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Dictionary of Panini (In Roman) (Three Volumes): An old and Rare Book

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Publisher: Deccan College Postgraduate And Research Institute
Author: S.M.Katre
Edition: 1968
Pages: 716
Cover: Paperback
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
1.22 kg
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Book Description

On the 15th of October 1964 the Deccan College celebrates the centenary of its main Building, and curiously enough this period coincides with the Silver Jubilee of the Postgraduate and Research Institute which, as successor to the Deccan College started functioning from 17th August 1939 when members of the teaching faculty reported on duty. When I suggested to members of our faculty the novel idea that the centenary should be celebrated by the publication of a hundred mono- graphs representing the research carried on under the auspices of the Deccan College in its several departments they readily accepted the suggestion. These contributions are from present and past faculty members and research scholars of the Deccan College, giving a cross-section of the manifold research that it has sponsored during the past twentyfive years. From small beginnings in 1939 the Deccan College has now grown into a well developed and developing Research Institute and become a national centre in so far as Linguistics, Archaeology and Ancient Indian History, and Anthropology and Sociology are concerned. Its international status is attested by the location of the Indian Institute of German Studies (jointly sponsored by Deccan College and the Goethe Institute of Munich), the American Institute of Indian Studies and a branch of the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient in the campus of the Deccan College. The century of monographs not only symbolises the centenary of the original building and the silver jubilee of the Research Institute, but also the new spirit. of critical enquiry and the promise of more to come.


Since the publication of Paninian Studies 1 in 1967 there has been a slight change in the order of publication. Instead of issuing a second section dealing with the Ganapatha as ancillary to the main body of the text the first part of the Dictionary ot Piinini is being Issued now, the remaining two to follow at short intervals, before the modern rendering of Astiidhyiiyi in English is issued as originally proposed.

In spite of the excellent index of Bohtlingk and the sub- sequent indices published by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute the need for a comprehensive lexicon of Panini has been felt by those who have to deal with interpretation of Astadhyayl with reference to modern linguistics. The present work has therefore been designed to meet this need of linguists and at the same time demonstrate some of the methodology that is intended to be applied to the Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles at the Deccan College. The vocabulary of Panini is dealt with here at three levels. The first obviously includes the actual words employed by Panini in the framing of his siitras, including the technical terms, all of which occur in their regular alphabetical order in the dictionary. The main difference between this work and that of Bohtlingk's is that no, specific reference is made in the dictionary to the operational side of the rules which will form part of the intended English translation. The second level of words are those which are formed directly from elements supplied by the siitras and are enclosed within braces; these forms are not directly quotable to the siitras, though the word-forms were present before Panini and their constituent parts are included in his statement. Thus at 3.2.162 he says vidtbhidr-chidsh kurac from which follow the following vocables { vidura }{ bhidura} and {chidura} which are all shown within braces. These two constitute the main vocabulary of Panini; the last level, indicated within square brackets follow from forms quoted in the vrtti, particularly of Kiisika which seems to have preserved the original tradition from Patafijali downwards. From Patafijali's statements in the Mahabhasya one may infer that the original siitras were accompanied by a . running commentary which consisted of analysing the component element of the sutras together with illustrations and counter-illustrations. Many of these may date from Panini's time but we cannot be absolutely certain. Consequently they have been shown within square brackets.

The entire Sanskrit element in Asiiidh.yiiyi has been indi- cated here through roman transliteration. As indicated earlier, italics in the Sanskrit portion are reserved for IT symbols or exponential markers, while small capitals are used for vowels which have been inserted in these forms for ease of pronunciation or for differentiating homophonous elements without any morphophonemic significance. Accents have been shown in the lemmata according to the application of Panini's rules, and where Vedic forms show any difference, they have been indicated in ordinary brackets after the lemmata. The morphological richness of forms used by Panini has been indicated under each main head-word, in a consistent manner.

