The Work by Dr. J.H. Allen (Former professor of Miasmatics, in Chicago, at the Hering College) on The Chronic Miasms, is a very in-depth discussion on the theoretical side of miasms. Master Hahnemanns’ teachings & concepts have been wonderfully laid down in this book, in a manner that both the young men of the profession as well as the busy practitioners can be benefitted from the work and can apply Hahnamenns’ law of cure in their profession.
This book not only gives a full and exhaustive description of the actions of the miasms in all its forms, but also the diseases and comlications that may arise eventually.
The second volume of this book deals with the sycotic symptoms present in the different stages of the disease. Besides this, a complete therapeutics of Gonorrhoea, Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary organs in general, together with the treatment of Dysmenorrhoea in its multiple presentations has been incorporated.
The Augumented and Raerranged Edition, with larger font size, makes this book all the more useful.
As the teacher is, so are our schools and our students. We see these truths demonstrated every day, as we study the internal workings of our medical institutions, and we meet with the finished product of their teaching, in the form of the yearly out-put of graduates. In a brief period of time we see the effect of the Alma Mater upon the people with whom our graduates come in contact—"as our institutions are, so are our people."
We can only teach the people that which we are taught. We heal our patients as we are taught to heal them. The fount and source is our sea-level—we seldom rise higher.
lt was these and like thoughts which prompted the author to write this book. The younger men of our profession stand greatly in need of such a work; they must become acquainted with Hahnemann’s teachings and precepts, so wonderfully laid down in his Organon of Medicine (yet so difficult for many to understand), in order to apply the law of cure. The busy practitioner has no time, and perhaps no one to help him to work out the vital problems given us by the great teacher, Hahnemann. The demands of my students, and requests from the profession at large, have induced me to put my knowledge of these subjects into book form.
Like many others of the professors, we have patiently waited for years, hoping that some zealous student of the Organon might come forward and write such a work, but no one came, so, the author has humbly taken up the work, hoping that it may in some degree meet the demand, if not the approval, of the profession.
*The second volume, Sycosis, which is to follow soon, will give, not only a full and exhaustive description of the diseases and complications that arise in the primary, secondary and tertiary stages, besides a complete therapeutics of Gonorrhea, the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary organs in general, together with the treatment of Dysmenorrhea in its multiple presentations, that of itself will be of great value to the profession.
A short description of how to use this work will be given at the back of the book.
In presenting this second volume of the CHRONIC MIASMS, (Sycosis) to the profesion, we trust it will receive the same welcome as did Vol. 1, Psora and Pseudo-Psora.
In the production of Volume 1, we had the teachings of Hahnemann to aid us and the writings of his many followers to sustain us with their volumes of research and their many established truths, but in the construction of this work, we had but scant data to draw from. Hahnemann has given us but a page or two on the subject SYCOSIS. The literature is meager even in the Regular School of Medicine. That which has been brought forth, deals largely, if not wholly with the primary or gonorrheal stage. Many no doubt have realized to some extent, its depth of action and the degree to which this terrible miasm has effected the human race. They have read between the lines in the great book of experience and have seen the profundity of its action, its persistent nature and its progressive movements and inroads upon the life force, yet have not brought their knowledge to the light of publicity. They have rather kept it under the proverbial bushel. | trust that my readers, after having read this work, will add to the literature of this subject, knowledge of which, is of such vital importance to the human race and to the medical profession throughout the world, for what is of interest to the human race, should be of vital interest to the profession and vice versa.
The theory of the CHRONIC MIASMS, as being the sum total of the causes of chronic diseases, meets with two strong opposing forces, first from the pathological, material or chemical therapeutist who views life from its material side, and who is looking for finite or material causes in all that disturbs the living organism; secondly, from the therapeutists of symptomatology (the symptom doctor), they have their minds focused upon Section 18 of the Organon, therefore they maintain that the totality of the symptoms in a given case, whould govern the prescriber in making a selection in every case, independent of any chronic miasm that might lie behind the grouping.
While we maintain these principles of the law of totality as the only guide in making such a selection, we also insist that the remedy that meets the true requirements of the law governing our therapeutics, should cover the symptoms of the active miasm, and especially is this true in cases of mixed or pseudo miasms. The author had dealt with this subject quite exhaustively and trusts that he has made himself clear to his readers on this important phase of the work.
The sycotic symptoms presented in the different stages of the disease, have been carefully observed and many times verified, so that we feel quite contident they will endure the test of further investigation. And we know that time and further acquaintance with the nature of sycotic diseases, will greatly add to their numbers and value.
In writing the therapeutics of this work, we have endeavored to give the indications of each remedy in as briet and concise a manner as: possible, not to burden the prescriber with too many symptoms. The therapeutic index in the back of this work, will greatly assist in making a comparison of the ditterent remedies and in some degrees take the place of a repertory.
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