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The Dictionary of Hindustani Classical Music

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Author: Bimalakanta Roychaudhuri
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 9788120817081
Pages: 193
Cover: Hardcover
8.6" X 5.5"
420 gm
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Book Description

From the Jacket

In this book the author has dealt with the musical terms as found in the old sastras and are also in common use. He has explained these terms in simple language with reference to their history of origin. Description of seventy-eight different musical instruments and forty-seven different Talas are also there. An essential aid to research-scholars and students of music. The Bengali version of the book on music published during the period from 1960 to 1968.

Bimalakanta Roychaudhuri was born in 1909 in all illustrious family of musical heritage. He had his training in music from Sitalchandra Mukhopadhyay, Sitalkrishna Ghosh, Amir Khan (Sarod) and then from Inayet khan, the foremost Sitar players of those days. He also had his musical training from his maternal uncle Birendrakishore Roychaudhuri and maternal grandfather Brojendrakishore Roychaudhuri. He took part in the translation of "Sangeet Ratnakara" from Sanskrit to Bengali under the patronage of Brojendrakishore Roychaudhuri.

He was Chairman of the Board f Musical Studies of the University of Calcutta. His works "Raga Vyakarana" (in Hindi) has been published by the Bharatiya Jnanpith.

Publisher's Note

We are pleased to bring out the English version of this works which has already been published both in Bengali and Hindi and had got Sangeet Natak Academy award in 1971.

In this English version 'Gharana-Table' has been left out because we plan to publish another book on Gharana, where the subject will be dealt with separately in detail.


The author has given all rights of his published and unpublished works to Imdadkhani School of Sitar, an institute founded by him in 1948. The first Bengali version of the present book was published in 1965 and received the Sangeet Natak Academy award in 1971 as the best book on music in Bengali language published during the period from 1960 to 1968. The book was later published in Hindi in 1975 by the Bharatiya Jnanpith of New Delhi. The Hindi translation was done by Sri Madanlal Vyas of Bombay. The present English version of the book was made by the author himself in 1967 but could not be published earlier for want of a publisher. I express my gratitude to M/s Motilal Banarsidass for their kindly agreeing to publish the book. I am also grateful to Ms. Mitali Chatterji, Assistant Librarian, Asiatic Society and to Mr. Shabbir Ahmad of Islamic Section, Asiatic Society, for the kind help rendered by them in the transliteration work.


The growing interest of the Western, especially the English-speaking nations towards the North Indian Classical Music is more evident now than ever before. It is no doubt a sign for us to be happy about; at the same time it causes us deep concern whenever we try to appreciate the great responsibility that has devolved upon us in presenting the correct interpretation of musical terms of the ancient Sanskrit Sastras.

Aphoristic couplets of the ancient Sanskrit Texts, as they mostly are, even with their annotations, easily lend themselves to be misinterpreted today. Painfully bearing this in mind the author has attempted this dictionary with great trepidations. He has depended solely on his own inner resources in interpreting the musical terms rather than allowing himself to be influenced by any other publications in English or in any other languages, lest he should tread on the trap of terminological inexactitude. For the present author it has been a very difficult task indeed primarily for two reasons-
1. The technical terms that we have in Indian music are too difficult for a foreigner to comprehend fully unless these are presented in the right manner of interpretation.

2. However much the author may have tried to express himself in English, it is not his mother tongue and he is therefore, not infallible in expression.

The author has also tried, as far as possible, not to borrow terms used in the Western music to ease out the difficulty in explaining Indian terms; that would have been apparently e3asier and would have saved some amount of space but that short-cut would not have served the purpose intended.

A few words are necessary to explain certain features in the dictionary. It will be found that some of the Western musical instruments that have long come to be used in Indian music have also been described under the entry 'Vadya' (musical instrument) for the benefit of those Indians who are interested in them, with due apology to Western readers.

This dictionary, being the first comprehensive attempt of its kind, would naturally call for improvement and corrections. The author would feel gratified to have suggestions for improvement,


This is an excellent text-book for it imparts knowledge of the ocean of music in the form of little drops. It is interesting to note that every word in music literature has a depth of meaning while the author explains the origin of each word with its history and development over the years along with suitable examples. The book reveals the meaning of 341 words and is indeed a music encyclopedia.

Vol.: 40, No. 2, September, 2003

"The work explains, in very simple and clear language, the technical terms as found in Sastras and also those in common use. The history of the origin of the words, description of seventy-eight musical instruments and forty-seven varieties of talas."

Dwaram V. J. Lakshmi
S. V. U. Oriental Journal Vol.: 46, No. 182, 2003

"In This era, when Indian music is spreading worldwide, the author has rightly felt it a duty to prepare this Dictionary of musical terms. He presents the proper interpretations of musical terms of the ancient Sanskrit Sastras and explains them with reference to their origin and development. An additional fact is that the author remains true to Indian tradition and is not influenced by the Western methods of interpretation and presentations. Styled and arranged in such simple and precise form, this book will definitely be an essential aid for researches and students of music."

