalwarts raised pointed questions about my beliefs and I would answer them through further and finer research.
I have emphasised in this book the superior influence of Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu, as given right in the second chapter of Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. In the light of their strength and weakness, the birth chart has to be judged. It should help readers in assessing level, quality and nature of Education and Career.
Use of Deities of different Divisional Charts should prove extremely helpful in finding their impact on delineation of a chart and specific facets of life.
These articles are primarily based on BPHS, but, some Jaimini Sutras, Nadi Principles and dicta of Satyacharaya have also been included, besides principles from other classics, e.g., Brihat Jatak, Jatak Parijat, Saravali, Sarvartha Chintamani, Jataka Bharanam and many others. A complete list can be found in the Bibliography.
Influence of Rashi, Nakshatra and Navamsha dispositors have also been shown for assessing apparent or real worth of planets. In addition to plain Navamsha, I have explained the concepts of Navamshas of various kinds like the Vargottama, Pushkar, Panchamamhsa, Ashtamamsha, Nidhanamsha, and 64th Navamsha etc. Efficacy of Bhava Suchak Navamsha has also been shown through example.
I have considered nature of Rashis, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha, Dashamamsha and Dwadashamsha, their Deities as well as relevant yogas and how they impact Education and Career ultimately.
Apart from 36 Drekkanas referred to by Varahamihira, we have also used Satwik, Rajasik and 'Tamasik Drekkanas, as well as Uttam, Madhyam and Adham Drekkanas.
I have written about Rajyoga karaka and Dhana karaka Nakshatras, which help in rise of a native along with different classification of Nakshatras. We have considered Gulika as an obstruction as well as Raj Yoga karaka depending on its placement and its lord.
The book is profusely illustrated by example charts. All the care has been taken that the birth data should be authentic but one can never guarantee its accuracy. I have tried to acknowledge the sources of different ideas/concepts/principles but it is quite possible that some sources may not have found mention in the book inadvertently, due to my failing memory in old age, for which I must beg pardon.
This book would not have seen the light of the day had Vinay Aditya not seen my pile of published articles coupled with notes on my table and had he not insisted on its publication. He assured me to edit it and make it technically more useful for students of Jyotish Visharad and upwards. My sickness and hospitalisation twice led me to almost drop the idea, but Vinay's persistence, inspiring persuasions and my unbridled confidence in him has brought this book out. Entire credit goes to Shri Vinay Aditya.
My students, Brig. S.C. Sharma helped me in using Jaimini Sutras; Ms Shefali Mittal on Aprakash Grahas and Arun Kumar Gupta in preparing a paper on various kinds of engineering professions. Panay Tripathi has been helping me out in preparing various presentations. I acknowledge their contributions. My blessings to each one of them.
I am also grateful to my better half, Mrs. Manju Kapoor, who encouraged me to complete the book and looked after my team with high tea, whenever they gathered at home for discussions.
Justice S.N. Kapoor (Retd.), though has held the very prestigious high post of a Judge of the Delhi High Court, has always been an academician at heart. It is my personal knowledge that he has shared and continues to share his rich knowledge and wisdom, born out of decades of study of the ancient science, with innumerable students encouraging and guiding them to undertake research in little understood areas of Jyotisha.
Dr. B.V. Raman, Founder-President of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), nominated Justice Kapoor as the President of this organization in November 1998 weeks before his passing away on December 20, 1998, knowing fully well that he was passing on the baton to one who was not only a scholar of astrology, but also shared his commitment and dedication to the cause of astrology as an academic discipline which, without doubt, deserved an official place in the educational curriculum of the country. Dr. Raman's choice was fully justified with Justice Kapoor who kept the flag of ICAS flying high plunging full time into its organizational responsibilities for over a decade as also the study and teaching of astrology after his retirement from the Delhi High Court.
Dr. Raman, in the several conversations I would have with him, always spoke of Justice Kapoor with not only respect for his integrity, simplicity of nature and deep knowledge of astrology but also with great affection for him and also his wife Smt. Manju Kapoor. Posterity should be grateful to Justice Kapoor for his role in running the premier astrology organization ICAS after Dr. Raman's demise putting to rest such questions as "What next after Dr. Raman?" which kept surfacing in different quarters. Justice Kapoor's academic excursions into Jyotisha have found their place in the present work which covers several little understood concepts and dicta of astrology, more particularly related to education and profession, in great detail. In fact, it may be an understatement to say that the present volume is a benchmark work in contemporary astrology literature and encapsulates years of his study and research findings relating to almost all aspects of predictive astrology. There are many books on astrology but what sets apart this book is the sheer range of topics covered and the clarity with which they are explained.
The classical works enunciate several Yogas and principles of prediction to decipher a horoscope. However, when it comes to application of these factors in practical cases, one stumbles proving in no uncertain terms, that theory and practice can, at times, run parallel. Justice Kapoor's work addresses just this kind of a conundrum by taking up different classical dicta and factors and analyzing them in a bid to show how they can be applied and results interpreted. He steers the reader in graded steps through several well-known concepts and how their results can be deciphered. Of particular interest in this regard is Justice Kapoor's treatment of the well-known dictum Karako Bhava Nashaya. He first takes up the results of this dictum as given in different classical works, oftentimes confusing on the conditions when it works, and then synthesizes a theorem with appropriate riders that works in actual cases.
Starting with the Law of Karma, which is the cornerstone of astrology, almost all topics given in classical works are discussed threadbare with appropriate illustrations.
The co-author and editor Mr. Vinay Aditya has done a remarkable job of the arduous task of putting together the notes given to him periodically by Justice Kapoor and giving it a final shape.
I wish Justice Kapoor greater success in his literary endeavors in astrology.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Horoscopes (183)
Medical Astrology (48)
Nadi (39)
Numerology (53)
Original Texts (272)
Palmistry (50)
Planets (234)
Romance (36)
Vastu (118)
Vedic Astrology (86)
हिन्दी (284)
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