In this book, a volley of major ancient texts like, Paraasara Samhlta, Sarvaartha Chlntamanl, Phaladeeplka and the Tamil classic Jathaka Alankaaram, have been mainly depended upon to enunciate the results. Introducing the basic concepts of the Dasa system as existing In different texts, the reader Is taken to a deep discussion of Udu dasa system, which Is the present prevalent system on which the dasa prediction Is based and Is In practice. Replete with tables on different systems and how they are arrived at, the Introduction deals with an overview of the different dasa systems In Indian astrology as culled out from different classic astrology texts. The lntroductory chapters are illustrated with tables for dasa periods and how to calculate the periods of different dasa for each planet. The second section goes Into general dasa prediction for each Planet and Its positioning In each rasi and then delves with direct prediction for sub period and antardasas of each planet. The predictions are so arranged that the book can be used as ready reference to arrive at the results for each planet and Its sub periods. The book Is Intended to be a ready-reckoner, to the students and practitioners alike and this book can help them to assort, assimilate and arrange the dasa results for any particular horoscope they are examining In an assiduous way.
V.S.Kalyanraman is a mathematician and an amateur astronomer by training, a bureaucrat by profession and a student of astrology by passion. The author had his traditional training in astrology under a veteran astrologer of Kerala. In the fifties, he turned to serious study of Salva Siddhanta, Philosophy, psychology, Vedic Numerology and allied disciplines, under various masters of repute.
He is handling regular monthly features and Book Reviews for the reputed Astrological Magazine of Bangalore for over three decades. His regular "Astro Musings" column in the EXPRESS STAR TELLER and his articles and features in the Astrological e-Magazine have gained wide attention and approbation. His other books are Indian Astrology an appraisal, Yogas in Astrology, Muhoortha Sangraha.
All know that the great astrological Aacharya Varaahamihira has not dealt with the subject ofUdudasa in his super classic Brihatjaataka. However, Paraasara who lived earlier has dealt the subject with much elaboration in his famous Sarnhita. The author of Jaataka Chandrika mentions clearly that he stands guided by the exposition Nakshatra Dasa as expounded by Paraasara. From the commentary of Bhattotpala on Brihatjaataka, we can infer that the use ofUdudasa was prevalent earlier to his times. The present effort is only a compilation of all that have been told about the subject in the works of repute like Saaraavali, Phaladeepika, Sarvaartha Chintamani, Jaatakaalankaara and others and has been attempted considering the importance and usefulness for predictive purposes.
Paraasara Sarnhita, while detailing the Dasas, has mentioned that though there are many dasa systems, the Vimshottari is the prominent one. It mentions about 32 types of dasas. They are: l. Vimshottari; 2. Ashtottari; 3. Shadasottari; 4. Dwadashottari; 5. Panchasottari; 6. Shatabdika; 7. Chaturashitisama; 8. Dwisapatatisama; 9. Shashtihayani; 10. Shattrimshasama or Shatrimshatsama; 11. Kala; 12. Chakra; 13. Kalachakra; 14. Chara; 15. Sthira; 16. Brahma-Graha; 17. Yogaardha; 18. Kendradi; 19. Karaka; 20. Mandooka; 21. Shoola; 22. Trikona; 23. Driga; 24. Rashi; 25. Panchaswara; 26. Yogini; 27. Pinda Amsa; 28. Naisargika; 29. Ashtakavarga; 30. Sandhya; 31. Panchaka; 32. Tara.
These Dasas are explained below. In some cases detailed expositions are left out considering their complex nature and constraints of space, as otherwise they may require lengthy narrations and as mostly our present task is only an elaborate exposition of the Vimshottari dasa.
l. Vimshottari Dasa
In this scheme each nakshatras starting from Krittika is allotted the nine Dasas of the Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Angaraka), Raahu, Jupiter (Guru), Saturn (Sani), Mercury (Budha), Ketu and Venus -(Sukra). Again the Anujanma nakshatras of those nakshatras from Uttaraphalguni get the same sequence of Dasas. Finally the Trijanma nakshatras from Uttarashada also get the Dasas in the same order.
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