I take this opportunity to thank the erudite reader and fellow astrologers for receiving my first book; namely, Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras. While every effort was made to explain every stanza with umpteen examples, it was not possible to do complete justice and fully explain the ramifications of the various stanzas in a horoscope. This need to provide a holistic approach to Vedic Astrology by combining the best predictive tools has been fulfilled in this book.
The first three chapters explain the various tools and paradigms available in Vedic Astrology as well as their usages. I agree that this list is quite exhaustive and the tools felt to be of general acceptance and easy to use have been added.
There are certain tools that are taught traditionally in families having the Jyotish tradition. I have given some very valuable methods of timing events which, it is hoped would be of considerable use to all astrologers. For example, Jataka Parijatha gives considerable importance to the fifth house in timing death of the native unless taught, it would be quite impossible for the average astrologer to know how this is to be applied. One method would be to add the Vimsottari dasa years of the planets influencing the fifth house, expunge multiples of 30. The remainder added to date of Sankranti (Solar ingress of the month of death) would give the date of demise. Another method is to take the strongest planet influencing the fifth house and the death will occur in the lunar day (Tithi) ruled by it.
The fine timing of such events as death will be of considerable use both in birth charts as well as the swearing-in charts of governments. A step by step explanation has been offered which would be of considerable use for the beginners as well as the most advanced astrologers.
Any Udu dasa system, be it the best Vimsottari or the Astottari dasa, is essentially a method of timing the state of the mind as it is calculated from the Moon. It is possible that at times, the native would be having many good things happening and yet, the mind would be disturbed. Thus in the interaction of the native with his environment, two independent factors come into play. One is the input from the environment in the form of messages and influences and the other is the way the individual perceives, processes and reacts to the messages. Vimsottari dasa gives the working of the mind at a particular point of time and shows the inherent ability or otherwise to interpret and the way the native would receive these messages. However, a good astrologer should also have a predictive tool to determine the messages that would come from the environment. This is the key to jyotish and is known as the Narayana dasa.
Although I have explained the Narayana dasa in my translation of Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras, there have been some responses that a more exhaustive explanation is necessary. This book has shown the actual use of the Narayana dasa in many instances and if after this, the request persists, I would be most glad to oblige.
Some sections of the astrological community have tried to show that Maharishi Jaimini is different from the traditional Parasari Jyotish and having been trying to either hide their ignorance behind this argument or having been cashing in this difference by showing that their Jaimini system is superior or by ascribing exclusive membership to this Jaimini club! We should take a cue from the most illustrious Dr. B. V. Raman who has always maintained that Vedic astrology requires a holistic approach and has authored many books including works on Jaimini, Parasara, Prasna, Tajaka etc.
Jaimini has purposely refrained from starting a new school of Vedic Astrology and has named his classic as the Upasesa (Advisory) Sutra (Stanza). Time and again, he has referred to the standard texts as Siddha's. it is obvious that Maharishi Jaimini has purposely underplayed his classic work to avoid any misconceptions that could arise in the future, and yet these have cropped up. It is my earnest request to the astrological community to kindly refrain from showing the minor difference of views as difference of systems and to develop a holistic approach to Vedic Astrology.
A number of misconceptions have been found to exist even among some of the leading lights of today. While it is a well-known fact that the fourth house refers to formal education, some astrologers have been teaching that the fifth house deals with this! The fact is that the fourth house deals with education. The second and eleventh from this house have primary Argala (intervention) on it. Hence, the fifth house, being the second from the fourth house will intervene in its affairs and rules the knowledge obtained by the native due to this education. The eleventh from the fourth house is the second house ruling speech and shows the speech training, languages and other skills acquired due to the education.
Problems arise when the modern day astrologer tries to propagate his own theories instead of trying to understand the wisdom of the seers. This book is an attempt to understand and apply the wisdom of the Maharishi's and it is possible that inspite of the best effort, at places the explanation may be found to be in-adequate. I shall be most grateful for the response of the learned readers and for their constructive criticism.
About the Author
The Vedic dasa system is the most potent predictive tool for an astrologer. Vedic astrology has more than a hundred dasa systems with Vimshottari dasa on the lead and Panchaswara dasa etc. Almost forgotten. The golden key to deciphering the correct dasa for a chart is missing. In this book the dasas have been classified and their basis of computation explained. The astrological tools like Argala, Arudha etc. have been employed to bring forth their applicability, method of timing of events pertaining to sources wealth (including property, fortunes, vehicles) of income & loss, education (both, formal and informal, including intelligence research skills etc.), Marriage (wedding or denial, divource extra-marital relations, loss of spouse etc), children (fertility, number of pregnancies, sex of child, adoption, their future) co-borns (number, birth, good-evils), profession & career (Nature of Job, achievements career graph Rajyogas, Dhanyoga etc.) and even spiritual attainments.
Specific details on timing of death, renunciation etc. have been explained.
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