V. K.
Journal of Oriental Research Vol. 71-73. p. 18

"This one covering words and terminology, Sanskrit, derivative and colloquial, applicable and applied to Hindustani Classical (Art) Music, is the foremost one, even considering the more recent publications on the usage of music terminology."

R. C. Mehta
Journal of the Indian Musicological Society Vol. 31, Jan-Dec. 2000


  Note v
  Publisher's Note vii
  Preface ix
  References xi
  The Symbols of Notations xxiii
1 Abhirudgata 1
2 Abhoga 1
3 Acala Svara 1
4 Acala Thata or Acala Thata 1
5 Adhicakradara 2
6 Adhunika Samgita 2
7 Adi 2
8 Agantuka Svara 3
9 Ahata 3
10 Alamkara 3
11 Alamkarika Pada 6
12 Alamkarika Svara 6
13 Alapa 6
14 Alpatva 15
15 Amga 15
16 Amga Pradhanya 16
17 Amsa 16
18 Anagata 16
19 Anaghata 17
20 Anahata 17
21 Anibaddha 17
22 Antara 17
23 Antara Gandhara 17
24 Anudatta 18
25 Anuloma 18
26 Anuvadi 18
27 Apanyasa 18
28 Arcika 18
29 Aroha 18
30 Arohi Varna 18
31 Asa or Syumt 19
32 Asraya Raga 19
33 Asthayi 19
34 Asvakranta 19
35 Atai 19
36 Ati Komala 19
37 Atita 19
38 Auduva or Audava 20
39 Avarda 20
40 Avaroha 20
41 Avarohi 20
42 Badhat or Badhat 20
43 Bahutva 21
44 Bai 21
45 Baj 21
46 Bamta 22
47 Bandis or Bandeja 22
48 Barabara 22
49 Bemamca 23
50 Bemanja 23
51 Bhajana 23
52 Bhao 23
53 Bhava 23
54 Bherua or Bhadva 24
55 Bhinna Giti 24
56 Bidari 24
57 Bola or Vani 26
58 Cakradara 28
59 Cala 28
60 Calana 28
61 Capaka 28
62 Caturanga 28
63 Chanda 29
64 Chayalaga 29
65 Ched 29
66 Chut 29
67 Cikari 30
68 Cilla (Chillah) 30
69 Classical Samgita 30
70 Dagara Vani 31
71 Daksina Bharatiya 31
72 Damkham 31
73 Desi Samgita 31
74 Dha 31
75 Dhadi 31
76 Dhaivata 31
77 Dhamara 32
78 Dhatu 32
79 Dhima Laya 33
80 Dhrupada 33
81 Dhuna 34
82 Dhuya 34
83 Dhvani 34
84 Druta Laya 35
85 Dumni or Domni 35
86 Gamaka 35
87 Gana 37
88 Gandhara 37
89 Gandhara Grama 38
90 Gat 38
91 Gathika 39
92 Gati 39
93 Gaudi Giti 39
94 Gayaka 39
95 Gayaka Dosas 40
96 Gayaka Gunas 40
97 Gazal (Ghazal) 41
98 Gharana 41
99 Ghasit 42
100 Gita 42
101 Gita Bidari 42
102 Gita Khanda 42
103 Giti 42
104 Gitkari 43
105 Gobarahara Vani 43
106 Graha 43
107 Grama 44
108 Halak Tana 44
109 Halka 44
110 Harmony 44
111 Hindustani Paddhati 46
112 Imdadkhani 46
113 Jabada 48
114 Janaka Raga 48
115 Janya Raga 48
116 Jati 48
117 Javab Samgat 50
118 Jhala 50
119 Jhamkara 50
120 Jhara 50
121 Jhatka 50
122 Jod 50
123 Joyari or Javari 51
124 Judi Tar 51
125 Kadi Madhyama 51
126 Kaisiki Nisada 51
127 Kakali Nisada 51
128 Kala 52
129 Kalavana (Qalawana) 52
130 Kampana 52
131 Kana 52
132 Karnataka Paddhati (Carnatic System) 52
133 Kattara 52
134 Kattara Jhala 52
135 Kavval (Qawwal) 52
136 Kayada (Qaeda) 53
137 Khandara Vani 53
138 Kharaja 53
139 Kharaja Parivartana 53
140 Khatka 54
141 Khayal 54
142 Khuli 55
143 Kirtana 55
144 Komala Svara 56
145 Krama 56
146 Krntana 56
147 Kuadi and Baradi 56
148 Kuta Tana 57
149 Lacava Thumri 57
150 Ladaguthao 57
151 Ladalapeta 57
152 Ladi 57
153 Lagdamt 57
154 Laggi 57
155 Laghu Samgita 58
156 Lahara 58
157 Lahara-Gat 58
158 Lasya 59
159 Laya 59
160 Layakari 60
161 Madhya Laya 62
162 Madhya Saptaka 62
163 Madhyama 62
164 Madhyama Grama 62
165 Mamca (Manca) 62
