The Krtibodha (Knowledge of Texts) Series is one of such publication project of National Mission for Manuscripts to promote academic interest and scholarship in the area of manuscript studies.
The transcribed and critically edited manuscripts prepared either in the Advance Level Manuscriptology Workshops of the Mission or in the Gurukula scheme are published under the Krtibodha series.
The present text is transcribed and critically edited in one of such Manuscriptology and Paleography workshop conducted by the Mission.
S.A.S.Sarma Dr. S. A. S. Sarma is a researcher at the Pondicherry Centre of the Ecole française d'Extrême Orient (EFEO) since 1989. After completing his post-graduation in Sanskrit from the University of Kerala, S. A. S. Sarma joined the Adyar Library and Research Centre as a research scholar where he worked under Prof. K. Kunjunni Raja and Prof. K. V. Sarma on various indological projects. He did his Ph.D at the University of Calicut under the guidance of Prof. N. V. P. Unithiri. He is presently engaged in various projects at the EFEO. Dr. Sarma has edited many important texts. Amongst many important publications to his credit the Kapilasmrti and Samvartasmrti (CESMEO, Turin, Italy) are worth mentioning.
The basic level workshop organized by the Mission was, and is, geared towards introducing the novice into the field of manuscriptology. It also provides the learners an opportunity to learn at least two ancient scripts. Principles of editing form part of this course. Those trainees who successfully complete the basic level training course are encouraged to go through the advance level training course in which on hands training in critically editing manuscripts is provided. This is achieved by giving the trainees selected texts to edit as part of practical course. In the basic level workshop students are encouraged to transcribe texts into modern scripts as part of their practical course. This strategy works two ways, the students get the opportunity of putting their theoretical training to practical use and in the process the Mission is able to get texts transcribed/critically edited for publication. These are published under the series Kritibodha.
The copies of the Manuscripts of Dravyagunasatasiokwere collected by Dr. N. V. P. Unithiri, former Professor of Sanskrit, University of Calicut, from the Oriental Manuscripts Library, Thiruvananthapuram and University of Pune. He was kind enough to give them for editing work for the participants of the course.
Dr. S. A. S. Sarma had the opportunity to work with his grand-father, late Prof. K. V. Sarma on the 'Scientific Texts in Sanskrit', a project for which a survey of Manuscript libraries of South India was carried out. That project identified 3473 titles in 12244 Manuscripts covering subject areas of Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Chemistry. Physics, Botany and Architecture. The result of the project was published as volume by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi (Samskṛtavarṣasmṛtigranthamälä 1, 2002). This volume encouraged many scholars to take-up unpublished science texts for research work. A copy of the above said 'Scientific Texts in Sanskrit' was presented by S. A. S. Sarma to Dr. N. V. P. Unithiri, his teacher and guide, who became interested in the scientific texts in Sanskrit and took up certain texts for editing. This Dravyagunasatasloki is one such work he thought to edit and publish. Even though Prof. Unithiri collected the copies of the manuscripts of this text to prepare a critical edition, he did not get enough time to do so due to his other engagements. This is how he happened to possess the manuscripts of the work.
Different topics Manuscriptology and Paleography History writing traditions India, collection and survey reading Kalidasa commentaries from Kashmir Manuscripts, problems editing, preparation critical edition manuscripts and Vedic texts and other-texts like Natyaśästra, Dhvanyaloka Tantra texts were introduced the course the the discovery of plays ascribed to Bhasa being celebrated all Kerala that time. It was Ganapathy who first located the Manuscripts ascribed to Bhasa years ago. Though discussion regarding the authorship the plays yet settled, discovery was an epoch one the history Sanskrit literature. The Manuscripts the plays ascribed brought light first time.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Hindu (हिंदू धर्म) (12761)
Tantra (तन्त्र) (1023)
Vedas (वेद) (707)
Ayurveda (आयुर्वेद) (1916)
Chaukhamba | चौखंबा (3358)
Jyotish (ज्योतिष) (1476)
Yoga (योग) (1106)
Ramayana (रामायण) (1386)
Gita Press (गीता प्रेस) (729)
Sahitya (साहित्य) (23261)
History (इतिहास) (8318)
Philosophy (दर्शन) (3420)
Santvani (सन्त वाणी) (2587)
Vedanta (वेदांत) (122)
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