This work was planned some years ago as an exercise from the point of view of modern linguistics. As a part of the major work on the Dictionary of Sanskrit most of the gram- matical systems in Sanskrit have been fully utilized, and even with regard to the school of Panini a great deal of material has been collected. But such material has not been used in this Dictionary which is confined chiefly to the siltras them- selves and with some caution the commentary in Kiisikii. In the absence of a critical edition of this last work it is often dangerous to rely on the statements as in some crucial point we get no information from it, and the forms cited often rai doubts. Thus 4.2.145 reads in Kiisikii as "krkana-parnad bharadvaje" for "bharadvaje," and the comment repeat the form with the initial vrddhi. It is a pleasure to acknowledge here my indebtedness to complicated typography as may be witnessed in Piininian Studies I in spite of care, due to outside presses over, which one can scarcely exercise sufficient control, it was decided to entrust the work to srtsarasvatt Mudranalaya in Poona which had just acquired the main printing unit of the old Karnatak Printing Press of Bombay with its rich foundry, and Shri M. S. Latkar and Shri N. G. Rane, its enterprising proprietor readily agreed to girt their press of this work. They and their colleagues in the press deserve every praise for the quality of printing which goes into this work. Any faults remaining are entirely due to my own limitations and I take full responsibility for them. These will be taken care of in an Addendum and Corrigendum which will be issued with the final part.

But to prepare a press-copy and have the proofs read required assistance from a number of friends and colleagues working in the Dictionary section of Deccan College in its Department of Linguistics. While all the entry cards were compiled by me in my own hand the alphabetisation was done by Miss Usha Ranade and Mrs. Sudha Sohoni under the able supervision of Dr. E. D. Kulkarni, one of my first pupils in the Deccan College and now my esteemed colleague in the Department of Linguistics. He has also read the proofs in several stages and helped me in eliminating mistakes and organising the typographical presentation consistently and uniformly. It is a consoling thought that during the 29 years I have been associated with the Deccan College since its reopening in 1939 we have in the various departments of the college our pupils and their pupils, all devoted to the promotion of research and advancement of knowledge. I am greatly be- holden to them in the unstinting help each has rendered to me in his or her own capacity as a member of the Deccan College faculty and I acknowledge my indebtedness to them all in sincere gratitude. If any errors of commission or omission still linger I take full responsibility for the same and crave the indulgence of discriminating scholars.

The inspiration for this work came to me primarily through my Guru and Gurupaini, whos splendid Comparative several friends. In order to avoid the many lapses in such Dictionary of Indo-Aryan was completed two years ago. They have been gracious enough to accept this small token as guru-daksina and I offer my apologies to Kalidasa for taki over the intitial half-verse from Raghuoamsa in the dedicatic Sir Ralph and Lady Turner, by their joint contribution Indian lexicography, fully deserve the credit which I humbly offer to them.


Prefatory Note (Part-III)

With the publication of Part III of the Dictionary of Panini the main work comes to an end, confined to the text of the Astadhyayi and the body of examples and counter- examples which form the stock-in-trade of the commentaries which must have accompanied the siitras from the most ancient times, and in general preserved in the tradition inherited by the authors of Kasika. While there are a number of obvious omissions which are partially due to the fact that they do not usually come under the accepted system of examples and counter-examples to any given siitra, it is possible that some may not have been included by oversight; even so, their number is strictly limited.

What now remains is the text of the Ganapatha and a repertory of forms which are derived from this text; this will form a supplement to the Dictionary, which will then be followed by a modern English rendering of the Astadhyayi as originally contemplated for the use of the general linguist. Much of this material is ready and the Ganapatha section of the Supplement may appear before the end of the year.

An Introduction dealing with Panini and the Astadhyayi will accompany the English rendering. At the present juncture it is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the assistance I have received from my colleagues, in addition to those already mentioned in the Preface to Part I, particularly Dr. A. M. GHATAGE and Dr. N. M. SEN. Members of the Faculty be- longing to the Sanskrit Dictionary Project have also rendered much assistance, and I have several times consulted Pandit K. A. S. SHASTRI, with benefit. I once again place on record my deep sense of obligation to all these colleagues as well as the Management and Staff of Shrisaraswati Mudranalaya for their tireless efforts towards reaching the highest possible perfection. Any defects, therefore, are entirely due to my own limitations and I take full responsibility for them.

It is indeed a matter of deep satisfaction that as this work is nearing completion one notices the efflorescence of Paninian Studies both in India and abroad and that more and more scholars are drawn to it. The Deccan College claims an important share in this revitalization of this subject during the past two decades, and it is meet that the present Buliding Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series should include such studies within its purview.

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