166 Mamdra Saptaka (Mandra Saptaka) 63
167 Mamjadar or Mamjhadar 63
168 Mamjha or Mamja 63
169 Marga Samgita 63
170 Masidkhani or Masitkhani 63
171 Mata 66
172 Matha 71
173 Matra 71
174 Matsarikrta 71
175 Matu 71
176 Mela 71
177 Melakarta 71
178 Metronome 72
179 Mid 72
180 Midakhanda 72
181 Mirasi 72
182 Modedar 72
183 Mohara 73
184 Mrdu 73
185 Mudi 74
186 Mudi Bolas 74
187 Mudra 74
188 Mukha 74
189 Mukhada, Mohada or Moda 74
190 Murcchana 75
191 Murki or Muraki 78
192 Nada 78
193 Nada 78
194 Nasta or Prohibited Bolas 79
195 Nauhara Vani 79
196 Nayaka 79
197 Nayaki Tar or Main String 79
198 Nibaddha 79
199 Nisada 79
200 Nrtya 80
201 Nyasa 81
202 Pada 81
203 Pada Bidari 82
204 Padala 82
205 Pakada 83
206 Palta 83
207 Pancama 83
208 Parana 83
209 Parduna 84
210 Parkhada or Parkhaja 84
211 Parmatha 84
212 Pata 84
213 Peradi 84
214 Peskar (Peshkar) 85
215 Phamk 85
216 Pharad 85
217 Pharasbandi 85
218 Phirat 86
219 Prakara Bheda 86
220 Pramana Sruti 94
221 Prastara 95
222 Purvamga 96
223 Raga 96
224 Raga-Citra 101
225 Ragini 101
226 Rajani 101
227 Rakti 102
228 Ramya Giti 102
229 Ranjakata 102
230 Rasa 102
231 Razakhani (Rezakhani) 105
232 Rela 106
233 Rsabha 106
234 Rtu 106
235 Sabdalamkara 107
236 Sacala Svara 107
237 Sacala Thata 107
238 Sadara 108
239 Sadava 108
240 Sadharana Gandhara 108
241 Sadharani Giti 108
242 Sadja 108
243 Sadja Grama 108
244 Sakari 108
245 Salami Tukda 108
246 Salanka Sreni 109
247 Sama 109
248 Sama 109
249 Samaya 109
250 Samgat 110
251 Samgita 110
252 Samika 110
253 Samkirna Sreni 110
254 Sampurna 110
255 Samvadi 110
256 Sancari Tuk 110
257 Sancari Varna 110
258 Sandhi Prakasa 111
259 Sanyasa 111
260 Sapata Tana 111
261 Saptaka 111
262 Saragam 111
263 Sarana 111
264 Sarika 113
265 Sath Samgat 113
266 Savari 113
267 Seniya Gharana 113
268 Silsila 113
269 Sparsa 114
270 Sruti 114
271 Sruti - Harmonium 120
272 Sthayi Tuk 120
273 Sthayi Varna 120
274 Suddha Giti 120
275 Suddha Jati 120
276 Suddha Sreni 121
277 Suddha Svara 121
278 Suddha Tana 121
279 Suddhasadja 121
280 Suluph 121
281 Suraparana 122
282 Svara 122
283 Svara Jnana 125
284 Svaralipi 125
285 Svarantara 128
286 Svarita 128
287 Svasa 129
288 Svayambhu Svara 129
289 Syumit 130
290 Tala 130
291 Talim 139
292 Tana 140
293 Tappa 146
294 Tarana, Telena or Tillana 146
295 Taraparana 147
296 Tarapha or Tarhap 147
297 Tarasaptaka 147
298 Tauryatrika 148
299 Tayafa, Tavayaph or Tawaif 148
300 Thapiya 148
301 Thata 148
302 Theka 151
303 Thoka 151
304 Thumri 152
305 Tihai 152
306 Tip 154
307 Tivra - Komala Svara 154
308 Tivra Svaras 154
309 Toda 155
310 Tripalli 156
311 Trivata 156
312 Tuk 156
313 Tukda 156
314 Uccanga Samgita 156
315 Udatta 156
316 Upaja 156
317 Uthan 157
318 Uttara Bharatiya 157
319 Uttaramandra 157
320 Uttaramga 157
321 Uttarayata 157
322 Vadaka Guna 157
323 Vadi 158
324 Vadya 161
325 Vajan (Vazan) 188
326 Vakra 188
327 Vani 189
328 Varna 189
329 Varnalamkara 190
330 Vegasvara or Besara Giti 190
331 Vidhara, Vidara or Vidara 190
332 Vikrta Svara 191
333 Vilambita Laya 191
334 Viloma 191
335 Vinyasa 192
336 Visama 192
337 Vistara 192
338 Vivadi 192
339 Yati 193
340 Zamzama 193
341 Zarab 193

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