• In this new and totally revised edition, all the topics included in the new (revised) CCIM syllabus (2012) of Research Methodology for PG courses like MD (Ayurveda), MS (Ayur) are covered adequately, with suitable illustrations, Flow charts, Diagrams etc.
• The scope of this new book is further widened enough to include Unani and Siddha systems also, so that scholars and researchers of these specialties are also benefitted.
• Apart from this, there are number of topics and Issues, which are not taught nor included in the regular curriculums, those are also discussed in this latest edition, to offer a "Ring-side" view of the phenomenon called Research'.
• Scholar friendly language, style and format are maintained, this edition (2013) is designed and brought out in the 'SELF-EXPLANATORY-MODE,', so that one can easily grasp and follow the concepts and get through the examinations/Interviews comfortably with a decent score.
Dr. S. Suresh Babu MD (Kaya Cikitsa) is a Renowned Writer, Teacher, Practioner and Researcher of Ayurveda for more than four decades, he hails from a Traditional Ayurvedic Family, His father (Late) Dr. S. Nagabhusham and his grand father were popular physicians of their times.
Achievements 1. Dr. S. Suresh BBabu won 'Vaidya Ratna P.S. warrier Prize' of Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakal, a premier institute of Ayurveda for "Best Thesis" three times consecutively in the years 1994. 1995 and 1996. A Hattrick Achievement!
2. Dr. S. Suresh Babu received State Govt. Award for best teacher in the category of University teachers on 05-09-2002, Teacher's day, Government of A.P.
3. Awarded Fellowship of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeet, Delhi (2006), by GOI.
4. Honored with "Vi sista Ugadi Puraskar" (2010), by the Chief Minister, Government of A.P.
Dr. S. Suresh Babu has many publications among which following prestigious publications are published by Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi.
1. Research Methodology for Ayurvedic PG Scholars.
2. Geriatrics in Ayurveda.
3. Myopathy in Ayurveda. 4. The Principles and Practiec of Kaya Cikitsa (Vol. I to IV). 5. Astanga Samgraham (Sutra Sthana) student's edition.
Human mind is always curious about how and why? And curiosity of the researcher ignites the mind further for birth of ideas by questioning constantly. This psychological process sets one's mind on exploration to find the answers.
There is no limit to curiosity of a researcher. "He who cannot wonder, can not feel curious about things around him is as good as dead". (Einstein)
All of us enjoy the fruits of science. Most of us accept the facts of science. However very few of us have assimilated the spirit of science. A constant re-examination of every fact or theory is the essence of science.
No belief is held too sacred to be questioned. No authority is considered above the need for evidence to support its contention. It is essential to understand science as a historically evolving body of knowledge.
Ayurveda also ascribes to this point of view; Charaka says that "It is not easy to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the science of life", Therefore one should make honest efforts to be in constant touch with this science. One should strive to acquire these qualities.
One should learn similar noble qualities even from his enemies with out having any sense of jealousy. The wise consider the entire universe as their Preceptor. (Charaka Vimana 8/14).
Basically, every science is evolving one. As many new problems erupt regularly requiring remedies on day-to-day basis. Therefore a vigilant research and development (R&D) is a must to meet these challenges, and ayurveda is no exception to this. As a matter of fact ayurveda needs 'massive" research efforts to sustain and stand up in the contemporary competitive times. We need to connect with this new scenario.
In this back-drop, the Government of India initiated many new schemes to further accelerate the research activities through a broad (wide) network comprising of Ayush, CCRAS, CSIR, ICMR, PCIM, NMMP, CDRL and various universities. Keeping all these positive developments in mind, CCIM - the apex body of ayurveda education, thoroughly revised the post graduation syllabus of Research Methodology subject.
In the revised syllabus (2012), many new topics of current interest and importance are included, with an intention to abreast the ayurveda PG Scholars and Researchers. And in the present new edition, all these topics are covered adequately in scholar friendly language, style and format. This new edition (2013) is designed and brought out in the self explanatory mode, so that one can easily follow and grasp the concepts and get through the examination comfortably with a decent score. Hoping, good response from the Ayurevda students, scholars, teachers and admirers. Please post your commets, critical Remarks etc.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (204)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (501)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (430)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (132)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1128)
Ayurveda (3054)
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